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INDEX 2016

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January 7, 2016

January 30, 2016
Local 1005 USW Issues Call to Go All Out for the Success of Hamilton Day of Action

January 14, 2016

Join Locals 1005 and 8782 USW to Make the Hamilton Day of Action on January 30 a Success!
Stand as One in Defence of the Rights of All! - Rolf Gerstenberger

January 21, 2016

January 30 Day of Action in Hamilton
Together Let Us Stand Up for the Rights of All!
Breaking New Ground in the Fight for the Rights of All - Presentation by Rolf Gerstenberger, January 29, 2011

January 28, 2016

Bankruptcy Court Hearing on U.S. Steel's $2.2 Billion Claim
The Nonsense Continues
Report on the Final Day of the Court Hearing

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February 4, 2016

Uphold Public Right, Not Monopoly Right!
Ontario Court Continues to Attack Steelworkers' Rights
CCAA Court Suspends Essar Steel Algoma Payments into Pension Funds
Hamilton Day of Action Demands Governments Uphold the Law and Defend Public Right

February 11, 2016

U.S. Steel's Wrecking of Stelco
What is the Monitor Monitoring? - Rolf Gerstenberger
Capital-Centred Thinking and Its Power to Deprive

February 18, 2016

U.S. Steel's Arbitrary Dictate
Arbitrariness Has No Place in Relations of Production, the Economy or Government
Unprincipled Attack on Salaried Employees

February 23, 2016

Rail Monopolies' Reckless Disregard for Safety of Workers and Public
CP Rail to Shed 1,000 More Jobs When Working Conditions Are at Breaking Point
Ongoing Fight for Rail Safety - Interview, Doug Finnson, President, Teamsters Canada Rail Conference 

February 25, 2016

The People vs. U.S. Steel
Crisis of Ownership -- U.S. Steel Declares It No Longer Owns Stelco
Neo-Liberal Free Trade Is the Problem, Not Cheap Steel from China
Concessions Are Not Solutions
U.S. Labor Department Launches Lawsuit against U.S. Steel Corporation

Iron Ore Company Suspends Workers for Being Sick
Company Blames Workers for Problems in Iron and Steel Sector - Interview, Ron Thomas, President, USW Local 5795, Iron Ore Company of Canada, Labrador City

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MARCH 2016

March 3, 2016

No Payoff to U.S. Steel! Keep Stelco Producing!
Unite to Defeat Monopoly Right!

March 10, 2016

CCAA -- Powerful Private Interests Manipulate the Court
Don't Let U.S. Steel Abscond with Billions! Keep Stelco Producing!

Coming Event
Hamilton Town Hall Meeting Against Hospital Cuts, March 29

March 16, 2016

U.S. Steel's Wanton Crippling of the Former Stelco
The Clash of Rights in the Steel Industry
Local 1005 and United Steelworkers Canada Object to Liquidation of Canadian Steel Industry

March 24, 2016

Appeal Court Hearing on "Equitable Subordination" March 17, 2016
U.S. Steel Refuses to Discuss Its Conduct in Wrecking Stelco

Bankruptcy Proceedings Wreak Havoc at Essar Steel Algoma
Defend Workers' Health and Safety!
Supplemental Affidavit of Union President

March 31, 2016

CPC(M-L) Celebrates the 46th Anniversary of Its Founding
All Out to Turn Things Around by Building the Party's Basic Organizations, Committees and Institutions!
Decisive Importance of the Organizing Method "Collective Work, Individual Responsibility" in Building the Mass Communist Party
About CPC(M-L)

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APRIL 2016

April 1, 2016

To Whom Should Steelworkers Entrust Their Fate?
Global Steel Monopolies Push "Trade Remedy Modernization" Plan
To Whom Should Steelworkers Entrust Their Fate?
Nation-Building Demands Restricting Monopoly Right and Empire-Building

April 14, 2016

Destructive Economic Impact of Private Interests in the Steel Industry
The Steel Industry Is Public Not Private
U.S. Steel Canada Economic Impact Study

For Your Information
Report Prepared by the City of Hamilton, January 2015

April 21, 2016

The Steel Crisis in Britain
No to the EU of the Monopolies! The Steel Crisis and the Myth of "Chinese Steel Dumping"
The Steel Industry Is a Vital Part of the Economy! It Must Not Be Destroyed!
The Crisis in the Steel Industry Continues as Port Talbot and Other Plants Face Job Losses: Invest in Steel, For a New Direction for the Economy!
The Accusation of Chinese Steel "Dumping"

April 28, 2016

April 28 -- Day of Mourning for Workers Killed or Injured on the Job
Our Security Lies in the Fight for the Rights of All!
Brutal Statistics
Recent Tragic Deaths in the Workplace
Workers Speak Out to Defend their Rights

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MAY 2016

May 5, 2016

Ownership of U.S. Steel
Is U.S. Steel Conspiring to Pull Another Fast One?
Confronting U.S. Steel's Monopoly Privilege
Control and Ownership of Monopolies

May 12, 2016

Steelworkers Uphold the Dignity of Labour
Stand With Hamilton MANA Steelworkers!
Discussion on Recent CCAA Rulings
The CCAA Money Pit
Defending Public Right in the Supranational State

May 19, 2016

Defend the Pensions We Have! Fight for Pensions for All!
No Place for Fraud and Hypocrisy in Politics
Ontario Legislative Assembly Passes Motion on Pension Priority

May 26, 2016

Another Ontario Superior Court Ruling Against Steelworkers
Without a Say, You Have No Rights
Behind the Backs of the People Affected

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JUNE 2016

June 2, 2016

CCAA Court Is No Place to Settle Important Matters for the People and Economy
The Arrogance of Monopoly Right
Denial of Workers' Rights in Bankruptcy Restructuring
Bankruptcy Protection of U.S. Steel Canada and Essar Steel Algoma Is a Public Matter
The Wily Foxes in Charge of the Henhouse

June 16, 2016

Court Hearing of U.S. Steel Motion on Intellectual Property Rights
Is U.S. Steel Losing Its Grip on USSC and Becoming Desperate?
U.S. Steel Argues the Canadian Economy Does Not Belong to Canadians
U.S. Imperialism in the Ontario Superior Court

June 23, 2016

CCAA Process Solves No Problems for Canadian Steel Sector
Position of Steelworkers on Bids for Ownership of Stelco and Algoma - USW Local 1005
U.S. Steel Reorganizing Its Debt Ownership
Debt and Interest Profit at U.S. Steel
Nation-Building in the 21st Century - Rolf Gerstenberger

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JULY 2016

July 14, 2016

Steelworkers Call for Public Inquiry into CCAA Fraud
Steelworkers in Hamilton Hold Press Conference
The Power to Decide
Elemental Rights
Breach of Trust

July 26, 2016

Affirming Independence and the Cause of Peace and Justice
History's Vindication: Commemorating Moncada in 2016 - Isaac Saney, National Spokesperson, Canadian Network On Cuba
Coming Events -- Celebrate Cuba’s National Day of Rebellion!

July 29, 2016

70th Anniversary of USW Local 1005
Salute to USW Local 1005 and the Spirit of '46
Rights by Virtue of Being Human
It Started as a Whisper

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August 4, 2016

Fighting for the Dignity of Labour
Local 1005 Celebrates 70 Years of Continuous Resistance in Defence of Steelworkers' Rights
Stelco Steelworkers Affirm Their Rights
Steelworkers Uphold the Justice of Their Cause Despite Contempt by Court
Hamilton-Area Steel Locals Demand Public Inquiry - Information Update

August 18, 2016

U.S. Steel and CCAA Court Trample on the Rights and Dignity of Steelworkers
Control Over Our Lives and Work Is a Major Issue - Rolf Gerstenberger
The Height of Hypocrisy
Letter to the Editor
Hamilton Steelworkers Distribute Information Update

August 25, 2016

Further Ontario Superior Court Rulings Against Steelworkers
The State-Organized Assault on Rights at U.S. Steel Canada

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December 19-28, 2016

2016 Photo Review -- All Out for Democratic Renewal!

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