December 19, 2016

2016 Photo Review

All Out for Democratic Renewal!


TML Daily is posting a month by month photo review of the struggles of Canada's working people in 2016.

January was marked by important struggles that continued throughout the year. Teachers, education workers, health care workers and people from all walks of life mobilized to oppose government cuts and demand increased investments.

Actions in Vancouver began a year of mass opposition to the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline project, which was approved by the Trudeau government in November.

Indigenous people began a year of vigorous action to hold the Trudeau government to account and ensure immediate action is taken to improve the people's well-being.

Steelworkers in Hamilton kicked off a year of fighting in defence of their rights and the rights of all with a Day of Action demanding that governments enforce their own laws to hold U.S. Steel to account for its wrecking of the Canadian steel industry and attacks on workers.

Also in January, Canadians joined with people around the world to celebrate the 57th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban revolution. Activists launched monthly pickets in Ottawa and Vancouver on January 17 that continued throughout the year demanding an end to the illegal blockade of Cuba, the return of Guantanamo Bay to Cuba and an end to U.S. regime change programs.

January 1
CPC(M-L) begins the year with celebrations and discussion on its new year's statement, "In 2016 Organizing Work Will Be the Key to Our Victory --
All Out for Democratic Renewal and an Anti-War Government!"


January 2
The Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec (PMLQ) inaugurates the new year with a lively function and announcement of meetings aimed at ensuring that the workers take the lead in determining the future of Quebec. 

January 6
Demonstration for justice for "comfort women" at Toronto monument, a replica of the peace monument in Seoul, south Korea.

Click the image of the plaque to enlarge.

January 9
Celebration of the 57th anniversary of the Cuban revolution held in Toronto.

Memorial tribute to former Manitoba Premier Howard Pawley at the University of Windsor. Howard is honoured for his lifetime of work to uphold the public interest, standing with the workers, defending the cause of international peace and supporting the peoples of Latin America fighting against U.S. imperialist interference, amongst many other just causes.

January 16
Teachers march through the streets of the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve district in Montreal to reject the dismantling of public education and to demand
increased investments in education.
January 17
Demonstration outside U.S. Embassy in Ottawa, as part of ongoing solidarity work in Canada and Quebec to bring an immediate end to the
illegal U.S. blockade of Cuba.

January 18-22
The Ontario Health Coalition organizes protests in
defence of public health care and against the austerity agenda in Hamilton, Windsor, Thunder Bay, Sault-Ste. Marie and Ottawa where the Ontario government has been holding "pre-budget consultations."

Hamilton, January 18

Windsor, January 19

Thunder Bay, January 20

Sault Ste. Marie, January 21

Ottawa, January 22  (Photos: OPF, P. Coates, OFL)

January 20
Mushkegowuk Tribal Council releases report The People's Inquiry Into Our Suicide Pandemic at NAN Chiefs gathering in Thunder Bay.   (Photo: NAN)

Healthcare workers rally outside ministers' meeting in Vancouver
in defence of public health care. (HEU)

January 23
Rally in Vancouver against Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, outside National Energy Board hearing.

January 24
Meeting in Duncan, BC opposes the Trans Pacific Partnership.

January 25
City workers in Toronto, members of CUPE Local 79 organize first
"Blue Monday" protest to support their bargaining team in
contract negotiations with the city. (CUPE)

January 28
Cuba's embassy in Ottawa celebrates the country's national day with friends and dignitaries.

January 30
Steelworkers hold successful Hamilton Day of Action to demand an end to use of the fraudulent Companies Creditors' Arrangement Act process to deprive workers of their pensions and attack the rights of all.

Left: Local 8782 USW President Bill Ferguson; centre Local 1005 Poet Bill Mahoney;
Tony DePaulo, emcee.

Left: Ken Neumann, USW National Director; centre: Hassan Yussuf, Canadian Labour Congress President; right: Chris Buckley, Ontario Federation of Labour President.

Left: Fred Eisenberg, Mayor of Hamilton; centre: Thomas Mulcair, federal NDP leader;
right: Andrea Horwath, Ontario NDP leader.

Left: Scott Duvall, MP for Hamilton Mountain; centre: Anthony Marco, Hamilton and District
Labour Council President; right: Bob Bratina, MP for Hamilton East-Stoney Creek.

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