December 28, 2016

2016 Photo Review

All Out for Democratic Renewal!


TML Daily's month by month photo review of actions carried out by workers and their allies in 2016 continues with September.

Workers used the occasion of Labour Day to celebrate their essential role in society and put forward their concerns and demands. Main themes included support for workers engaged in fights to defend their rights and livelihoods; the role of workers in fighting for the rights of all; opposition to privatization and dismantling of social programs and public services; for wages and working conditions commensurate with the work people do; justice for injured workers; and opposition to war and attacks on rights.

September also saw vigorous Take Back the Night actions affirming women's right to fully participate in the life of society and walk the streets day or night without fear. They held governments to account for refusing to guarantee these rights and creating a situation in which women are treated as fair game.

Workers showed their vigilance and unity in the face of employers' attacks on working class leaders involved in organizing and defending their fellow workers and the most vulnerable sections of the class. Air Canada workers successfully defended two workers from being criminalized and unjustly terminated for developing the workers' independent politics. So too Quebec miners in Pressiac succeeded in having one of their own reinstated after he was suspended for doing his work in the field of health and safety with integrity. Also in September, migrant farm workers undertook a 1,500-kilometre caravan from southwestern Ontario to Ottawa to build support for the fight for their rights and inform everyone of the vital work they perform in the agricultural sector.

The need for Canada to have a sovereign, self-reliant economy under the control of the actual producers was underscored yet again. A rally in support of locked-out steelworkers at the plant owned by German monopoly Max Aicher North America (MANA) in Hamilton demanded an end to the use of scabs, while public sector workers in Winnipeg rallied to oppose plans to end grain shipping from the Port of Churchill, Manitoba.

September 5
Labour Day 2016 -- Fighting for the Rights of All! Workers across the country defend their living and working conditions and call for governments to
take measures that favour working people.










Prince George


September 10
Workers' Centre of CPC(M-L) holds vigorous discussion on policy of the Trudeau government towards the workers' movement.

September 11
Edmonton Walk for Water in support of the courageous resistance of the Standing Rock Sioux to the building of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

September 12 and 14
Pierre Chénier of the Party's Workers' Centre holds discussion with worker activists in Barrie and Windsor.

Barrie, September 12

Windsor, September 14

September 12 and 19
Mass mobilizations defend public seniors' care on BC's Sunshine Coast.

Sunshine Coast, September 12

Sechelt, September 19

September 15-22
Take Back the Night marches across Canada and Quebec demand to end to violence against women and women's oppression.

St. John's, September 15

Sault Ste Marie, September 15

Brampton, September 15

Saskatoon, September 15

Toronto, September 16

Ottawa, September 22

Waterloo, September 22

Kenora, September 22

September 16
Toronto arbitration hearing forces Air Canada to reinstate the editor of New Horizons bulletin for in-flight workers and another flight attendant. The workers had been arbitrarily fired for speaking out about their working conditions and problems facing Air Canada workers.

September 17
Calgary postal workers and supporters picket
in support of public post office.

September 19
The mobilization of Quebec workers leads to the reinstatement of a mineworker suspended for his defence of the health and safety of miners at the IAMGOLD mine in Pressiac, Quebec.

September 21
Public sector workers rally in Churchill and Winnipeg, Manitoba to oppose the ending of grain shipments from the Port of Churchill.

Picket in Port of Churchill

September 25

The historic Harvesting Freedom Caravan pickets the Ontario Food Terminal in Toronto as part of its journey to Ottawa to demand justice for
migrant farmworkers.

September 30
The gates of the Max Aicher North American (MANA) plant in Hamilton are a wall of flags as workers from Grimsby, Welland and Brantford respond to USW Local 1005's call for solidarity with locked-out MANA workers.
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