December 21, 2016

2016 Photo Review

All Out for Democratic Renewal!


TML Daily continues its photo review of actions carried out by workers and their allies in 2016.

International Women's Day on March 8 brought to the fore women's fight to affirm their rights, and highlighted the leading role of women in the movements to defend the rights of all, against imperialist war, to uphold public right against monopoly right and many other important issues.

The anti-war movement also marked the 13th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and the fifth anniversary of the NATO-led invasion of Libya with demonstrations across the country. Building this work is more important than ever, with the Trudeau Liberals increasing Canada's involvement in U.S. imperialist military interventions at a time of heightened tensions on the world scale.

March 1
Nurses joined by steelworkers and other allies in rally against cuts at
St. Joseph's hospital in Hamilton.

March 4

An event is held in Gatineau to commemorate the third anniversary of the death of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez. At top, His Excellency Wilmer Omar Barrientos Fernández, Ambassador of Venezuela to Canada. Below, Ambassadors from other member nations of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), as well as Russia's Ambassador.

March 5-8
Working people across Canada take part in International Women's Day activities, affirming women's place in the front ranks of all the
struggles for the rights of all.


Quebec City








March 9
Protestors in Montreal successfully block the fourth attempt of a racist,
pro-war organization to hold a public event.

March 17
Activists in Ottawa and Gatineau continue their monthly pickets at the
U.S. Embassy to demand an end to the blockade of Cuba.

March 18-19
Demonstrations across Canada and Quebec mark the 13th anniversary of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the fifth anniversary of the start of the 2011 NATO
war against Libya. The actions raise the need for an anti-war government
and call for Canada to get out of NATO and for NATO to be dismantled,
for Canada to remove all troops from foreign soil and end its participation
in wars of aggression. 









March 21
A vigil is held in Toronto for Honduran rights activist Berta Cáceres, who was murdered in Honduras on March 3 in the midst of a fight against U.S. and Canadian energy monopolies.

March 26
Hundreds of Torontonians, mostly youth, participate in a mass rally at Toronto Police headquarters to demand justice in the July 2015 police killing of Andrew Loku, a 45 year-old Sudanese refugee.

March 26 - 28

Wake and funeral service honour Secwepemc Elder Wolverine William Jones Ignace who died March 22. Wolverine became an historic personality in the fight against colonialism, racism and the lawlessness of the Canadian state with his physical and legal defence of Secwepmec claims to sovereignty, and  jurisdiction over their lands during and after the 1995 siege of Gustafsen Lake by the RCMP and Canadian military.

March 31
Action at the Brazilian Embassy in Ottawa to support democracy and oppose the coup being carried out in Brazil, part of an international day of action.

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