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March 31, 2016

CPC(M-L) Celebrates the 46th Anniversary of Its Founding

All Out to Turn Things Around by
Building the Party's Basic Organizations,
Committees and Institutions!


CPC(M-L) Celebrates the 46th Anniversary of Its Founding
All Out to Turn Things Around by Building the Party's Basic Organizations, Committees and Institutions!
Decisive Importance of the Organizing Method "Collective Work, Individual Responsibility" in Building the Mass Communist Party
About CPC(M-L)

CPC(M-L) Celebrates the 46th Anniversary of Its Founding

All Out to Turn Things Around by
Building the Party's Basic Organizations,
Committees and Institutions!

The Party's Central Committee sends revolutionary greetings to all members and sympathizers of the Party across the country on the occasion of the 46th Anniversary of its founding in Montreal, on March 31, 1970. On this occasion, Party basic organizations, committees and institutions are holding public and non-public meetings to discuss the significance of the Party at this time and the importance of party-building.

Across the country Party comrades are dealing with the challenge of activating the human factor/social consciousness at a time the retrograde forces are doing everything in their considerable power to activate the anti-human factor/anti-social consciousness. The aim of the reactionary forces is to concentrate economic and political power in fewer and fewer hands. The result of this anti-social offensive of the bourgeoisie is ever greater exploitation and oppression and the consequent impoverishment, insecurity and nation-wrecking as well as the increasing danger of a world wide inter-imperialist war.

By putting the organizational work on a par with the requirements of the Party's work for people's empowerment it is possible to turn things around and this is the challenge CPC(M-L) has taken up. This is why the Central Committee is calling on the basic organizations, committees and institutions of the Party at all levels to use the anniversary to take the time to appreciate the crucial role the Party plays. Most importantly, they should work out the practical measures which are required to provide the working class with confidence and organization to lead the people to take up their own nation-building project and put an end to the nation-wrecking which is taking place under the auspices of the monopolies and their representatives in government. The organizations at all levels make headway by paying first-rate attention to their own organizing work to mobilize the working class and its allies to resolve the current crisis caused by neo-liberal wrecking in a manner that favours the people. So too the working people make headway when they build their own organizations which take independent political stands.

All the activities which CPC(M-L) has carried out for the past 46 years have a common thread -- to further develop the leading role of the working class in society. The strength of CPC(M-L) lies in its revolutionary theory, its political line and its organizations at various levels which are always paying attention to the particular tasks facing the society to open the path for progress. The cutting edge for this period is to wage the ideological struggle and engage in ideological work to determine the practical politics required to build the political movement against nation-wrecking. Practical politics are required to mobilize the working people and the youth and students to take up nation-building on a modern basis.

The emphasis of the organizing work is to activate the human factor/social consciousness so that responsibility is taken to turn things around. By building committees which take their own independent political stands, the working people and the youth and students can make serious advance. These committees must be established at places of work, in the educational institutions and neighbourhoods and amongst seniors where their members can take responsibility for their decisions and the actions of their peers. They can address matters of concern to themselves, the society and the world. By developing the independent politics of the working class they can successfully deprive the monopolies and the governments in their service of the power to deprive the people of what belongs to them by right because they are human and depend on the society for their well-being.

All Out to Turn Things Around by Building the Party's
Basic Organizations, Committees and Institutions!
Long Live CPC(ML)!

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Decisive Importance of the Organizing Method "Collective Work, Individual Responsibility" in Building the Mass Communist Party

On the occasion of the 46th Anniversary of its founding, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) is emphasizing the decisive importance of carrying forward the work to implement the Resolution of the 8th Congress on Party-Building which states, amongst other things, that Party members must lead by example based on the guidelines -- Collective Work, Individual Responsibility and Learning Together; Working as a Collective; and Taking Up Social Responsibility. The Central Committee calls on all Party organizations and members to reflect on the dialectical relationship between individual responsibility and the collective work and the Party's methods of work.

Collective work, individual responsibility is a method of work adopted by The Internationalists, the precursor organization of CPC(M-L), and by CPC(M-L) since its founding. It requires that every member not only implement the decisions agreed upon but also participates in arriving at them. Whereas participating in arriving at decisions in society or its various collectives has historically been considered a privilege and a limited right, CPC(M-L) emphasizes that such participation is not only a human and political right but also a duty, according to the principle that without carrying out duties, rights cannot be affirmed. It is the method of work that permits the Communist Party to grow on the soil of Canada by realizing its aim. The extent to which individuals activate the human factor/social consciousness is also the extent to which they affirm their right to conscience. Thus, this method of work also ensures that Party members can flourish.

What does collective work, individual responsibility mean? It is not uncommon to hear the interpretation that the individual does what the collective decides. But who is the collective and how does it decide? What is the role of the individual within the decision-making process? What is the role of the ideological front of work in setting agendas? Unless it is recognized that the first individual responsibility of all members of CPC(M-L) is to set the agenda of the collective, of their basic organizations, and what this entails in practical terms, then all other questions remain devoid of meaning. Who decides what and who is served by the decision and how the decisions are to be implemented and by whom are all left in the shade. To speak of accountability under such a circumstance would be nonsensical.

To participate in setting the agenda of one's own organization is the point at which the human factor/social consciousness is activated. It is a matter of determining what work the basic organization is to carry out to implement the decisions of the Party at any particular time, as well as check up on the implementation of the decisions, analyze the results and carry them forward. To determine what work is to be performed requires first and foremost that it be ideologized. What does this mean?

Writing in June, 1995, Comrade Bains made crucial observations about the social relationship and the ideological struggle. He pointed out, "The successful conclusion of any work is determined by how far ideological struggle is victorious. The claim that work is merely work and does not involve any ideological struggle is only to assert the absurdity that work has no foundation in life. As there can be no economy without its foundation, without its social relationship; there can be no work without its foundation, without the ideological struggle guiding it."

Waging the ideological struggle is a prerequisite for taking individual responsibility for the work of the collective. Consciousness and organization are the condition for the individual to flourish and make a contribution. Refusal to participate in setting the agenda of the collective by addressing the political need betrays an apolitical and/or non-revolutionary attitude which is content to preserve the status quo of the bourgeois society where decision-making is in the hands of the bourgeoisie and the role of the proletariat is to merely produce what the bourgeoisie decides. It also accepts that the role of the individual is to "help" from the outside. This is the outlook inherited from the utilitarian philosophy on which the bourgeois society was established -- to be a do-gooder who wants to reform the system to make it less cruel but does not see the necessity to change it.

It is only by building the organization that the individual takes ownership of his or her own actions. By participating in setting the agenda, the consciousness of an individual gets transformed in tandem with the level of consciousness of the organization which itself gets raised as a result of practical work of maximum ideological and political mobilization. Without this both the individual and the organization remain trapped within the agenda imposed by bourgeois society and its spontaneity epitomized by the expression, "the movement is everything, the ultimate aim is nothing."

The collective sets the work based on the participation of the individual with the clear ideological presentation of what the work is as the starting point for its practical realization. The collective work responds to the decisions taken by the Congresses of CPC(M-L) and between Congresses, by the Central Committee. It also corresponds to the demands of the class struggle at any given time in particular circumstances in accordance with these decisions and the Party's Program. The individual plays her or his role to set and enrich the content of the work of the collective and only on this basis can both the individual and the collective march on with confidence and make advance.

Comrade Hardial Bains, in his Author's Preface to the 1998 edition of Necessity for Change! states, "The offensive to establish an organization is the key thing, the most important element in the preparation of the subjective conditions for revolution. This organization is the most advanced and most revolutionary instrument of proletarian revolution in a society where such revolution has not yet taken place, and an instrument of expanding the power of such a revolution where it has. Reluctance, vacillation, amateurishness, spontaneity and aloofness about such a matter as creating that most advanced, most organized, vanguard of the working class would finish the revolution before it even got underway."

The same can be said about the work to consolidate the basic organizations of the Communist Party at this time on the basis of the Party's methods of work. This work, following the dialectic of internal consolidation, external strength, is urgently required at this time to embolden and enliven the working class and position it to lead the creation of a political movement of the people which turns things around in its favour. The most important work an organization of the Party can carry out is to imbue the class and its advanced forces with the consciousness and organization required to put forward its own aims as the aim of the society.

The demand of the Communist Party that all members implement the Party's program by setting the agenda of work at their level and taking responsibility for its implementation will strengthen the advanced forces within the working class itself. It is the starting point for going with confidence to all those who want change and recognize the necessity for the working class to be in the van of society and involving them in decision making. Comrade Bains pointed out in the article "Paying First-Rate Attention to the Need of the People for Consciousness and Organization," "If the working class is to lead everyone in fulfilling its historic mission to create a new society, people's right to make decisions must be recognized as must the demand that so doing must be considered a duty as well."

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About CPC(M-L)

On March 31, 1970 in Montreal, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) was declared founded. With a bold headline, the newspaper Mass Line announced "There Is Such a Party!"

CPC(M-L) was founded following six years of political, ideological and organizational work in the universities, at the places of work and in the communities, especially since May 1968. This work created ample material conditions for the building of the party of the proletariat of the new type, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), based on Marxism-Leninism and the experience of revolution and socialism throughout the world.

Prior to the Party's founding, a three-month discussion took place across the country on a document circulated to all the comrades who had come forward to join the Canadian Communist Movement (Marxist-Leninist). The same document was also presented for discussion to the delegates who attended the Vancouver Conference held from December 26-31, 1969. The founding of the Party was declared at the Patriot's Conference held in Montreal on March 31, 1970.

The founding of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) signalled the birth of the main and most important subjective force for revolution. Based on the theory of Marxism-Leninism and the practice of revolution, CPC(M-L) differentiated itself from all old political and ideological trends right from the day of its birth.

The Party held its First Congress in Guelph, Ontario from May 8-22, 1971. The Congress adopted the Party's Constitution and elected its first Central Committee, comprised of 13 people. Together with the founding of the Party, the First Congress signaled the victory over all those who did not believe that, to be effective, the conscious factor had to be provided with an organizational form. They fought CPC(M-L) in order to smash the form and destroy the conscious factor, but they were not successful. Even today, this is the main way attempts are made to undermine CPC(M-L), leading our Party to pay first-rate attention to developing the Party's inner-party life guided by its organizational principle of democratic centralism as the condition for the success of all its endeavours. The constant attention the Party pays to its organizational principle is reflected in all its documents. Party leader Hardial Bains, in the report on the work of the Central Committee to the Party's Fourth Congress, pointed out:

"... our Party has also set for itself the continuous task of defending the organizational principle of democratic centralism. Democratic centralism can be defended only by defending the purity of Marxism-Leninism. It is the continuous strengthening of the Party organization on the basis of Marxism-Leninism in the course of revolutionary practice. It is the education and tempering of the comrades as revolutionary Marxist-Leninist fighters. The Party has taken concrete measures to strengthen the application of the Leninist principle of democratic centralism; the ability of the Party to act as a unified and organized force, a force which is not divorced from the class but lives and works in the very being of the class as its conscious and most organized vanguard and its general staff."

Guided by its theory of Contemporary Marxist-Leninist Thought, the Party establishes unity in thinking on the basis of those who participate in elaborating the Party's line of march for any given period or work. Without this, the line of "many centres" prevails, depriving the working class of its vanguard without which it loses its bearings. The organizational principle of democratic centralism serves as a guide so that under all conditions and circumstances the Party's unity in thinking and action are realized. Throughout its history the Party has rejected all the self-serving arguments, many in the name of democratic centralism, which sought to justify depriving the Party of its unity for purposes of establishing competing centres. Addressing two of the main forms the attack on democratic centralism takes, Hardial Bains pointed out:

"The attack on democratic centralism also takes the form of bureaucratism, turning the norms based on democratic centralism into a mere phrase which in fact is aimed at destroying the Leninist norms as effective revolutionary principles which provide the Party with iron discipline and safeguard it from all alien class elements and trends. It also takes the form of liberalism and neglect of the revolutionary interest. The strengthening of democratic centralism is the strengthening of the Party's ideological, political and organizational bases, the resolute application of the democratic centralist principle in all the work of the Party and in the mass organizations, in both theory and practice, and the thorough understanding of all its profound implications for the diverse fronts on which the Party acts in the proletariat and other strata as well. All this is absolutely necessary for the consolidation of the Party as the party of the class with its revolutionary style. Modern revisionists of all hues and the opportunists of various shades kowtow to the idea of democratic centralism and use it pragmatically according to what suits them for the moment. At one time, they reduce the question of democratic centralism to mere formality in implementing rules without regard to the revolutionary interest. At other times, they demand 'freedom of criticism' and call for the violation of all norms in order to cause chaos and confusion, aiming to change the Marxist-Leninist ideology and political line of the Party. The pragmatic manoeuvres of the modern revisionists and opportunists and the outright attacks of the anarchists on democratic centralism aim to deprive the Party of its stability and fighting capacity, its revolutionary Marxist-Leninist ideological basis and consistent political strategy and tactics. Thus in the final analysis, they aim to deprive the proletariat of its militant and unwavering general staff, the revolutionary Marxist-Leninist Communist Party, an indispensable weapon and the main weapon in the class struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie."

Starting with the reorganization of The Internationalists into a Marxist-Leninist Youth and Student Movement in 1968, which led to the founding of the Party in 1970, at each stage of its development the Party has established how the principle of democratic centralism is turned into organizational forms. By its Second Congress held in March 1973, the Party celebrated the victory of the work to unite the Marxist-Leninists into one party. All serious groups and individuals joined CPC(M-L) during the period leading up to its Second Congress, marking the further consolidation and strengthening of the Communist and Workers' Movement in Canada. Throughout this period, the mettle of CPC(M-L) was further tempered by carrying out its plan to unite all the Marxist-Leninists in one party in the course of waging a life and death struggle against the state-organized attacks aimed at eliminating CPC(M-L). Our being here today is testimony that after 46 years of trying, the bourgeoisie and all its agencies have not succeeded in depriving the working class of its vanguard because of the resolve of the Canadian communists and of the working class and people to provide themselves with the decisive subjective factor for revolution.

The Party's Third Congress, held in 1977, marked the victory over all the anti-Marxist trends. It was followed by a Special Congress held in 1978 which worked out the program to eliminate the adverse consequences of Mao Zedong Thought and consolidate Marxism-Leninism as the guide to the Party's thinking.

In 1982, by the time the Party held its Fourth Congress, it was ready to put forward the development of its leading role as the main task facing the preparation of the subjective conditions for revolution. It identified the main obstacle to the development of the Party's leading role as dogmatic posturing which reduces everything to the level of propaganda, to the work of a sect which seeks to compete with other sects on the basis of proving that its line is "correct." Based on the bourgeois world outlook, this is the way to engage in bourgeois politics which make social change a matter of understanding and "good" policy objectives. It is the politics of discrediting its enemies, real or perceived, depoliticizing the people and depriving them of the ability to set their own agenda and exercise control over their lives.

In his book Modern Communism, Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), Comrade Bains pointed out:

"The capitalist class is past master in stirring up dust and turning all matters that pertain to the field of conscious conduct into a series of dogmas and catechisms, so as to divert attention from the main issue facing society. This forces people to take up secondary questions which do not make a fundamental difference to their lives."

Describing the method of the bourgeoisie to depoliticize the polity, Comrade Bains pointed out how all important matters are marginalized and passions are incited to divide the people and divert them into doing whatever is harmful to them. This method has now become the hallmark of political life in this country, characterized by wrecking on every front. The same method has its reflection in the trade union movement, amongst the women and youth and in the Communist and Workers' Movement as well. The Party deals with this by waging the ideological and polemical struggle against the system itself, and on this basis it eliminates the influence of all forms of bourgeois ideology on the Communist and Workers' Movement itself.

Throughout these years a defining quality of the Party has been to put the problems facing the society on the agenda and involve the working class and people in providing them with a solution. After so many years of work we have been able to sum it up anew so as to provide it with a new impetus. This is what we are being called upon to do once again as well. It is this quality which makes the Party the vanguard of the class. It is because the Party has created a human force which puts itself at the disposal of what the society needs, not what any individuals want, that in 1984-85 the Party was able to sum up the objective conditions, pointing out that the world had reached a turning point in which no force could continue to act in the old way. It provided itself with its most important project of work up to that time, the building of the technical base for the Mass Party and Mass non-Party Press as the necessary condition for the development of the enlightenment movement. In this way, the Party provided the theory and orientation the society requires in order to find its bearings and progress. The Party's project to build the technical base for the Mass Party and Mass non-Party Press remains to date an essential element to develop the Party's leading role. To this project, in 1995, the Party added the Modern Communism Information Project to make sure that modern communism provides the most advanced vision for the creation of a modern society in which nothing is left to chance.

The Party analyzed that without developing the movement for enlightenment, without imbuing the movement with the revolutionary theory that comes from modern communism, it is not possible to organize the working class and strengthen the conscious factor. Without putting the development of the Mass Party Press, the non-Party Press and the movement for enlightenment, the elaboration of modern definitions and the defence of the edifice of communism at the centre of the work, no other work will succeed. It is the movement for enlightenment and the Party's Modern Communism Information Project which present communism in Canada in its full youth and vigour, elaborating with clarity the final stage of capitalism and showing that this stage has brought to the fore the task of opening society's door to progress.

It was the Fourth Congress of the Party which laid the basis for our current work. This program was endorsed by the Party's Fifth Congress, held in 1987. The Fifth Congress emphasized that CPC(M-L) must persist on the course charted during the turning point in 1984-85. This program of work fully prepared the Party and all progressive forces to face the consequences of that turning point as they manifested themselves in the 1989-91 period when the former Soviet Union and regimes in Eastern Europe collapsed at a rapid speed, ending the bipolar division of the world and ushering in the current period marked by the retreat of revolution and utmost retrogression.

More than a quarter of a century has passed since the period of retrogression and retreat of revolution came into being. Internationally, the ongoing destruction of the arrangements that were created following the Second World War and during the era of the bi-polar division of the world has unleashed unprecedented anarchy and violence and revealed the impossibility of the imperialist powers restoring or creating anew an equilibrium among themselves. The peoples of the world and the countries which maintained or are seeking an independent development are fighting the retrogressive pressure, not only waging a valiant resistance struggle to the anti-social offensive and imperialist dictate, but seeking the ways to open a path for the progress of their societies and for peace and security on the world scale.

The Party's bold leadership during these past 46 years is testimony to the indispensable need of the working class for its own Party that can find its way in the tumultuous and reckless course in which the Canadian ruling circles are taking the country. As the international financial oligarchy was doing everything to impose its brutal anti-social offensive and retrogressive measures, through its ideo-political and legislative dictate against the very concept of a society, the Sixth Congress of CPC(M-L) held in 1993 boldly declared, "There is an Alternative." The task it took up to establish the basic organizations of CPC(M-L) at all places of work, in the educational institutions, neighbourhoods and all other places where people such as seniors gather in significant numbers, put the solution of the main problem facing the society at the centre of the preoccupation and work of the Party. This is the problem of how decision-making takes place in the society. It embarked on a new phase of its work to engage the bourgeoisie in a political contest so that the situation is ended whereby no member of the polity can exercise control over their lives. By building the basic organizations where the work is, the Party reaffirmed the fundamental democratic principle that everyone must be able to participate in arriving at decisions and implementing them. This begins with setting their own agenda which addresses the concrete reality, identifies its needs and elaborates a program of work to address these needs by eliminating all the obstacles which stand in the way of progress.

Through vigorous all-sided theoretical, ideological and organizational work to implement its decisions, CPC(M-L) was able to present to the working class its vision and plan of action in the form of its Historic Initiative launched on behalf of the Party by Comrade Bains on January 1, 1995. The aim of the Historic Initiative is to transform CPC(M-L) into a mass communist party, lead the working class to constitute itself the nation and vest sovereignty in the people so as to open society's path to progress. During this period, CPC(M-L) put forward its political program for political renewal and a modern constitution, the program Stop Paying the Rich; Increase Funding for Social Programs. By endorsing this vision and program at its Seventh Congress held in March 1998, CPC(M-L) took up the task of transforming the success of the conscious factor into victory in order to bring about the deep-going transformations which are so long overdue. It has established the need to develop the human factor/social consciousness as a priority, as the condition for transforming the Party and creating a new society in which the humanization of the social and natural environment become the very aim and condition of life -- the very aim and condition necessary for the humanization of people themselves.

The 8th Congress of the Party held in 2008 reaffirmed the decisive role the human factor/social consciousness plays in changing the world. The Report to the Congress emphasized: "Winning over class-conscious workers to take up the immediate organizational tasks of CPC(M-L) is crucial at this time. The most pressing tasks are to continue consolidating the Mass Party Press, to pay first rate attention to organizing the workers into Groups of Writers and Disseminators and to mobilize the workers, women, youth, students and minorities to take up the work of renewal of the democratic process. The entire CPC(M-L) is organized to win over class conscious workers and their allies especially women, youth, students and minorities to take up the work of the Party as their own."

CPC(M-L)'s 8th Congress, August 2008

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