December 30, 2016

2016 Photo Review

All Out for Democratic Renewal!


TML Daily continues its month by month photo review of actions carried out by working people, women, youth and Indigenous peoples in 2016 with November.

The month began with thousands of students taking to the streets to defend the right to education. The student national day of action demanded the elimination of tuition fees for post-secondary education to ensure it is accessible to all.

The election of Donald Trump as the next President of the United States was analyzed in discussions and meetings with CPC(M-L) considering that the Trump presidency will represent the rule of the oligopolies through unfettered police powers. Demonstrations were held in solidarity with the actions of youth in the U.S. to declare that Trump is not their president, and CPC(M-L) organized public meetings to elaborate its position on the election result.

In Canada and the U.S. working people stood alongside the Indigenous peoples in actions against the Dakota Access Pipeline and the expansion of the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline. Mass rallies affirmed that Indigenous peoples across Turtle Island will not permit violations of their sovereignty and rights nor conciliate with pillaging and polluting of water and soil by energy and mineral monopolies.

November also saw many actions by working people in defence of their rights and the rights of all. Maritime workers in Vancouver rallied to oppose Canada's neo-liberal free trade agreement with Europe; Students at Carleton University opposed the university's promotion of programs criminalizing dissent; Torontonians marched to demand recognition of the right to housing; pickets condemned the illegal U.S. blockade on Cuba; Halifax residents opposed the 8th annual Halifax Security Forum; Truck drivers converged at the Quebec National Assembly to affirm their dignity and rights; People of Hamilton rallied to oppose privatization of public transit; Hamilton steelworkers rallied to oppose attacks on their pensions; and workers at the Blue Water Bridge in Sarnia went on strike to reject demands for concessions.

On November 25, Canadians heard the sad news of the passing of Comrade Fidel Castro, the legendary leader of the Cuban Revolution and hero to the oppressed peoples of the world. With great sorrow and their thoughts with the people of Cuba, Canadians took part in vigils and meetings to pay tribute to Fidel's great life and work.

November 1
Meeting in Halifax celebrates 25th anniversary of the landmark 1991 documentary No Harbour For War that chronicles Halifax's anti-war and anti-imperialist movement in the 1980s and 1990s.

November 2
Students from 58 colleges and universities in 36 cities hold actions to demand the elimination of tuition fees and affirm that education is a right.

St John's












November 3
Maritime workers and allies march to the Transport Canada offices in Vancouver against the Liberal government signing the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement with the European Union.

ILWU Local 519, Stewart, BC

November 3-9

People across Canada and Quebec step up their actions in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux land and water protectors in North Dakota. Mass actions are held in Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Sudbury and Calgary.

Halifax, November 3

Sudbury, November 3

Regina, November 3

Toronto, November 5

Calgary, November 6

Six Nations, Brantford, November 6

Hamilton, November 7

Montreal, November 7

London, November 9

November 4
Protest in Drummondville, during a visit by the Quebec Minister of Natural Resources, against passing of Bill 106 which facilitates monopoly plunder of Quebec's natural resources.

(Photos: Chantier politique)

Action held at Toronto constituency office of Minister of International Trade Chrystia Freeland to oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership as part of Continental Day of Action for democracy and against neo-liberalism.

November 5
People from the Niagara region protest at the office of Liberal MP Chris Bittle to demand Canada not ratify the neo-liberal Trans-Pacific Partnership
(TPP) trade agreement.

November 6
Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada holds discussion in Calgary on Trudeau government's electoral reform program and November 8 U.S. election.

November 7-9
Actions organized by social organizations from many sectors in Quebec call for an end to neo-liberal austerity agenda and re-investment in social programs.

Quebec City

Malbaie; Laurentides

Sept-Iles; Beauce


(Photos: Chantier politique, L. Forgues, ROC, Le Nord Cotier, Droit de Parole, S. Meira)

November 12
Rally and march in Toronto supports the Korean people and their demand for the resignation of reactionary south Korean President Park Geun-hye.

Ottawa public meeting hosted by the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada
analyzes the historical, political and economic context of the
election of Trump in the U.S.

November 15

Carleton University students demonstrate at the closing event of  the
"2016 Symposium on Security and Infrastructure Resilience," a conference organized by the university to step up the criminalization of dissent.

MLPC holds meeting in Edmonton featuring Party President
Rolf Gerstenberger on one year of the Trudeau government and
the significance of the U.S. election results.

November 15-16

Actions held in Montreal and Six Nations on the Grand in solidarity with the
resistance of Indigenous peoples at
Standing Rock.

Montreal, November 15

Six Nations on the Grand, November 16

November 17
Activists in Ottawa continue their monthly pickets to demand an end
to the illegal U.S. blockade of Cuba and for the U.S. to return
Guantanamo Bay to Cuba.

November 18

Toronto rally and march demand recognition of housing as a human right and
a national strategy to provide it with a guarantee.

November 19
Anti-war activists make clear once again that Halifax is "No Harbour for War"
with a militant protest against the 8th annual Halifax International Security
Forum. The Forum brings together war criminals and arms dealers, corporate
CEOs, pundits and monopoly media journalists to discuss
the concerns of U.S. imperialism.

Convoy of hundreds of trucks converges
on National Assembly
as Quebec truckers affirm their dignity and rights.

Rally spokespersons Daniel Beaulieu and Lyne Gilbert greet with enthusiasm the hundreds of
trucks passing in front of the Quebec National Assembly.

Rally in Toronto following election of Donald Trump as U.S. President expresses solidarity with those in U.S. who reject the legitimacy of the U.S. democracy that brought Trump to power.

(Photos: K. Taghabon)

More than 5,000 people take part in two militant rallies and a march in Vancouver opposing the proposed Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain
pipeline expansion.  (Photos: G.Haggquist, K. Gallaxy, UBCIC)

November 21
Vigils take place in Victoria and Edmonton, among other cities, in opposition
to the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion.


Edmonton  (Photos: TML, H. Hommel)

November 22
Protest in Montreal against Couillard government's refusal to take concrete steps to end violence against Indigenous women following the announcement that no charges would be laid against police in Val D'Or for alleged assaults.

(Photos: Chantier politique)

November 22-24
Montreal actions continue to stand with Standing Rock Sioux.

November 22

November 23

November 24

November 24
Demonstration in Hamilton against privatizing of public transit and Hydro One marks the 110th anniversary of the 1906 Amalgamated Transit Union
strike in that city for public transit.

November 25
Hamilton Stelco steelworkers, retirees, salaried employees, their families and supporters hold a "Hands Off Our Pensions Rally" at MPP Ted McMeekin's
office in Waterdown, Ontario. They tell the Ontario government No! to another
secret deal where a hedge fund swoops in and flips Stelco for a big score while
workers are hung out to dry.

November 27
Workers organized in Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) at the Blue Water Bridge in Point Edward, near Sarnia, Ontario hold a strike rally to reject major concessions on benefits, pensions, maternity and parental leave,
hours of work and scheduling.  (Photos: PSAC)

November 27-29
Events are held across Canada and Quebec to pay tribute to the life and work of Fidel Castro. People from all walks of life come forward to mourn a legendary
fighter for justice, sign condolence books and say to the Cuban people,
"Estamos contigo -- we are with you."

, November 27


November 27

November 28
November 27

Windsor, November 29


November 27

November 29

November 28
Quebec Federation of Labour holds Triennial Convention in Montreal from November 28 - December 2. Delegates speak passionately in favour of campaigns that defend the rights of all.  (Photo: FTQ)

November 29
An emergency rally is held in Vancouver following the Trudeau government's approval of the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion.  (Photos: M. Javid, HiMYSYed, T. Davies, G. David Loft, A.J. Dick)

Eight indigenous youth from Stanley Mission take part in a 1,400 kilometre Youth Unity Walk from northern Saskatchewan to Standing Rock, North Dakota.
The youth leave Stanley Mission November 26 and photos are taken on
the Highway near Napatak on November 29.

(Photos: K. Riese)

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