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INDEX 2017


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MARCH 2017

March 8, 2017

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JUNE 2017

June 22, 2017

New Bill to Strengthen Secret Police Powers on Eve of Canada 150
• All Out to Oppose the Trudeau Government's Police State Bill C-59! - Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) 

June 23, 2017

Quebec's National Day and Summer Solstice on the Eve of Canada 150
• Days of Celebration and Reflection

Quebec Government Presents "Policy on Quebec Affirmation and Canadian Relations"
• Rehash of the Meech Lake Accord -- From Tragedy to Farce - Chantier politique

June 23 -- 27th Anniversary of Defeat of Meech Lake Accord
• Canada's Existential Crisis on the Eve of Canada 150 Celebrations
• For a Free and Sovereign State of Quebec and an Equal Union of Sovereign Peoples - Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec 

June 27, 2017

Building and Deepening Canada-Cuba Solidarity
• Canadian Network on Cuba Holds Eighth Biennial Convention

U.S. Imposes Draconian Fine for Transaction Conducted in Canada
• No to Extraterritorial Application of the U.S. Blockade! No to U.S. Violation of Canadian Sovereignty! - Isaac Saney, National Spokesperson,
Canadian Network On Cuba

• Statement of Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations

U.S. Administration's New Hostile Measures
• Declaration of Revolutionary Government of Cuba
• Press Conference by Cuban Minister of Foreign Relations

June 28, 2017

End the Colonial Status of Puerto Rico!
• Oscar Lσpez Rivera Testifies Before UN Committee on Decolonization
• Spurious Plebiscite on U.S. Statehood
• Crisis and Colonialism in Puerto Rico - Olga Sanabria Dαvila

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JULY 2017

July 26, 2017

July 26, Moncada Day Cuba's National Day of Rebellion
• Affirming History, Independence and the Cause of Peace and Justice - Isaac Saney, National Spokesperson, Canadian Network On Cuba
• Cuban President Presides over Ceremony in Pinar del Rνo

July 28, 2017

July 30 Constituent Assembly Elections in Venezuela
• Support the Bolivarian Revolution! Hands Off Venezuela!
• Worldwide Twitter Campaign in Support of Venezuela
• Our America and the People of the World Stand with Bolivarian Venezuela - Network in Defense of Humanity
• Organization of American States Once Again Fails to Pass Resolution Undermining Venezuela's Sovereignty

Venezuela's Response to U.S. Interference
• Government Rejects CIA Chief's Interventionist Admission
• Reply by Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Ministry of People's Power for Foreign Relations to July 17 White House Statement

For Your Information
• Q & A: The National Constituent Assembly in Venezuela
- Venezuela Solidarity Campaign
• Recent U.S. Actions Against Venezuela - Venezuelan Embassy to Canada

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August 2, 2017

• Long Live the Just Cause of the Venezuelan People to Uphold the Bolivarian Revolution!
• Results of Venezuelan Constituent Assembly Election
• Glory to the Brave People of Venezuela - Hugo Chαvez Peoples Defense Front, Ottawa
• Cuba Denounces the Implementation of an International Operation, Led by the United States, to Silence the Voice of the Venezuelan People - Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Message from the Network in Defense of Humanity

For Your Information
• Statements of Canadian Government and Political Parties with Seats in Parliament Calling for Interference in Venezuela's Internal Affairs 

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December 16-30, 2017

2017 Photo Review:
For a Modern Canada that Defends the Rights of All -- All Out to Build the New!

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