December 27, 2016

2016 Photo Review

All Out for Democratic Renewal!


TML Daily continues its month by month photo review of actions carried out by working people, women, youth, Indigenous peoples and their allies in 2016, with events in August.

Postal workers continued to confront serious attacks on their rights and working conditions, achieving a tentative agreement in negotiations at the end of August. During this time, the Trudeau Liberals worked to undermine and interfere with postal workers' defence of their rights, while the workers mobilized in Montreal and other cities.

In August, Canadians celebrated the 90th birthday of Comrade Fidel Castro and once again expressed their friendship with the revolutionary people and government of Cuba. The sad passing of Fidel later in the year saw expressions of grief across the country and great appreciation for what Cubans have achieved for themselves and all of humanity.

Montreal hosted the 2016 World Social Forum, with collectives of people from Canada, Quebec and around the world drawing attention to their just causes. The Trudeau Liberal government's mass denial of visas for Forum participants was widely condemned. Indigenous peoples, led by the Mohawk people of the area led thousands in the spirited opening march putting their demands for recognition of their sovereignty and rights front and centre.

In August, CPC(M-L) celebrates the life and work of its founder and leader, Comrade Hardial Bains and all the comrades who dedicated their lives to building the Party and organizing the class to take its place in history. It is also a time to reflect on the significance of the Party's work and prepare to take it further. During its August Celebrations in Ottawa, CPC(M-L) hosted a seminar on the international situation to discuss the significance and dangers of unfolding events.

August 6
Postal workers rally in Montreal in defence of their rights during contract negotiations with Canada Post.

August 8
Steelworkers from Local 1005 distribute the 70th anniversary issue of  Information Update in downtown Hamilton as part of regular work
to inform the community about their fight for the workers,
retirees and steel industry.

Celebration in Halifax marks Fidel Castro's 90th birthday.

August 9
onkwehonwe (Indigenous people) lead thousands in spirited
opening march of World Social Forum in Montreal.

August 14
CPC(M-L) Dawn Ceremony pays tribute to the builders of the Party.

Seminar on the National and International Situation held in Ottawa,
organized by CPC(M-L).

August 17
Hamilton steelworkers picket U.S. Steel CCAA court hearing in Toronto.

Monthly picket in Ottawa demands the U.S. end it blockade of Cuba and
return Guantanamo Bay to Cuba

August 23
Protest in Victoria at National Energy Board hearing denounces sham consultation and demands that the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline
expansion proposal be denied.

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