December 22, 2016

2016 Photo Review

All Out for Democratic Renewal!


TML Daily's month by month photo review of actions carried out by workers and their allies in 2016 continues with notable events in April.

The 40th anniversary of Palestinian Land Day was an occasion for Canadians to show their support for the just struggle of the Palestinian people and their right of return.

A visit to Canada by Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, Hero of the Republic of Cuba and leader of the Cuban Five drew packed crowds at events in every city. Canadians from all walks of life who had been part of the worldwide efforts to liberate the Cuban Five from U.S. prisons were enthusiastic to receive a legendary fighter for Cuba's right to be.

The Canadian government's criminal refusal to fulfill its obligations to the Indigenous peoples resulted in further crisis, with the community of Attawapiskat forced to declare a state of emergency because of the situation facing the youth. Protests were immediately held across the country including occupations of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada offices by Indigenous youth.

On April 28, workers marked the National Day of Mourning for those in their ranks killed or injured on the job. Solemn ceremonies were held across the country in the spirit of the slogan "Mourn for the Dead, Fight for the Living."

April 2-9
Canadians mark the 40th anniversary of Palestine Land Day, commemorating March 30, 1976. On that day, Palestinians living in the Galilee region declared a general strike to protest land confiscations and Israel's project to construct new settlements in the region. Israel responded with state violence, killing six Palestinians and confiscating more land.

Montreal, April 2

Edmonton, April 3

Mississauga, April 9

Vancouver, April 10 (Concordia Palestine Cultural Association,
Canadian Palestine Cultural Association, N. Khatatba, H. Kawas)

April 3-13

Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, Hero of the Republic of Cuba makes a tour across Canada and Quebec where he is enthusiastically welcomed at each stop. Gerardo is the leader of the Cuban Five Heroes, who risked their lives to monitor anti-Cuba terrorist organizations in south Florida for which they
were falsely imprisoned for espionage.

Toronto, April 3

Bottom right: Toronto City Councillor Joe Mihevic and Gerardo Hernández.

Niagara Region, April 5

Left: Gerardo next to plaque at Niagara Falls dedicated to Cuban poet José María Heredia; Right: Meeting with Mayor of Fort Erie Wayne Redekop.

Montreal, April 6

Ottawa, April 9

Left: Gerardo with Cuba's Ambassador to Canada Julio Garmendia Peña

Vancouver, April 12

Nanaimo, April 13, 2016 (TML, USW, Chief Bob Chamberlin, Cuban Consulate)

April 10
The Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec hosts a Conference on Rights in Montreal. Workers and activists discuss the challenges facing the workers' movement in Quebec and the need for Quebec's nation-building project to be armed with a modern definition of rights.

April 11
Actions in Montreal condemn the killing of Sandy Michel, an Anishnabeg youth in Lac-Simon, Quebec, by a member of the local police force.

April 13-17

Across Canada people respond to the declaration of a state of emergency by the Attawapiskat First Nation due to the crisis facing their youth including many suicides. Occupations and protests take place at several offices of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada to demand immediate government action.






Calgary  (J. Clarke, L. Gagnon, V. Ketchum, G.M.N. Dootem, M. Joehnck)

April 16
Edmonton picket condemns Canada's arms sales to Saudi Arabia and deceit
of Minister of Foreign Affairs Stéphane Dion.

April 16-17
Monthly pickets demand an end to the U.S. blockade of Cuba and a return of U.S.-occupied territory at Guantanamo Bay to Cuba.

 Toronto, April 16

 Ottawa, April 17

 Vancouver, April 17 (TML, A.Yerevani)

April 18-21
Demonstrations outside hearings oppose Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Trudeau government's fraudulent consultations.

Richmond, April 18

Calgary, April 19

Saskatoon, April 20

Winnipeg, April 21

April 19
An action is held at the U.S. Consulate in Vancouver as part of World Day
of Solidarity with Venezuela.

April 23
Workers' Centre of CPC(M-L) holds discussion in Calgary featuring Party President Rolf Gerstenberger on finding a way forward for
the workers' movement.

April 28
Workers across Canada and Quebec mark the National Day of Mourning for workers killed, injured or made ill at work.







Victoria  (Photos: TML, PSAC, CUPE, M. Isinger, T. Sprackett)

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