December 20, 2016

2016 Photo Review

All Out for Democratic Renewal!


TML Daily is continuing its month by month photo review of actions carried out by workers and their allies in 2016.

On February 14 annual memorial marches were held to honour the memory of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. The mass actions across the country demanded that the Canadian state be held to account for the violence it continues to commit.

People from all walks of life mobilized to support the fighting peoples of Venezuela, Haiti and Cuba, opposed U.S. and Canadian interference in their countries and Canada's participation in warmongering.

Working people in Ontario and Quebec mobilized to reject the anti-social austerity agenda and demand an end to cuts and privatization and increased investments in social programs and public services.

People continued their actions to defend the rights of all. This included opposition to state-organized racist provocations and keeping up the demand of Canadians for the repeal of the Anti-terrorism Act, 2015 or Bill C-51, implemented by the Harper government in 2015 in the face of mass opposition.

Members of Nishnawbe Aski Nation from Webequie in Northern Ontario
walk in February to raise awareness of lack of health services in
remote Indigenous communities. (NAN)

February 1
Health care workers and their allies participate in a militant rally organized by the Ontario Health Coalition at Queen's Park while pre-budget hearings take
place in the Legislature.

February 4
Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela celebrates the 24th anniversary of the February 4, 1992 civil-military rebellion led by
Commander Hugo Chávez to fulfill the demands of the people for
democracy and independence.

February 4
Early childhood educators and their supporters rally outside
the Quebec National Assembly on the occasion of the
Couillard Liberals pre-session caucus.

February 5
Demonstration in Ottawa opposes interference in Haiti by Canada and other countries, following the indefinite postponement of the second round of the presidential election, due to massive voter fraud.

February 7
Youth and workers gather at Jarry metro station in Montreal to oppose the continued state-organized promotion of racism.

Actions are held in 18 cities across Quebec to defend public, accessible and
quality child care services.



February 10
A lively picket opposes the ConvergX 2016 Conference in Calgary bringing together some of North America's largest arms manufacturers
and energy monopolies.

February 14
The 26th Annual Women's Memorial Marches take place across the country on the weekend of February 14 to remember the thousands of
Indigenous girls and women who have been murdered or gone missing
across Canada over the decades.


Prince George


Comox Valley







February 17
Monthly pickets in Ottawa and Vancouver continue to demand an end to
the illegal U.S. blockade of Cuba and a return of occupied territory
in Guantanamo Bay to Cuba.



February 22
Vancouver picket calls for an end to the U.S.-backed Saudi war against Yemen.

February 23

Activists in Vancouver hold their 50th consecutive weekly picket
against Bill C-51.

(Stop Bill C-51)

February 28
A successful conference to "Repeal Bill C-51" is held in Vancouver,
part of ongoing work in the city against the bill.

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