December 24, 2016

2016 Photo Review

All Out for Democratic Renewal!


In this issue, TML Daily continues its 2016 photo review with events in the month of June.

Ontario injured workers set a fighting tone for the month with a mass action that reiterated the demands of the working class that the workers' compensation system must provide universal coverage for all workers and meet the actual needs of injured workers. Workers vigorously condemned the attempts of governments to implement neo-liberal cuts to social programs on the backs of injured workers increasing their suffering.

Federal public sector workers carried on their fight to defend public services and their rights against demands for cuts and attacks on workers' sick leave from the federal government. Workers rallied across the country to affirm that they would not accept the Trudeau Liberals continuing the anti-social demands of the previous government in negotiations.

In Vancouver, CPC(M-L) launched its program leading up to the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017 to emphasize the need for democratic renewal of the political process and a modern constitution enshrining an equal union between Canada, Quebec and the Indigenous peoples.

At the end of June, people converged in Ottawa to protest the North American Leaders' Summit and its aims to integrate Canada and Mexico into the U.S. economy and military. Actions also brought forward the people's solidarity with all the peoples of the Americas exploited by U.S. and Canadian monopolies.

June 1
Workers from across Ontario converge on Queen's Park for the annual Injured Workers' Day. The spirited action shows injured workers' determination to stand up for their rights and the rights of all, in opposition to attempts by governments to deprive them of their rights and just compensation.

June 8
Federal public service workers across the country hold a day of action to reiterate their just demands in the face of attacks by the Trudeau Liberals on their rights to sick leave and to negotiate their collective agreements.

St. John's




St. John


St. Andrews



Quebec City







Vancouver; Surrey




(Photos: PSAC)

June 10
Activists in Montreal oppose coup against Workers' Party government in Brazil.

June 15

Activists in Canada participate in global day of action to demand justice in the March 3 killing of Indigenous activist Berta Cáceres in Honduras.

Montreal, Quebec

Ottawa, Canada  (Photos: Comité pour les droits humains en Amerique Latine, Inter Pares)

June 25
Leading up to the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017, CPC(M-L) calls on working people to join the work for democratic renewal. The Party launches the program with a successful public conference in Vancouver.

June 26-27
Protests in Quebec City and Toronto during Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto's state visit to Canada prior to the North American Leaders' Summit.

Quebec City, June 26

Toronto, June 27  (Photos: A. Diaz)

June 29
Protests in Ottawa against summit of "North American Leaders" reject plans of the governments of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico to exploit the land, resources and labour of the three countries in the service of North American oligopolies and embroil the peoples of North America in imperialist war preparations.  (Photos: TML, B. Powless, G. Campbell, V. De Luz)

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