December 31, 2016

2016 Photo Review

All Out for Democratic Renewal!


TML Daily concludes its month by month photo review of actions carried out by working people, women, youth, Indigenous peoples and their allies in 2016, with events in December.

As the month began, vigils and meetings across the country continued to pay tribute to the revolutionary life and work of Comrade Fidel Castro.

The Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada held further discussions on the significance of the U.S. election results, including a meeting in Hamilton on what the Trump presidency means for the workers' movement.

In Nova Scotia, the courageous resistance of teachers and education workers, joined by other working people and students, forced the Liberal provincial government to back down on its threats to pass legislation imposing contracts on teachers.

Injured workers from across Ontario held their 25th annual Christmas rally outside the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board in Toronto to demand an end to the violation of the rights of all workers to support and just compensation when they are injured or made ill at work.

Indigenous peoples, Canadians and Quebeckers stepped up their opposition to the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline, Energy East Pipeline and Site C Dam projects as violations of the rights of the people to a say over resource projects and as threats to the environment, approved to benefit the energy monopolies. Indigenous youth from Stanley Mission, Saskatchewan neared the completion of their 1,400 kilometre trek to Standing Rock, North Dakota.

In Ottawa and Vancouver, activists marked 12 consecutive months of pickets at U.S. diplomatic missions to oppose the illegal economic, financial and commercial blockade against Cuba and demand U.S.-occupied territory at Guantanamo Bay be returned.

2016 came to a close with a rousing New Year's Celebration held by CPC(M-L) at the Party's Workers' Centre in Toronto on December 31, featuring music and discussion on the Party's program for the coming year.

December 1-22
Vigils and other activities continue across the country alongside activities in Cuba and around the world to honour and say Farewell to Fidel.

Halifax, December 1


December 1

December 2

December 3

Ottawa, December 2


December 4

December 7

Vancouver, December 4

Calgary, December 22

December 1

Actions in Calgary and Vancouver stand with the Standing Rock Sioux land and water protectors in North Dakota. Vancouver action also demands
stop to Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion.



(Photos: T. Davies, Climate Convergence, C. Oleman, D. Wolff, C. Lefthand)

Local farmers and residents alongside Indigenous peoples continue to organize to stop the Site C Dam on the Peace River in BC. Hundred of "Stake in the Peace" stakes are purchased and planted at Boon's farm, with money
going to fund the resistance to the project.

(Photo: Stake in the Peace)

December 5-6

Teachers and education workers, supported by parents and students, take to the streets in Nova Scotia to reject government threats to impose collective agreements attacking teachers' working conditions and students' learning conditions. The government is forced to back down, and large rallies
are held in Halifax, Yarmouth and Antigonish on December 6,
reiterating the demand: Negotiate, Don't Dictate!

Halifax, December 5

Halifax, December 6

Yarmouth, December 6

Antigonish, December 6

BC teachers send message of solidarity to Nova Scotia teachers.  (Photos: Sarah Fiander, Nova Scotia NDP, ewok_baby, S.L. Morse)

December 6

The 27th anniversary of the Montreal Massacre is commemorated in cities across Canada with the demand to end violence against women.


Quebec City



(Photos: Chantier politique, FRAPU, S. Oka, Toronto Feminist Collective)

December 9

All-night vigil is held at the National Assembly in Quebec City as the
government passes Bill 106 to give new powers to oil and gas monopolies
as part of the government's energy policy.

(Photo Chantier politique)

December 10
Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada holds meeting in Hamilton on the significance of the U.S. election results for the workers' movement. Speaking at the meeting are Kathleen Chandler of the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization and Rolf Gerstenberger, President of the MLPC and former President of United Steelworkers Local 1005.

December 11-12
Demonstrations against the expansion of the Kinder Morgan pipeline
increase following Trudeau government's go-ahead on the project.

Vancouver, December 12

Langley, December 11

Chiliwack, December 11

(Photos: L. Boxall, P.J. Lilly, G. Haggquist)

December 12

The Ontario Network of Injured Workers' Groups holds its 25th Annual Christmas rally in Toronto to demand justice for injured workers. The theme contrasts the spirit of good cheer which is supposed to characterize
the holiday season with the poverty and misery faced by injured workers and their families due to the refusal of the government and employers
to provide just compensation.

Injured worker activists hold pickets in Thunder Bay and Windsor in conjunction with the Toronto rally.

Thunder Bay; Windsor

December 17
Pickets on the second anniversary of the release of all the Cuban Five and the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba
demand the U.S. end its criminal blockade of Cuba.




December 19

Pickets, marches and rallies continue in Vancouver against the
Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion.

Picket at Minister of Justice Jody Wilson-Raybould's constituency office

Rally and march, CBC building to Vancouver Art Gallery

(Photos: S. Samples, J.L. Grosvenor)

A 16.6 kilometre march in Montreal marks the one-year anniversary of the commissioning of Enbridge Line 9 and opposes the recent passage of Bill 106.

(Photos: Gaia Presse, Marche Des Peuples pour Terre)

December 26
Vancouver activists hold 95th weekly picket to demand the repeal
of Bill C-51, the Anti-terrorism Act, 2015.

December 28

Indigenous youth from Stanley Mission near the completion of their 1,400 kilometre Youth Unity Walk from northern Saskatchewan to Standing Rock, North Dakota. On December 28 they reach Estavan and prepare
to cross border.




(Photos: K. Charles, B. McKenzie)

December 30
Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec holds a festive New Year's event in Montreal.
A rousing presentation reiterates the call for a modern Quebec that
defends the rights of all.

December 31
The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) ushers in the New Year with a celebration at the Workers' Centre in Toronto where the Party's New Year statement is presented along with important announcements regarding the Party's work on the occasion of Canada 150, the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the 50th anniversary of CPC(M-L)'s Necessity for Change analysis, and the 25th anniversary of the Party's work for democratic renewal. The event celebrates the achievements of working people in Canada and around the world and calls for everyone to go all out to Build the New.

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