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INDEX 2016

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January 2, 2016 - No. 1

In 2016 Organizing Work Will Be the Key to Our Victory
All Out for Democratic Renewal and an Anti-War Government! - Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) January 1, 2016

57th Anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution
Long Live the Cuban Revolution!
National Assembly of People's Power Reiterates Fidelity to Principles and Ideals for Which Generations of Cubans Have Fought
Central Committee of Communist Party Holds Twelfth Plenum

212th Anniversary of the Haitian Revolution
Haitians Defend Historic Victory for Rights and Liberty
Electoral Crisis Postpones Second Round of Presidential Election to Jan. 17

Turkish-ISIL Oil Trade
Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Russia All Accuse Turkey of Smuggling Oil - Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

January 9, 2016 - No. 2

In Memoriam
Howard Pawley

A Matter of Serious Concern for Canadians
Deliverology Method of the Trudeau Government - Sam Heaton

Health Care Is a Right!
Join the Rallies in Ontario to Oppose Privatization of Health Care!
The Role of Ontario's New Patient Ombudsman - Enver Villamizar

Urgent Need for Canada to Establish Just Relations with Indigenous Peoples
Call for Long Overdue Public Inquiry into Canada's Largest Paramilitary Operation at Ts'Peten (Gustafsen Lake) - Wolverine

Holding Japan to Account for War Crimes
"Comfort Women" Contemptuously Reject South Korea-Japan Bilateral Agreement
Official Statement Regarding Agreement on the Military Sexual Slavery ("Comfort Women") Issue - Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan

U.S. Nuclear Blackmail
Imperialists' Imposition of Irrationality and War on Korea and the World - Philip Fernandez
Declassified U.S. Nuclear Target List Shows Reckless Disposition Toward Nuclear Annihilation

January 16, 2016 - No. 3

Liberal Government's "Pre-Budget Consultations"
Canada Faces Serious Economic Challenges - K.C. Adams
Liberal Government's Method of Consultation
"Canadians" and "Stakeholders" - Sam Heaton

New Security Arrangements
Measures Strengthen U.S. Profiling of Canadians - Pauline Easton and Enver Villamizar

Developments in Venezuela
President Maduro Takes Action to Safeguard Bolivarian Revolution
New Measures to Develop and Strengthen the National Economy
Opposition Attacks the Functioning of the State and People's Rights
Government Denounces Media War

Haitian Presidential Elections
Political Crisis Deepens

January 23, 2016 - No. 4

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland
Consolidating Monopoly Right
Recycled Neo-Liberal Appeal to Rebrand Canada

Health Ministers Meet in Vancouver January 20-21
What Does a "Stronger, More Sustainable Health Care System for Canadians in Every Jurisdiction" Look Like? - Barbara Biley
Pledges Made by Trudeau Government in "Minister of Health Mandate Letter"

Matters of Concern to Canadians
U.S. Steel's Acquisition of Stelco -- A Question of Control - K.C. Adams
Inquiry into Gustafsen Lake -- Allied Tribes Declaration - Ts'Peten Defence Committee
The Anti-Communist Monument and Arrogance and Fraud of the Trudeau Liberals - Louis Lang

Ramifications of Anti-Terror Measures in France
Extension and Constitutional Codification of State of Emergency - Christian Legeais

Obama's State of the Union
Striving to Preserve the State of a Dismal Democracy - Voice of Revolution
U.S. Will Continue to Be World Policeman - Voice of Revolution

U.S. Refuses to Permit Political Solution in Syria
UN Peace Negotiations Postponed While U.S. and France Host Meeting for New Phase of Military Aggression

Cuba-U.S. Relations
Cuba-U.S. Ties Must Make Progress in 2016 - Interview with Josefina Vidal

Anniversary of the Death of the Great Revolutionary V.I. Lenin
The Name and Work of V.I. Lenin Will Always Have a Place of Honour

January 30, 2016 - No. 5

The Debate About Pipelines
A New Direction Is Needed for the Economy - Peggy Morton
Energy East Pipeline and the Requirement for a New Direction for the Economy
Regional Chiefs Not Satisfied with Reforms to Pipeline Reviews - Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs

Liberal Government to Sign Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Working People Step Up Opposition to Sell-Out Trade Deal

The Fight of Indigenous Peoples Against Colonial Injustice
Human Rights Tribunal Finds Massive Underfunding of Child Welfare Benefits
Families Provide Direction for National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief Calls for Emergency Task Force on Suicide Epidemic

Haitian Elections Postponed Indefinitely
Hands Off Haiti! No More Death Squad Democracy!
As Tens of Thousands Foil Fraudulent Elections the Martelly Regime Begins Deploying Death Squads - Kim Ives
We Will Not Obey - A Call for Solidarity from Haiti's Popular Movement

Viet Nam
Communist Party Holds 12th National Congress
Three Decades of Renewal

25th Anniversary of Outbreak of U.S. War in Persian Gulf
Remarks by Comrade Hardial Bains to the Party's Basic Organization in Hamilton - January 17, 1991

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February 6, 2016 - No. 6

Canada Needs an Anti-War Government
Oppose the Liberal Government's Hypocritical Promotion of an Aggressive Role for Canada!
Perverse Liberal Definition of Non-Combat Mission
Supporting Extremism in Ukraine
"Peace Operations Strategy" for Foreign Occupation

Important Questions of War and Peace
Preoccupations of New Foreign Policy Advisor - Sam Heaton
Foreign Ministers of United States of North American Monopolies Meet in Quebec City - Enver Villamizar
Canada Participates in Foreign Meddling in UN-Sponsored Syrian Peace Talks
Rome Meeting of Anti-Syria U.S.-Led War Coalition
Government Celebrates Ten Years of Military Exercises in Caribbean
U.S. and Colombia Relaunch Plan Colombia to Sabotage Peace Plan

Celebration of 24th Anniversary of Historic Event in Venezuela
Calgary Picket to Oppose ConvergX 2016

71st Anniversary of Dresden Fire Bombing
Allied War Crime Prelude to the Cold War - Dougal MacDonald
Dresden and Poznan: Two Different Ways to Wage War - Yuriy Rubtsov

February 13, 2016 - No. 7

No to the Use of Force to Solve Problems! No to the Program of Regime Change!
Do Not Permit the Politics of the Big Powers to Decide the Fate of the World - Pauline Easton
Canada's "Changing ISIS Mission" Expands Aggressive Military Presence
Get Canada Out of NATO! Dismantle NATO! - Enver Villamizar
Militarization Will Not Resolve Refugee Crisis - Margaret Villamizar
Increasing Arms Sales Underscore Aggressive Foreign Policy - Sam Heaton

Our Resources Are Not for War!
Action Opposes Calgary Convergence of War Contractors and Energy Monopolies

No Harbour for War
The New Trudeau Liberal Government Is Not Anti-War - Charles Spurr

The Rule of Private Military and Security Interests
U.S. Military Spending Continues to Soar
The Internet of Things to Come

The Hypocrisy and Double Standards of the Imperialists
Success in Combatting Extremism Requires Commitment to Relevant UN Resolutions Says Syrian Envoy to UN
DPRK Successfully Launches Satellite into Orbit

February 14 -- 26th Annual Women's Memorial March
Justice for Missing and Murdered Women and Girls!

February 20, 2016 - No. 8

Predictions on the Economy
Diversionary Discussion to Hide the Need for a New Direction

Introduction to Wholesale Trade
A Sector at the Heart of the Economy - K.C. Adams
Wholesale Trade at a Glance

Liberals' Persistence in Pushing Anti-Communist Memorial
Monument Will Expose Liberals' Self-Serving Definitions of Democracy, Freedom and Human Rights - Pauline Easton and Louis Lang

Uphold the Hereditary, Treaty and Constitutional Rights of Indigenous Peoples
"Design Phase" of National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Comes to an End - Philip Fernandez
Thousands Participate in February 14 Memorial Marches
Thousands of Residential School Victims Denied Compensation by Racist Canadian State
New Wapekeka School and the Right of Indigenous Peoples to a Modern Education

Venezuelan Government and People In Action to Defend the Revolution and Counter Economic War
All Out to Defend Venezuela's Achievements Against Their Usurpation by Darkest Reaction! - Sam Heaton
President Maduro Outlines Measures to Strengthen Social Programs and Diversify National Economy

Cuba's Defence of the Revolution
U.S. President to Visit Cuba for First Time in 88 Years
Building the Largest Logistical Platform in the Americas - Katheryn Felipe González

Anniversary of Assassination of Malcolm X
Reflections on Malcolm X's Legacy - Isaac Saney

February 27, 2016 - No. 9

Discussion on the Economy
International Trade as a Geopolitical Weapon of the Big Powers - K.C. Adams

Anniversary of the Communist Manifesto
The Proletarian Front Appears in All Its Determination and Splendour

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MARCH 2016

March 5, 2016 - No. 10

March 8 -- International Women's Day
Victory to the Struggle of Women for Their Emancipation!
Women Workers Must Lead the Struggle for Renewal
Condemn the Assassination of Honduran Leader Berta Cáceres!

Canada's Contribution to Resolving Refugee Crisis
The Working Class Must Take the Lead in Defending the Rights of All

For Your Information
Canada's Syrian Refugee Settlement Program

Liberal Government's Shameless Hypocrisy on Matters of War and Peace
The Anniversary of the First Gulf War
Canada's Attempts to Derail UN Peace Process in Syria
Plans to Embroil Canada in More Aggression Against Libya
Why We Say No to the War in Iraq and Syria - Toronto Coalition to Stop the War

Cessation of Hostilities in Effect

Third Anniversary of the Passing of President Hugo Chávez Commemorated
President Maduro Initiates New Socialist Enterprise System and Calls on Workers to Resist Privatization
U.S. President Renews Executive Order Labeling Venezuela Threat to National Security

Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain" Speech
70th Anniversary of the Cold War
Pravda Interview with J.V. Stalin - March 14, 1946

March 12, 2016 - No. 11

March 13 -- Anniversary of the Founding of The Internationalists
A Call to Take Up the Program that Emerges from the Conditions of Our Times

Canada's Self-Righteous Attitude on Human Rights
UN Committee Rakes Canada Over the Coals for Serious Human Rights Failures
Canada's Inadequate Performance in Geneva
Yet Another Fraudulent Conception of Human Rights to Be Championed by Yet Another Fraudulent Human Rights Centre - Dougal MacDonald

Photo Review
International Women's Day 2016

U.S. President Barack Obama's Visit to Cuba
Granma Editorial, March 9

Amnesty Bill in Venezuela's National Assembly
Right Wing Confesses to 17 Years of Political Delinquency - Dr. Francisco Dominguez

UN Security Council Resolution Against Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Unjust Sanctions Must Be Withdrawn!
Biggest Ever U.S.-South Korea Provocative Military Exercises

For Your Information
UN Security Council Resolution 2270

March 19, 2016 - No. 12

Thirteenth Anniversary of Criminal Invasion of Iraq
Hands Off Iraq and Syria! No to the Use of Force to Settle Conflicts!

Government Introduces Changes to Citizenship Act
The Need for a Modern Citizenship Law that Eliminates Privilege - Youth for Democratic Renewal
Amendments to the Citizenship Act in Bill C-6

Canada's Bid for UN Security Council Seat
Self-Righteous Pitch for Security Council Seat
Oppose Canada's Promotion of Neo-Liberal Imperialist Internationalism - Sam Heaton

Canada's Claim to Champion Women's Rights
Boastful Proclamations About Canada's Leadership in Ending Discrimination and Violence Against Women
Justin Trudeau's Shameless Strutting and Childish Self-Promotion - Peggy Morton

On the Eve of the Visit of U.S. President Obama to Cuba
U.S. Announces Partial Changes to Sanctions Against Cuba
U.S. Blockade Against Cuba Continues Intact - Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla
We Will Never Renounce the Unity Achieved by Our Workers - Cuban Workers' Federation
Statement by Federation of Cuban Women

U.S. President to Visit Argentina on 40th Anniversary of 1976 Military Coup
Argentinian People Resist Neo-Liberal Regime

Counterrevolutionary Offensive Seeks Regime Change in Brazil
Brazilians Mobilize to Block Reactionary Coup
Brazilian Impasse -- The Class Struggle and World Geopolitics - Amílcar Salas Oroño

Step Up Opposition to Murderous Honduran Regime
Another Member of Berta Cáceres' Group Assassinated

March 26, 2016 - No. 13

In Memoriam
In Memory of Secwepemc Elder Wolverine William Jones Ignace

Terrorist Attacks in Belgium, Turkey and Iraq
No to Both State Terrorism and Individual Acts of Terror! - Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

Looking at the Budget
Let's Call a Spade a Spade -- The Trudeau Budget Is Meant to Consolidate Monopoly Right and Class Privilege
Discussion on Taxation
Corporate Taxation Is a Fraud

Canada Plans Takeover of UN Occupying Force in Haiti
Oppose Canada's Decision to Send Troops to Haiti!
No to Canadian Government's Decision to Take Command of MINUSTAH - Coalition of Haitians in Montreal Against the Occupation of Haiti

Visit of U.S. President to Cuba
An Historic Visit
At Least Three Glaring Holes Left After Obama's Visit to Cuba - TeleSUR Editorial
Obama in the Grand Theatre or Obama's Grand Theatre in Havana? - Iroel Sánchez

Coming Events
Canadians Plan Warm Welcome for Cuban Five Hero Gerardo Hernández Nordelo

Argentinians Protest Visit of U.S. President
Social Movements Say "Obama, Macri Out!"

17th Anniversary of Criminal U.S.-Led NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia -- March 24, 1999
One of History's Great Infamies
Statement of CPC(M-L), March 25, 1999

Anti-War Actions on 13th Anniversary of U.S. Invasion of Iraq
Actions Demand End to Canada's Participation in Aggressive Wars and Occupation

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APRIL 2016

April 2, 2016 - No. 14

Liberals' Program for Real Change
The More Counterfeit the Measures, the Deeper the Crisis

Open Dialogue Forum 2016
Government's Attempt to Resuscitate Discredited "Third Way" Reveals the Extent of Its Bankruptcy - Pauline Easton and Sam Heaton

For Your Information
What Is a Stakeholder? - TML Weekly, 1997
Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness, by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein - Book Review by Kevan Hunter

Government Steps Up Anti-Social Anti-National Offensive
Government's Use of Behavioural Economics Against the Public Interest
Fraudulent Government Consultations on Trans-Pacific Trade Deal Exposed
Government Opposes UN Appointment of Canadian Professor to Investigate Human Rights Violations in Palestine

French Workers Go All Out to Oppose Reforms
Protests Against Neo-Liberal Changes to Labour Legislation

Discussion on Significance of Obama's Visit to Cuba and Upcoming Party Congress
Brother Obama - Fidel Castro Ruz
Party Congress Less Than a Month Away - Granma

Anniversary of U.S.-Backed Military Coup in Brazil, March 31, 1964
Brazilians Say No! To Another Coup

Japan's Pro-War Security Laws
Japan Broadens Its Military Alliance with U.S. Imperialism

Bombing in Pakistan
The Need to Strengthen the People's Political Movements All Over the World to Counter Terrorist Assaults

Anniversary of Palestinian Land Day, March 30, 1976
Long Live Palestine's Heroic Resistance! End the Occupation!
Israeli Settlement Expansion and Settler Terror - Dr. Riyad Mansour, Palestinian Ambassador to the UN
How Impunity Defines Israel and Victimizes Palestinians - Ramzy Baroud

April 9, 2016 - No. 15

Trudeau Government Moves to Criminalize the Right to Conscience
"Responsible Conviction" -- Another Criminal Doctrine of Canada's Foreign Affairs to Justify Aggression and War
Hubris About Canada's Role in the Imperialist System of States

Another Death in Immigration Custody
Canada's Detention System Violates Law, Duty and Moral Principle - Philip Fernandez
Open Letter to Canadian Government and People from the Family
Key Facts About Immigration Detention & Violations - End Immigration Detention

End Canada's Military Support to Philippine Government
Human Rights Coalition Demands Trudeau Government Stop Supporting State Terror Against Filipino People
President Aquino and Governor Talino-Mendoza Accountable for the Bloody Police Operations in Kidapawan, Cotabato - International Coalition on Human Rights in the Philippines (Canada)
Protests Across Philippines Demand Ouster of U.S. Military

Get Canada Out of NATO! Dismantle NATO!
NATO Enforcing U.S. Imperialist Pivot to Asia

April 16, 2016 - No. 16

Looking at the Budget
Infrastructure Spending to Pay the Rich, Consolidate Empire-Building and Strengthen Class Privilege

140th Anniversary of the Indian Act
Ontario Regional Chief Isadore Day Calls for the Repeal of Indian Act and the Forging of True Nation-to-Nation Relations
Supreme Court Ruling on Jurisdiction Over Métis and "Non-Status Indians"
Unacceptable Continued Government Underfunding of Social Programs for Indigenous Peoples
Government Action Demanded to Address Crisis in Attawapiskat and Other First Nations Communities

7th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba
Proceedings of the 7th Congress
CPC(M-L) Message of Greetings

Granma Articles on the Significance of the Communist Party
Our Party Was Born During the Historic Days of Girón
A Party of the Masses and for the Masses
The Communist Party of Cuba
Without the Party the Revolution Could Not Exist

Important Events
Visit of Hero of the Republic of Cuba to Canada
April 19 -- World Day of Solidarity with Venezuela
April 13-15 -- International Peoples' Gathering in Honduras to Celebrate the Life of Berta Cáceres

April 23, 2016 - No. 17

On the Eve of May Day 2016
A Pro-Social Alternative to Empire-Building - K.C. Adams

Ontario Commission on Public Service
The Working Class Must Confront the State-Organized Power of Those Who Control Social Wealth

The Role of Regulations
Self-Regulation by Monopoly Interests Leads to Criminal Negligence - Pierre Chénier

Nation-Building in the 21st Century or Empire-Building
Finding a Practical Way Forward for the Workers' Movement to Make the Struggle for Rights Effective at This Time - Rolf Gerstenberger

100th Anniversary of the Irish Rebellion
Celebrate the Glorious Uprising of the Irish People! - Dougal MacDonald
The Irish Declaration of Independence, April 24, 1916
Our Duty in This Crisis - James Connolly
We Only Want the Earth - James Connolly, 1907
The Irish Rebellion of 1916 -- The Discussion on Self-Determination Summed Up - V.I. Lenin

April 30, 2016 - No. 18

May Day 2016
Day of Working Class Unity and Struggle in Defence of the Rights of All! - Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)
A Time to Think About Concrete Solutions to the Problems the Workers Face - Peggy Askin
The Neo-liberal Ideological and Institutional Basis for the Negation of Workers' Rights - Pierre Chénier

Photo Review
May 1, 2015 - May 1, 2016

Nation-Building in the 21st Century or Empire-Building
Postnational and Supranational State -- Where Does Jurisdiction Lie? - Youth for Democratic Renewal

MAY 2016

May 7, 2016 - No. 19

Reorganization of The Internationalists
An Historic Event in the Political Life of Canada

Oil and Gas Workers Left to Fend for Themselves
Who Can Unemployed Workers Rely On? - Peggy Morton

Meaningless Consultations to Justify Arbitrary Decision-Making
Trudeau Government Pushes to Complete Stephen Harper's Odious Anti-Communist Project - Louis Lang

71st Anniversary of the Victory Over Fascism
The Overthrow of the Imperialist System Is the Only Guarantee for Peace
Ghosts of the Past: The Story of Red Army Captives in Poland - Ekaterina Blinova

159th Anniversary of the First War of Indian Independence
Hum Hain Iske Malik, Hindustan Hamara -- The Battle Cry of 1857 to Vest Sovereignty in the People - Jaspal Singh

198th Anniversary of the Birth of Karl Marx
The Working Class Holds the Name of Karl Marx in the Highest Esteem - Hardial Bains

International News
7th Congress of Workers' Party of Korea Celebrates Achievements of Korean Socialism and Consolidates Victories
Philippine Ruling Liberal Party Set to Commit Election Fraud? - José Maria Sison
United Nations Humanitarian Coordinators Prepare for World Summit in Turkey
New U.S. NATO Commander in Europe
Statement by Cuban National Association of Small Farmers on U.S. Government Measure

May Day 2016
Worldwide Actions Affirm Rights and Reject Neo-Liberal Agenda of Empire-Building

May 14, 2016 - No. 20

Trudeau Government's Electoral Reform Program
Current Situation Underscores Urgent Need for a Political Movement
Led by the Workers

MLPC National Leader Initiates Discussion on the Liberals' Program of Electoral Reforms
Government Plan to Change First-Past-the-Post System Set in Motion

Alberta Wildfires
Extraordinary Efforts Have Extinguished the Fire Within the City of Fort McMurray
The Responsibilities of Government to the People of Fort McMurray
Activating the Human Factor/Social Consciousness Is Decisive - Peggy Askin

68th Anniversary of Al-Nakba
Palestinian People Fight for the Right of Return
Nakba Day Marked with Calls to Affirm Right of Return
Increasing Israeli Annexation, Repression and Impunity
The Nakba at 68: A Catastrophe Born of Discrimination and Impunity - Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council

All Out to Oppose the Coup in Brazil!
Brazilian President Calls for Mobilizations to Overturn Coup Against the Popular Masses
Popular Forces and Political Organizations Mobilize Against the Coup
International Condemnation
Humanity Against the Coup In Brazil - Network in Defence of Humanity

Victorious Conclusion of 7th Congress of Communist Party of Cuba
Report by First Party Secretary Raúl Castro Elaborates Congress Agenda
The Cuban People Will Overcome - Message of Fidel Castro Ruz
The Construction of a Prosperous, Sustainable, and Irrevocable Socialism in Cuba Demands that the Principles of Justice and Equality at the Revolution's Foundation Be Preserved - Closing Remarks by Raúl Castro

Crisis of European Nation-States in the Middle East
100th Anniversary of Colonial Sykes-Picot Agreement - Dougal MacDonald

May 21, 2016 - No. 21

Prime Minister's Apology for "Komagata Maru Incident"
Liberal Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds
Pertinent Facts to Consider when Evaluating the Trudeau Apology for the Komagata Maru Incident - Charles Boylan

Canada's War Government Holds Weapons Fair
Close the CANSEC Killer Weapons Bazaar! No to State Terrorism!
The Unbearable Lightness of Stéphane Dion - Matthew Behrens

Canadians in Action in Defence of Rights at Home and Abroad
Commemoration of 68th Anniversary of Al-Nakba
Opposition to Coup d'Etat in Brazil
Monthly Pickets Demand End to U.S. Blockade of Cuba

The Infamy of September 5, 1914 in Vancouver
Exposing the Role of the State in Crimes Against the People - Hardial Bains

May 28, 2016 - No. 22

Liberal Party's Controversial New Party Constitution
What Kind of Political Party Do Canadians Need to Engage in Nation-Building Against Empire-Building?
Liberal Party's Controversial New Party Constitution

Canada Expanding War Mission in the Middle East
New Details of Canada's Mission in Iraq
Foreign Minister's Meddling in Middle East and North Africa
Canada Joins International Syria Support Group
Training the Syrian Opposition in the Name of Empowering Women
"Direct Diplomacy" to Foment Regime Change in Syria

Opposition to CANSEC Weapons Fair
Protests Say No to Canadian Arms Sales

35 Years of Unjust Imprisonment -- Free Oscar López Rivera Now!
All-Sided Support for Liberation of Oscar López Rivera
Not a Single Day More of the Unjust Imprisonment of Oscar López Rivera! - Network of Intellectuals, Actors and Social Movements in Defence of Humanity

May 25 -- African Liberation Day
Hail African Liberation Day! Victory to the Fighting Peoples of Africa! Imperialism, Out of Africa!
Pentagon and CIA Continue to Destabilize African Continent - Abayomi Azikiwe
The International Criminal Court: A Mechanism for Criminalising Opposition to Foreign Intervention in Africa - Stop Foreign Intervention in Africa
Pan-Africanism and Communism: The Communist International, Africa and Diaspora, 1919-1939 by Hakim Adi - Book Review

Historic Montreal May 25 Meeting of The Internationalists
Reminiscences of Hardial Bains on the Reorganization of The Internationalists, Montreal 1968

"More than a Movement, Less than a Party"
Attempts to Wreck the Movement of the Working Class to Realize Its Aim

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JUNE 2016

June 4, 2016 - No. 23

Quebec's Self-Serving Political Reforms and the Crisis of the Democratic Institutions
Increasing State Control over Political Parties to Keep the People Disempowered
Resolution of Five Registered Political Parties
Brief of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec on Bill 101

Canada’s Unacceptable Interference in Venezuelan Affairs
Oppose Attempts to Foment Regime Change

June 1 -- Ontario Injured Workers' Day
Injured Workers Demand Governments Guarantee Their Rights

Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean Deepen Fighting Unity
Latin American and Caribbean Countries Defeat OAS Attempt to Support Coup Forces
Mass Rallies in Support of Bolivarian Revolution
U.S. and Canada Should Not Interfere in Venezuela's Internal Affairs - George Sorger

Broad Rejection of Coup Government
Credibility of Brazil's Interim President Collapses as He Receives Eight-Year Ban on Running for Office - Glenn Greenwald

Regional Meetings
Cuban President Demands Principles of Proclamation of Latin America as a Zone of Peace Be Upheld
Seventh Summit of Association of Caribbean States Promotes Unity
Second Parliamentary Meeting for Latin American and Caribbean Integration Held in Argentina

Puerto Rico
Obama Continues to Ignore Pleas to Free Political Prisoner Oscar López Rivera - Matt Peppe

32nd Anniversary of Operation Blue Star
Justice Is Not Yet Served

June 11, 2016 - No. 24

Establishing an Anti-War Government Is a Matter of Principle
Say No to Canadian Participation in U.S. Missile Defence
Information on U.S. Ballistic Missile Defence Program and Preemptive Strike Doctrine
Oppose Canada's Participation in War Preparations in Europe
Unacceptable Government Defence Policy Review and Consultation

Competition over the Monopoly of Nuclear Weapons, Material and Technology
Dangerous U.S. Seizure of Gendarme Role over Nuclear Monopoly and Canadian Acquiescence
Disposal of Uranium and Plutonium and Consolidation of U.S. Monopoly
Canadian Government's Push for Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty
Concern over Nuclear Re-Armament in Europe

For Your Information
Washington Nuclear Security Summit
U.S. Government's $1 Trillion Nuclear Modernization Programs - Arms Control Association

20th Anniversary of the Publication of Modern Communism, Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) by Hardial Bains
The Study and Discussion of Modern Communism Are Part of the Historic Initiative to Turn Things Around in Canada

June 18, 2016 - No. 25

Update on Latin America and the Caribbean
Calls for Strengthening Strategies to Confront Imperialist Intervention in the Region

OAS Assembly Votes to Review Secretary General's Conduct and Expresses Support for Dialogue
U.S. Recognizes Maduro Government's Call for Dialogue and Agrees to High-Level Talks
Opposition Carries Out Recall Process on the Basis of Blackmail and Fraud

First Month of Coup Government Met with Mass Protests 
Coup Leader Facing Expulsion from Congress Threatens to Take Down Other Corrupt Politicians

Government Confirms CIA Attempts at Destabilization

More than 1,000 Students Murdered in Aftermath of Coup
Global Day of Action Demands Justice in Killing of Indigenous Rights Activist

Debate on Cuba's Future Underway - Oscar Sánchez Serra

40th Anniversary of the Soweto Uprising
Signal Contribution of the Courageous South African Students - Isaac Saney

Crimes of the Cold War
Remember the Rosenbergs, Murdered by the U.S. Ruling Circles 63 Years Ago - Dougal MacDonald

June 25, 2016 - No. 26

Essence of Liberals' "Collaborative Approach" to Indigenous Issues
Preparing the Grounds to Exclude and Criminalize All Who Persist in Affirming Hereditary Rights - Philip Fernandez

Need for an Anti-War Government
The Question Is Not Which Fighter Jet But Who Controls Canada's Air Defence - George Allen

Canada -- Near Blissful Refuge for Nazis
Trial of Former Prison Guard Obscures Real Story of Nazi War Criminals - Dougal MacDonald

June 24
Quebec's National Day

Anniversary of Defeat of Meech Lake Accord
Democratic Renewal Continues to Be Order of the Day

JULY 2016

July 2, 2016 - No. 27

149th Anniversary of Confederation
All Out to Give Canada a Modern Constitution and Definition of Rights
A Modern Constitution Is a Historic Necessity

North American Leaders' Summit
Activists Hold Vigorous Picket Against Summit Agenda
New Phase to Entrench the United States of North American Monopolies - Enver Villamizar
Statement of CPC(M-L)
Condemn Mexican Government's Criminal Repression of Teachers and Students!

Say No! to Canada Post's Attacks on Workers and the Public Interest
Postal Workers on the Front Lines Defending Their Rights and the Public Post Office
Trudeau Government's Agenda for Rollbacks and Privatization - Louis Lang
Dangers Posed to Public Post Office by Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal

July 9, 2016 - No. 28

Canada Post's Vicious, Immoral and Irrational Blackmail of Postal Workers
Hold Canada Post and the Trudeau Government to Account for Any Harm that Comes to Postal Workers!

Trudeau Government's Fraudulent Electoral Reform Program
CPC(M-L) Launches Ambitious Battle for Democratic Renewal
"It's Your Democracy" -- Using and Abusing the Big Lie Technique
Government's Program for Consultation on Electoral Reform
Perfunctory House of Commons Special Committee
Significance of Liberal Party's Transformation of "Members" and "Supporters" into "Registered Liberals" - Anna Di Carlo
Liberal Party's New Constitution

NATO War Summit in Warsaw, Poland
All Out to Oppose NATO and Its War Preparations! Dismantle NATO! Get Canada Out of NATO!
No Canadian Troops in the Baltics and Eastern Europe! - Dougal MacDonald

For Your Information
Overview of NATO War Summit

Third Anniversary of Lac-Mégantic Tragedy
Build a Public Authority that Defends the Public Interest, Not Private Monopoly Interest!
Mass Rally in Lac-Mégantic for Rail Safety

New Rail Line Bypassing Town Centre Needed Soon - Robert Bellefleur, Spokesperson, Coalition of Citizens and Groups for Rail Safety
Workers Still Under Framework Where Railways Create and Enforce Their Own Rules - Brian Stevens, Unifor National Rail Director
Massive Layoff of CP Maintenance Workers Jeopardizes Rail Lines and Public Safety - Wade Phillips, Director, Eastern Region, Teamsters Canada Rail Conference, Maintenance of Way Employees Division
Monopolies' Plans for Cameras to Monitor Train Crews Threaten Privacy and Safety - Don Ashley, National Legislative Director, Teamsters Canada Rail Conference

July 17, 2016 - No. 29

All Out to Oppose the United States of North American Monopolies and Its Program for War!
U.S. President's Warmongering Address to Joint Houses of Parliament - Enver Villamizar
Dangerous New Measures Tabled in Parliament

RIMPAC 2016 Naval Exercises
Canada's Participation in Massive U.S.-Led War Games in the Pacific

U.S. War Preparations on Korean Peninsula
Support the Korean People's Opposition to U.S. Missile Defence System in South Korea! - Philip Fernandez
Koreans Militantly Oppose Anti-Missile System
Nefarious "Theory of North Korean Threat"

No to Mexican State Terrorism and Criminalization of Resistance!
Peoples' Human Rights Observatory Calls for Dialogue with Teachers
Letter to Organizations in Canada - Peoples' Human Rights Observatory

Venezuela Fights Back Against U.S. Imperialist-Inspired Counter-Revolution
Workers Take Back Factory from U.S. Company After 1,000 Layoffs
Special Report: Hunger in Venezuela? A Look Beyond the Spin - Christina Schiavoni and William Camacaro, Food First
Reports of Attacks Against Food Distribution Trucks Increase in Venezuela - Jeanette Charles

Note to Our Readers

80th Anniversary of the Spanish Civil War
Long Live the Memory of the Anti-Fascist Resistance in Spain


August 6, 2016 - No. 30

No More Hiroshimas! No More Nagasakis! Canada Needs an Anti-War Government!
All Out to Make Canada a Zone for Peace
No Harbour for War Statement

For Your Information
Facts About U.S. Aims at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Canada's Involvement in the Bombings
U.S. Authorizes Production of New Nuclear Bombs to Be Based in Europe

World Social Forum in Montreal
Social Forum Opens August 9
Canada's Unacceptable Denial of Visas to Participants

Trudeau Government's Duplicity
"All Options Are Open" Approach to Mail Delivery - Pierre Chénier

Decisions on Northern Gateway and Trans Mountain Pipelines
Where Sovereignty Must Be Vested in a Modern Nation - Peggy Morton
Denial of the People's Right to Decide - Barbara Biley
Court Upholds Monopoly Right and Negates the Public Interest - Peggy Askin

For Your Information
Federal Court Overturns Approval of Northern Gateway Pipeline
Federal Government's "Deep Consultations" on Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion

Celebration of Fidel Castro's 90th Birthday

August 13, 2016 - No. 31

Historic Anniversaries
August Celebrations
The Need to Act Is Now, Consciously - Ideological Studies Centre

August 20, 2016 - No. 32

CPC(M-L) Holds August Celebrations
Dawn Ceremony Pays Tribute to the Builders of the Party

In Memoriam -- Jean-Guy Allard
A Journalist with Fidelity to the Cause of Justice

Trudeau Government Escalates War Preparations
Plans for Militarization of Arctic Under U.S. Control - Enver Villamizar

Reject Neo-Liberal Ideological Assault
Finding Something Magical about Private Ownership and Control of Social Property - K.C. Adams

August 27, 2016 - No. 33

Denounce the Intransigence of Canada Post!
Defend the Right of Postal Workers to a Say on Their Working Conditions! - Louis Lang

All Out to Establish an Anti-War Government!
No to War and Imperialist Divide and Rule in the Name of Peace! - Enver Villamizar
Trudeau Government Launches New Program to Meddle in the Affairs of Other Countries
Canada Prowling For a Military Role in Africa

Colombia Peace Agreement
Congratulations on an Historic Achievement!
The Most Beautiful of All Battles - Ivan Marquez, Head of the Peace Delegation of the FARC-EP
Joint Communique #93 -- Government of the Republic of Colombia and FARC-EP

Fora Temer!
Brazilians Vigorously Oppose Coup President During Rio Olympics

U.S. Imperialist Destabilization Attempts in El Salvador
Supreme Court Decisions Support Neo-Liberal and U.S. Interests
Unfolding Events Since the Signing of the Peace Accords - Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front
U.S. Senator's Outrageous Remarks Lead to Reopening of Investigation into FMLN Leader

Korean People's Opposition to U.S. War Preparations
Huge U.S.-South Korean War Exercises Underway
DPRK Permanent Representative to the UN Security Council
Opposes Aggressive "Ulji Freedom Guardian (UFG)" War Exercises

Week Five of Opposition to U.S. Missile Defence -- "Seongju Is Korea and Korea Is Seongju" - Hyun Lee

top of the page


September 3, 2016 - No. 34

Major Concerns Facing the Working Class Movement
Control Over Our Lives and Work Is a Major Issue - Rolf Gerstenberger
Trudeau Government's Negation of Workers' Rights - Pierre Chénier

Canada Post and CUPW Reach Tentative Agreement
Postal Workers Will Continue to Oppose Threats Against Them and the Public Post Office- Louis Lang

Temporary Foreign Worker Program
Liberals' Proposed "Middle Ground" Steps Up Low-Wage Agenda - Peggy Askin
Alberta Federation of Labour President Speaks Out after Meeting with Federal Labour Minister

U.S.-Backed Destabilization Attempts in Latin America
Bolivarian Forces Take Decisive Measures to Prevent New Coup in Venezuela
Bolivian Government Moves to Assert Sovereign Control Over Resources and Stop Destabilization
Violence in the Face of Sovereign Changes to Mining Policy in Bolivia - Camila Vollenweider, Centro Estratégico Latinoamericano de Geopolítica (CELAG)
Coup President Installed by Senate in Brazil
Speech of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff to the Federal Senate

September 10, 2016 - No. 35

Trudeau Government Launches "Consultation on National Security"
All Out to Repeal Bill C-51
Bill C-51 Should Be Repealed Not Amended - Peggy Morton
Sham Consultations and Sham Balance of Security and Rights - Christian Legeais

Exponential Growth of Disinformation
Role of Powerful Private Interests and the Necessity to Build Our Own Organizations and Media- Sam Heaton

Quebec Government's "Plan to Fight Radicalization"
A Police State By Any Other Name - Pauline Easton
A Dangerous Precedent - Diane Johnston
New Arrangements to Criminalize Resistance Struggles in the Name of Protecting Persons - Fernand Deschamps

Black Ops Behind Claims About Radicalization
BC Court Finds RCMP Organized Terrorist Plot - Matthew Behrens

Trudeau Government's Program for War
No U.S. or Other Foreign Warships in Canadian Waters! - No Harbour for War
Liberals' Unfolding Plan for War in Africa - Enver Villamizar

September 17, 2016 - No. 36

What to Expect as Parliament Opens
Government Gears Up for "Relentless Implementation" of Anti-Social Offensive
Liberal Government's Phony Consultations
Self-Serving Neo-Liberal Definition of Middle Class
- K.C. Adams -
Canada's International Agenda

Matters of Concern at the United Nations
71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly
Defence Ministers' Meeting on Reform of UN Peacekeeping

End the U.S. Blockade of Cuba
Cuba Prepares for 25th Annual UN Condemnation of Blockade
U.S. Prevents Spanish Bank from Offering Services to Cuba

September 24, 2016 - No. 37

Trudeau Government's Electoral Reform
Unrepresentative Consultations Will Not Legitimate an Unrepresentative Democracy - Sam Heaton
Update on Work of Special Parliamentary Committee on Electoral Reform

Trudeau Government's Imperialist Globalization and Empire-Building
  • Canadians Need Human-Centred Nation-Building Which Upholds the Rights of All
Control of International Trade - K.C. Adams

Campaign to Elect a War President for the United States
Strengthen the Struggle for Rights and an Anti-War Government!
Elections and the Danger of a Hot Civil War - Voice of Revolution

All Out to Support Peace Agreement and Ceasefire in Colombia
The Factors for Peace - Margaret Villamizar
Process for Adoption of Colombian Peace Agreement and Implementation of Measures Related to Disarmament
Political Declaration of the 10th National Guerrilla Conference of the FARC-EP

top of the page


October 1, 2016 - No. 38

Trudeau Government's Electoral Reform
Electoral Reform in the Age of the Cartel Party System
Dubious "Electoral Reform Dialogue" in Vancouver - Anne Jamieson

Letter to the Editor
From Royal Commission to Townhall Meeting to "Teleforum with Residents"

Editorial Comment
What It Means to Be Entitled in Canada

Death of Former Israeli President Shimon Peres
War Criminal Converted into Pacifist - Tony Seed

No to Canada's Participation in U.S.-Led Regime Change in Syria!
Oppose the Use of Force, Provocation and State Terrorism
Condemn Crime of U.S. Bombing of Syria - Voice of Revolution
Hands Off Syria! U.S. Out of the Middle East! - United National Anti-War Coalition
Call to Nominate Unsavoury Group for Nobel Peace Prize

All Out to Uphold the Right to Be of Indigenous Nations
Reconciliation Must Be More than Symbolic - Union of BC Indian Chiefs
Onondaga 15 Defendants Face Sculduggery in Fight for
Redress from New York State

Determined Defence of Treaty Rights by Standing Rock Sioux in North Dakota

Militant Resistance to Criminalization of People's Struggle for Rights in U.S.
Salute Resistance in Charlotte to Police Killings and Impunity - Voice of Revolution

For Your Information
United Nations Experts Extremely Concerned About Human Rights Situation of African Americans

For Your Information
Resistance at Standing Rock

October 8, 2016 - No. 39

Uphold Indigenous Rights!
Sisters in Spirit Vigils Affirm that Struggle for Rights and Justice Is Indivisible
Actions Across the Country Demand Justice
Prime Minister's Misplaced Plea for Understanding
Native Women's Association of Canada Disappointed with Lack of Progress in National Inquiry
October 10 Indigenous Day of Action -- Time for Deeds Not Words - Defenders of the Land

Neo-Liberal Assault on Health Care Continues
Contradictions Sharpen Between Federal Government and Provinces - Barbara Biley

A Continuing Discussion on Taxation
Where Does the Money Come from for Social Programs and Public Services? - K.C. Adams

October 2 Plebiscite in Colombia
Discussion of Significance of Plebiscite Results - Margaret Villamizar
Voter Manipulation Exposed
Meeting of National Government and FARC-EP Delegations
What Is Canada Up to in Colombia?

October 15, 2016 - No. 40

Electoral Reforms in the Era of the Cartel Party System
How the Cartel Parties Micro-Target Electors - Interview, Anna Di Carlo, National Leader, Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada

Liberal Plan to Expand Temporary Foreign Worker Program
Parliamentary Report Continues Anti-Worker Agenda - Peggy Askin
Canadians Speak Out Against Worker Trafficking and Abuse

Changes to Canada Pension Plan
Security in Retirement Is a Human Right! - K.C. Adams

Confronting Massive Damage by Hurricane Matthew
Cuban Government and People Stand with Hurricane Victims
Haiti Faces Serious Challenges with Support of Cuba and Venezuela

El Salvador
Victory Against Canadian Mining Giant at World Bank Tribunal

Puerto Rico
Vigorous Rejection of U.S.-Imposed Control Board
Exploitation by Global Biotech Monopolies

U.S. President Issues Directive Consolidating Changes to Cuba Policy
U.S. Has Fined 49 Companies for Violating Blockade against Cuba
Annual Vigil Honours Victims of Terrorism

October 22, 2016 - No. 41

One Year of Liberal Rule
Trudeau Government's Logic of National Betrayal

Canada Calls on UN Members to Betray Charter to Authorize Aggression Against Syria
Canada Champions U.S. Cause to Prolong War to Achieve Regime Change
General Assembly Briefing on Humanitarian Situation
Phony Pretexts for Regime Change
Prospect that Election of a U.S. War President Will Unleash War

Criminalization of Puerto Rican Independence Struggle
Mass Rally at White House Demands Immediate Unconditional Release of Political Prisoner Oscar López Rivera

Attack on Brazil's Constitution and Democracy
Coup Government's Constitutional Amendment Imposes Neo-Liberal Cuts to Social Spending
Mass Actions in Defence of Social Programs
Spurious Case Against Former President Da Silva 

Peace Process in Colombia
Ceasefire Extended
Interview with FARC Commander Iván Márquez
Toronto Rally Affirms Demand for Peace with Social Justice

All Out to End U.S. Blockade on Cuba
Worldwide Actions on Eve of Annual UN Vote

Anniversary of the 1956 Suez Crisis
Myth of Canada the Peacemaker

October 29, 2016 - No. 42

One Year of Liberal Rule
Trudeau Government's Labour Code Amendments Introduce "Flexibility" to Enforce Anti-Social Offensive - Pierre Chénier
Missing Factor in the Working Class Movement for Emancipation - K.C. Adams

Canada's Trade Deal with the European Union
The Premise of CETA
Making Sense of CETA -- Second Edition - Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Electoral Reform in Prince Edward Island
Plebiscite Begins

Recall Referendum Process Suspended Following Exposure of Widespread Irregularities
U.S.-Backed Opposition Calls for Coup d'État
Canada's Role in Organizing Reactionary Regime Change

Unanimous Vote at UN to End U.S. Blockade
Overwhelming Victory for Cuba! - Isaac Saney
Might Does Not Make Right!
Arrogant Remarks by U.S. Ambassador Explaining Abstention - Yi Nicholls

U.S. President's October 14 Policy Directive
The Small Print - Sergio Alejandro Gómez
Ten Key Questions - Granma

Canadians Organize to Support Hurricane Relief Efforts
Hurricane Matthew Relief and Reconstruction for Cuba Campaign - Canadian Network on Cuba
Notice to Members of the Canadian Network on Cuba - Keith Ellis, Chair, Hurricane Matthew Relief and Reconstruction Campaign

Cuba-U.S. Relations
Talk with Josefina Vidal

top of the page


November 5, 2016 - No. 43

November 8 U.S. Election
What It Means When America's Two Most Unwanted Vie for Election - Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)
Campaign Serves to Eliminate Political Parties and Undermine Fight for People's Empowerment - U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization
Discrediting Presidential Elections Deepens Possibilities for Federal Intervention and Civil War
Justice Department Reduces Federal Observers at Polling Places for Presidential Election

Courageous People's Resistance in the U.S.
Defiance and Resistance at Standing Rock Continues
Prisoners Continue to Condemn Modern-Day Slavery
U.S.-Mexico Border Convergence Defends Rights, Opposes Militarization and U.S. Foreign Policy - School of the Americas Watch

Criminal War Against Yemen
U.S. Guilty of War Crimes - Voice of Revolution
Hiding U.S. Role in Yemen Slaughter So Bombing Can Be Sold as "Self-Defense" - Adam Johnson
U.S. and UK Continue to Actively Participate in Saudi War Crimes, Targeting of Yemeni Civilians - Glenn Greenwald

99th Anniversary of Balfour Declaration

November 12, 2016 - No. 44

On the Significance of U.S. Presidential Election Results
The End of "Business As Usual"

One Year of Liberal Rule
Government to Launch New Online Consultation on Electoral Reform
Trudeau Liberals' Callous View Towards the Youth - Pierre Chénier
Canada Taken Further Down Treasonous Path - Enver Villamizar

Results of PEI Electoral Reform Plebiscite
Algorithm Establishes Majority Choice

NATO Ministerial Meeting and Related Developments
No to the Encirclement of Russia! Dismantle NATO!
Canadian Military Buildup in Eastern Europe and Baltic States

No Harbour for War
All Out to Oppose 8th Annual Halifax Security Forum!

National Student Day of Action
Students Demand Elimination of Tuition Fees and Affirm Education Is a Right

Continental Day of Action for Democracy and Against Neo-Liberalism
Not One Step Back! Struggles for Integration, Self-Determination and Sovereignty Continue

November 19, 2016 - No. 45

99th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution
The Birth of the New
Leninism: An Ideology Indispensable for Opening the Path for the Progress of Society - Hardial Bains
The Necessity for Analysis of the Contemporary Conditions - K.C. Adams

November 26, 2016 - No. 46

In Memoriam
¡Hasta la Victoria Siempre, Fidel!
Message from Cuban President Raúl Castro
Decree on National Period of Mourning - Council of State of the Republic of Cuba
Press Release Regarding Nationwide Tributes to Fidel - Funeral Organizing Commission

Vigils to Honour the Revolutionary Life and Work of Fidel 

Remembering the Life and Work of Fidel Castro
Statement of the Canadian Network on Cuba
Principles Are Worth More Than Life Itself - Fidel Castro, 1994 -
One Hundred Images of the Cuban Revolution -- 1953-1996 - Introduction by Abel Prieto

top of the page


December 3, 2016 - No. 47

Trudeau Government's Program for Electoral Reform
Minister of Democratic Institutions "Walks Crookedly"
The Anti-Social Method of Ordering Preferences - Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada
Nefarious Aim of Consultations on Electoral Reforms - Sam Heaton

For Your Information
Special Committee Issues Report
Government Introduces Amendments to Canada Elections Act
Process to "Clean Up Data" on Register of Electors
Register of Future Electors

Canada Hosts International Meeting on Syria
Canada's Quandary Over What Happens Post-U.S. Election - Pauline Easton
Plotting Against the Peace - Margaret Villamizar
Mont Tremblant Meeting

Anniversary of November 2015 Paris Attack
Rule by Exception and Violation of Rights Become the New Normal - Christian Legeais
French Government Announces Massive Database of Personal Information

New Peace Agreement Ratified in Colombia
Peace Process Defended

Urgent Call from Network in Defense of Humanity
Petition Campaign for Freedom of Oscar Lopez Rivera

Supplement -- December 4
Farewell, Dear Comrade, Farewell
Mighty Expressions of Profound Respect, Gratitude and Social Love

December 10, 2016 - No. 48

International Human Rights Day
All Human Beings Have Rights by Virtue of Being Human - CPC(M-L)
Communism and Human Rights - Hardial Bains
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- Backgrounder

Oppose Canada's Aggression Against Syria
No to Intervention in Syria in the Name of Responsibility to Protect! - CPC(M-L)
Promotion of "White Helmets" Serves Nefarious Aims - Enver Villamizar

Trudeau Government's Modern-Day Consultocracy
Reactionary Program to "Reinvent Government" - Sam Heaton

Approval of Kinder Morgan and Enbridge Line 3 Pipelines
Two Very Different and Distinct Canadas Have Emerged - Philip Fernandez
The Oil Pipeline Circus - K.C. Adams
Ongoing Mass Actions Oppose Kinder Morgan Pipeline

Barack Obama's Legacy
U.S. President Targets Entire World for Attack by Special Operations Forces

Developments on Korean Peninsula
South Korean President Impeached as Millions Demand Resignation
The People Say "Enough" and Want Change - Interview, H.P. Chung Spokesperson, Canadian 6.15 Committee
Statement by Overseas Koreans in U.S. and Canada
Canadian Actions in Support of Korean People
DPRK Rejects Unjust Attempt to Isolate It and Violate Human Rights of Its Citizens

December 17, 2016 - No. 49

U.S. Presidential Election Results
Significance for the Workers' Movement
Need to Confront Government of Police Powers by Building the New - U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization

Trump's Program to "Make America Great Again"
The Art of the Deal
Peace Through Strength
Concern with Manufacturing and Industry 

For Your Information
Election Results
Positions of Trade Unions
Increase of Civil War Scenarios
Eliminating the Human Factor/Social Consciousness
Bot Use in the U.S. Election

December 26, 1862
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