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INDEX 2021


JAN | FEB | MAR | APR | MAY |  JUN |  JUL | AUG | SEP | OCT | NOV | DEC |

No. 1 - January 3, 2021

26th Anniversary of CPC(M-L)'s Historic Initiative
A Nation-Building Project Like No Other

62nd Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution
Long Live the Cuban Revolution!

Canadian Network on Cuba Hosts Successful
26-Hour Global Virtual Picket

Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples
Celebrates 60th Anniversary

217th Anniversary of the Haitian Revolution
Long Live the Haitian People's Historic Struggle
for Rights and Liberty

Rights Won: Argentina Legalizes Abortion - Yolanda Machado 

No. 2 - February 7, 2021

Groups Designated Terrorist Organizations
Governance of Police Powers Does Not Protect Rights or Democratic Values

- Steve Rutchinski and Pauline Easton 

Canada and Lima Group Continue Unacceptable Stand on Venezuela
Denounce Canada's Self-Serving Foreign Policy - Margaret Villamizar 

The Need for a New Direction for the Economy
Media Talk Covers Up Need for Political Action by Worker Politicians - K.C. Adams 

• Actual Lack of Employment Versus Officially Recognized Unemployment

- Pierre Chénier 

Annual Davos Forum's Latest Shenanigans
• World Economic Forum Calls for a "Great Reset"

The "Great Reset" of Imperialism

What to Expect from a Biden Presidency
Inauguration of Joe Biden -- A Poem by Sacha

Biden, Racial Justice and a Dream Deferred

Biden's Initial Actions and People's Resistance - Kathleen Chandler 

Contending Authorities Contest Biden's Call for Unity

Food Insecurity in the United States and the Need for a
New Direction for the Economy

Indian Farmers
Women Farmers Day Honours Their Role in the Forefront of the Indian Farmers' Fight for Rights - Janice Murray 

• Farmers in Their Millions Valiantly Continue Their Fight for the Repeal of Neo-Liberal Farm Laws - J. Singh and Meera Kaur 

Canada's National Farmers Union Stands with Indian Farmers  - National Farmers Union 

• Why India's Farmers Are Protesting - NFU Backgrounder

No. 3 - March 7, 2021

March 8 -- International Women's Day
Women Workers Must Lead the Struggle for Political Renewal and Empowerment

Summit Between Canadian Prime Minister and U.S. President
Further Integration into U.S. Economy and War Machine Will Not Resolve Canada's Lack of a Nation-Building Project - K.C. Adams

Canada's Foreign Policy an Extension of U.S. Warmongering in the Name of High Ideals
Uphold Cuba's Right to Self-Determination! No to Colonial and Imperial Policies! - Isaac Saney
Demand for Canada to Revise Its Policy Towards Haiti

In the Parliament
Odious Modus Operandi to Lend Legitimacy to Criminalization of Speech and Opinion - Anna Di Carlo
Threat Inflation Undermines Freedom of Speech - Peter Ewart

Crimes Committed in the Name of the Greater Good
Mitting Inquiry's Revelations on the Scope of British Undercover Policing - Michael Chant

People in the U.S. Determined to Decide What Constitutes Justice
No Let Up of People's Protests
Police Impunity Is Dred Scott Legacy - Kathleen Chandler
Trial of George Floyd's Killer Gets Underway in Minneapolis
Rome Is Burning

Anniversary of Declaration of COVID-19 Pandemic
Global Response Required to Overcome Global Pandemic and Its Effects on Health and the Economy
Situation in Canada

No. 4 - April 4, 2021

In the Parliament
Legislation Before the House of Commons
Amendments to Oath of Citizenship Contain Neither Truth Nor Reconciliation - Steve Rutchinski
Bill C-10 Eliminates Principle of Canadian Ownership and Control of Broadcasting System - Anna Di Carlo
Enhancing Cyber Security Under the Guise of "Economic Development" - Pierre Soublière

Abuse of Indigenous Peoples Continues
Indigenous Communities Have a Human Right to Safe Drinking Water - Philip Fernandez

Opposition to Spurious Definition of Anti- Semitism
Zionist Definition of Anti-Semitism Must Not Pass! - Diane Johnston
Jewish Voices and Faculty Oppose Adoption of Ill- Conceived Definition

Solidarity with Cuba
Canadian Solidarity Network to Send Significant Shipment of Medical Supplies to Cuba
Bridges of Love Worldwide Car Caravans Against the Blockade of Cuba

International Solidarity with the People of Haiti
Montrealers Stand with the Haitian People - TML Correspondent
Mass Mobilizations Repudiate Moïse Government and Referendum on Constitution
Letter in Solidarity with the People of Haiti in Their Fight for Democracy, Justice and Reparations

45th Anniversary of Palestinian Land Day
Uphold Palestinian Right of Return! Support Palestinian Resistance!
International Criminal Court Begins Investigation of Israeli Crimes Against the Palestinian People - Hilary LeBlanc
Israel Steps Up Illegal Destruction of Palestinian Homes and Property
Zionists' Criminal Denial of Vaccines to Palestinians - Nick Lin

No. 5 - May 9, 2021

Big Pharma Cartel Reaps Maximum Profit from COVID-19 Pharmacare
There Is an Alternative! - K.C. Adams 

COVID-19 Pharmacare Pay-the-Rich Programs

Infrastructure Development to Pay the Rich
Time for Democratic Renewal and a New Direction for the Economy!

Manitoba Bill 57, Protection of Critical Infrastructure Act
Preparation for All-Out Criminalization of People
Fighting for Their Rights
- Barbara Biley 

Main Features of Bill 57

Federal Government's Attempt to Escape Its Responsibilities to Indigenous Peoples
Canada's Self-Serving Definition of UN Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Philip Fernandez 

Haudenosaunee Affirm Sovereignty -- Declare Moratorium to End Further Development on Haldimand Tract

Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Chiefs Denounce Latest Criminal Act by Canada

1850 Robinson Treaties Annuities Case
Justice Denied - David Starbuck 

Permanent Resident Status For All Now!
"Exclusion, Disappointment, Chaos and Exploitation" -- Migrant Rights Network Report

Canada Refuses to Deal with Its Discriminatory Immigration Practices - Steve Rutchinski 

Federal Budget Fails to Deliver Immigration Rights,
Continues Focus on Failed Temporary Programs

Coming Event: March on Ottawa, July 18-25

U.S. President Biden's First 100 Days
The Fraud of Claiming Human Rights to Hide More U.S. Crimes Against Humanity

- Kathleen Chandler

International Commission of Legal Experts Recommends Investigation of U.S. for Crimes Against Humanity

Mass Protests Led to Chauvin's Conviction; Now They're Being Criminalized

- Barbara Ransby 

Latin America and the Caribbean
People's Forces in Action Fighting for Democracy and the Right to Be

Life and Death Struggle in Defence of Sovereignty and People's Right to Take Decisions

Youth on Front Lines of People's Fight for Rights and Against State Terror

Colombian People, at Home and Abroad, Standing as One in the Face of Murderous Repression - Garnet Colly 

Transitional Justice and Judicial Independence Under Attack

Nation-Building Resumes, Coup Forces Face Justice

Citizens to Elect Assembly to Draft New Constitution May 15-16

Supreme Court Nullifies All Charges Against Lula

No. 6 - June 6, 2021

Denounce Inhuman Measures Which Deprive Humanity of Treatment for COVID-19
Trudeau Government Endorses Obscene Profiteering from a Cruel Illness
Suspension of Intellectual Property Rights on COVID-19 Vaccines Is a Humanitarian Necessity
COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access Missed Targets - Nhan Dan
Urgent Need to Lift Sanctions Which Deprive Entire Countries of Protections Against COVID-19
Alternatives Exist!

Surge in Corporate Profits During Pandemic
Imperialist Vaccine Pharmacare Reaps New Billionaires
Mergers and Acquisitions Occurring at Record Clip
Federal Government Wage Subsidies Expand Profits of Big Companies During Pandemic - Workers' Centre of CPC(ML)

Working People Must Wield Decision-Making Power Over Our Natural Resources
Aluminum Industry Plans to Pay the Rich for Modernization
Aluminum Industry's "Project ELYSIS" Characterized as "Progressive Modernization" - K.C. Adams
Working People of Alberta and Their Allies Confront Australian Coal Billionaires - Dr. Dougal MacDonald
BC Wild Berries Are Unfit for Human and Animal Consumption - Peter Ewart
Quebec's Forests Are More than Trees to Harvest - Pierre Soublière
Mexico, Glyphosate and Bayer-Monsanto

No. 7 - July 4, 2021

In the Parliament
Incoherent Legislation and Crisis- Ridden Proceedings - Anna Di Carlo
Government Tables Controversial "Anti-Hate" Legislation

For Us, Accountability Begins at Home
Where Responsibility Lies for the Brutal Legacy of Canada's Residential School System - Pauline Easton
When the Past of the Racist Canadian State Is Also Its Present - Philip Fernandez
More Unmarked Graves Discovered in BC

Urgent Need to Humanize the Natural and Social Environment!
Pfizer-BioNTech Demands Canada Pay Premium for Vaccine - K.C. Adams
Record High Heat Waves, Forest Fires and Floods Raise Alarm as Never Before - Nick Lin
BC Premier Declares Fatalities from Heat Wave "Part of Life"
Glyphosate and Freedom of Speech
Guts and Glyphosate - Peter Ewart

U.S. Imperialist-Led Brinkmanship Increases Danger of War
Staged Provocation Against Russia in Black Sea - Steve Rutchinski
U.S. President Launches Illegal Airstrikes on Syria and Iraq
U.S. Tech Monopolies Gather Allies to Attack China
Investing in Israeli Cybersecurity, Intelligence and Physical Security Technologies

No. 8 - August 1, 2021

Elections or No Elections
Matters of Concern to the Polity

Fight for the Rights of All and Make Canada a Zone for Peace!

The Spectre of Cyber Warfare Elections and the Need to
Make Canada a Zone for Peace

- Anna Di Carlo -

Canada Joins U.S. Claims of Cyber Attacks and
Preparations for War

- Pauline Easton -

Infrastructure Spending to Maintain Class Privilege and Control
and Further Integrate Canada into U.S. War Economy

- Barbara Biley -

For Your Information

COVID-19 Update for Canada

Congratulations to 1492 Land Back Lane Defenders
Haudenosaunee of the Grand River Win Another Land Battle - Philip Fernandez 

75th Anniversary of the Stelco Strike of '46
The Contribution of Steelworkers to Steeltown  - Rolf Gerstenberger 

Salute to USW Local 1005 and the Spirit of '46

75th Anniversary of the Stelco Strike of '46

Poem: The Spirit of '46  - Bill Mahoney 

Mass Workers' Rally at BlackRock's New York Headquarters
Striking Alabama Coal Miners Adopt Bold Slogan We Are One!

Increasing Conflicts Among U.S. Policing Agencies
• Battle Over Federal and State Authority:
U.S. Department of Justice Sues Texas Governor
 - Kathleen Chandler 

Texas Governor Adds More State Troopers on the Border

Farmers' Fight for the Rights of All Continues Unabated  - Jaspal Singh

No. 9 - September 5, 2021

20 Years After 9/11 Tragedy
The Losses We Mourn and the Challenges We Accept
Frustrated U.S. Spirit of Revenge More Deadly Than Ever

Humiliating Defeat of U.S. and NATO in Afghanistan
Another Empire Bites the Dust
Humiliation of the "World's Most Powerful Military" - Kathleen Chandler
Get Canada Out of the U.S. War Machine and Make Canada a Zone for Peace!
- Margaret Villamizar

Biden's Attempts to Use Threats to Overcome U.S. Humiliation
The People of Afghanistan Played Decisive Role in U.S. Defeat
Massive U.S. Spending Fuels Corruption and Backward Conditions in Afghanistan

United States
Living in a Period of Darkest Reaction

Hail Vietnam National Day!
76 Years of National Independence

73rd Anniversary of Founding of Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Stand with the Korean People to Achieve Peace and National Reunification

Brutal Assaults of Indian State Against Peaceful Farmers
State Violence Will Not Save India - J. Singh

Devastating August 14 Earthquake in Haiti
All Out to Support the Haitian People's Struggle to Recover
We Must Support Local Organizations in Haiti - Solidarité QuébecHaiti
On the Situation Facing the Heroic Haitian People - Interview, Frantz André, Solidarité QuébecHaiti

No. 10 - October 10, 2021

Results of the 44th General Election
Wasteful Pandemic Election Solves No Problem Whatsoever - Dougal MacDonald
Trudeau's "Gamble" - Pauline Easton
Show of Contempt for the Polity - Margaret Villamizar

Dangerous War Preparations
Oppose Attempts to Embroil Canada in U.S. Ballistic Missile Defence - K.C. Adams

Calls for U.S. Homeland Security to Help Curb Gun Violence in Quebec
Using Fire to Fight Fire Could Backfire - Geneviève Royer

United States
International Tribunal on U.S. Human Rights Violations
Nationwide Actions Stand as One for Women's Rights - Voice of Revolution
U.S. Supreme Court Undermines Its Own Rules - Voice of Revolution
Opposition to Illegal and Cruel Treatment of Haitian Refugees - Diane Johnston
Fraud of the Debt Ceiling Debate - Kathleen Chandler

No to U.S. Terrorism and Aggression Against Cuba! Celebrate Cuba's Contributions to Humanity's Well- Being!
People's Peace Prize Awarded to Cuba's International Medical Brigade
Cuban Independence Day, October 10
45th Anniversary of U.S.-Backed Terrorist Attack on Air Cubana Flight 455, October 6, 1976

Building Unity in the Diversity of Our America
Successful 6th Summit of Community of Latin American and Caribbean States

Solidarity with the People of the Philippines
Vigil Honours Victims and Survivors of Marcos Dictatorship by Calling for Ouster of Duterte Regime
End Canada's Support for Duterte Regime and Abuses of Human Rights - Steve Rutchinski

No. 11 - November 7, 2021

44th Parliament
New Cabinet Will Create Further Damage
Trudeau's "Government by Cabinet" Cannot Hide Use of  Prerogative Powers - Anna Di Carlo

Canada's Pay-the-Rich Schemes to Address Climate Crisis
Meaning of Trudeau's "Roadmap to Get There" - Pauline Easton

Covering Up Need for Democratic Renewal and Anti-War Government
Trudeau Pushes to Establish NATO "Climate Security" Centre in Canada - Tony Seed
Prime Minister's Modus Operandi of Using Unverifiable Remarks to Arouse Passions - Renewal Update

For Your Information
Facebook Algorithms to Promote Violence, Hatred and Conspiracy Theories - Peggy Morton
NATO's New Domain of Cognitive Warfare

Latest Federal Challenge to Human Rights Tribunal Decision Smacks of Coercion and Blackmail
All Out to Oppose State-Organized Racist Discrimination and Social Irresponsibility! Hold the Government to Account! - Philip Fernandez

Canada's Role in New International Pay-the-Rich Corporate Tax Scheme
Oligopolies Organize Direct Assault on Sovereignty of Nations - K.C. Adams
Peoples and Nations Have the Right and Social Responsibility to Determine Their Own Affairs
Forces Behind Two-Pillar Plan on International Tax Reform and Who It Serves
OECD Tax Deal Is a Mockery of Fairness -- Oxfam
United States as a Tax Haven

Biden's Build Back Better Bill in Congress
A Good Deal for Financial Oligarchy

Anniversary of Great October Socialist Revolution
A Watershed Moment Still in the Making

No. 12 - December 12, 2021

Matters of Concern to the Polity
Parliament Becomes Increasingly Irrelevant to Decision-Making - Anna Di Carlo  
Government's Subservient Foreign Policy - Margaret Villamizar

COVID-19 Update
Situation in Canada with Vaccinations and New Variants - Nick Lin
  Countries Deprived of Vaccines

U.S. "Summit for Democracy"
Futile U.S. Efforts to Dictate Outcome of Crisis of Democracy - Kathleen Chandler
Urgent Need for People's Empowerment
Elections and Fear that Democracy Is in a "Death Spiral"

UN Climate Conference Fails to Humanize Natural or Social Environment
Program of Climate Crisis Profiteering and Pay-the-Rich Schemes
Mass Actions Expose "Global Greenwashing Festival"
Peoples' Forces Walk Out in Disgust
Climate Activists' Assessment of COP26
Main Points of Glasgow Climate Pact

Developments in Latin America and the Caribbean
November 15, a Day of Celebration in Cuba
Important Elections Held in Three Countries
Venezuelan Government Responds to Canada's Interference
Canadian Government Interferes in Nicaragua's Affairs
Dubious Credentials and Mission of Proposed New U.S. Ambassador to Argentina
Mass Actions in Bolivia Defend Democracy, the Elected Government and Justice

Invigorating Success Achieved by Indian Farmers
Historic Success Is Sure to Lead to Historic Victory - J. Singh



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