TML Archives

Articles on Ukraine


2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022


Turmoil in Ukraine

• Contending Oligarchs and Their Imperialist Masters Feed the Rise of Neo-Nazism

Crimes in the Name of Democracy

• Essence of the Matter in Ukraine

• Dirty Hand of U.S. Imperialists Comes to Light

• Long-Standing U.S. and Canadian Links with Ukrainian Fascists 


• Crimea Declares Its Independence and Proclaims a Sovereign State

• Strategic and Geopolitical Implications of Crimea's Decision

• What Is the Trouble and Who Are the Troublemakers? - Nathan J. Freeman


• Lost in the White House Hall of Mirrors - Nathan J. Freeman

Amid Wrecking Efforts of the U.S. and the EU in Ukraine

• Putin-Medvedev Plan to Replace Post- Soviet State with a Federal Arrangement - Nathan J. Freeman

Developments in Ukraine

• Votes for Independence in Eastern Ukraine

• IMF and Ukrainian Government Burden People with $17-Billion Loan

• Will Putin's Referendum Triumph Survive Ukraine's May Elections? - Nathan J. Freeman

• Solidarity with the Ukrainian People - Danish Communist Party

Sixth BRICS Summit Held in Brazil

• Growing Opposition to the International Dictate of U.S. Imperialism

Canada Joins Sanctions Against Russia

• Reject Canada's Warmongering

For Your Information

• The Return of George Orwell and Big Brother's War:On Israel, Ukraine and Truth (Excerpt) - John Pilger
TML Weekly No. 40, November 8

Rada Elections in Ukraine

• A Battle of the Billionaires that Has Split Ukraine - Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

• Russian Gas and the UkraineMiguel Guaglianone
TML Daily No. 98, November 24

Oppose Canada's Promotion of Darkest Reaction in the Name of Freedom and Democracy

• Harper Dictatorship's Involvement in Promoting Neo-Nazi Revival - Dougal MacDonald

• Canada Joins U.S. and Ukraine in Voting Against Anti-Nazi Resolution



• Key Points of Vladimir Putin's Annual State of the Nation Address


• Ukrainian Jewish Refugees to be Granted Israeli Citizenship while West Supports Neo-Nazi Parties - Dr. Christof Lehmann

Definitions of What Threatens the Security of Canada

• Harper Government's Perplexing Stand on Anti-Semitism - Pauline Easton

• House of Commons Adopts Motion Attacking Criticism of Israel -- Old and New Definitions of Anti-Semitism

For Your Information

• Nazi Collaborators in Ukraine and Harper Government's Concern for Anti-Semitism


• Crisis Continues to Deepen

• Canada Hopelessly Sides with Anti-People Forces

• Canada's Participation in Foreign Intervention in Ukraine and NATO Aim of Encircling Russia

• Canadians Join Nazi Battalions in Civil War - Dougal MacDonald

Harper Government's Extremism in Contempt of Canadian Values

• Canadian Troops to Be Sent to Ukraine - Louis Lang

• Shameless Warmongering Hyperbole from Citizenship and Immigration Minister

Commemorate First Anniversary of Odessa Massacre in Ukraine

• Brutal Atrocities of Kiev Regime Must Be Stopped!

• Disinformation Obscures Ferocious Battles Among Ruling Oligarchs - Dougal MacDonald

In the News

• Kiev Nationalists' Remember World War II by Pledging to "Destroy Moscow"

• Canadians Commemorate Odessa Massacre by Calling for Removal of Troops from Ukraine and Defeat of Harper Government

European Union Summit in Riga

• EU Pulls Away from Ukraine and Its Eastern Partnership - Alexander Mercouris

Oppose Harper Government's Nation-Wrecking and Warmongering!

• Blatant Interference in Ukraine's Internal Affairs - George Allen


Canada Needs an Anti-War Government

• Oppose the Liberal Government's Hypocritical Promotion of an Aggressive Role for Canada!

• Supporting Extremism in Ukraine

NATO War Summit in Warsaw, Poland

• All Out to Oppose NATO and Its War Preparations! Dismantle NATO! Get Canada Out of NATO!

• No Canadian Troops in the Baltics and Eastern Europe! - Dougal MacDonald

• Overview of NATO War Summit

NATO Ministerial Meeting and Related Developments

• No to the Encirclement of Russia! Dismantle NATO!

• Canadian Military Buildup in Eastern Europe and Baltic States


Falsifications of History to Cover Up War Crimes Today

• The Apologies for Canada's Foreign Minister

• What to Make of Foreign Minister's Attempts to Deceive Canadians - Tony Seed

• Attempts by Nazi Collaborators of Yesteryear and Warmongers of Today to Escape the Verdict of History - Pauline Easton

• Shameful Equivocation by Modern-Day Collaborators 

Unacceptable Conception of "Canada, a Land of Refuge"

• Liberals Advance Despicable Memorial Project - Louis Lang

• Tribute to Liberty's Definition of Victims of Communism

Letters to the Editor

• Arguments About "Minimal Compliance" - Mira Katz

• The Name of Vladimir Lenin Is Monumental -- No Anti-Communist "Monument" Can Tarnish It - Anne Jamieson

For Your Information

• War Crimes, Ukrainian Nationalists and the Canadian State - Peggy Morton

• The Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals in Canada (Deschênes Commission) - Peggy Morton

Canada's Participation in U.S. Imperialist War Preparations

• All Out to Make Canada a Zone for Peace!

• Canada Leads NATO Mission in Latvia

• Unacceptable Military Intervention in Ukraine - Tony Seed

• Undisclosed Canada-Ukraine Defence Cooperation Agreement

Canada-Ukraine Defence Agreement Signed

• An Arms Agreement for War - Tony Seed

Canadians Uphold Cause of Peace and Freedom

• Call for Fair and Independent Investigation of May 2, 2014 Massacre in Odessa, Ukraine - Russian Congress of Canada

Background on Canada-Ukraine Defence Agreement

• A "Rich, Mutually Beneficial" Arms Trade - Tony Seed

NATO Leaders Summit Advances European Military Buildup

• Imperialist "Terrorism and Burden Sharing" Agenda Increases Danger of War

Canadian Forces Mobilized for Aggressive War and Occupation

• Canadian Soldiers Arrive in Latvia for Aggressive NATO Mission

• Scope of Canadian Mission in Ukraine Expanded

Demolition of Anti-Fascist Memorials in Poland

• Polish Ruling Class Falsifications About Country's Liberation from Nazi Rule - Dougal MacDonald

Canada's Unacceptable Mission in Ukraine

• Longstanding, Far-Ranging and Unprecedented Intervention - Tony Seed

• Integration of Ukraine into NATO

• Participation of Infantry, Maritime and Air Force in Aggressive Exercises

• Subordination of Military Training and Intelligence to NATO's Aims

• Seizing and "Reforming" the Military and Police Power

• Psychological Warfare

• Collaboration with Ukrainian Fascist Forces

• Arms Production, Transfers and Secret Shipments

• Implementing "Community Policing"

Militarization of Canada's Ports and Promotion of "Interoperability" with U.S. War Fleet

• U.S. Nuclear Aircraft Carrier Arrives in Halifax - Tony Seed

Make Canada a Zone for Peace!

• Imperialists' Morbid Preoccupation with Defeat on Display at Halifax War Conference



• Talk About Cyber Attacks and "Weaponization" of Social Media 

NATO Summit Intensifies Imperialist War Preparations

• Summit Shows Dangers Posed by National Interests of the Imperialist Powers 

• Canada Extends and Expands Participation in NATO Mission in Latvia

War Exercises of Unprecedented Proportions

• Russia Holds Vostok 2018 War Games

• NATO Countries Prepare for Massive Trident Juncture War Games

Two War Conferences in Halifax

• Vigorous Opposition in Halifax to Imperialist War Preparations

• Sponsors of Halifax War Conference - Interview, Tony Seed

For Your Information

• Halifax International Security Forum

• NATO Parliamentary Assembly

Trudeau Government's Continued Falsification of History

• A Continuation of Harper's Campaign to Support Ukrainian Fascists - Dougal MacDonald


20th Anniversary of NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia

• NATO War Crimes Committed Under Humanitarian Pretext

From TML Archives

• Vigorously Condemn NATO's Aggression Against Yugoslavia! End Canadian Involvement Now! Demand that NATO Be Dismantled!- Statement of CPC(M-L), March 25, 1999

• Impact of NATO's "Humanitarian" Bombings, the Balance Sheet of Destruction in Yugoslavia- Press Release, Ad-Hoc Committee to Stop Canada's Participation in the War in Yugoslavia,April 11, 1999

70th Anniversary of the Founding of NATO

• No to NATO! Dismantle NATO! Make Canada a Zone for Peace!

Muted NATO Summit on 70th Anniversary of NATO's Founding

• 70 Years Later, the German Question Remains and Divisions Increase

• United Actions in Washington, DC Stand Against War

• Differences Within the U.S.-Led NATO Alliance

2019 Ukraine Presidential Election

• Results Will Sharpen Internal Contradictions - Dougal MacDonald

Opposition Organized to Ottawa CANSEC Weapons Fair

• War Profiteers Not Welcome in Canada! Make Canada a Zone for Peace! - Nick Lin

No Harbour for War

• All Out to Oppose the Halifax War Conference!

Remembrance Day" at Ukrainian Memorial Park in Etobicoke

• Which Veterans Are the Canadian Forces Remembering? - Tony Seed

No Harbour for War! Make Canada a Zone for Peace!

• Peace Activists Oppose War Conference in Halifax

• China in the Crosshairs of Halifax War Conference - Tony Seed

• U.S. Primes NATO to Confront Russia, China - M.K. Bhadrakumar

NATO Summit in London, England

• Toronto Picket Against NATO Summit in London

• Canada's Military Spending and NATO Membership

The Case of Defamation of University of Alberta Lecturer Dougal MacDonald

• Threat to Academic Freedom

• Statements of Support from University and Canadian Colleagues

Matters of Serious Concern for Canadians

• Canada's Integration into the U.S. Imperialist War Economy - K.C. Adams

For Your Information

• Production and Sale of War Materiel

• Global War Economy

• Sun Never Sets on Canadian Military - Yves Engler


Matters of Concern as the COVID-19 Pandemic Unfolds

• Provocative Ongoing U.S.-NATO Military Exercises in Europe

Canada Out of NATO! Dismantle NATO!

• No to NATO's Recruitment of Youth for Aggression and War

•  Deadly Canadian Helicopter Crash During NATO Exercise


Warmongering Halifax International Security Forum Ban the Halifax War Conference! Oppose Canada's Stated War Aims!

• War Party - Poem by El Jones

• Ban the Halifax War Conference! Oppose Canada's Stated War Aims!

• Desperate Attempts to Mobilize the Youth for War and War Preparations

• Putting Canadian and Quebec Territory and Public Space in Service of Aggressive Military Alliances - Christine Dandenault and Claude Brunelle

• Confrontational China Strategy - Tony Seed

• NATO's Current Preoccupations Inform War Gathering - Nick Lin

• Biden's Picks for Pentagon Transition Team Show He Is Cold War-Era Fossil - Voice of Revolution

• Australia Joins Parade of War Criminals en route to War Conference

• Another Warmongering University Network Seeks to Embroil Youth in War Preparations

For Your Information

• 2020 Agenda, Speakers and Participants

• Partners and Sponsors

• Evidence of U.S. National Security Concerns and Morbid Preoccupation with Defeat

Trudeau Government's Continued Anti-Communist Falsification of History

• A Mere 15 Countries Concur with Canada's Ridiculous Appeasement of Outright Reaction

• Ukrainian Famine-Genocide Myth - Dr. John Puntis


2021 NATO Summit

• Ongoing Threat to World Peace from Cold War Relic - Nick Lin

• China as a Threat and the Fraud of NATO's Values - Margaret Villamizar

• As U.S. Steps Up War Preparations Against China NATO Extends Its Reach to Asia Pacific - Steve Rutchinski and Philip Fernandez

• Britain Launches Biggest Deployment of UK Naval and Aerial Military Firepower Since 1982 Falklands War

For Your Information

• Current NATO Missions

• NATO 2030

• Law of Uneven Development and Calculating Strengths of Contending Powers

U.S. Imperialist-Led Brinkmanship Increases Danger of War

• Staged Provocation Against Russia in Black Sea - Steve Rutchinski

Elections or No Elections -- Matters of Concern to the Polity

• Canada Joins U.S. Claims of Cyber Attacks and Preparations for War - Pauline Easton

Dangerous War Preparations

• Oppose Attempts to Embroil Canada in U.S. Ballistic Missile Defence - K.C. Adams

For Your Information

• NATO's New Domain of Cognitive Warfare


Ukrainian Crisis

• State of Heightened Insecurity and Potential for Armed Conflict in Europe – Steve Rutchinski

• U.S. Fuels Ukrainian Crisis and European Insecurity

No to War in Ukraine! No to Use of Force!

• Government's Nonsensical Definition of "Peaceful Resolution"

• Canada Extends and Enhances Military Assistance to Ukraine

• United States Continues Provocations Against Russia

No to War in Ukraine! No to Use of Force!

• Urgent Request for House of Commons Debate on Ukraine

NATO's Friends of Women, Peace and Security Group

• Canada's Machiavellian Position on Women – Peggy Morton

All Out to Oppose Warmongering, Lies and Disinformation

What Is Pertinent and What Is Not in Considering Unfolding Events in Ukraine

Artificial Intelligence and Fact Checking Can't Replace Conscious Human Thinking – Interview, Anna Di Carlo, National Leader of CPC(M-L)

Examples of False Social Media Postings About Ukraine

• Thoughts on the Present Crisis in Ukraine – Joe Lombardo

Dangers in Canada's Integration Into U.S. War Machine – Enver Villamizar

Oppose U.S./NATO Provocations and Attempts to Encircle and Crush Russia

• Road to Peace

• New World Order Must Be of the Peoples' Making TML Interview with Pauline Easton

• Apologetics for Deputy Prime Minister's Nazi Sympathies Peggy Morton

• Canada's "Coercive Diplomacy" Against Russia Nick Lin

• U.S. Senators Name Anti-Russia Sanctions Bill After Ukrainian Nazi Collaborator Slogan ‘Heroiam Slava'

• Anglo-European Chauvinism in Dealing with Ukrainian Refugees

• Eurocentrism and Racist Conceptions Underpin NATO's Lies and Disinformation – Margaret Villamizar

At the United Nations

• U.S Manoeuvres to Embroil United Nations

• Special Emergency Session on Ukraine

• Notable Interventions on UN Resolution and Anti-Russia Sanctions

Developments of Concern Related to U.S./NATO War Hysteria

• History as Memory

• Oppose Attacks on Canadians of Russian Origin and Their Institutions – Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

• Persecution of Russian Artists Is Unacceptable – Pierre Chénier

• Russian Athletes Banned and Expelled from Competitions

• The Ukrainian Diaspora in Canada – Peggy Morton

In the Parliament

Ukrainian President's "Can You Imagine" Performance – Anna Di Carlo

Influence of Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association

NATO Resets "Collective Defence and Deterrence for Longer Term"

Canada Participates in Joint Military Exercise in Norway

For Your Information

Facts Behind Events in Ukraine

Ukrainian-born Anti-War Activist in the U.S. on Conflict in Ukraine

Revealing Ukraine -- 2019 Documentary

War Preparations in the Name of National Interest

Ramped Up Troop Deployments to Eastern Europe

Calls to Place U.S. Missiles and Other Military Installations in Canada – Enver Villamizar

War Profiteering

NATO Countries Increase War Spending

Supporting Ukraine Used as Pretext to Increase U.S. War Budget

Major Arms Manufacturers and War Profiteers

European Governments Give Airbus Guaranteed Contract for Purchase of Military Drones

Ukraine-Related News

Italian Union Refuses to Load Weapons Disguised as Humanitarian Cargo to Ukraine

Serbia Will Not Join NATO President Says

U.S. European Command, Not NATO, Forms Multinational NATO Battle Group in Bulgaria

Mercenaries in Ukraine Asked to Sign Indefinite Contracts

Eleven Ukrainian Opposition Parties Ordered to Suspend Activities During Martial Law Period

International Agency in Charge of Domain Name System Upholds Its Mandate Under Pressure

U.S./NATO Expansion Identified as Cause of Conflict in Ukraine

President Ramaphosa of South Africa

President Maduro of Venezuela

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Yugoslavia

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng Blames U.S./NATO Expansion for the Escalation of Violence in Ukraine

U.S. Establishment Voices Against NATO Expansion

Anti-NATO Demonstrations in Bulgaria

Behind U.S. Refusal to Speak Clearly about Its Biological Research Labs in Ukraine

Significance of State Department's "Biodefense" Argument – Kathleen Chandler

Support Calls to Provide Full Information and Allow for Multilateral Verification

U.S. Mockery of UN Security Council Meetings on Ukraine Biolabs

Some History of U.S. Biolabs

NATO Summit Hopes Reality Will Conform to U.S. Wishes to Control the World

NATO Summit of Heads of State Sets an Agenda of Further All-Sided Expansion

The Demand for Serious Negotiations

Hooliganism and Military Escalation Displaces Diplomacy and Seeking a Peaceful Resolution to Ukraine Conflict


NATO was Built and Led by Nazi War Criminals – Dougal MacDonald

Accusations of Russian War Crimes in Bucha

The Need for a New Coherence on the Basis of Which the Peoples Can Turn Things Around in Their Favour

Russia Holds Press Briefing to Denounce Provocation Staged at Bucha

Russian Ambassador to UN Calls on Ukrainian President to Make Right Decisions for Ukraine

Russia Exercises Right of Reply on What Took Place in Bucha

Facts Behind the Accusations that Russia Massacred Civilians in Bucha

Disinformation About War Crimes in Ukraine

The More It Goes, the More Hysterical, Irrational and Dangerous It Becomes

Unacceptable Suspension of Russia from UN Human Rights Council

UN Members Speak Out Against Politicization of Human Rights

Statements on Decision to Suspend Russian Federation Membership in UN Human Rights Council

Democratic People's Republic of Korea


People's Republic of China

South Africa

Who Is Committing the Crimes in Ukraine?

Considerable Evidence and Testimonies Contradict Ukrainian Government's Narrative

Videos and Photos Sent by Readers

Situation in Europe and Ukraine

Serious Danger of War in Europe

"Biggest War Crime of the 21st Century" Refuted

Poland's Intentions in Western Europe

U.S. "Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act"

Related News

U.S. and Japan Hold Joint War Exercises in Failed Attempt to Intimidate DPRK

Democratic People's Republic of Korea Denounces "Merchants of Death"

Action Denounces Lockheed Martin, the World's Number One Arms Producer

11th Anniversary of Start of U.S.-led War on Syria

Gulf Rebellion Against the U.S. and Its Domination

Desperate Situation in Yemen

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