Psychological Warfare

On top of organizing military integration, Canada is involved in the creation of a ramified network of information offices in Ukraine, many based in universities. The first and principal one in Kiev, called the NATO Information and Documentation Centre, established with the support of the Office of Public Diplomacy in 1997, has been quietly operated by the Canadian government since 2005. The goal is to create elite opinion on the progress made for NATO integration and progress under the Individual Partnership Action Plan, and combat the movement against joining NATO and against the "visits" of U.S. and NATO warships to its Black Sea ports. It forms a base for political and ideological intervention and subversion in the internal affairs of Ukraine.

The Canadian-operated NATO Information and Documentation Centre, co-sponsored the Kiev Security Forum of Arseniy Yatsenyuk's Open Ukraine Foundation inaugurated in September 2007 with funds from the German Marshall Fund, the U.S. and Polish embassies, banking and financial firms, and such oligarchs as Viktor Pinchuk, who has intimate connections to the Clintons (being the largest foreign donor to the Clinton Foundation), Tony Blair and Chrystia Freeland, whom he employed as moderator of his Yalta Economic summits and his "Ukraine Lunch" at the Davos Summit. The Forum provided a high profile platform to boost the political credibility of Yatsenyuk, known as a "technocrat" who was openly designated by the U.S. State Department in 2014 to become prime minister ("Yats is our man," as Victoria Nuland put it), illustrating how political and ideological intervention and subversion accompanies military integration and "interoperability." The Halifax International Security Forum, inaugurated in 2009 by the German Marshall Fund with financing from the Department of National Defence, and falsely presented as a uniquely Canadian initiative by the regional and national media, was modelled directly on the Kiev Forum and organized by the same American cadre: David Van Praagh, head of the Balkan Trust, who has dual U.S.-Canadian citizenship and is former senior policy advisor to MacKay (2005-6) and David J. Kramer, president of Freedom House from 2010 and now with the McCain Institute. Kramer was a political appointment in the Bush administration in the Condoleezza Rice-led State Department as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, responsible for Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus affairs from July 2005 to March of 2008.

Since December 2008 the Kiev Security Forum has been headed by Natalia Nemyliwska, who went to school at the University of Toronto and served in the Ontario Liberal government before going to Ukraine. She was then appointed first deputy Director, NATO Information and Documentation Centre, Kiev, Ukraine, and Acting Director of the Centre in June 2009. She was appointed the Director of the Centre in February 2011. Her official biography from the Kiev Security Forum states, "She speaks English and Ukrainian fluently, with a good working level of Russian." See here .

Training and Exercises in Information Warfare and Psychological Operations

Officials tell media that as part of the current mission of the Trudeau government, the Canadian military has been given "an up-close look at hybrid warfare techniques such as signals jamming and cyber-attacks on electrical grids" allegedly used by "separatists" -- as if the Canadian Forces too are benefiting from their Ukrainian "colleagues." CF Information Warfare is in fact long-standing, as seen in military operations against the Indigenous peoples in Oka, Ipperwash and Gustaffsen Lake as well as its internal 2007 manual on counter-insurgency. CF Information Warfare doctrine also provides for the organized involvement of NGOs in military operations. On September 4, 2014 the Harper government advanced $1 million through NATO Trust Funds "to build up Ukrainian command and control and communications and computer capabilities to implement NATO standards throughout the Ukrainian Armed Forces."[1]

This training also includes:

- A military propaganda campaign to promote the psychosis that any criticism of the Canadian, U.S. and NATO build-up constitutes "Russian disinformation" and "fake news."

- Canada's training of military police and the new National Police Force, announced in July 2015, and the creation of U.S.-style SWAT teams called KORD in Special Ops and Black Ops.

To this end, Canada sponsors, under the pretext of human rights, a small Crimean Tatar organization (Mejhlis) linked to the pan-Turkic strategy of Erdogan's Turkey -- with an allied para-military force of an estimated 350 "Tafriki" terrorists from Crimea who have fought in Syria -- that was designated as a terrorist organization by Russia. Before the plebiscite of the people of Crimea to join the Russian Federation in 2014, one can search in vain for a single word uttered by any Canadian politician on behalf of the Crimean Tatars.


1. This is also part of developing interoperability between Ukraine and NATO communication and information systems, i.e., channels for transmitting and sharing military and political information. To prove its commitment to Euro-Atlantic integration, Ukraine agreed to transfer classified military information to NATO intelligence divisions. The plan also provided for upgrading state telecommunication and information systems where NATO classified information may pass, in accordance with NATO requirements and standards. Under the pretext of "information security," the Ukrainian military were also invited to "exchange classified information with NATO on military planning and reform."

(TML Weekly Supplement No. 23, June 24, 2017)