Commemorate First Anniversary of Odessa Massacre in Ukraine
Brutal Atrocities of Kiev Regime Must Be Stopped!

On May 2, 2015 actions are being organized in several Canadian cities to commemorate the one year anniversary of the brutal massacre in Odessa. On May 2, 2014 thugs led by the fascist Right Sector organization set fire to Odessa's Trade Unions House killing at least 48 Ukrainian activists who had retreated to the building to escape escalating street violence. They had been peacefully protesting in Odessa against the fascist measures of the Kiev government and collecting signatures for a referendum on a federal Ukraine when they were violently attacked by gangs organized by the Right Sector. The actual number is undetermined, but generally estimated at over a hundred; the number most often cited is 116.

Witnesses say that members of the Ukrainian security forces withdrew from the scene allowing the neo-Nazis to block the exits and firebomb the building forcing many to jump from open windows to the pavement below where they died on impact. The few who survived the fall were savagely beaten with clubs and chains by the nearly 300 extremist thugs who had gathered on the street.

Since that time the Kiev government has done everything in its power to cover up and distort the truth about this horrendous crime. The results of forensic examination of the causes of deaths are classified and were not disclosed until recently. None of the perpetrators of the massacre have been arrested; the state prosecutor's office deliberately ignores numerous videos proving their guilt. Instead, people who tried to defend the Trade Unions House have been arrested and put on trial. Though the investigation found no evidence of their guilt, the court refuses to set them free.

Hundreds of videos and the testimony of eyewitnesses and survivors of the criminal attack point conclusively to a premeditated and organized act coordinated with the Odessa police forces. In summary, the Kiev regime bused in Right Sector thugs, dressed in civilian clothes, who pretended to be separatists and shot at crowds of people who were supporting a soccer team from the western part of Ukraine as they were leaving a soccer match. It was reported that some members of the local police refused to participate in the conspiracy but video evidence clearly shows that many local police were involved in bringing these enraged western Ukrainian, pro-Kiev, soccer fans to the encampment in front of the Trade Unions Building where demonstrators had been distributing literature against the Kiev regime, to join in setting it ablaze. Some of the videos indicate that part of the preparation in advance of the arrival of these enraged western soccer fans was the burning of the tents in front of the Trade Unions House. Regime agents, pretending to support the protesters inside those tents, warned them that attackers were coming and that they had better go into the Trade Unions House for their own safety. Then, the attackers came and set fire to the tents and threw firebombs into the building. Even before many people were incinerated, the regime's gunmen entered the building's basement where some protesters were hiding, and shot as many as they could. Most of the corpses were dragged out and taken away in vans, but the victims on the upper floors were counted by the police, who announced that some forty people had been killed.

Right Sector leader Dmytro Yarosh hailed the massacre as "another bright day in our national history." In the American and British media, this was reported as a "murky tragedy" resulting from "clashes" between "nationalists" (neo-Nazis) and "separatists." The New York Times buried the story, having dismissed as Russian propaganda warnings about the fascist and anti-Semitic policies of Washington's new clients. The Wall Street Journal blamed the victims -- "Deadly Ukraine Fire Likely Sparked by Rebels, Government Says."

In statements following the Odessa massacre U.S. President Obama also fanned the flames of disinformation. Despite video documentation of the atrocities committed against unarmed people in the Trade Unions House, Obama distorted the facts to defend Washington's puppet regime in Kiev, reporting "as Ukrainian forces move to restore order in eastern Ukraine, it is obvious to the world that these Russian-backed groups are not peaceful protesters. They are heavily armed militants who are receiving significant support from Russia. The Ukrainian government has the right and responsibility to uphold law and order within its territory, and Russia needs to use its influence over these paramilitary groups so they disarm and stop provoking violence."

The Obama administration continues to provide cover for the crimes of the Kiev government, which is accelerating its persecution and killing of political opponents at an alarming rate. Recent reports indicate that journalists, politicians and academics who oppose the Kiev regime are being systematically killed by death squads.

A recent article by Justin Raimondo entitled "The Murderers of Kiev," which was posted on the website on April 17, 2015, provides information on the recent deaths in Ukraine[1]:

January 26 -- Nikolai Sergienko, former deputy chief of Ukrainian Railways and a supporter of Viktor Yanukovych's Party of Regions, reportedly shot himself with a hunting rifle. The windows were all locked from inside, and no note was found.

January 29 -- Aleksey Kolesnik, the former chairman of the Kharkov regional government and a prominent supporter of the now-banned Party of Regions, is reported to have hanged himself.

February 24 -- Stanislav Melnik, another former Party of Regions member of parliament, was found dead in his bathroom: he is said to have shot himself with a hunting rifle. It is reported that he left a suicide note of "apologies," but what he was apologizing for has not been revealed as the note has not been released.

February 25 -- Sergey Valter, former Party of Regions activist and Mayor of Melitopol, was found hanged hours before his trial on charges of "abuse of office" was set to begin.

February 26 -- Aleksandr Bordyuga, Valter's lawyer and former deputy chief of Melitopol police, was found dead in his garage, another "suicide."

February 26 -- Oleksandr Peklushenko, a former Party of Regions member of parliament and chairman of the Zaporozhye Regional State Administration, was found dead in the street with a gun wound in his neck and officially declared a "suicide."

February 28 -- Mikhail Chechetov, a professor of economics and engineering, former member of parliament from the Party of Regions and former head of the privatization board, is reported to have jumped from the window of his 17th-floor Kiev apartment. Another "suicide"!

March 14 -- Sergey Melnichuk, a prosecutor and Party of Regions loyalist, "fell" from the ninth floor window of an apartment building in Odessa.

April 15 -- Oleg Kalashnikov, another prominent Party of Regions leader, died of a gunshot wound.

April 16 -- Oles Buzina, historian and journalist, shot dead.

April 16 -- Serhiy Sukhobok, journalist, shot dead.

April 17 -- Olga Moroz, editor-in-chief of the Neteshinskiy Vestnik , was found dead in her home. Her body showed "signs of violent death."

These deaths are connected to a website called "Peacemaker," which is financed by Ukrainian member of parliament and government advisor Anton Gerashchenko. The "Peacemaker" website describes its purpose as follows:

"Research centre features crimes against Ukraine's national security, peace, security and humanity and international law. Information for law enforcement authorities and special services about pro-Russian terrorists, separatists, mercenaries, war criminals, and murderers."

The site claims a list of some 7,700 names of "saboteurs" and "terrorists." People are invited to post personal information, including addresses and phone numbers, of people deemed hostile to the Kiev regime. Information about Buzina and Kalashnikov was posted on the site less than 48 hours before they died.

Meanwhile, responsibility for some of the deaths was claimed by a group calling itself the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which the BBC quotes as having written: "We are unleashing a ruthless insurgency against the anti-Ukrainian regime of traitors and Moscow's lackeys. From now on, we will only speak to them using the language of weapons, all the way to their elimination." No one has been arrested to date for any of the deaths.

To commemorate the killing of Ukrainian activists in Odessa on May 2, 2014, people worldwide who stand against fascist violence and the suppression of democratic rights, must raise their voices to denounce the atrocities committed against the Ukrainian people by the Kiev regime. All freedom-loving people hold U.S. imperialism and its allies responsible for the wave of violence perpetrated across Ukraine by the Kiev regime which is despised by the people and would not last one day without the backing of the U.S., NATO and their henchmen including the Harper Conservatives.

All the warmongers who want to drown Eastern Europe in another destructive war with their self-serving agenda to dominate Russia, deserve the condemnation of the whole world. All foreign troops must be immediately withdrawn from Ukraine to allow the Ukrainian people to chart their own destiny without any foreign interference of any kind.

(TML Weekly No. 18, May 2, 2015)