Collaboration with Ukrainian Fascist Forces

Less than three weeks after a meeting between Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland with officials of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) preceding the 2015 federal election, the Canadian Forces deployed a contingent of cadets from the Royal Military College (RMC) in Kingston as well as members of different branches of the CF to participate in "Ukrainian Remembrance Day" events in the Toronto suburb of Etobicoke on November 8, 2015 and 2016. Three flags led a parade along Scarlett Road: the U.S. Stars and Stripes and the Ukrainian and Canadian flags, immediately followed by the red and black Banderite flag of the "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) and Right Sector (Pravy Sektor). They joined in the march with Waffen SS Galizien veterans -- the murderers of Ukrainian, Polish, Armenian, Russian and Jewish people -- organized in the Ukrainian War Veterans Association of Canada who marched as "freedom fighters." The Waffen SS (formally listed as the 14th Grenadier Volunteer Waffen-SS Division (Galician No. 1) was classified as a criminal organization by Nuremberg. Far from being a Remembrance Day it was a Day of Shame, a dishonouring of the dead.

Cadets from Royal Military College, as well as representatives of the Canadian Armed Forces, participate in "Ukrainian Remembrance Day," in Etobicoke, November 11, 2015, alongside supporters of the fascist Ukrainian formations from World War II and supporters of neo-Nazi organizations that are part of the current coup regime.

By marching with Ukrainian fascists, including the openly racist neo-Nazi Right Sector party present at the event, the Trudeau government and the Canadian Forces betray veterans and mock the victims of Hitlerite fascism. In 2010, the UCC called "upon the Government of Canada to make changes to Canada's War Veterans Allowance Act by expanding eligibility to include designated resistance groups such as[the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN)]-UPA." The UCC is trying to claim Canadian veterans of Ukrainian descent as their own, including all those Canadian veterans who fought against fascism during the Second World War. There is a serious problem with this! Canadian veterans of the Second World War fought against fascism and for the defeat of the Hitlerites; their ranks included an estimated 69,000 soldiers of Ukrainian origin. The 1.5 million Ukrainians who died as soldiers in the Red Army fighting the Nazis are also entitled to great respect by all peoples. The "Remembrance Day" held with the participation of pro-Nazi Ukrainian forces posing as "veterans" is a testament of how the liberal-fascist alliance is being pushed under the political leadership of the Trudeau Liberals to serve the demands of the ruling elite and the absolutely pragmatic and rotten nature of liberalism in the modern conditions.[1]

This collaboration has also led to the conversion of the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario into a centre for indoctrination of officer cadets for heroizing Ukrainian fascist forces. Established in 1876, RMC is a centre of the Department of National Defence for training officer cadre from the middle and upper social strata as well as for military history and geopolitical studies. This was exemplified by the showing of the film The Ukrainians/Les Ukrainiens: God's Volunteer Battalion on February 22, 2016 for an audience of "nearly 200 officer cadets and professors." The film extols the virtues of the so-called volunteers organized by Ukrainian oligarchs into mercenary organizations, such as the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, to carry out aggression and commit war crimes against eastern Ukraine.[2]


1. The November 8, 2015 event in Toronto was not an anomaly. On January 21, 2007 the UCC, Toronto branch, recognized Ukrainian veterans of Carpathian Sich, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), the First Ukrainian Division of the Ukrainian National Army and the Canadian forces. With much pomp and ceremony, the veterans were acknowledged for their courage and determination in fighting for an independent, democratic Ukraine. (Alexandra Stadnyk, "Ukrainian Canadian Congress Recognizes UPA Veterans," February 5, 2007.)

On Remembrance Day 2009, Paul Grod, President of the UCC, paid tribute to veterans of the Ukrainian Waffen-SS Galizien and the OUN in the name of his entire imagined community of 1.2 million people:

"As Ukrainian Canadians we[...]remember and pay tribute to the millions of men and women who perished fighting for the freedom of their ancestral Ukrainian homeland. The men and women of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, the 1st Ukrainian Division of the Ukrainian National Army, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists." ("Ukrainian Community Honors Veterans on Remembrance Day.")

The UCC includes as a member organization the Brotherhood of Veterans of the 1st Division of the Ukrainian National Army, as the veterans of the 14th Grenadier Division Galizien of the Waffen-SS prefer to call themselves.

When the president of the Canadian society of veterans of the Waffen-SS Galizien passed away in January 2010, one Levko Babij (1927-2010), Grod immediately claimed on January 12 that "he will be remembered as a hero of Ukraine who fought during WWII for her independence as well as a great Ukrainian Canadian who loved Canada, his Ukrainian heritage and his family and friends."

2. The aim of this film is clearly to inspire unquestioning obedience in the Canadian Forces for Canada's official support of the neo-Nazi forces which have taken over Ukraine and NATO's encirclement of Russia. According to an article posted on New Pathway, "The film documents the lengthy Battle for Donetsk Airport that witnessed Ukrainian volunteers stepping forward to defend Ukraine, the regular army having been caught unprepared for both the Russian occupation of Crimea (February-March 2014) and subsequent incursions into eastern Ukraine; this documentary evoked the chaos, destruction, and heroism of close quarters combat." The "volunteers," "Professor Lubomyr Luciuk, the evening's organizer, described as 'Ukraine's minutemen.'" The article is written by Luciuk. (New Pathway, March 15, 2016). The newly-built international airport was completely destroyed by the fascist assault. Luciuk helped create the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association (UCCLA) in reaction to the formation of the Deschênes "Commission of Inquiry on War Crimes" to whitewash the war crimes of Nazi collaborators in the Ukraine. In its own words, it was founded "in 1984 to meet the defamatory accusations that 'Ukrainian war criminals' were being harboured in Canada."

For information on Luciuk, see Peggy Morton,"War Crimes, Ukrainian Nationalists and the Canadian State," TML Weekly , March 18, 2017.

(TML Weekly Supplement No. 23, June 24, 2017)