Developments in Ukraine
Solidarity with the Ukrainian People
Danish Communist Party

The situation in Ukraine is becoming still more tense. The threat of civil war and the destruction of the country is real.

The European Union and NATO have for years worked to incorporate Ukraine. The USA has used billions of dollars to destabilize the situation in the country. The European Union has cooperated with and supported extreme-right and fascist forces.

After a wave of fascist violence these forces headed a direct coup, which deposed the popular elected government of the country and its president Janukovits.

Not even one head of government in the European Union or NATO has either condemned those behind the coup or the big fascist party of government, Svoboda, that openly declares itself as anti-communist, anti-Muslim and Russian-hating.

The coup-government has six fascist ministers; among them are the ministers of defense and justice. Those coup-makers have been applauded as democrats by Western powers. Both before and after the coup there have been frequent meetings between these coup-makers and their masters in the European Union, NATO and the USA.

A quick election has been set for May 25 just to give the coup-makers a shine of legitimacy and with the expectation that the situation would quickly come under control. The European Union expects to swallow Ukraine -- the second largest country in Europe after Russia.

The agreements between the new government in Ukraine on one side and the IMF and the European Union on the other side meant -- as often before -- that there is a bill to be paid. The European Union is the tool of big capital, which writes the big bills; higher energy-costs, lower pensions and decreased social services. This is the rough reality of the "Paradise" which the coup-makers have promised the population while tying Ukraine to the European Union.

The coup-makers declare, that they fight for "European values" -- but they do it just to pretend that they are democrats. In the streets of Kiev we see armed fascist gangs patrolling. A wave of terror is hitting the country. In the streets political opponents are assaulted. Monuments to the Soviet victory over Nazism are destroyed.

The response from Ukraine's pro-Russian forces were resolute. Fearing the things going on and their further development, they counteracted -- first in Crimea and later in major parts of eastern Ukraine -- demanding that they themselves should be able to decide their future relationship with Ukraine.

Russia struggles for its own imperialist interest in a still more and more tense clash and showdown with the European Union and the USA on markets, raw materials and military strongholds and positions. Therefore Putin was not passively watching the Western threats and initiative of encirclement. He acted so decisively and quickly that it took the powerful in the USA and the European Union by surprise.

The referendum in Crimea, which took the peninsula back to Russia became for Putin a welcome and opportune moment for him to push Russian dreams of restoring the greater powers of previous eras -- which he actively promotes far into the former Soviet republics.

There is no military solution in Ukraine. On the contrary it is necessary to start a national dialogue, which involves every popular group in the country.

The European Union, NATO and the USA demand that those who occupy town halls, police-stations and other official buildings in eastern Ukraine end their occupations and leave. The Western powers appeal openly to the coup-makers in Kiev to use Special Forces -- actions that have already led to numerous killed and wounded.

On the other hand the Western powers don't say a single word to the fascists occupying the central Maidan square in Kiev. Similarly there is no Western criticism of fascist gangs' open terror in the parliament of Ukraine. No Western governments have demanded an investigation into the brutal bloodbath at the Maidan square on February 20th. This is due to multiple indications that it was the fascists of the so-called Maidan self-defense force and not the now overturned government that were responsible.

The USA and its allies in Europe have long substituted "international law" with "Might Makes Right." Take for example the dissolution of Yugoslavia, the wars against Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Now NATO is threatening with its military and is rearming heavily to strengthen its grip on Russia. NATO member Denmark is also saber-rattling and sending six warplanes to the Baltic countries.

The Western media is acting one-sided and ignoring history to the extent that they are spreading lies, reminding us of the systematic news control of the era of the Cold War. They are spreading threats of war to benefit the military industry.

Solidarity with the Communist Party of Ukraine

The Communist Party of Ukraine has struggled for national reconciliation. It has suggested initiating a national dialogue to promote a new constitution. The party has defended the national unity of Ukraine and recommended a referendum on whether Ukraine should apply for membership in the European Union/NATO or develop closer relations with Russia.

The headquarters of the Communist Party was set on fire and burned to the ground. The Communist Party and its 120,000 members experience threats and violence from armed fascist gangs and the party is threatened with a ban.

The Danish Communist Party expresses its solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and we condemn the interference of big-powers in the internal affairs of the country.

The Danish Communist Party supports the demand, that armed gangs and their fascist leaders be disarmed. We demand the army return to its barracks.

The Danish Communist Party supports the proposals of Ukraine's Communist Party -- through referendums -- to secure a new and democratic constitution and likewise decide on Ukraine's relations with both the European Union and Russia.

The Danish Communist Party condemns the decision of the Danish government to contribute to NATO's aggressive game by -- among other things -- sending 6 fighter planes to the Baltic countries.

The Danish Communist Party expresses its solidarity with Ukraine's Communist Party and all other democratic forces in the country, which are exposed to fascist terror and the threat of being banned.

Danish Communist Party, National Leadership, April 26. 2014

(Original English translation edited for grammar by TML.)

(TML Weekly No. 19, May 17, 2014)