Falsifications of History to Cover Up War Crimes Today
The Apologies for Canada's Foreign Minister

Canadians face the important issue of figuring out what is behind the stories surrounding the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chrystia Freeland. Facts show that her maternal grandfather was a Nazi collaborator in wartime Poland.[1] It has also come to the attention of the public that Freeland has been covering up her grandfather's collaboration with the Nazis and that, in fact, she too believes him to be a freedom fighter.[2] When questioned about these things, Chrystia Freeland chose not to answer and instead gave vent to the government's narrative which blames many things on the Russians including spreading "fake news" to derail democratic institutions in Canada.

It is noteworthy that the CBC has remained eerily silent as have the Prime Minister, the Government of Canada and the Liberal Party and others in the ruling circles. Freeland herself subsequently withdrew from the fray.

It was left to a vocal cabal of journalists, professors and pundits of various kinds to issue apologies for the foreign minister. Their shocking apologies for the crimes of the Nazi collaborators during World War II reveal a profound anti-communism which makes them no better than the Nazi collaborators themselves. When those who make a living touting "Canadian values" reveal themselves so utterly as Nazi sympathizers Canadians can conclude that by trying to vindicate what Chrystia Freeland stands for much is at stake. Nothing they can now do going forward will redeem the values they claim to stand for in the name of freedom and democracy.

These shameless Nazi apologists were joined by others, from those who have a well-known history of defending Nazi collaborators, to those who defend the Foreign Minister by equivocating in various ways.[3] Some praise the beleaguered Freeland in various shades of brilliance asserting that her record speaks for itself.[4] Others say she made a mistake in not revealing the skeletons in her closet.[5] Still more declare indifference to this past family relationship by drawing analogies to Biblical verses about "visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children," and so on.[6] Only a few dare to speak truth to power.[7] They are joined by many on social media.

What is interesting is how both the information and the disinformation about Freeland's grandfather and whether or not she was aware of his record diverts from the record of her own words and deeds. It is her own words and deeds that reveal the dangers in which she and her government are embroiling Canada and Canadians in the present. What the ruling circles want to avoid at all costs is for Canadians to assess for themselves what kind of democracy Freeland and the Government of Canada stand for and whether that is the kind of democracy Canadians want. Is it the democracy they shed their blood for fighting in World War II in heroic battles against the Hitlerites and their brutal collaborators?

This issue of TML Weekly is dedicated to coverage of this controversy and related affairs. The aim is to put the actions of the past and the present in context so that Canadians can make sense of things for themselves.


1. Michael Chomiak was editor of a daily Nazi newspaper, Krakivski Visti (Krakow News), from 1940 to 1945 in Krakow, Poland and later Vienna, Austria when the cities were under German occupation. The Nazi authorities established this paper to "Ukrainize" the occupation, after they seized a printing press from its Jewish owner, Moishe Kanfer, who was later killed in the Belzec concentration camp. Krakivski Visti was published by Ukrains'ke vydavnytstvo, a publishing house controlled by Volodymyr Kubijovy?c (Kubiiovych) with the approval of Hans Frank, Reichproteckor of the General Gouvernement of Poland. Frank was a war criminal and mass murderer who was executed at Nuremberg for war crimes and crimes against humanity -- presiding over the extermination of Poles and Jews.Kubijovy?c in turn was "Leader" (Providnyk) of the Ukrainian Central Committee (UCC), formally established in June 1940, a year before the Nazi invasion of Ukraine as "the official umbrella organization" of the "nationalists" in the General Governement. Entirely financed by Germany, it is described as "the most important Ukrainian collaborationist institution in the General Government" by German-Polish historian Dr. Grzegorz Rossolinksi (Stephan Bandera: The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Fascist: Fascism, Genocide, and Cult , p. 254). The UCC was a criminal organization founded for the realization of the genocidal plans of the Third Reich. Through Krakivski Visti , the UCC carried out three basic activities that constitute war crimes: (1) propaganda for collaboration and ethnic cleansing; (2) the plunder of food and raw materials, and human trafficking of Ukrainians to be enslaved in Germany (in total, during the occupation of Western Ukraine to Germany, the Nazis stole 402,777 people); and (3) beginning from May 1943 recruited cannon fodder for the depleted ranks of Hitler's army through the organization of the Waffen SS, which afterwards committed the most ruthless crimes against humanity. On May 16 1943, Chomiak called for the actual recruitment of Ukrainians into Hitler's SS. He published the May 6, 1943 "Appeal to Ukrainian Citizens and Youth by the Ukrainian Central Committee President[Kubiiovych]on the Formation of the Galician Division" -- the 14th Grenadier Division of the Waffen (Armed) SS.Chomiak had fled to German-occupied Poland in 1939 after Polish-held territories in western Ukraine were reintegrated into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. When Nazi-fascism was on the verge of defeat by the Soviet Union and the resistance movements of the peoples of Europe, including tens of thousands of organized partisan resistance fighters in Ukraine, Chomiak (and the entire UCC leadership) evacuated to Vienna with Nazi troops, ending up at the spa town of Bad Worishofen near Munich in March 1945. This was an area which came under U.S. control at war's end and where the entire "nationalist" leadership was gathered. Chomiak and family were housed there as "displaced persons" by the U.S. until October 1948 when they were brought to Canada.

2. Freeland, for her part, told her grandfather's story in Blacklock's Reporter in the following way, in December 2014, "My grandparents were from Ukraine and struggled against Communism.[...]My grandfather was a lawyer and editor, the first in his family to gain an education. He joined a campaign called Samopomich to help farmers and promote literacy. He was a teetotaler and would tell them, stop drinking and learn how to read! In 1939 my grandparents fled Ukraine to avoid arrest at the outbreak of World War Two. Two of their children were born in Poland, two more were born in a displaced persons' camp in Germany; two more were born in Canada. Ukrainians who arrived in Canada after the war saw themselves as political exiles. They were forced to flee." She repeated this story in May 2015 in an essay for the U.S. Brookings Institution with the revealing title "My Ukraine," writing, "For the rest of my grandparents' lives, they saw themselves as political exiles with a responsibility to keep alive the idea of an independent Ukraine." Brookings, a major "think tank" based in Washington, is closely connected to the U.S. state, the Democratic Party and regime change operations in Europe and the Middle East.

3. Lubomyr Luciuk, a professor at Royal Military College in Kingston wrote in the Ottawa Citizen on March 9, "It was fake news then and still is. Allegations about 'Nazis in Canada' ... have circulated for decades." Luciuk went on to relate how he personally intervened during the 1980s to make sure that "Not a single person was ever convicted of being a 'Nazi' in a Canadian criminal court of law."

Terry Glavin, in not one but two breathless denunciations -- for Postmedia on March 8 and in Maclean's on March 14 -- declared the revelation a "hoax" and "a textbook case of Russian disinformation by conspiracy theory." Between the lines, Glavin said that, even if it is true, it does not matter because the Nazi newspaper was an "intellectual lifeline" and that Chomiak "had no control over the Nazi mumbo jumbo." Echoing this argument, Justin Ling of VICE News wrote on March 6 that the anti-Semitic material in Chomiak's newspaper was "required by the Germans."

4. Paul Wells, writing for the Toronto Star on March 10, went so far as to say, "Chrystia Freeland is in the business of helping societies -- ours, Ukraine's, the world's -- stay on the side of sanity. The fact that her family existed in the damned 20th century gives her opponents ammunition. None of this takes away the legitimacy of her important work."

5. Paula Simons, writing for the Edmonton Journal on March 8, mused, "Naturally, Freeland's proud of the grandfather she loved, who became a leader in Edmonton's post-war Ukrainian community. Still, she might have been clearer about his complicated legacy..."

6. Colby Cosh, writing for the Globe and Mail on March 8, concluded, "Given what we know, entirely because Freeland's family has told us, this is not a question of 'sins of the grandfather,' much less those of 'an innocent granddaughter.'" Simons of the Edmonton Journal quipped, "Let's judge her on her merit -- not what her grandfather did, or didn't, do."

7. Among these are David Pugliese of the Ottawa Citizen who noted on March 8, "it actually isn't so outlandish. Michael Chomiak was a Nazi collaborator.[...]So much for Russian disinformation." Scott Taylor, writing for the Chronicle Herald on March 12, pointed out the cover-up and drew parallels with Canada's military buildup in Latvia, where public celebrations of the Nazi SS take place annually. David J. Climenhaga, writing for rabble.ca on March 12 said, "Who would ever have imagined major Canadian media companies would conclude collaborating with the Nazis when they were on a genocidal spree in your country was just another legitimate response to a difficult moral dilemma?"

(TML Weekly No. 9, March 18, 2017)