Canada Out of NATO! Dismantle NATO!

No to NATO's Recruitment of Youth for
Aggression and War

On April 29, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced a new Young Professionals Program (YPP) aimed at recruiting "the brightest young minds in our Alliance" to join NATO to "respond to the security challenges of today and tomorrow." Only youth from NATO's 30 member nations, including Canada, will be eligible to apply.

According to the information provided by NATO, recruitment will be open to qualified graduate students with a year's work experience, who are 21 years old or older. Successful candidates will be eligible to do three one-year placements in three different NATO settings in "12 different areas of work, including political affairs, cyber defence, innovation and emerging technologies, marketing, finance, law and engineering." Six civilian and military bodies in Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the U.S. are taking applicants. The aim is to groom future "leaders and influencers" for NATO's war agenda.

The YPP is part of the ongoing campaign by NATO to present itself to youth as some type of benign force that is promoting human rights, freedom and democracy. But youth are not buying it. The 2018 report of the Standing Parliamentary Committee on National Defence entitled Canada and NATO: An Alliance Forged in Strength and Reliability, lamented that there was little support or understanding among young people for NATO or what it is doing. It noted that 71 per cent of millennials are not aware of NATO's important role, and that this lack of knowledge hinders the government's support for NATO. What is not understood or appreciated by these warmongers is that youth of today in Canada and abroad have taken up social responsibility for the social and natural environment, and in their hundreds of millions oppose imperialist war and aggression.

To counter this spirit of the youth, the Canadian government and NATO have developed an extensive network -- with organizations such as the NATO Association of Canada, the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy and the Canadian Centre for the Responsibility to Protect at the University of Toronto, and many others -- to disinform youth about the true nature of NATO as an instrument of war and imperialism. Job offers, internships, training and networks with influential academic, corporate and government agencies and contacts are the "perks" offered.

TML Weekly condemns this latest recruitment ploy by NATO to subvert our youth and the youth of the world in the name of learning skills and employment. NATO is an aggressive military organization, one of the greatest threats to the life and well-being of humanity and the environment of our planet.

Not a Single Youth for Imperialist War!
Get Canada Out of NATO!
Dismantle NATO!
Organize for an Anti-War Government!

(TML Weekly,May 16, 2020 - No. 17)

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