Letter to the Editor
The Name of Vladimir Lenin Is Monumental -- No Anti-Communist "Monument" Can Tarnish It

Anne Jamieson

Today I read with disgust a short article in one of the free daily newspapers, "Monument has five final submissions."[1]The Ottawa-based columnist describes one of the "submissions" of a design for the anti-communist monument that is planned to be erected in Ottawa, conceived by the previous Harper administration and approved by the present Trudeau Liberal government. The design he describes with such relish is a statue of Lenin, which the macabre imagination of the anti-communist designer would put in a posture of falling down or being pulled down -- like the statue of Saddam Hussein, for example, which the marauding American troops in Iraq pulled down for the visual effect this would have world-wide in the corporate media. The powers that be are constantly trying newer and better ways in their efforts to manipulate people's consciousness by appealing to the anti-conscious. Monuments are one of the items in their arsenal.

I threw the daily newspaper into the pile I keep for bundling up kitty litter, where it rightfully belongs; but after some moments of reflection, decided to retrieve it, because this article and this act of approbation for something so vile and debased, cannot go unchallenged.

Vladimir Lenin was a giant, as compared to the tiny compressed minds of those who would attempt to vilify his life and his work. The life and work of Lenin was monumental, giving rise to the first socialist state in modern times, affecting the course of history as never before, inspiring millions upon millions of people with the knowledge and hope that they can, indeed, change the world.

Erecting some kind of nefarious statue or anti-communist "monument" is an attempt by the financial oligarchy and its representatives to cancel out in the minds of people the consciousness of history: their motive is that people should not be aware of and inspired by the tremendous achievements of Lenin, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the proletariat and small peasantry, during that glorious era when socialism was first ushered in, in concrete form.

The jackals who would attempt to vilify this grand achievement are no more than a comma or dot in history -- if that. Their names will be forgotten, unlike the names of Vladimir Lenin and other fighters and theorists for the people who will live on forever. The names of these true heroes, representing the best and finest of what humankind is capable of, will live on for as long as human beings continue to inhabit the Earth. History will continue, despite the worst efforts of the jackals to stop it. The proletariat and peoples of the Earth will continue on their paths to change the world in their favour, despite the best efforts of the ruling class and its representatives to stem the tide of change that is beginning to happen. Despite the anti-consciousness of these latter elements, they are aware at some level that the theory and practice of Lenin and later Marxist-Leninists are essential for the success of the forward march of humankind. This is why these individuals try so desperately, through such despicable tactics as an anti-communist "monument" to stem the approaching tide of change through futile attempts to confuse people, especially the proletariat, so that they will not take up their historical mission of attaining political power and liberating all humankind.


1. "Monument has five final submissions," Metro News , March 3-5, 2017 p.10.

(TML Weekly No. 9, March 18, 2017)