Sixth BRICS Summit Held in Brazil
Growing Opposition to the International Dictate of U.S. Imperialism

Countries throughout the world are taking measures to defend their rights and interests against the predatory aim of U.S. imperialism to consolidate and expand its Empire. The BRICS formation of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa is an important step in uniting in action to resist the onslaught of U.S. imperialism and its axis of G7 fellow travellers.

The peoples of the world are resisting U.S. imperialism's subversion and manipulation of the United Nations and other international fora, such as the IMF, World Bank and World Trade Organization to serve its narrow interests and those of its most powerful monopolies. People everywhere are resisting U.S. imperialism's drumbeat of "Might Makes Right," its interference in their internal relations and incessant subversion of their economic, political, social and cultural affairs. The people are sick and tired of U.S. imperialism's continual use of predatory warfare, sanctions, blockades, U.S. dollar hegemony, spying and other acts of war and interference to force countries to submit to its dictate.

To strengthen resistance to the bullying and dictate of U.S. imperialism, to eradicate all remnants of colonialism, to provide a framework to promote the modern development of all countries and raise the standard of living of their people, especially those that have suffered exploitation and colonial oppression at the hands of the most powerful imperialists, and to provide an alternative, the BRICS countries met for their sixth Summit in the Brazilian city of Fortaleza and agreed on specific joint measures to defend themselves and build their economies.

Speaking to reporters prior to the summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, "Together we should think about a system of measures that would help prevent the harassment of countries that do not agree with some foreign policy decisions made by the United States and their allies, but would promote a civilised dialogue on all points at issue based on mutual respect."

A BRICS Summit press release says, "The leaders of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa, met in Fortaleza, Brazil on July 15, 2014 at the Sixth BRICS Summit." The leaders meeting concluded the discussions of the Summit and produced the Fortaleza Declaration and other important decisions and documents, which are available at

A BRICS statement says, "In Brasília, on the 16th, a working session was held between the Leaders of BRICS and the Heads of State and/or Government of South America. The dialogue between BRICS Leaders and their South American counterparts reflects the priority accorded to developing countries in the BRICS outreach strategy."Leaders of BRICS and the Heads of State and/or Government of South America Meeting in Brasília on July 16.

The content and tone of the Fortaleza Declaration and Action Plan and its practical politics for an alternative to U.S. imperialist dictate are evident in article 27, which reads, "We will continue our joint efforts in coordinating positions and acting on shared interests on global peace and security issues for the common well-being of humanity. We stress our commitment to the sustainable and peaceful settlement of disputes, according to the principles and purposes of the UN Charter. We condemn unilateral military interventions and economic sanctions in violation of international law and universally recognized norms of international relations. Bearing this in mind, we emphasize the unique importance of the indivisible nature of security, and that no State should strengthen its security at the expense of the security of others."

Concrete measures taken to counter U.S. hegemony in world economic affairs and to create an alternative include the agreement to establish the New Development Bank with headquarters in Shanghai, China with an initial authorized capital of $100 billion, the Treaty for the establishment of the BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement with an initial size of $100 billion, in part to provide liquidity through currency swaps to avoid problems caused with the pervasive and debilitating use of U.S. dollars in international trade and other financial transactions, and the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation among BRICS Export Credit and Guarantees Agencies.

About BRICS from Its Website

More than an acronym that identified countries emerging in the international economic order, BRICS became a new and promising political-diplomatic entity, far beyond the original concept tailored for the financial markets.

In Durban last year, the first cycle of Summits was completed, each member country having hosted a meeting of leaders. In this period, BRICS has evolved in an incremental manner, in areas of consensus amongst its members, strengthening its two main pillars: (i) coordination in multilateral fora, with a focus on economic and political governance; and (ii) cooperation between members.

Regarding the first pillar, the efforts towards reforming the structures of global governance, especially in the economic and financial fields -- Financial G-20, International Monetary Fund, World Bank -- receive a special emphasis, as well the reform of political institutions, such as the United Nations.

Intra-BRICS cooperation has also been gaining density: a broad agenda has been developed, comprising areas such as finance, agriculture, economy and trade, combating transnational crime, science and technology, health, education, corporate and academic dialogue and security, among others.

For Brazil, BRICS has a special significance: it comprises four of the country's strategic partners, all of which have a strong regional leadership and growing participation in the global economy. Brazil is now in charge of the group's presidency, and will lead the implementation of the Plan of Action. In view of BRICS' informal nature, the role of Secretariat is played by its pro tempore presidency. BRICS is cautiously and incrementally being consolidated, gradually moving forward the institution-building process.

(TML Weekly No. 27, August 9, 2014)