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January-February | March | April | May | June
| August

No. 1 - January - February 2024

In the Parliament

• Parliament Reconvened on January 29

• Auditor General's Report on Corruption in Work of Canada Border Services Agency

• Unscrutinized Regulatory Powers Permit Government to Act Without Legal Authority

• Prime Minister's Department of Branding and Microtargeting Made Ready

For Your Information

• Bills and Government Announcements in the Fall Session

Measures Strengthen Police Powers Over Polity

• "Whole-of-Government Approach" to Threat Posed by "Enemy and Hostile States" – Anna Di Carlo –

• Proliferation of Self-Serving Surveys and "Public Consultations"

• Bogus Survey Used to Justify Establishing "Foreign Influence Transparency Registry"

• Use of Artificial Intelligence by Native Actors to Justify State Interference in Political Process

A New Direction Is Needed for the Economy!

• Crisis in Health Care Sector Deepens – K.C. Adams

• Unacceptable Cartel Arrangement to Control Drug Prices and Distribution

• Alarming Reports of Food Insecurity and Homelessness in Canada

• Overburdened Food Banks

• Rulers Target Toronto Workers and Small Businesses

• Federal Agency Empowered to Dole Out Money to Private Enterprise

• Destruction of Quebec's Economy Continues Under "Nationalist" Legault Government – Georges Cτtι

Constitutionality of Act Respecting First Nations, Inuit and Mιtis Children, Youth and Families

• Favourable Supreme Court of Canada Ruling

• Information on Quebec's Case Before Supreme Court

Women's Memorial Marches

• Marches Honour Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirited People – Janice Murray

Stand with Wet'suwet'en Land Defenders!

• Support Wet'suwet'en Court Challenge! Stop the Criminalization of Land Defenders!

No. 2 - March 2024

Pharmacare Bill in the Parliament

• Private Insurance Cartels Attack Public Health Care – K.C. Adams 

• Key Issue When Discussing Pharmacare Bill

People's Need for Decision-Making Power

• Pay-the-Rich Scams Revealed by Privatization of Health Care

Construction of Battery Component and Assembly Plants for Electric Vehicles

• Made-in-Canada Plan Ensures Energy Security for United States and Its Military – Fernand Deschamps

• More Pay-the-Rich Schemes in the Name of Creating a "Sustainable Quebec Economy"

• Who Said What About the Announcement of Construction of Northvolt Battery Assembly Plant

Relations of Friendship Between Canadian and Cuban Peoples Affirmed

• Warm Welcome for Cuba's New Ambassador to Canada

Get Canada Out of NATO!

• Military Exercises in the Canadian Arctic

• NATO Secretary General's Agenda for Canada

• NATO Steps Up War Preparations

Movement for Peace on Korean Peninsula

• Resolutely Oppose Freedom Shield 24 War Exercises – Philip Fernandez

• South Korean Movement for Peace Calls for End to U.S.-Led War Exercises and a Peace Treaty

• Korea Peace Petition Delivered to the UN and U.S.

No. 3 - April 2024

Preparing for May Day 2024

• Becoming an Effective Organized Political Force Is the Challenge Facing Workers' Movement in 2024 – Workers' Centre of CPC(M-L)

Urgent Need to Oppose Anti-Social Offensive

• Government Irresponsibility as Wildfire Season Begins – Peggy Morton

• Wildland Firefighters Speak Out About Their Conditions and Demands
– Peggy Askin

• Demands of British Columbia Wildland Firefighters

Criminalization of Right to Speech and Conscience

• More Administrative Measures in Quebec to Criminalize Citizen Participation in Political Life – Geneviθve Royer

• Banning of Keffiyeh at Ontario Legislature Will Not Silence Voice of Palestinian Resistance – Philip Fernandez

No Let Up in Fight for Social Justice

• Gatineau Demonstration During Summit on Homelessness

• Haligonians Demand Right to Housing at Juno Awards – TML Youth Correspondent

• Advocacy Groups Call for National Plan for Refugee Claimants – Diane Johnston

• Opposition to Quebec's Increases to Post-Secondary Tuition Fees for Non-Quebec and International Students – Christine Dandenault

75th Anniversary of North Atlantic Treaty Organization

• Anniversary Finds NATO Wobbling Uncontrollably – Nick Lin

• Desperation Over Ukraine in Meetings of NATO Foreign Ministers, NATO-Ukraine Council and Indo-Pacific Partners – Steve Rutchinski

United States

• Movement Using Vote to Denounce Genocide Is Growing

• Continuing Genocide Does Not Stop U.S. War Funding for Israel and Ukraine

All Out to Support Revolutionary Cuba! 

• New U.S. Operations Against Cuba Reveal Its Interference in the Country

• Friendship and Solidarity Between the Cuban and Quebec People Reaffirmed!

• Torontonians Mark 63rd Anniversary of Cuban Victory at Playa Girσn

Stand With Haiti! Core Group Out of Haiti!

• Core Group and Caribbean Community Collude to Impose Transitional Presidential Council and Legitimize Foreign Intervention

• Canada Trains Interventionist Forces

• Update on Kenyan-Led Multinational Interventionist Force

• Statements by People's Organizations on Crisis in Haiti

• U.S. Restarts Deportations to Haiti

In the News

• Palestinian Resistance Rejects Israeli Aggression and External Interference

• Filipinos Denounce U.S.-Philippines Balikatan Joint Military Exercises 2024

• South Koreans Demand Impeachment of President Yoon Suk-yeol Following National Elections

• Farmers and Toilers in India Work Out How to Empower Themselves – J. Singh 

No. 4 - May 2024

The Need to Make Way for Renewal

• Renewal of the Democratic Process Is Essential – Anna Di Carlo

On the Use of "Hate" and "Extremism" to Control the Political Space

• Parliament's Self-Serving Amendments to Electoral Law

• Proposed Changes to Electoral Law Seek to Strengthen State Control Over Political Discourse

• Foreign Interference Provisions in Proposed Amended Electoral Law

• Government of Canada Funding for Research to Identify "Extremism"

• UK Government's "New Definition of Extremism"

Attempts to Undermine Palestinian Resistance and Right to Be on the Basis of Cold War Ideology of “Two Extremes”

• Canada's Abstention in Vote Giving Palestine Fuller Status at United Nations – Pauline Easton

• Nonsense About Balance Resolving Political and Social Contradictions
– K.C. Adams

• Discussion on Israeli Terrorism

Quebec's Chief Electoral Officer’s Proposed Changes to Electoral Law

• Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec Organizes Roundtables on Proposed Changes to Election Act

• Amendments Should Give Meaning to Right of People to Elect and Be Elected
– Report on Discussions Held by Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec

• Joint Letter of Parties Not Represented at the National Assembly

No. 5 - June 2024

In Memoriam

• Daniel Roy (Dan) Nelson – January 7, 1949 — May 3, 2024

Parliament Adjourns for the Summer
Bill C-70, Countering Foreign Interference Act, Fast-Tracked

• Egregious Abuse of Parliament to Make Rule by Police Powers the New Normal – Anna Di Carlo

Foreign Influence Transparency and Accountability Act Is Neither Transparent Nor Accountable

• Act Gives Seal of Approval to Government by Police Powers – Pauline Easton

Oppose Integration of Canada into U.S. War Economy

• No to U.S. Military Money in Canadian Mining Operations or Other Industries! – K.C. Adams

• Quebec "Clean Energies" Bill Serves to Integrate Quebec's Resources into U.S. Energy, Transportation and Trade Corridors – Fernand Deschamps

• U.S. Pentagon Joins with Canadian Government to Fund Graphite Mine in Quebec – Alain Tremblay

New Federal Pilot Projects for Foreign Caregivers

• Canada Must Move Urgently to Approve an Adequate Regularization Program – Diane Johnston

• Toronto Action for Regularization and Status for All

Defend the Pensions We Have, Fight for Pensions for All!

• Calgarians Rally for Retirement Security For All!

• Remarks to Hands Off Our Canada Pension Plan Rally – Peggy Askin, President, Calgary Area Council, Congress of Union Retirees of Canada

Ontario Government's Unconscionable Mistreatment of Seniors

• Evidence of Harmful Anti-Social Measures Multiplies – Barbara Biley

Anniversary of National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

• Marking Five Years Since the 231 Calls to Justice Were Issued – Pierre Soubliθre

Third Canadian National Conference on Human Rights in the Philippines

• Stand with Filipino People to Resist State Terror and Defend Rights – Philip Fernandez

• Philippine Supreme Court Rules Against Government Practice of Red-Tagging


• Canadian Network on Cuba Holds 11th Biennial Convention

• "Routine Visits" of Russian and Canadian Warships to Havana Harbour

Omnibus Legislation in Argentina

• Neo-Liberal Destruction of Argentina – Margaret Villamizar

No. 6 - July 2024

No to Creating a War Government in Canada!Get Canada Out of NATO! Dismantle NATO!

Broad Opposition to NATO and U.S. Takeover of Canadian Economy and Institutions

• Legislation Ratifies 1952 NATO Protocols to Enable NATO Installations in Canada – Pauline Easton

• Ignoble Episode of U.S. Foreign Interference in Canadian Affairs at Crucial Period Post World War II – Anna Di Carlo

• Opposition to Pentagon's Takeover of Quebec Open-Pit Graphite Mine Project  – Alain Tremblay

• U.S. Appropriation of Subsurface of Quebec and Canada

• No Nickel For Genocide Petition Passes Three Thousand Signatures – Dave Starbuck

• Disgraceful Canada Day Attempt to Get Canadians Onboard with War Preparations – Pierre Soubliθre

Spate of Anti-Worker Laws Passed In Quebec 

• Legault Government's Privatized Restructuring Plans Oppose Modern Nation-Building – Fernand Deschamps

Bill 51 – Act to Modernize the Construction Industry

• Construction Workers Oppose Their Working Conditions Being Subject to Private Interests and Defend Their Dignity – Christine Dandenault

Bill 69 on Governance of Energy Resources

• Unions Oppose Quebec Government's Bill 69, An Act to Ensure the Responsible Governance of Energy Resources – Geneviθve Royer

Blatant Theft of Public Assets in Ontario

• Support Striking Liquor Control Board of Ontario Workers Defending Their Rights and Rights of All – Barbara Biley

• Interview with Veteran Liquor Control Board of Ontario Worker

• Systematic Privatization of Liquor Control Board – Rob Woodhouse

• Unfettered Use of Executive Police Powers for Privatization

Another Glaring Example of Theft of Public Assets

• Private Interests Take Control of Vancouver City Council – K.C. Adams

Toronto--St. Paul's Federal By-Election 

• Taking a Stand for Political Renewal – Philip Fernandez

• Significance of Liberal Defeat – Hilary LeBlanc

August Celebrations 

Answering the Call of History

• Historic Anniversaries • Hardial Bains -- A Man of Revolutionary Action

• Significance of 1989 Meeting in Chertsey, Quebec

• CPC(M-L)'s Memorial in Beechwood Cemetery

• Dedication of Party Memorial, August 15, 1999

• Video: The Party's Word Is Its Deed: Hardial Bains -- A Portrait

• CPC(M-L) Emphasizes Need to Pay Serious Attention to Elaboration of Modern Communism

• Author's Preface to 1998 Edition of Necessity for Change  – Hardial Bains

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