No. 6

January 22, 2024

Palestinian Resistance in the News

• More Than 100 Days of Heroic Palestinian Resistance to
Israel's Barbaric Assault on Gaza

• Constant Evidence of Israeli War Crimes and Genocidal Intent

Hezbollah Leader on Failure and Desperation of Occupiers After 100 Days of Resistance

U.S. and UK Continue Attacks Against Yemen

More Countries Take Initiatives to Hold Israel Responsible
for Its Crimes

Photo Review -- January 12 to 20

• Worldwide Actions Stand with Palestine for More Than 100 Days

Palestinian Resistance in the News

More Than 100 Days of Heroic Palestinian Resistance to Israel's Barbaric Assault on Gaza

More reports are emerging of Israeli reservists refusing to be deployed to Gaza. About half the soldiers of an Israeli reserve battalion refused to fight in the Gaza Strip and were released from duty by their commander, Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed reported on January 17.

On January 19, Day 105 of the barbaric Zionist war against Gaza, Zionist losses were significant. Al-Qassam Brigades destroyed three Zionist Merkava tanks east of the city of Khan Yunis, in the south of the Gaza Strip; a Zionist military vehicle south of the Al-Zaytoun neighbourhood in Gaza City; targeted a special Zionist infantry force that had fortified itself inside a building in Al-Zaytoun collapsing the building on the special forces, then targeted a tank that arrived to support the force; they destroyed a Zionist tank southwest of Gaza City with an Al-Yassin 105 shell; had firefights with Israeli forces barricaded in buildings in various parts of Gaza City; targeted a Zionist Merkava tank with an Al-Yassin 105 shell northeast of Al-Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip; bombarded gatherings of enemy forces infiltrating northeast of Al-Bureij using mortar shells; clashed with Zionist forces, leaving dead and wounded, in the Al-Salam area, east of Jabaliya in the northern Gaza Strip; lured a special Zionist force to a tunnel entrance and blew it up with a number of soldiers, causing direct casualties, east of Al-Tuffah neighbourhood in Gaza City.

Al-Quds Brigades (Islamic Jihad) forces bombarded a gathering of Zionist enemy soldiers and vehicles in the Al-Sa'ayda area east of Al-Maghazi camp as well as east of Al-Bureij camp; engaged in fierce clashes with machine guns and other weapons against Zionist enemy soldiers in the advancement axes east of Gaza City; bombarded Zionist forces in Gaza's Al-Zaytoun neighbourhood with a barrage of mortar shells; and targeted a Zionist military vehicle with a tandem shell east of Jabaliya.

On the Lebanese border, Hezbollah reported a direct hit on a deployment of Israeli soldiers between the Al-Samaqa and Al-Ramtha sites in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms and a direct hit on Israeli troops in the vicinity of the Khirbet Ma'a with a barrage of Burkan missiles. The Lebanese resistance also scored a direct hit on a gathering of soldiers on Jabal Nadhir with unspecified missiles.

(news agencies, social media)

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Constant Evidence of Israeli War Crimes and Genocidal Intent

Recent footage of Israeli forces blowing up the Al-Israa University in southern Gaza in what appeared to be a controlled demolition has sparked international outrage. The Israeli forces blew up the university after 70 days of occupying it and converting it into a military barracks and a detention centre.

Destruction of Al-Israa University by the Israeli occupiers, January 18, 2024. (PressTV)

The World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations' health body, says the Israeli regime has staged nearly 600 attacks against medical targets across the Gaza Strip, which the occupying regime has brought under an unrelenting genocidal war. The attacks, the WHO said on January 19, have affected 94 health care sites, including 26 of the territory's 36 hospitals. The WHO reports that at least 613 people have been killed, and more than 770 others injured during the strikes.

Gadi Eisenkot, a former army chief who is a member of Israel's War Cabinet, said that claims the dozens of hostages could be freed by means other than a ceasefire amounted to spreading "illusions." The day before, rifle-toting police scuffled with protesting Israelis who blocked a major highway in Tel Aviv to call for an immediate deal to release the hostages. Police detained seven protesters overnight, Israeli media reported.

Anti-war protest in Tel Aviv, January 18, 2024, calling for an immediate ceasefire and negotiated peace agreement as the only way to guarantee security and a return of hostages. (H. Matar)

Israelis protest outside the residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, calling on the government to take action to release all remaining hostages, January 20, 2024. (Shehab News)

The recent statement by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been condemned worldwide. He said only "greater Israel" will exist from the "river to the sea." Speaking in a nationally broadcast news conference on January 18, Netanyahu ruled out a post-war peace process that would lead to the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state, rebuffing calls from the U.S. to start working toward that ultimate goal. "Israel must have security control over all the territory west of the Jordan," he said.

So too Israeli President Isaac Herzog, addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on January 18, said Israel has "lost trust in peace processes, because they see that terror is glorified by our neighbours." Meanwhile Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has again called for the "Occupation of the Gaza Strip." He said, "Gaza must be occupied. Stay inside it and encourage the voluntary migration of its residents. If we win the war, it will be practically accomplished."

With this, there is no more proof required of Israel's intentions to wipe out the Palestinian population.

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Hezbollah Leader on Failure and Desperation of Occupiers After 100 Days of Resistance

On January 14, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, speaking at a memorial service for senior Hezbollah commander Wissam Tawil, assassinated by Israel on January 8, spoke to the situation in the region with U.S. and Israeli threats to expand their aggression. Below is Al Manar's coverage of his speech.

Epic Steadfastness

Sayyed Nasrallah praised the Palestinian people and resistance in Gaza as saying: "100 days have passed and Gaza is still holding out. Gaza has been showing an epic steadfastness that is unparalleled in the history."

He pointed to the Zionist entity's policy of media blackout, especially regarding the Israeli casualties and losses.

"Israel in this war on Gaza is more restrictive and secretive than any other war. Political commentators, analysts and experts agree that Israel is mired in failure."

In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that the Zionist entity has failed to achieve both the implicit and explicit goals of the war on Gaza.

"The implicit goals of the Israeli war are to occupy Gaza, displace the Gazans and to turn the enclave into a beach for the Israeli settlers in Gaza envelope."

"The Israeli enemy was neither able to eliminate the resistance in Gaza, nor able to eliminate the Hamas government. It is still fighting in Gaza City and Khan Yunis."

"One hundred days into the war, rockets are still being fired from northern Gaza towards Tel Aviv and settlements in Gaza envelope," his eminence said, referring to Gaza resistance's ability to control the battle.

Unprecedented Israeli Losses

Sayyed Nasrallah noted that the Israeli occupation has been covering up its casualties and losses in Gaza since this will lead to a great frustration and cause low morale within the Israeli army and settlers.

"The enemy is still fighting to secure some achievements before moving to the third phase of the war in which it will redeploy its forces."

His eminence cited Israeli media reports that talked about 4,000 soldiers who have become disabled.

"The Israeli media reports that 4,000 soldiers are now disabled, and that the number could reach 30,000. Brothers and sisters, if this is the case, how many Israeli soldiers have been killed or injured?!"

"According to numbers and figures, the Israeli human cost on all fronts is unprecedented."

On the other hand, Sayyed Nasrallah noted that the legal case against the Zionist entity at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) "defames the image of the occupation regime and exposes the moral decline of the West over its support to Israel."

Aggression on Yemen a "Folly"

Meanwhile, the Hezbollah Secretary General said that the U.S. and its Western allies worked to thwart the fronts which have been opened in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq in support of Gaza.

"The recent aggression on Yemen represents foolishness of both the U.S. and the UK, as it also shows U.S.' contradiction. While Washington calls for not expanding the war, it is doing so. If Biden and his administration think that Yemen will retreat after the aggression, then they are wrong, suspicious, and ignorant."

He affirmed, in this context, that the U.S. aggression won't stop the Yemeni attacks on Israeli ships and ships bound for the Zionist entity.

"The U.S. aggression will harm the security of maritime navigation in the Red Sea, which will turn into a battlefield, and this is stupidity in itself."

"Biden and his administration will find out that they have committed a folly by staging aggression against Yemen."

Sensitive Haifa Target Hit

Sayyed Nasrallah, furthermore, revealed that according to information obtained by Hezbollah, a sensitive target in Haifa was targeted by a cruise missile fired by the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

"The Islamic Resistance in Iraq struck Haifa with a cruise missile, but the Israeli occupation kept the issue a secret."

Strike on Israel's Meron Military Base

Talking more about the Israeli media blackout on war losses, Sayyed Nasrallah gave another example, by revealing that the Israeli media claimed that Hezbollah struck Meron base, in retaliation for Israeli assassination of Hamas senior official Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri, with only 40 rockets.

"As the Israeli media reported that only 40 rockets were fired from Lebanon towards Meron base, we confirm that Hezbollah fired 62 rockets and missiles towards the base. Forty of these were Katyusha rockets, while the other 22 were Kornet missiles," Sayyed Nasrallah said, affirming that 18 out of 22 missiles hit the base inflicting casualties and huge losses upon the Israeli enemy.

Defeated Brigades

Hitting back at U.S. and Israeli threats for Lebanon, Sayyed Nasrallah said that similar threats have been made since the start of the war and that they were futile, wondering: "Will they be fruitful now following 100 days of failure and exhaustion?!"

He recalled the epic victory secured by the resistance in Lebanon during the 2006 July war, saying: "Though the Israeli army was fully prepared during July War, it was defeated."

"The one who should fear the war in Lebanon is 'Israel' and the Israeli settlers. As for the resistance in Lebanon, we have been ready for the war for 99 days, we are not afraid of it. We fear nothing, and we will fight without limits and without borders."

"They threaten us with defeated brigades in Gaza, we say: Hello and welcome."

Sayyed Nasrallah then warned the U.S. by saying: "The U.S. which presents itself as a neutral player that is keen on Lebanon's interests has to be concerned about the fate of its puppet in the region, Israel."

He concluded his statement by stressing that there will be no talks to calm the front in Lebanon before the war on Gaza ends, noting that this also applies on other fronts that erupted in Yemen, Iraq and Syria in support of Gaza.

"Our stance is clear that the front in Lebanon is to support Gaza, and its goal is to stop the aggression on Gaza. The U.S. and the UK, which approached the region, will hear one stance in Yemen, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq: Stop the war on Gaza."

(Al Manar. Slightly edited for style by TML.)

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Yemenis Protest Continued U.S. and U.K. Attacks Against Yemen

Yemenis protest attacks on their country by U.S., UK and their allies, January 12, 2024.

On January 19, U.S. Central Command tweeted that the Yemeni Houthis attacked a U.S.-owned tanker in the Gulf of Aden on the night of January 18 with anti-ship missiles.

The U.S. responded by bombing Yemen for the sixth time in just eight days. U.S. officials speaking with the Associated Press said F-18s conducted the sixth round of strikes in Yemen. A Pentagon official explained that the U.S. government does not believe it is at war with Yemen. In response to the American strikes, the Yemeni people have rallied around the Houthis, and the group has stepped up strikes on American-linked shipping in the Red Sea.

Responding to the attacks Yahya Saria, a spokesman for Yemen's Ansar Allah (Houthi) rebel movement, issued a statement confirming that they have fired anti-ship missiles at a U.S. ship, the Chem Ranger, in the Gulf of Aden. "The naval forces of Yemen have carried out an operation in the Gulf of Aden, during which a U.S. ship, the Chem Ranger, was attacked with several anti-ship missiles," Saria said in a live broadcast of the Houthi-owned Al Masirah television. The Houthis have previously made clear that their actions are in support of the Palestinian Resistance and aimed at Israel and its supporters.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian issued a statement condemning the U.S. and UK for endangering the regional peace for the benefit of Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

On January 12 demontrators in Bahrain stand with Yemen and protest against their government's normalization of relations with Israel. Their chants affirm, "From Yemen to Lebanon, Bahrain to Palestine, there is only one people," and "We will not be intimidated!"

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More Countries Take Initiatives to Hold Israel Responsible for Its Crimes

In light of Israel's relentless crimes against the Palestinian people since October 7, 2023, more and more countries are taking stands aimed at holding it to account. As of January 20, the death toll in Gaza alone has now surpassed 25,000, with 178 confirmed deaths that day.

Mexico and Chile have asked the International Criminal Court (ICC) to probe possible war crimes committed by Israel against Palestinians in its ongoing war on Gaza. The referral was "due to the growing concern over the latest escalation of violence, particularly against civilian targets," the Mexican foreign ministry said. Chile's Foreign Minister Alberto van Klaveren said his country stands by "investigation of any possible war crime" committed by either side of the conflict.

Nearly 50 lawyers are preparing a separate lawsuit against the U.S. and UK governments on the grounds that they are complicit in Israeli forces' war crimes in Palestine. The initiative, led by South African lawyer Wikus Van Rensburg, aims to prosecute those who are complicit in the crime in civilian courts in collaboration with lawyers from the U.S. and UK, with whom he is already in contact. "The United States must now be held accountable for the crimes it committed," Rensburg told Anadolu news agency in an interview.

Meanwhile, Indonesia has filed a new lawsuit against Israel at the UN's International Court of Justice (ICJ). The Indonesian Foreign Ministry had previously assembled a team of experts to help draft Indonesia's ICJ case to hold Israel accountable for its "policies and practices" in the occupied Palestinian territories.

According to the local Jakarta Post, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said that the case will help support global order based on international law, as well as support the Palestinians. This statement was made ahead of a meeting of dozens of international law experts and academics in the capital, Jakarta.

Indonesia and Slovenia have also announced that they will join a prior case already underway at the ICJ, going back to December 2022 when the UN General Assembly voted to request that the ICJ issue an advisory opinion on whether Israeli policies against Palestinians violated international law. Slovenia said it would take part in the hearings that start on February 19, citing Israel's war on Gaza and increased Israeli violence in the occupied West Bank as the reasons.

"This is a very broad spectrum of alleged violations that have been committed in the region for decades and whose horrific consequences are still visible today," Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon said at a press conference on January 11.

"In the light of recent events in Gaza and the West Bank, Slovenia, as one of the few EU countries [to do so], has decided to actively participate and present its views in these proceedings before the International Court of Justice, which has been asked to give an advisory opinion."

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Photo Review -- January 12 to 20

Worldwide Actions Stand with Palestine for
More Than 100 Days

U.S. National March for Palestine, Washington, DC, January 13, 2024

National Capital Region

On Monday, January 15, at 3:30 pm, more than 500 people gathered at the Human Rights Monument in downtown Ottawa to mark the 100th day of Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people. Organizers made a point of acknowledging the courage of South Africa which has brought Israel before the International Court of Justice, as well as that of the world's people, by affirming: "When Gaza called, South Africa answered! When Gaza called, Yemen answered! When Gaza called, WE answered!"

Organizers denounced Canada's complicity which has extended to supporting the illegal bombing of Yemen by U.S. and UK forces, in retaliation for its actions to stop the Zionist terrorist regime from eradicating Palestine. Not only is Canada, along with Western imperialist powers, encouraging the pursuit of Israel's genocidal policies, it is supporting and funding it. "Genocide Justin claims that he is concerned with the rising violence in Gaza but denies South Africa's case before the International Court of Justice against Israel. How can you claim to be humanitarian when you are denying a genocide case against a terrorist State?" they asked.

Organizers also stated that in spite of all the destruction caused by the Israeli occupation, Palestine's power exists in resistance and resistance is one step closer to freedom. "They will not destroy the powerful faith in Gaza and in the West Bank. In the past 100 days, the Zionist genocidal project has expanded. We will not passively watch the genocide continue and spread throughout the rest of the Middle East."

People then took to the streets and marched to the Israeli Embassy where they stopped and listened to a report given by rabbis from Montreal and New York. The delegation had just been to The Hague to express its support to South Africa at the International Court of Justice.

January 15


On January 14, another pro-Palestine demonstration was held in Victoria Park at 3:00 pm. From the start of the demonstration news was circulating that the Halifax police were going to start enforcing a "noise bylaw" to prevent demonstrators from using sound equipment including loudspeakers. It is typical for Canada to use bylaws to silence and criminalize protest. So too, in an attempt to show support for Zionist Israel, at 10:30 am a group of Zionists had organized at the Public Gardens. The Zionists were using sound equipment without any objection from the police but the Palestinians and their supporters who organized a counter demonstration across the street in Victoria Park were told that they couldn't use theirs. They told the police that they would not turn down their sound until the police ordered the Zionists to turn down their sound. The police actions make it clear that it is the voices of opposition to Israeli genocide that they want to silence.

January 14

A car caravan comprised of more than 40 vehicles gathered in Bedford, Nova Scotia to demonstrate support for the people of Palestine, promotion of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions and to denounce the horrific crimes of the Israeli Zionists. The caravan  drove through Bedford and much of Halifax ending at the  top of Citadel Hill where a huge Palestinian flag was draped. Speakers and voices broadcast "Free Free Palestine," "Occupation is a crime," and many others.

January 20


January 14


On the cold and bitter afternoon of January 14, over 1,500 people gathered in downtown Montreal with Palestinian flags and placards to denounce the 100 days of genocide committed by Israel against the Palestinian people.

One of the spokespersons from the Palestinian Youth Movement said to the crowd, “It's been 100 days of watching as the political leaders of the world not only give Israel impunity, but actually profit from the genocide. One hundred days of children being orphaned, of mothers being widowed, of fathers being murdered, and of bloodlines being obliterated. But it has also been 100 days and 75 years of our people fighting back against the occupation.

"In the past 100 days, we've seen the hypocrisy of the so-called democratic countries. We've seen our people confront and humiliate the so-called democratic countries in the world. In the past 100 days, we've seen prisoners get liberated.

"In the past 100 days, Gaza has shown the entire world  [..] what liberation looks like. And the brave people of Gaza have shown us that there is no price that is too high for liberation and for dignity at any cost and by any means necessary.

"And to everyone here, [..] it's calling for the free people of the West to stand up and not be part of this imperial war machine. We will no longer allow those in power to kill for profit.

"We will no longer allow genocide to happen with complete impunity [...] and we will fight with you right here in the belly of the beast until justice prevails and until the entire world is free from Zionism.”

Other speakers addressed the crowd in the same vein, after which participants headed towards the U.S. consulate where more speeches were given.

The march ended in front of Quebec Premier François Legault’s offices, with yet more speakers denouncing his government's pro-Israeli stand and its silence regarding the genocide taking place in Gaza and demanding that he take a stand in favour of a ceasefire.

January 14

Starting at noon of January 20, hundreds of people gathered at La Fontaine Park to take part in a caravan of cars in support of the Palestinian people. Around 200 vehicles, adorned with Palestinian flags of all sizes and placards denouncing Israel's genocide in Gaza and calling for an immediate ceasefire, drove through the city streets. A group of cyclists even showed up in the bitter cold with their Palestinian flags to follow the caravan. All along the route, from Sherbrooke Street in the eastern part of the city to the Israeli consulate downtown, the caravan was greeted by passers-bys, other motorists, and by residents stepping out onto their balconies to wave a hand, or a Palestinian flag, or to bang pots.

As the caravan arrived at the Israeli consulate, the street facing its entrance was blocked off by Montreal police to prevent any of the cars from approaching the building.

The action ended with the organizers thanking everyone for their presence and calling upon one and all to gather again the next day, January 21, at 2:00 pm for the weekly march in downtown Montreal in support of Palestine.

January 20

North Bay

January 13


January 14


One hundred days of Israel's genocidal rampage in Gaza was marked in Windsor on January 14 with a militant action that proclaimed We are All Palestinian!

During the march, on a busy section of Tecumseh Road in the city's east side, the flags of South Africa, Lebanon, Yemen and other countries that have declared their support for South Africa's case against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) could be seen flying high alongside Palestinian flags. Flags representing their national heritage were carried by some people as well, an expression of the support the Palestinian cause enjoys among the peoples of the world. Among the chants shouted during the march were Thank you South Africa! Thank you Lebanon! Thank you Yemen! and In Our Thousands, in Our Millions, We Are All Palestinians!

The main speech at the rally that opened the action was given by a young worker active with Windsor4Palestine. He said his Irish ancestors who struggled through starvation, colonization and occupation under settler colonial and imperial oppression were screaming through him now that "This happened before and it shall not happen again." He spelled out some of the many crimes Israel has committed in its one hundred days of genocide. Those crimes, he said -- and having watched the U.S. representative's hand quiver while vetoing multiple calls for a ceasefire at the UN, and lawyers for Israel fumbling through their arguments at the ICJ -- made him wonder how such wickedness could be allowed to continue. "When facing such evil structures and the people behind them," he said, "it becomes our duty as humans to build a resistance made up of people who live and breathe righteousness."

In that respect, the experience of coming together with so many people of all ages around the shared commitment to the call for a free Palestine, he said, was reason to "believe in us, and that this is the world actually awakening in a united front against all systems of oppression. This is the regeneration of the human spirit. This is revolution," he declared.

January 14


The Calgary Global Day of Action for Gaza event held on January 13,was co-hosted by the newly founded Calgary Palestinian Council (CPC), Justice for Palestinians and Independent Jewish Voices.

The event, planned as a rally, was moved inside to the CommunityWise Centre due to extreme freezing temperatures. The indoor session was lively, with speakers from the sponsoring organizations as well as others who spoke during the open mic session, and discussion amongst everyone about the need for an immediate ceasefire and to stop the murderous genocide that the Israeli Zionists are committing against the Palestinian people. Following a short break, many people participated in a letter writing session.

Sustained applause broke out when the moderator and organizer for Justice for Palestinians Wesam Khaled, announced the founding of the CPC and encouraged everyone to support it. He then invited one of CPC's members, Shadi Aboud, to speak. After raising that it is the responsibility of his generation to organize solidarity with Palestine, Shadi said: "I want to speak about Bahrain. Bahrain is an outpost for the U.S. military and is also involved in the aggression against Yemen. I wanted to bring this up because they and other countries are a microcosm of what is happening around the world, where the gap between the citizens and the governments is growing. When you look at, for example, what is happening in the U.S. -- I have been part of Palestinian activism for 20 years and I have never seen anything like this. In Bahrain they are protesting in the streets and their government is actively engaging in war. It is quite amazing to see. We are not alone. We are part of this global movement and I think the future is with us."

In a post on their Facebook page, put up shortly after the January 13 Global Day of Action for Gaza, the CPC said the following;

"We praise South Africa for their powerful and compelling case for genocide at the International Court of Justice, while calling on the Canadian government to support the South African effort.

"We appreciate the people of Yemen and their stand with Palestine and calling for an end to the siege in Gaza. We condemn the USA and UK complicity in the genocides happening in the region and their bombardment of Yemen."

The spokesperson for Calgary Independent Jewish Voices, as always, stood firmly with the Palestinian people and their right to be and condemned the lies being perpetrated by the Zionists to create support for their crimes in Canada and around the world.

During the open mic session people emphasized that the Canadian government has responsibility to provide support and financial assistance to Gazans coming to Canada. Several condemned the bombing of Yemen and Lebanon and spoke about the advances made by the resistance.

This was a very successful event, where the issue of what kinds of actions and events are needed was put on the agenda for discussion so as to continue to be effective in standing with Palestine.

January 13

British Columbia

January 20


January 12

Washington DC

On January 13, a U.S. National March for Gaza took place in Washington, DC with more than 400,000 people participating, travelling from across the U.S. to take part. Buses were chartered from Chicago, Boston, New York, Ohio, Florida and many other areas. The action demanded the Biden administration Stop This Genocide! The march was organized by the American Muslim Task Force for Palestine in conjunction with other organizations.  

One of the participating organizations in its callout for the rally stated, "It is up to us, the people of this country, to rise up against war crimes and crimes against humanity that are being carried out in our name. We are joining with the truly global movement that has arisen in recent weeks against genocide, occupation and apartheid."

January 13

Cambridge, MA

January 19

San Francisco, CA

January 14

Oakland, CA

January 13



January 13
January 20

January 20


January 20


January 20

Glasgow, Scotland

January 20



January 14


January 20
January 20

Uppsala, Sweden

January 20

Basel, Switzerland

January 14



January 16

January 15

Warsaw, Poland

January 13



January 20

January 19

Lisbon, Portugal

January 14


January 20

January 20


January 20

Vincenza, Italy

January 20



Education City, Qatar

Asian Cup game, Palestine vs Iran, Palestinian flags fill the bleachers,  January 14, 2024.

Tokyo, Japan

January 19

Jakarta, Indonesia

San José, Costa Rica

January 20

Cali, Colombia

January 20

Machu Picchu, Peru

January 20

Montevideo, Uruguay

January 13

Melbourne, Australia

January 19, blocking ZIM shipping
January 13
January 18
(Photos: TML, YDR, PYM, Collectif Eglantine, North Bay for Palestine, Windsor4Palestine, CPA, MAWO, Answer, K_3 Passions, Lado Noticias, @HowDoUSae, WACA, B. Anderson, @sahouraxo, phaisie, Lon Won, MediaWiseMJ, Faheem_Rabbani, Evs_C, CrotleiveSF, corkbeo, C. Gaildini, frazzzo, Shehab, BDS Geneva, @palestinaspricht_muc, @urgencepalestine, CPPC, sirarego, IU Madrid Centro, Silvia 84, ruthdefrutos, SaraRossi2014, iunidalebrija, @omou_palestine, @daraaraf24, palestinacostarica, univalleunida, Amparanoia5, Coordinacion por Palestina, Green Left Online, GFF Aus Group, MattH093)

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