No. 12

February 20, 2024

Photo Review -- February 12 to 18

Global March Demands Hands Off Rafah!

London, emergency action February 12

Around the world hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in more than 120 cities for a Global March for Rafah on February 17, with some actions taking place also on February 18. The actions followed a week of emergency actions demanding Israel stop the bombing of Gaza, cease its attacks on Rafah from land, air and sea, where 1.4 million people are seeking shelter, and that it not launch an all-out ground assault on Rafah. They demanded action be taken immediately to end the genocide in Gaza, for a ceasefire and the unrestricted flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

National Capital Region

On February 17 more than a thousand people marched in Ottawa as part of the global day of action for Rafah. A spokesperson for the Palestinian Youth Movement spoke briefly at the Human Rights Monument, where people assembled at 2:00 pm before marching to the Israeli Embassy. She said:

"On the 133rd day of ongoing genocide, we stand unapologetically for our people in Gaza and all over Palestine. We stand here to expose the crimes that have been and continue to be committed in Rafah, across the Gaza Strip and all over our beloved Palestine.

"Last week, the Israeli occupation launched a genocidal assault on Rafah, the southernmost city in Gaza, which shelters more than 1.4 million Palestinians, the majority of them displaced from other parts of Gaza. Over 70 Palestinians were martyred and more than 230 were injured in one night. [...] Airstrikes targeted homes and mosques where many took refuge. [...]

"[T]he Zionist entity is threatening a ground invasion in Rafah. Despite its being designated as a safe area... Netanyahu has now ordered an evacuation from Rafah. There is nowhere to evacuate beyond Rafah except to Egypt!

"Through his announcement, Netanyahu is reaffirming what we all know was the goal from the beginning -- for Palestinians to leave Palestine, never to return. Netanyahu's language and the occupation in action all reflect the final stages of ethnic cleansing. Meanwhile, Canada, the U.S. and the EU continue business as usual, continuing to fund and arm the genocidal Zionist entity."

She spoke also of how Canada has decided to cut funding to UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), which provides relief and support to over 6 million Palestinians in 60 refugee camps across Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. She said this attack on UNRWA is a form of collective punishment for Palestinian resistance.

She reiterated the people's demands to end the genocidal assault on Gaza and the siege on Gaza, for a complete and total end to the occupation, and that Canada enforce an immediate arms embargo and immediately reinstate UNRWA funding. She said, "Our people refuse -- and they have refused for the past 76 years -- to submit to the fate of permanent exile. [...] Each and every one of us has a role to play in the struggle for liberation. We will remain steadfast in our pursuit of complete liberation until Palestine is free."

Hands Off Rafah Now! From the River to the Sea, Palestine Is Almost Free! From the Sea to the River, Palestine Will Live Forever! We Will Not Be Pushed Aside! We Stand With Gaza, Side by Side! and We Will Free Palestine Within Our Own Lifetime! were among the slogans heard in the march.

February 17

St. John's

February 17


On February 17, more than 250 people gathered in Victoria Park, Halifax to denounce the ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza being carried out by the Israeli Zionists with the backing of the U.S., Britain and other imperialists. The end of the park closest to Spring Garden Road was filled with Palestinian flags, and pro-Palestine signs.

The rally began with music and chants of Free, Free Palestine! From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free! Gaza, Gaza Don't You Cry, We Will Never Let You Die! From Halifax to Palestine Occupation Is a Crime! Resistance Is Justified When People Are Occupied! and others. Among the participants was a large contingent from the South Shore ceasefire group.

There were speakers from the Atlantic Canada Palestinian Society, which organized the rally. A Mi'kmaw speaker gave the land acknowledgment and spoke eloquently of the similarities in the struggle of the Palestinians and that of the Indigenous Peoples of North America.

A member of Alternative Jewish Voices followed, who introduced herself as a proud anti-Zionist Jew. She spoke of the fraud of Zionism being conflated with Judaism and criticized Israel for being anti-Semitic.

A march down Spring Garden Road to Peace and Friendship Park followed the rally. All along the way, chants and calls were heard, and a number of pro-Palestinian cafes and restaurants were promoted.

February 17


February 18

Quebec City

February 17


People in their hundreds assembled in downtown Montreal on February 18 with their Palestinian flags, placards and banners for the 20th consecutive week. A representative of the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) spoke first. He told the crowd, "Human rights are often presented as a universal reality but the truth is that their application is often selective and discriminatory. [...] This government and others claim to respect human rights while these countries are actively exporting the weapons that serve this genocide and feed the hate and provoke the war crimes. What human rights do we have when Palestine has been colonized for over 75 years?"

He said, "Human rights should not be used as political means or as an excuse to justify unjust actions. They should be respected and protected in all circumstances, without discrimination or selectivity. Because all human beings are equal, each person has the right to fight for freedom. Each people has the right to fight for its independence. Each people has the right to regain its dignity."

More slogans resonated from the crowd, among them: One: We Are the People, Two: We Won't Be Silenced, Three: Stop the Bombing, Now, Now, Now! Free, Free Palestine! and "Ceasefire Now!

A speaker from Palestinians abroad told the crowd, which had swelled to close to a thousand by then, "Today is the 134th day of the ongoing genocide." He said. "The resistance of our people over there is still ongoing and they are fighting back for the sake of our dignity. Our people over there are on the front lines. We are fighting on behalf of all humanity around the world [...] because this is a call to justice."

Participants, now numbering close to 1,300, took to the streets for over two hours. In front of Quebec Premier François Legault's office, it was announced that two petitions had been tabled February 15 at the Quebec National Assembly with nearly 12,000 signatures demanding that the Quebec office in Israel be closed. They were ignored by the Minister of International Relations, Martine Biron, a former Radio-Canada journalist, who said such an office was still needed because it "is the gateway to the Middle East."

The march ended at the Quartier des spectacles. Here a yoga teacher was presented to the crowd as having been laid off by her employer because she advocated for peace in Palestine but it has not stopped her from coming out every week to march in support of Palestine. The event ended with a call from PYM organizers to attend a fundraising dinner on February 23. To book tickets, click here.

February 18


On February 17, more than 3,000 Torontonians marched despite the cold in solidarity with the people of Gaza and Palestine, and to demand an end to Canada's complicity in Israel's genocide against them. The organizers stated that the action was one of many taking place across Canada and around the world.

The main demand of the action was for an arms embargo on Israel and that Canada stop selling arms to Israel. Some of the other demands were for an immediate ceasefire; that Canada and other donors restore funding for UNWRA; and that Canada respect international law and do its duty as a party to the Genocide Convention. As a party to the Genocide Convention, Canada has a responsibility to end its complicity in Israel's actions in Gaza, including arms sales and other forms of support.

The rally began outside Union Station, where organizers informed everyone that the Toronto Police Services had threatened them with a $10,000 fine if anyone stood on the truck with the sound system that leads the marches. For 19 weeks organizers have used the truck bed as a stage from which to speak, and to guide marchers and marshals so that everyone is safe. This threat against the organizers was denounced by the crowd as an unacceptable violation of the right to free speech.

The march proceeded along Front Street to the CBC building with slogans such as Every Time the CBC Lies, a Neighbourhood in Gaza Dies! denouncing the CBC for spreading disinformation about the Palestinian resistance, as well as those taking part in demonstrations in Canada, and justifying Israel's crimes.

Throughout the march, participants shouted slogans including From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free!; From the Sea to the River, Palestine Is Forever!; and In Our Millions, in Our Billions, We Are All Palestinians!

February 14

February 17


About 30 citizens and residents of the City of Greater Sudbury held a rally on February 14, Valentine's Day, in front of Sudbury Liberal MP Vivienne Lapointe's office. They opposed Israel's genocide against the Palestinian people and the Canadian government's support for it.

Several participants carried placards adorned with watermelons and Palestinian flags that set out their demands, including Stop Arming Genocide! and Justice for the Palestinian People!

In a short statement entitled "Free Palestine," the organizers urged Sudburians to write to Prime Minister Trudeau, MP Lapointe and other politicians urging the Canadian government to "1) call for an immediate end to Israel's military assault on Gaza; 2) immediately restore Canada's funding for UNRWA to provide critical essential aid to Gaza; and 3) immediately suspend all military and other aid to Israel."

Participants regarded the event as a success and are planning to hold regular events in Sudbury in support of the Palestinian people.

February 14


February 18


February 18


February 17


February 18

British Columbia

The newly formed choir of Independent Jewish Voices in Vancouver joined the nightly vigil for Palestine on February 16 in Robson Square, on the south side of the Art Gallery.
The songs were very moving, some of the words and stanzas based on Black resistance songs from the era of the civil rights movement in the U.S. -- "breathe together, march together."

They sang of Palestine being free, and for an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza. One song was based on a quotation from James Baldwin and began "These are all our children, every one."

Other people at the vigil joined in the singing, while passersby watched and listened. A row of flickering candles and signs opposing genocide and the siege of Gaza was the backdrop.

On February 17, a bicycle rally -- VanBike4Palestine -- started from Science World at 11:00 am. Palestinian flags attached to the bikes fluttered in the wind as the participants toured around the city for two hours. 

A rally and march was held February 17, starting at Canada Place at the harbourside, as part of the Global March for Rafah taking place around the world.

February 17


February 13

Washington, DC


February 17

Boston, MA

February 14

Detroit, MI

February 14

Indianapolis, IN

February 18

Atlanta, GA

February 13

Dallas, TX

February 18

San Francisco, CA

February 14

Los Angeles, CA

February 12



February 12

February 17

Glasgow, Scotland 

February 17

Fans of Celtics FC, February 17



February 13

Amsterdam, Netherlands

February 16
February 17

Helsinki, Finland

February 17



February 14
February 17

Protests during Munich Security Conference, February 17.

Auschwitz, Poland

February 16

Paris, France

February 14

Madrid, Spain

February 17

Rome, Italy

February 16



February 16

Istanbul, Türkiye

February 17, Turkish humanitarian relief organization announces it will send ships to Gaza to deliver aid.


February 16
Jordan Valley
February 16, protesters block highway demanding halt to food shipments to Israel.



February 18

February 18

Jakarta, Indonesia

February 16


Mexico City

February 17

February 17
Mazatlan Sinaloa

February 17
February 17

February 17
Tixtla, Guerrero

Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers' College, February 12

El Higueral Chalatenango, El Salvador

February 14

Quito, Ecuador

February 15

Buenos Aires, Argentina

February 16



February 17


February 17

(Photos: TML, PYM, Quds, Shehab, Canada Palestine Assn, AA, G. Bell, @saram_photos, Collectif Eglantine, @actionforhealthliberation, cpsa_london, @905palestine, @nayalijs, @palestinesolidaritykamloops, @dmvpym, Jewish Voice for Peace, @peopleseye.ojopopular, sahouraxo, @demilitarize.atl, bayareapym, @pymlaocie, PSC Updates, @afrazzledscot, leylahamed, voice_wales, ADG-Zuid-Holland, P. Hannson, montecruzfoto, shutelbitdownde, IU Madrid Centro, @yalla_roma, @SSSSRR101, kawakami_takuya, @BataRealGold, @sucklaver, yumikasumi, @AdityaMandagie, Platforma Comun por Palestina, Resumen Latinoamericano, Prensa Latina, Equador con Palestina, WACA, drmazhell, MattH093, D. Manners)

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