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December 18, 2017

2017 Photo Review

For a Modern Canada that
Defends the Rights of All --
All Out to Build the New!


TML Daily is posting a month-by-month photo review of the stands taken by the working people of Canada and Quebec and Indigenous peoples in 2017.

International Women's Day was militantly celebrated across the country and around the world in March. Women affirmed their place in the front ranks of the movements for rights, peace and justice, with demands that address the broad concerns of the people today. While the Trudeau government throughout 2017 pushed its narrow agenda of using "gender equality" to give a progressive veneer to anti-people activities such as neo-liberal free trade or imperialist warmongering, the actions on International Women's Day clearly stated that women's security lies in the fight for the rights of all.

In northern forestry communities in British Columbia, an important series of meetings brought forward the many problems the workers and communities face as a result of the refusal of governments to engage in nation-building and their determination to facilitate the nation-wrecking of the monopolies. The meetings affirmed that the people are ready and willing to deliberate and work out their own solutions to the serious problems facing the economy.

In Quebec, showing the growing militancy of public sector workers in affirming the importance of their work as a contribution to the entire society and their refusal to let attacks on their wages and working conditions go unchallenged, 6,000 paramedics, emergency medical dispatchers and support staff in the pre-hospital sector in Quebec began a general strike to demand wages and working conditions commensurate with the important work they do under very difficult conditions.

In Ontario and Quebec industrial workers in Hamilton and Salaberry-de-Valleyfield continued sustained actions of resistance to oppose the attacks on their wages, pensions and working conditions and attempts to divide active from retired workers in their sectors of the economy.

The desire of the people that Canada be a zone for peace and end its participation in U.S. wars of aggression was expressed with actions in March. A picket marked the 14th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, where the people continue to suffer the chaos and anarchy of this illegal war, and where Canada has become more and more involved under the guise of providing "advisors" and "training." Other events called for an end to U.S. interference on the Korean Peninsula and for the Canadian government to develop diplomatic ties with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). In the face of attempts to depoliticize the people through fearmongering, while also blaming them and not the state for racism and racist attacks, these anti-war actions upheld the important principles of the anti-war movement to oppose the use of force in international affairs to resolve conflicts, for Canada to make a contribution to peace in the world rather than contribute to war and to stand as one with all of humanity in the fight for rights.

March 31 marked the 47th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). The occasion was marked with the inauguration of the new MLPC National Office in Ottawa with comrades attending from across the country. Everyone was called on to join in the work to build the National Office and all the institutions required by the class and people to build the New. There the Party announced a bold program of celebrations and activities for the year under the theme The Birth of the New which emphasize the importance of building the New in the face of all the attempts to disorient and overwhelm the people's movement for empowerment.

March 2
  USW Local 1005 and allies hold a picket outside Hamilton East-Stoney Creek MP Bob Bratina's office to raise public awareness of the role of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act in depriving workers of what is theirs by right.


March 4
Rally in Toronto demands resignation of impeached south Korean President,
an end to the U.S. military occupation of south Korea and a stop to the deployment
of U.S. THAAD missile defence.

March 8
Militant mass actions in Canada marking International Women's Day affirm that
women are determined to renew their resistance and plant the flag to defend
women's rights and the rights of all.


Montreal, March 7

Montreal, March 8

Ottawa, March 4

Ottawa, March 8







Vancouver, March 8

Vancouver, March 10

Prince George

http://cpcml.ca/Tmlw2017/W47008.HTM#2  (Photos: TML, NSGEU, R. Le Blanc, Solidarity Ottawa, IWD Ottawa,
S. Desjardins, Hamilton Steelworks Area Council, Council of Canadians, J. Sanyshyn, MAWO)

Striking workers at CEZinc in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield participate in a special membership meeting as part of stepping up actions in defence of their rights in the face of the company's demands for anti-worker concessions.

http://cpcml.ca/WF2017/WO0410.HTM#3  (Syndicat des Métallos, A. Gaudreau.)

March 9
Meeting in Ottawa marks fourth anniversary of the death of then
Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez.

March 13-17
A successful series of forestry meetings is organized across Central and Northern
BC by the Stand Up for the North Committee in partnership with
other groups and sponsors.

Prince George, March 13

Mackenzie, March 14

Williams Lake, March 16

Fort St. James, March 17http://cpcml.ca/WF2017/WO0411.HTM#4

March 15
Picket across from U.S. consulate in Toronto opposes U.S.-south Korean Key Resolve/Foal Eagle war games directed against the DPRK

March 16
Quebec paramedics hold three demonstrations: one in front of the Urgences-Santé offices in Montreal, one in front of the National Assembly in Quebec City and the third in New Richmond in Gaspésie as part of a general strike of nearly 6,000 paramedics, emergency medical dispatchers and support staff in the pre-hospital sector in Quebec.

Montreal, March 16
http://cpcml.ca/WF2017/WO0411.HTM#5  (Photo:R. LeBlanc)

March 17
Pickets are held in Montreal, Ottawa and Vancouver demanding the end of the
criminal blockade of Cuba and the return of Guantánamo Bay to Cuba.


(Photos: Ottawa Cuba Connection, No al Bloqueo)

March 18
Picket in Windsor marks the 14th anniversary of the criminal U.S. invasion of Iraq
with the demand for an end to U.S.-led wars of terror.


March 20
Sustainable forestry rally in Victoria demands an end to export of raw logs for
processing in mills in the U.S. and elsewhere.


March 29
Striking workers from the CEZinc smelter and their supporters march
through Salaberry-de-Valleyfield. Workers are saying No to attempts by the
company to impose concessions, that include dismantling the workers
defined benefit pension plan.

(Photos: Metallos)

March 31
Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada inaugurates its new National Office in Ottawa
on the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the Party's founding. The function was addressed by MLPC National Leader Anna Di Carlo (centre) as well as other
members of the Party executive.



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