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December 27, 2017

2017 Photo Review

For a Modern Canada that
Defends the Rights of All --
All Out to Build the New!


TML Daily is posting a month-by-month photo review of the stands taken by the working people of Canada and Quebec and Indigenous peoples in 2017.

Workers and their organizations started the month of September by participating in Labour Day. In doing so, they affirmed the dignity of working people and the crucial role they play in society to provide all the services and produce all the wealth.

September also saw spirited Take Back the Night marches and other activities throughout the country affirming women's right to fully participate in the life of society and to walk the streets day or night without fear. In particular they affirmed the right of women to say "No" to interference with their human person, whether by individuals or by the state through the implementation of laws which dictate what they can or cannot do or say.

The Ontario Network of Injured Workers' Groups launched its "Workers' Comp Is a Right" campaign which demands that the compensation board: stop cuts to compensation based on phantom jobs, listen to the health care professionals treating injured workers, and stop cutting benefits using the pretext of "pre-existing conditions." Refinery workers from Labrador travelled a 150-kilometres by foot and bike to the Newfoundland Legislature to raise serious concerns about workers' health and safety in the oil and gas sector.

Workers carried forward their opposition to neo-liberal attacks on their wages, working conditions and right to security in retirement. Monthly pickets began at federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau's Toronto constituency office to demand the Trudeau Liberals stop their attacks on pensions in the form of Bill C-27 An Act to amend the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985. In Nova Scotia, public sector workers militantly rejected the ongoing dictate by the McNeil Liberal government that violates their right to negotiate their wages and working conditions and undermines public services.

Indigenous peoples persisted in affirming their right to be. The Mohawk near Oka, Quebec, continued the fight for sovereignty over their land against private monopolies. In Labrador, a similar fight is taking place to oppose the Muskrat Falls hydro-electric development. In British Columbia, actions along the notorious Highway of Tears continued the cry for justice for missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.

September 3
Close to 300 striking Swissport workers who belong to Teamsters Local 419, with their fellow airport workers and allies from other unions and organizations, take part in a spirited Labour Day rally and march at Pearson International Airport. 

President of United Steelworkers Local 9316 Glenn Nolan and Vice-President Perry Feltham, also chair of the union's health and safety committee at the Come
By Chance Refinery in Newfoundland and Labrador, undertake a 150-kilometre trip
by foot and bike to the Legislature in St. John's to raise the serious health and
safety problems workers are facing at the refinery.


September 4
Parades, picnics and other activities on the occasion of Labour Day 2017 defend
the dignity of labour.




North Bay; Barrie







Prince George



http://cpcml.ca/Tmlw2017/W47027.HTM#8 (Photos: TML, Foundry Photography, CUPE, HEU, BCGEU, ONIWG,
victorialabour.ca, N. Legualt, A. Farrow-Giroux, J. West, Unifor Local 444, OSSTF District 9)

September 6
Indigenous chiefs from around BC hold a press conference and rally in Vancouver
to call for a province-wide shutdown of open net-pen fish farms after the breach
of a pen releases 300,000 farmed Atlantic salmon.

September 10
Activists from the Ontario Public Service Employees' Union, together with Justicia
for Migrant Workers, organize a rally and demonstration in Leamington. They make
a bold statement against any attempt by the Leamington Town Council or the
Business Improvement Association to pass an anti-loitering bylaw targeting
migrant workers who gather in the downtown area after work and on weekends.

September 11-12
The Ontario Network of Injured Workers' Groups' launch of province-wide organizing campaign "Workers' Comp Is a Right" coincides with the return of MPPs
to the Ontario Legislature. They present their campaign to the media the following
day at a press conference at Queen's Park.
http://cpcml.ca/WF2017/WO0432.HTM#1  (Photos: ONIWG)

September 15-28
Take Back the Night marches in cities across the country affirm women's important
role in the society and reject their treatment as "fair game."

St. John's











Sault Ste Marie



Fort McMurray

Prince George

Quesnel; Williams Lake



(Photos: TML, Femmes Sans Peur, Newfoundland ACPC, S. Gibson, R. Maha, UFCW1006A, Fort Elgin, C. Murphy, J. Klassen,
K. Darbyson, T. Surette)

September 16-17
  Actions take place across Canada during World Days of Solidarity with Venezuela.










September 17
  "Stand-In" at the corner of Highways 97 and 16 in Prince George is part of the 2nd Annual Red Dress Campaign. The empty red dresses symbolize all missing and
murdered Indigenous women and girls and the demand that Canada provide
redress for its injustices against Indigenous peoples that lead to women and
girls being treated as fair game.  

Monthly picket in Montreal calls for end to U.S. blockade of Cuba.

September 18
Demonstrations take place outside Finance Minister Bill Morneau's offices in
Ottawa and Toronto demanding the government withdraw Bill C-27, its attack
on workers' pensions.



September 21
Public sector workers from across Nova Scotia gather in Halifax at the opening of the fall session of the Legislature to voice their opposition to Bill 148, the Public Services Sustainability (2015) Act. Enacted by the McNeil Liberals on August 22, it imposes wage restrictions and removes longstanding articles from existing collective agreements.


September 21-25
For the seventh year a spirited march in northern BC calls for an end to violence
against Indigenous women and girls, including along the Highway of Tears,
Highway 16, where dozens of Indigenous women have disappeared. This year's Tears4Justice march covered 350 kilometres of Highway 16, from Prince Rupert to Smithers, the site of the second hearings of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women taking place September 26-28.

http://cpcml.ca/Tmlw2017/W47030.HTM#6  (Photos: Downtown Eastside Women's Centre, CFNR)

September 23
Montreal demonstration supports right of Catalan people to hold referendum to determine their own future.

September 28
Delegation of the Kanehsata'kehró:non (people of Kanehsatà:ke) hold a press
conference on the section of their land annexed into Oka National Park. They
denounce the energy monopolies involved in the illegal and covert expansion of
pipelines on their territory, and governments for not upholding the law
and stopping these activities.


Demonstration in St John's by Labrador land protectors outside offices of Nalcor,
opposing the development of the Muskrat Falls dam project. The project is causing serious damage to the land and peoples and is taking place against their will.


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