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December 28, 2017

2017 Photo Review

For a Modern Canada that
Defends the Rights of All --
All Out to Build the New!


TML Daily is posting a month-by-month photo review of the stands taken by the working people of Canada and Quebec and Indigenous peoples in 2017.

The annual Sisters in Spirit vigils across the country in early October continued to demand justice for missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. The sustained demands by Indigenous peoples and their supporters are in sharp contrast to the Trudeau Liberals' two years of equivocation on Indigenous rights and sabotage of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

A five-week strike by faculty at Ontario's colleges started in October. Their longstanding demands are for: stable and secure jobs for part-time and contract staff, proper working conditions and wages commensurate with their work, and for college faculty to have a say in decision-making, so as to ensure their students are provided with a high quality education. The strike brought to the fore the necessity for investments in Ontario's college system in order to affirm workers and students' rights. The faculty won broad support for their struggle to defend their rights and that of their students.

In Quebec, workers at early childhood centres staged a one-day strike to defend their working conditions and pensions. This was part of the ongoing resistance to the Couillard Liberal government's neo-liberal austerity agenda that is attacking the people's right to public services and the rights of the workers who provide them.

Led by Steelworkers, Hamiltonians rallied in support of Sears workers and retirees to oppose the ongoing use of bankruptcy legislation by corporations to deprive workers of their rights with the collusion of goverrnments in power.

Throughout October, Canadians stepped up the important work to make Canada a Zone for Peace that opposes aggression, war and U.S. imperialist regime change around the world. They rejected the striving of the Trudeau Liberal government and its Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland to further embroil Canada in U.S.-led warmongering. People took to the streets to support the Venezuelan people and oppose Canadian sanctions against Venezuela, and its use of Canada as a base for organizing regime change in Venezuela. The Canada for Peace Petition was launched to broaden the work for peace on the Korean Peninsula, calling on the Canadian government to play a genuine role for peace and diplomacy there, including normalization of relations with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

At October's close, the outstanding revolutionary life and leadership of Ernesto "Che" Guevara was commemorated on the 50th anniversary of his assassination.

October 4
Sisters in Spirit Vigils are held on Parliament Hill and across Canada in memory of all the missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.

Parliament Hill, Ottawa

St. Mary's First Nation -- New Brunswick











Port Hardy


October 7
Anti-war picket in Vancouver on the 16th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan.

October 8
A tribute to Che Guevara on the  50th anniversary of his assassination that features speeches, music and poetry, is hosted by the Cuban Embassy in Ottawa with broad participation by friends of Cuba from Ottawa, Gatineau, Toronto and Montreal.


October 12
Reportback held in Ottawa by delegates to the "Todos Somos Venezuela" (We Are All Venezuela) World Summit in Defence of Peace and Democracy, in Caracas,
September 16-17. 


October 14
Public sector workers from across Nova Scotia unite in continued resistance to attacks on their rights by the McNeil government with actions outside the provincial Liberals' annual general meeting.


October 15-16
Actions in Ottawa and Toronto demand the Canadian government end its
interference in Venezuelan affairs, lift its sanctions, and recognize the results
of that country's regional elections.




October 16
Picket lines go up at Ontario community colleges as faculty members strike to obtain working conditions satisfactory to themselves. Their longstanding demands for stability and job security for part-time and contract staff and for college faculty to have a say in decision-making, favours both students and college workers. This fight is for a modern education system that defends the rights of all.

Cambrian College, Sudbury, October 18

Algonquin College, Ottawa

Algonquin College, Pembroke, October 17

Georgian College, Barrie

Fleming College, Peterborough, October 16

George Brown College, Toronto; Durham College, Oshawa

Seneca College, Toronto

Humber College, Etobicoke

Mohawk College, Hamilton

St. Clair College, Windsor

Confederation College, Thunder Bay

October 19-20
Solidarity rallies are organized at a number of community colleges as the first week of the faculty strike draws to a close.

Seneca College, York University campus, Toronto

Humber College, Lakeshore campus, Toronto

Mohawk College, Hamilton

Collège Boréal, Sudbury

October 25
Launch in Toronto of Canadian Peace Petition against war and aggression on the Korean Peninsula is met with enthusiasm. Since then pickets and signature collection have begun in Montreal, Ottawa, Edmonton and Vancouver.


Striking Ontario college faculty and supporters rally at Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development in Toronto.

October 26
The Trudeau government takes up the dirty work of the U.S. imperialists by hosting a Toronto meeting of the "Lima Group" aimed at regime change in Venezuela. Protestors make clear that Canada must respect Venezuela's sovereignty and Venezuelans' right to determine their own affairs.



October 27
Workers across Hamilton rally at the call of USW Local 1005 in support of Sears workers, retirees and their families, who are being deprived by Sears Holdings of the pensions and benefits that belong to them by right, through its use of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act.

Bottom photo: demonstration makes its way through the Sears store in solidarity with workers.

October 27-29
Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba holds its seventh annual
international Che Guevara Conference, with broad participation from many sectors,
as well as participants from Cuba. The event includes tributes to Che Guevara
on the 50th anniversary of his assassination, and to Fidel Castro to
mark the first anniversary of his death.

October 30
About 11,000 workers from more than 400 early childhood centres hold a Quebec-wide one-day strike against the demands of the employers and the Quebec government for rollbacks in all aspects of their working and retirement conditions.



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