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December 30, 2017

2017 Photo Review

For a Modern Canada that
Defends the Rights of All --
All Out to Build the New!


TML Daily is posting a month-by-month photo review of the stands taken by the working people of Canada and Quebec and Indigenous peoples in 2017.

As December began people from cities and small towns across Canada and Quebec joined with others around the world to stand as one with the heroic Palestinian people who rose in a mighty storm to answer with a resounding No! U.S. President Donald Trump's December 7 declaration that the U.S. considers Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Across Palestine courageous men, women and youth confronted the Israeli Occupation forces while protests were held outside U.S. embassies and consulates worldwide in support of Palestinian resistance to Zionist occupation and in opposition to U.S. attempts to control the affairs of all peoples and nations or destroy what they cannot control. The Trudeau government showed itself to be in contempt of Canadians' views and those of the peace-loving peoples of the world when on December 21 it abstained from a UN General Assembly vote that opposed and challenged the U.S. declaration. That resolution was passed by an overwhelming majority of countries -- 128 to 9 with 35 abstentions, including Canada's. Clearly Canada's intention to gain a seat on the UN Security Council has nothing to do with making a contribution to world peace.

December 6 marked the centenary of the Halifax Explosion when a ship carrying munitions to France was struck by another ship, caught fire and exploded in Halifax Harbour. This was the most destructive man-made explosion prior to the criminal U.S. act of the atomic bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Far from being an isolated accident, it represented in microcosm the unprecedented brutality of the First World War borne by working people who were sent to slaughter for the imperialist division of the world, a war in which Canada was embroiled as part of the British Empire. Some 2,000 people were killed and half of Halifax was left homeless -- areas where the workers, the poor, the African-Nova Scotian community and the Mi’kmaq lived were leveled. Events in Halifax marked this sombre anniversary, which continues to serve as a warning of the dangers that lie ahead for Canada should it be drawn into imperialist war.

Maritime workers, organized in the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, along with their allies, took action to oppose the passage of Bill C-23, An Act respecting the preclearance of persons and goods in Canada and the United States, which became law on December 12. The law gives the Canadian government expanded powers to authorize U.S. security agencies to enforce U.S. authority in Canada in air and land ports, factories and elsewhere with greater impunity. The workers vowed to keep up the fight for their rights and against U.S. jurisdiction over Canadians as the law is implemented through regulations.

December 10 was the fifth anniversary of Idle No More's first national day of action under the Harper government, which  served as  a converging point for people from all walks of life to demand that justice be rendered for all the historical crimes against the Indigenous peoples, and that colonial relations imposed by the Canadian state be ended and put on a proper nation-to-nation basis. The anniversary was marked in Toronto on December 21 with a rally, march and round dance. The rally took place at the Indigenous and Northern Affairs offices where there had been a vigil for 100 days against the abuse of Indigenous peoples by the Canadian state being carried out by the Trudeau government, despite all its promises to end such practices. Actions took place in several other cities, including Winnipeg.

On December 11 the Ontario Network of Injured Workers' Groups held actions in cities around the province as part of its "Workers' Comp is a Right" campaign. This year, to assist in the mobilizing work, the Christmas demonstration, that for the last 25 years was held at the Ministry of Labour and Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) in Toronto, was replaced by local actions. The Christmas theme highlighted the hardships faced by injured workers and their families during the holidays, as well as their impoverishment throughout the year.

December 2
Meeting in Montreal commemorates the first anniversary of the death of Fidel Castro.

December 6
Vigils in Montreal and Toronto as well as in other cities across the country
commemorate the fourteen young women engineering students killed in the
Montreal Massacre in 1989. Participants recommit to ending the situation where
women face violence simply because they are born female.



Picket in Toronto supports the Honduran people who are protesting
fraudulent elections.

http://cpcml.ca/Tmlw2017/W47040.HTM#13  (Photos: G. Monteiro, L.G. Caja)

Picket in Montreal against U.S. war preparations on the Korean Peninsula.

December 7-10
  In actions across the country the people of Canada and Quebec stand with the heroic Palestinian people to vigorously repudiate the U.S. President's declaration that the U.S. considers Jerusalem the capital of Israel.









http://cpcml.ca/Tmlw2017/W47040.HTM#2  (Photos: TML, BDS Vancouver, A. Foote, Hussaini Assn of Calgary, K. Jones)

December 8
Parliament Hill action marks the 15th anniversary of Mohamed Harkat's security certificate arrest on International Human Rights Day in 2002 and opposes the
Canadian government's ongoing attempts to criminalize and deport him on the
basis of secret trials and evidence.

High school students in Port McNeill on Vancouver Island walk out of class to join protests to end open net-pen fish farms, to protect wild salmon and the communities
that depend on them.

December 9
Elementary teachers and other education professionals organized into the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO) launch a social media campaign
to commemorate the beginning of their province-wide strikes five years ago on
December 10. The campaign coincides with another round of mediated talks with the government over a remedy after the courts affirmed that the government violated fundamental freedoms in the 2012 round of negotiations.

Slideshow produced by Greater Essex EFTO celebrates five years of resistance to dictate and defending workers' rights.
Click on image to view video.


December 10
Human Rights Day is marked in Toronto and Vancouver with actions denouncing the human rights violations and state-sanctioned killings being carried out in the
Philippines since President Rodrigo Duterte came to power.



December 11
Injured workers in communities around Ontario, including Toronto, Hamilton,
Barrie, London, Windsor, Chatham and Thunder Bay hold pickets, rallies and
outreach actions  demanding that the right to full compensation of all workers
injured and made ill at work be met.



Thunder Bay






http://cpcml.ca/WF2017/WO0445.HTM#5  (Photos: Workers' Forum, ONIWG, London Occupy WSIB)

December 12
Paramedics from many Ontario cities converge on Queen's Park to oppose changes to the Ambulance Act that undermine regulations in their sector with the passage of omnibus Bill 160 that day. They point out that these changes endanger patient care and that what is required is increased funding for public health care.

December 13
Weekly pickets and the gathering of signatures on the Canada for Peace petition continue in Montreal, as well as in Toronto and Vancouver.


December 16
The International Longshore and Warehouse Union, along with the BC Federation of Labour and the BC Civil Liberties Association, rally in Vancouver against anti-national Bill C-23, An Act respecting the preclearance of persons and goods in Canada and the United States. The bill authorizes U.S. agents to carry weapons and detain, search and use force against Canadians at preclearance facilities on Canadian soil.


Vancouver picket opposes the construction of the Kinder Morgan pipeline and demands TD Bank divest from the project.

(Photos: CCMV, 350)

Actions continue to repudiate President Trump's declaration recognizing Jerusalem
as the capital of Israel.



December 17
Dedicated activists complete a year of monthly pickets in defence of the Cuban people and their right to sovereignty, free from the criminal U.S. economic blockade.




December 18
The National Organization of Retired Postal Workers continues its monthly pickets outside Finance Minister Bill Morneau's Toronto constituency office demanding anti-pension Bill C-27 be withdrawn.

December 20
Weekly picket in Toronto against U.S. war preparations on the Korean Peninsula and collection of signatures for the Canada for Peace petition.

December 21
A rally at the Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada office in Toronto, followed by a march and round-dance, mark the fifth anniversary of the founding of Idle No More in December 2012. Youth from Northern Ontario communities participate and highlight the large number of Indigenous youth in detention centres and foster care, that as part of the ongoing colonial displacement of Indigenous peoples, contributes to the suicide crisis their northern communities face. 

December 23
Fifth anniversary of Idle No More is celebrated in Winnipeg with a round dance
at Portage and Main.

(Photos: Red Power Media)

December 27-28
Speakers at seminar in Toronto on "Public Opinion and How the National Interest Is Used to Trump the Public Interest."


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