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December 29, 2017

2017 Photo Review

For a Modern Canada that
Defends the Rights of All --
All Out to Build the New!


TML Daily is posting a month-by-month photo review of the stands taken by the working people of Canada and Quebec and Indigenous peoples in 2017.

The Trump administration's renewed hostile policy to negate Cuba's right to be received a sharp rebuke at the UN, where a resolution condemning the U.S. blockade was overwhelmingly adopted for the 26th consecutive year. The vote revealed the isolation of the U.S. and Israel as the only two supporters of this extremist position.

Jubilant celebrations marked the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the historic victory of the Bolsheviks and proletarians in Russia under the leadership of V.I. Lenin. Its profound significance was reflected in the broad participation by people from all walks of life. The revolution is a victory claimed by the sons and daughters of the many nations that comprise the working class of Quebec and Canada and an indispensable source of inspiration and theory in today's fight for empowerment, human rights and the New.

November was also the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, the infamous act of treachery by the British imperialists, in collusion with the Zionists, to deprive the Palestinian people of their homeland. After taking Russia out of World War One, the Great October Socialist Revolution made this covert agreement public, along with many others, as a contribution to exposing all the imperialist schemes to deprive the people of the peace they so desired. The outstanding feature of this anniversary is the 100 years of heroic resistance by the Palestinian people to colonialism and Zionism and their refusal to compromise their right to be and the right to return to their homeland.

Ongoing workers' struggles showed the clash between conditions and authority that must be resolved in favour of the workers' and the people's interests, and the necessity for workers to have their independent thinking and decision-making power. Hamilton steelworkers went to Parliament to oppose insolvency laws that legalize the theft of pensions and benefits. Ontario college faculty overwhelmingly expressed their No! to dictate in a forced offer vote and were subsequently legislated back to work and into a mediation-arbitration process bound by parameters imposed by the government. Striking Quebec paramedics continued to face the Couillard government's refusal to negotiate collective agreements that meet their needs and ensure the well-being of the public.

Quebec steelworkers at CEZinc successfully defended their pensions from being transformed into two-tier pensions, ending their eight-month strike, while their counterparts at the ABI Becancour smelter began a similar fight as their contract ended.

In Halifax, the people boldly reiterated that their city is "No Harbour for War!" and opposed the annual U.S./NATO war conference called the Halifax Security Conference. This and many other actions highlighted the people's anti-war demands and their desire to block the Trudeau government's aims of embroiling Canada in U.S. imperialist adventures. How to make Canada a Zone for Peace continues to be a problem to be solved.

November 1
Cuba friendship and solidarity organizations in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and
Vancouver hold actions in support of Cuba's resolution at the UN against
the U.S. blockade.





  http://cpcml.ca/Tmlw2017/W47037.HTM#13 (Photos: TML, J. Fonseca, Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba)

November 2
On the day that bargaining is set to restart in the Ontario community college strike,
some 5,000 faculty, students and their allies from across Ontario converge on
Queen's Park to affirm their resolve to stand together until a just contract is won.


November 4
Rally in Mississauga denounces the British colonial Balfour Declaration that promised Palestinian land for foreign settlement, one of many actions around the world held
on the occasion of its centenary.

November 4-10
People across the country, alongside millions around the world, enthusiastically mark the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution on November 7 with celebratory dinners, cultural programs and film showings.








November 6
Hamilton steelworkers and their allies converge on Parliament Hill to demand an end to the legalized theft of pensions and benefits through the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act. They fill the parliamentary galleries for the introduction of MP Scott Duvall's private member's bill to amend insolvency legislation.


November 13
Solidarity picket held in support of 25 workers at the Ontario Food Terminal in Toronto, on strike since November 7 for a first contract that embodies respect in the form of increased job security, fair wages and scheduling, and paid sick leave.


November 13-15
Rallies take place at colleges across Ontario as faculty organize to reject the
College Employer Council's offer in a November 16 vote forced on them by the
Ontario Labour Relations Board.

Algonquin College, Ottawa

La Cité College, Ottawa

Georgian College, Barrie

Centennial College, Toronto

Seneca College, Toronto

Left: Humber College, Etobicoke; right: Centennial College, Toronto

November 15
Students at George Brown College in Toronto rally in support of their faculty's fight
for a just contract and humane working conditions.


Hope 21, an organization of patriotic overseas Koreans, joins the weekly picket in Toronto against U.S. war preparations on the Korean Peninsula and pledges to take
up the Canada for Peace Petition.


November 16
Ontario college faculty reject the Employer Council's offer, in a forced vote,
with a resounding No!

The International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines-Canada and the Alliance of Progressive Filipino Organizations host a Toronto meeting on developments in the Philippines since President Rodrigo Duterte came to power.

November 17
Come rain, snow or sunshine, dedicated activists continue monthly pickets
to ensure the public is informed about the need to end the illegal U.S.
blockade of Cuba.



November 18
The annual U.S./NATO war conference in Halifax is vigorously rejected.


The Edmonton Coalition Against War and Racism holds an anti-war picket and gathers signatures for the Canada for Peace Petition.

November 20
Ontario college faculty are legislated back to work after rejecting the
College Employer Council's bogus offer but return to work with heads unbowed, determined to carry forward their just fight.

George Brown College, Toronto

Cambrian College, Sudbury

Sault College, Sault Ste. Marie


November 21
Infuriated by the deadlock in their negotiations caused by the Quebec government, Quebec paramedics, on strike since March, hold an audacious action to shut down
the Ministry of Health in Quebec City, symbolizing how the government has
blocked negotiations.


November 22
Workers at the ABI aluminum smelter in Bécancour overwhelmingly reject the company's offer that would introduce two-tier pensions and working conditions.


November 23
Picket for peace on the Korean Peninsula held at Skytrain Station in Vancouver.

November 24
A demonstration by unemployed workers and their allies in Forestville on Quebec's North Shore demands the federal government immediately adopt measures that will reduce the impoverishment of the population of the region, particularly the unemployed. One such measure is to implement a threshold of 420 hours of work to qualify for 30 weeks of employment insurance benefits.


November 25
Information pickets and petition work continue in Edmonton,
to oppose U.S. aggression on the Korean Peninsula.

USW Local 6486 members at the CEZinc refinery in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield vote to return to work after defending their pensions
in a strike that began in February.


November 26
Tribute to Comrade Fidel Castro at the Cuban Embassy in Ottawa on the first
anniversary of his death. Such tributes are held at Cuban diplomatic offices
worldwide and in the many places where Cuban personnel are present as part
of Cuba's internationalism.

November 28

Retired and active postal workers from the Toronto and Scarborough Locals of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers and others rally in Toronto to demand the Liberal government's anti-worker anti-pension Bill C-27 be scrapped.


Flying squad of Ontario college students and faculty pose for group photo
following their silent protest at the College Employer Council
board meeting in Toronto.



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