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December 22, 2017

2017 Photo Review

For a Modern Canada that
Defends the Rights of All --
All Out to Build the New!


TML Daily is posting a month-by-month photo review of the stands taken by the working people of Canada and Quebec and Indigenous peoples in 2017.

Indigenous peoples and their supporters continued their actions on Parliament Hill to affirm their rights and oppose the colonial outlook which imbued the government’s  "Canada 150" celebrations on Canada Day. In so doing they put the demand for justice for Indigenous peoples front and centre.

In Halifax, later in July, the Mi'kmaq people and their supporters rallied to demand that Cornwallis Park, named after a genocidal oppressor of Indigenous peoples, be renamed Peace and Freedom Park. Cornwallis' statue was covered with a black tarp, a reminder that the people do not accept the empty celebrations of Canada 150 while oppression of the Indigenous peoples continues.

Regular pickets continued in Montreal against the Trudeau government’s Bill C-59, the government’s reforms to the Harper government’s Bill C-51 which seek to maintain the measures in C-51 in the midst of Canadians' demands for their complete repeal.

Across the country, Canadians mobilized to stand as one with the peoples of Venezuela, Korea, Cuba and Palestine in the face of threats and aggression by the U.S. imperialists. Canadians expressed their striving for peace, sovereignty and rights; militantly rejecting imperialist aggression and war; and demanding that Canada play its part in the world as a force for peace. In particular, as Venezuelans prepared to conduct voting on their constituent assembly to overcome the conflict in the country on a political basis, Canadians expressed their support and demanded that Canada and the U.S. keep their hands off Venezuela.

Workers also continued their battles across the country against the privatization of public services, to be compensated for exposure to hazardous working conditions and to defend their right to security in retirement.

July 1
Indigenous youth continue their action on Parliament Hill to affirm their right to be and to reject the colonial relations with Indigenous peoples embodied in the $500 million Canada 150 commemorations. Similar actions were also held in several other cities.




July 5
The Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec in action to inform people about the Trudeau government's Bill C-59, An Act respecting national security matters, and of the need to take a stand against measures to expand police powers and impose a police state. Pickets organized in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve and Saint-Laurent neighbourhoods in Montreal demand the bill be withdrawn.

July 7
Activists hold the 20th consecutive monthly picket at the U.S. Consulate in Vancouver to demand the U.S. keep its hands off Venezuela and to denounce Canada's support for regime change. 


July 11
Health care workers rally in St John's, one action in the campaign to mobilize against public-private partnerships.


July 12
More than 120 former General Electric workers participate in a public meeting in Peterborough organized by the Occupational and Environmental Health Coalition Peterborough, to demand compensation for years of exposure to
toxic chemicals at work.

Members of the BC Government and Service Employees' Union join workers at Pacific Blue Cross, locked out since July 6. Their efforts to negotiate a new contract have been met with intransigence, demands for concessions and punitive measures when workers take action to demand their retirement benefits not be touched.


July 13
Montreal picket demanding withdrawal of the federal Liberal government's Bill C-59.

July 15
Rally 600-strong in Halifax demands the removal of Cornwallis' statue and that Cornwallis Genocide Park be renamed Halifax Peace and Freedom Park.


July 15
Toronto picket supports the Venezuelan people and their sovereign right to convene their constituent assembly and determine the affairs of their country
without outside interference.

July 17
Monthly picket in Montreal demands end to U.S. Blockade of Cuba.

July 26
Ongoing weekly pickets in Toronto demand U.S. troops get out of Korea.

July 27
Montreal information picket and petition signings against Bill C-59 continue.

July 29
Picket in Burnaby demands U.S. troops get out of Korea and that the
U.S. sign a peace treaty.

Activists in Ottawa and Toronto show support for the Palestinian people on Al-Quds Day, as they affirm their claim to Jerusalem as their capital and oppose Israeli provocations at the Al-Aqsa mosque.



July 29-30
Pickets continue in Canadian cities supporting the right of the Venezuelan people to decide their own destiny, and denouncing the Canadian government's criminal interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country.

Ottawa, July 29

Toronto, July 29

Vancouver, July 30
(Photos: Embassy of Venezuela in Canada, HCPDF, Fire This Time)


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