November 28, 2020 - No. 46

Condemn the Assassination of
Iran's Top Scientist in Terrorist Attack!

No to the Use of Force to Sort Out Conflicts! No Terrorist Attack Can Be Justified!

January 4, 2020. Toronto demonstration against U.S. aggression against Iran is one of many across Canada in January.

Serious Matters of Concern for the Working Class Movement

• Narrow Private Interests Demand Government
Pay-the-Rich Schemes

Restrict Governments from Borrowing from Private Moneylenders

- K.C. Adams -
Pay-the-Rich Social Programs

Why Social Programs in Canada Always Fall Short

For Your Information

• Review of New York Times Article Justifying
Pay-the-Rich Schemes

Fourth Anniversary of Death of Fidel Castro

• Vigils and Receptions in Honour of Fidel Held in Canada
Fidel's Legacy Commemorated in Cuba and Beyond
Fidel Castro in the Words of Ernesto Che Guevara

United States Election Results

Dysfunctional Congress Means Clash Among Rulers Continues
- Kathleen Chandler -

Claims that Election Is "Free and Fair" Accompany Trump Lawsuits

- Voice of Revolution -
Situation in the U.S.

- Letter to the Editor -

Suspension of Jeremy Corbyn from British Labour Party

• The Need to Settle Scores with Britain's
Decrepit Anachronistic Institutions

- Pauline Easton -

Massive Resistance to Impunity in India

Millions Turn Out to Demand Justice and Enforcement of Rights

Honour the Treaties

• Uphold the Hereditary Rights of the Indigenous Peoples

Condemn the Assassination of Iran's Top Scientist in Terrorist Attack!

No to the Use of Force to Sort Out Conflicts!
No Terrorist Attack Can Be Justified!

On Friday, November 27, Iran's foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, wrote on Twitter. "Terrorists murdered an eminent Iranian scientist today. This cowardice -- with serious indications of Israeli role -- shows desperate warmongering of perpetrators." The scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was ambushed by gunmen as his car was driving through the countryside town of Absard, in the Damavand region, according to official Iranian media and state television. The state media accounts said that Fakhrizadeh had been gravely wounded in the attack, that doctors tried to save him in the hospital but could not.

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) categorically condemns all terrorist attacks and all actions by any party whatsoever which are an expression of refusal to sort out problems through political and peaceful means.

Fakhrizadeh's death marks another terrorist attack in a long line of attacks against Iranian scientists.

In 2010, Masoud Ali Mohammadi, an expert on particle physics, was killed by a remote-controlled bomb strapped to a motorcycle as he was leaving his Tehran home.

Later that year, another nuclear scientist, Majid Shahriar, died in a similar manner when attackers rode up alongside him and stuck bombs to his car. Fereidoon Abbasi Davani, Iran's atomic chief at the time, survived an assassination attempt the same day. Both men are believed to have worked with Fakhrizadeh.

In 2011, Darioush Rezaeinejad, an academic whose affiliation to the country's nuclear activities is disputed, was shot by gunmen riding motorcycles. A year later, Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, the deputy head of Iran's uranium enrichment facility at Natanz, was killed in a magnetic bomb attack while he was driving to work.

Israel has acknowledged pursuing covert operations against Iran's nuclear program to gather intelligence. In 2018, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said his government had acquired tens of thousands of documents from what he called Iran's "Atomic Archives." In a televised speech that year Netenyahu called Tehran a "terrorist regime" and he referred to Fakhrizadeh multiple times as the director of Iran's nuclear weapons project. "Remember that name, Fakhrizadeh," he said.

Iran's UN Ambassador Majid Takht Ravanchi declared on Friday that his country reserved the right to "take all necessary measures" to defend itself. In a letter to António Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, he said that the assassination of Iran's top nuclear scientist bore indications of an Israeli attack abetted by the United States. His letter also demanded that the 15-member Security Council should "strongly condemn this inhumane terrorist act and take necessary measures against its perpetrators."

The assassination comes at a time when the ongoing U.S. attacks against Iran are high on the agenda of the Trump administration. According to media reports Trump was dissuaded from striking Iran just two weeks ago, after his aides warned it could escalate into a broader conflict during his last weeks in office.

The New York Times reported on November 27 that Trump had asked senior advisers in an Oval Office meeting on November 12 whether he had options to take action against Iran's main nuclear site at Natanz in the coming weeks. Days later, Mike Pompeo, the Secretary of State and former CIA director, visited Israel on what will likely be his last official trip there.

It is clear that the U.S. is an actor in the latest terrorist attack against Iran. Whether it is Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton, the U.S. imperialist oligarchs have committed one crime after another against the Iranian people. Economic sanctions at the height of the pandemic, internal sabotage to bring about regime change, the assassination of Major General Qasem Soleimani on January 3 this year in Baghdad; countless examples can be given of the constant threats and provocations to incite an all-out war against Iran to destroy it. These actions of U.S. imperialism and its hired gun Israel are the main threats against the security and lives of the people of Iran and the region. They must be stopped. The "rules-based international order" which the U.S. claims to follow is nothing but the path to aggression and war in its striving for world domination.

Condemn the latest terrorist attack against Iran and the policy of targeted assassinations! No to the use of force to sort out problems!

January 25, 2020. Montreal demonstration opposes the assassination of Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani.

(Photos: TML)

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Serious Matters of Concern for the Working Class Movement

Narrow Private Interests Demand Government
Pay-the-Rich Schemes

A lot of noise is filling the airwaves, and monopoly-controlled and social media about what is called the federal government's "prescription for the COVID-19 pandemic" which claims "spending is the best medicine." Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland -- who is also the Deputy Prime Minister -- is "signalling that approach will continue (if in much smaller doses) when she delivers a detailed fiscal update in next week's economic statement," CBC News reports. The report quotes what Freeland told the House of Commons this week, "Our plan will continue to support Canadians through the pandemic and ensure that the post-COVID economy is robust, inclusive and sustainable."

Her fiscal update will be the first since March 2020 when the pandemic hit Canada.

"The update will include new but time-limited spending measures to deal with the pandemic's economic impact on specific industries and vulnerable Canadians, while laying the groundwork for the policy priorities listed in September's speech from the Throne," CBC News writes.

Enough spin and counterspin swirls around the issue of government spending during the pandemic to sink a battleship. All of it ensures the working class and people wish a pox on all their houses as they do their best to steer clear of the anxiety created by these forces which are clearly unfit to rule. Nothing proves this more than their pay-the-rich schemes, which they try to disguise in honey-coated pronouncements of their high ideals.

Quoting "[g]overnment sources (who are not authorized to speak publicly)," CBC News reports:

"While they would not set out exact details, the measures in the update are expected to include:

"Support for airlines and the tourism and hospitality sector, which have yet to recover from border closures and ongoing lockdowns.

"Money to help long-term care homes control infections.

"Support to help women return to the workplace.

"Some infrastructure projects tied to the government's commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as part of the economic recovery."

Already, the working class movement has raised the important demand that social programs not be for profit. Canadians want publicly owned, managed and controlled operations which put the well-being of the people at the centre of their operations. In fact, the pandemic has exposed the necessity for universal social programs even among some of the staunchest defenders of private enterprise and -- what they like to call -- "small government." A feature among the oligopolies which have seized control of competing parts of the socialized economy is their realization that individual enterprises, no matter how vast, cannot alone sustain the necessary social programs for their own workers and still maintain their desired level of productivity and private profit. This realization is in addition to their need for public infrastructure as social means of production without which private companies cannot function.

The New York Times recently carried an article titled "The Private Sector Can't Pay for Everything." The author bemoans the fact that the November 3 U.S. election delayed a second "pandemic stimulus" to aid struggling businesses. "Employers have been left to fend for themselves," the author complains.

The article underscores an issue for the ruling elite: how to fashion social programs that both remove a particular burden on private enterprises to pay directly for such necessities as health care and child care for their employees and at the same time have those programs generate private profit for their specific narrow private interests. The ruling elite look to the past to social welfare solutions that did just that. Besides justifying their current pay-the-rich schemes, they do this to embroil the working people and their organizations in schemes to reorder a system whose hallmark is that it is crisis ridden because it no longer has a nation-building aim.

Governments promote their pay-the-rich schemes couched in language about helping Canadians based on the neo-liberal argument for social programs which, expressed succinctly, amounts to the plea that not having them "is bad for business." This self-serving approach favours narrow private interests in vicious competition with one another, obsessed with the aim of maximizing the returns on their investments (more often than not, also provided to them through pay-the-rich schemes). 

Whether the rich agree with social programs or not depends on how a particular program affects their private interests and business. If the imperialists can benefit in some way, for instance by lending money to the government, fine, they will allow it. If it assists in preventing the working class from coming to power, fine. If it introduces confusion into the ranks of the working class, disrupts its organizing and hinders the development of the human factor/social consciousness and working class practical politics, then all the better. Otherwise, if it means increased investments in social programs that truly assist the working people and do not pay the rich, they will throw up every conceivable roadblock.

The problem rests not with the socialized productive forces but with those in control and the outmoded private relations of production that are in contradiction with the modern forces of industrial mass production. The working class is the only social force capable of socializing the relations of production, putting them in conformity with the productive forces and giving full rein to the potential of the socialized economy with the modern aim to serve the people and society.

The working class must take up the battle to increase investments in social programs and stop paying the rich with its own reference point to bring into being a nation-building project of its own making with socialized relations of production in conformity with the already socialized forces of industrial mass production.

For the working class movement, the issue remains to fight for increased investments in social programs, human services and enterprise accountable to the people, to stop paying the rich, to defend the rights of all and for working conditions and a claim on the value workers produce acceptable to workers themselves.

In this issue, TML Weekly is publishing several articles by K.C. Adams that address these matters.

(Photos: TML, J. Gale, OHC)

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Restrict Governments from Borrowing from
Private Moneylenders

The demand that the rich be restricted from profiting from social programs is a big part of the struggle the working people are waging from coast to coast. An important aspect of this is to restrict governments from borrowing from private moneylenders. Another will be to demand that taxation on individuals and their personal property be eliminated. The conciliatory demand that taxes be increased on individuals who make more than a certain amount diverts attention from the essence of the matter, which is that the source of new value for governments to pay for programs is the productive socialized economy itself. Human enterprise accountable to the people should be an important source of government funds, along with proper realization by businesses of the value they consume from social programs and public infrastructure, plus government claims on a portion of the new value workers produce while working on the socialized forces of production.

The battle to increase investments in social programs and to stop paying the rich is constant as the working class movement activates the strength of its numbers and organization to move society forward to socialized relations of production in conformity with the modern socialized forces of production. The organized battle to defend its interests in the present at workplaces and throughout society prepares the working class to assume leadership of society based on a new pro-social direction for the economic, political and social affairs of the country in a nation-building project of its own doing.

Two trends affect the economy and every social movement: the working class progressive trend to defend the rights of all and move society forward to the New, and the imperialist regressive trend of the rich to expropriate maximum private profit from every cell of the economy and block any movement towards the New. These two trends express themselves constantly in economic, political and social affairs. The imperialists use their vast resources and control of the state to turn all economic, political and social affairs to their benefit and in the process recruit allies in the working class and youth to do their bidding.

The regressive trend can be seen in the control and use of working class savings and pension funds to entrench imperialist right over the working class and economy. A notorious example is the Public Sector Pension Investment Board (PSP) ownership and control of Revera Inc. The PSP is a federal Crown corporation that controls and invests the pension funds of workers in the federal public service, the Canadian Armed Forces, the RCMP and the Reserve Force. Revera Inc. owns or operates scores of seniors' apartments, assisted living and long-term care homes and other properties across Canada along with similar holdings in the United States and the UK. More than 55,000 seniors live in a property owned somewhere in the world by Revera, which also jointly owns homes operated by Groupe Sélection in Quebec and has a majority ownership stake in Sunrise Senior Living.

Many of those living and working in Revera properties have suffered terribly during the pandemic with some even passing away from the disease due to the socially irresponsible actions of the company driven by its aim for private profit. The PSP and Revera operate their businesses according to the imperialist aim of maximum profit from the exploitation of the working class in opposition to the aim of the working class to serve the people and society and defend the rights of all. The aim of maximum private profit has no place in any aspect of health care, which the pandemic has clearly exposed. The aim must be to serve the people and society and for increased investments in social programs to raise the level of the programs to whatever working people deem necessary and to block the rich from expropriating value.

Every social program fashioned under the imperialists has a pay-the-rich component, which the working class must continue to expose and oppose by demanding increased funding for social programs and to stop paying the rich. The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) as the party of the working class wages constant theoretical and ideological struggle to ensure imperialist theory and ideology do not entrench themselves to weaken and mislead the workers' movement in defence of workers' claims and the rights of all and for the New.

(Photos: HSAA, SEIU)

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Pay-the-Rich Social Programs

"The only utility whatsoever which an object can have for capital can be to preserve or increase it." -- Karl Marx -- Grundrisse: Notebook II

For liberals and others in the imperialist camp, the issue is not opposition to social programs per se but the necessity that social programs must serve the ruling oligarchs. Pay-the-rich social programs, through imperialist design, must contribute in one way or another to the aim of maximum private profit and to defend the status quo. The working class movement must confront this problem with a clear head and conscience.

The imperialist cartel parties design social programs to remove the burden of individual companies from themselves paying for social programs and infrastructure they need to function in a socialized economy. The social programs must generate private profit for a section of the oligarchs including the prospect of private money-lending to governments. This general trend has been further codified as public-private partnerships and is most evident in gigantic public-private infrastructure projects such as the Site C dam and LNG Canada projects in BC and others of like kind across Canada.

Most aspects of what is considered public health care in Canada are privately supplied at great private profit such as hospital supplies and pharmaceuticals and the construction of fixed means of production including hospitals and their machines and equipment. Most health clinics and labs are private yet funded publicly. The public funds for health care come from individual taxation and public borrowing from private moneylenders. The funds are mostly channeled from the federal government to Quebec and the provinces and territories with varying amounts from user fees and health care insurance premiums.

It should be noted that medical care for many parts of the body, such as eyes and teeth, and certain treatments and drugs, except those provided in hospitals, are excluded from the social program and supplied privately through user fees and private insurance. Big Pharma and others increasingly want a public pharmacare program to increase its guaranteed sales of drugs. This can be seen in the Big Pharma push for government upfront money to finance a COVID-19 vaccine.

In the public education sector the construction of schools is private and almost all supplies, such as computers and textbooks, are privately delivered. Post-secondary education has become a feeding ground for private companies mostly parading as colleges. Universities do research and training for the big companies while funded through the public purse and increasingly from high student tuition and other fees.

The product of health care and education, the capacity to work of educated healthy workers, is at the disposal of the imperialist employers without directly paying the price of production to the public institutions that produced it.

The 1965 Canada-U.S. Auto Pact became a source of great profit for the U.S. auto industry. The auto monopolies were attracted by, among other things, Canada's national health care insurance program, which became codified in 1966 as the Medical Care Act. Medicare saved the auto monopolies from being pressured into paying for private health insurance for their employees as is the case in the United States. Another attraction was Canada's unemployment insurance program (then UI, now a greatly weakened Employment Insurance (EI)), which allowed big companies to lay off workers for extended periods with UI paying a significant portion of their wages. This meant most auto workers remained on call while receiving a government stipend to be available to return when the auto monopolies wanted them.

Even when social programs are aimed at those who cannot work for whatever reason, such as injury or illness, and are poverty stricken, the programs must serve private profit in some way. Housing is an example where private interests put themselves in the middle by building and selling social housing to the government at great profit and often managing and maintaining the property. Welfare recipients are sometimes housed in rental units where the government pays the rent directly to the landlords. In the U.S., food stamps, now replaced with Electronic Benefit Transfer debit cards, are distributed to recipients who use them to buy food.

The neo-liberal mantra is that people should accept pay-the-rich social programs as "better than nothing" or "better than what the conservatives would deliver."

(Photos: TML, M. Sardinha)

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Why Social Programs in Canada Always Fall Short

In general terms social programs that benefit the people were established initially as compromises between the two main classes, those who own and control the socialized economy (the imperialist class) and the working class. Social programs in Canada have always fallen short of solving the intended social problem because the imperialists with their aim to expropriate maximum private profit remain in control of the economic, political and social affairs of the country. Social programs in general deal with symptoms arising from the social conditions, not the causes, and usually carry an element to pay the rich. Their aim is not to solve social problems as that would entail tackling the social conditions directly, forcing an awakening of the necessity for new socialized relations of production and a new pro-social aim and direction for the economy.

The 30-year neo-liberal anti-social offensive to defund social programs, privatize both social programs and public services, extend pay-the-rich schemes, engage in endless aggressive wars abroad and integrate into the U.S. war economy has created a general disequilibrium in Canadian society between the two main social classes. There is increasing poverty with the rich becoming richer and the poor poorer, destruction of the social fabric, abuse of the working class, and other serious problems such as endless wars, and now the crisis caused by the refusal to take the measures required to bring the COVID-19 pandemic under control by putting the well-being of the population in command.

The disequilibrium in society caused by the neo-liberal anti-social offensive has been duplicated at workplaces with the general refusal of those who own and control the economy to recognize and negotiate collective agreements with their workers. Instead they use the massive global wealth and power of the oligarchy, legislation, the courts and other police powers to attack the right of the working class and its collectives to come to some arrangement with employers on wages, benefits, pensions and working conditions acceptable to workers themselves.

In some ways social programs are similar to collective agreements at workplaces in that workers struggle to find some agreement with their employers and establish a certain equilibrium favourable to them, while not resolving the class contradiction of exploitation within an unequal social relation.

The demands of the working class movement to increase investments in social programs, stop paying the rich, defend the rights of all and make Canada a zone for peace are geared to a nation-building project of the people's own making.

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For Your Information

Review of New York Times Article Justifying
Pay the Rich Schemes

The article published by the New York Times on October 19, titled "The Private Sector Can't Pay for Everything," argues in favour of the government providing "pandemic stimulus" to aid "struggling businesses."[1] It argues for pay-the-rich schemes under the hoax that employers cannot be left to fend for themselves.  For a review by K.C. Adams of the NYT article, click here.

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Fourth Anniversary of Death of Fidel Castro

Vigils and Receptions in Honour of Fidel
Held in Canada

November 25, 2020. Vigil outside the Embassy of Cuba in Canada.

The Embassy of Cuba in Canada, together with members of Ottawa Cuba Connections and the Outaouais-Cuba Friendship Association, commemorated the fourth anniversary of the passing of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro on November 25, in Ottawa. Observing pandemic rules, a vigil was held on the grounds of the Cuban Embassy. Maricarmen Guevara welcomed everyone on behalf of Ottawa Cuba Connections and paid tribute to Fidel's revolutionary spirit and his dedication to the struggle of peoples throughout the world for justice, dignity and freedom.

Her Excellency Josefina Vidal, Cuban Ambassador to Canada, spoke about the legacy of Fidel's ideas, which are still alive in the hearts and minds of the Cuban people and the many friends of Cuba in Canada, whom she thanked for coming to celebrate his life. "Your presence here is an expression of the unconditional support and solidarity that you have always shown for Cuba," she said. The Ambassador was warmly applauded and following her comments, shouts of Viva Fidel! and Viva Cuba! rang out to close the ceremony.

At the vigil a beautiful basket of flowers was placed in front of a photo of Fidel to express love, admiration and respect for the legacy of Commandante Fidel Castro.

In Montreal, that same day, the Table de concertation de solidarité Québec-Cuba (Quebec-Cuba Solidarity Roundtable) held a vigil, followed by a reception, to commemorate the life and work of Fidel Castro, the Cuban people's legendary and beloved leader, on the fourth anniversary of his death.

November 25, 2020. Vigil outside Cuban Consulate in Montreal.

During the vigil held in front of the Cuban Consulate, activists and friends of Cuba shouted Viva Fidel!, We Are All Fidel! Viva the Cuban Revolution! Oppose the Criminal U.S. Blockade Against Cuba! Support the Cuban Medical Brigades! Cuba si! Bloqueo no! Many motorists slowed down to honk their horns in support and solidarity. The outdoor reception was held in accordance with physical distancing rules. Several people brought flowers that were placed in front of a photo of Fidel.

Mara Bilbao Diaz, the Consul General of the Republic of Cuba in Montreal, welcomed everyone. She stressed the importance of marking this important date for the Cuban people and the peoples of the world.

"Exactly four years ago on the day of Fidel's death, I met with almost all of you at the vigil held at the consulate, and the signing of the book of condolences. Many of you also attended the tribute that took place at the Simón Bolívar Centre in Montreal," she said.

"These were very sad days for the friends of Cuba and for the vast majority of Cubans both on and off the island. Four years after his physical disappearance, his ideas, his precise vision of imperialism, his clear legacy on internationalism and the environment, are more relevant than ever.

"I would like to share with you what a good friend of mine wrote: 'There will be no monuments, no sculptures, no avenues or squares bearing his name, however there will be no Cuba without Fidel and this, we all know. Memorable work, which continues to elicit admiration and respect, has demarcated a before and after in the history of Cuba, Latin America and the universe.'"

She spoke of the fidelity of the Cuban people to Fidel, who said that as long as Fidel remained at the helm in Cuba, their interests would be protected and no one would be left to fend for themselves. She was applauded as she concluded: "Thank you for being here today. You confirm for us once again that Cuba is not alone. Hasta la Victoria Siempre! Viva Fidel!"

Representatives of the Table de concertation de solidarité Québec-Cuba and other organizations, expressed their love for and solidarity with the Cuban people. They all stressed that Fidel's life and work live on in the hearts and minds of millions of Cubans, Quebeckers and others worldwide who are fighting for justice, dignity and freedom. They demanded an end to the criminal U.S. blockade against Cuba, confirmed their unwavering support for revolutionary Cuba and saluted the courageous and inspiring work of Cuba's Henry Reeve Medical Brigade, which undoubtedly deserves the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize.

Discussion and songs followed the speeches while refreshments were offered by the Consulate.

(Photos: TML)

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Fidel's Legacy Commemorated in Cuba and Beyond

November 25, 2020. Cultural event at University of Havana.

The Cuban people at home and around the world celebrated the life and indelible contributions of the legendary leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, on the fourth anniversary of his death. November 25 also marked the 64th anniversary of the departure from Mexico of the Cuban revolutionaries led by Fidel on board the Granma.

An online report from Granma recounts the main celebrations in Havana on the evening of November 25:

"Many came to meet Fidel again on the University of Havana's grand stairway, the scene of so many rebellious, revolutionary events, bringing him to the present, giving his work continuity, in the voices of children, in songs of commitment and celebration, in verse...

"On the fourth anniversary of the physical disappearance of the Comandante en jefe, students and young workers, representing all of Cuba, expressed their commitment to resist, to renew their vows to continue Fidel's work, during a cultural event with the President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez and Army Corps General Leopoldo Cintra Frias, minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) on hand, along with other members of the Party Political Bureau and Central Committee Secretariat, the government and mass organizations.

"In these hard times, full of difficult challenges, we turn to Fidel, to seek nourishment in his thoughtful reflections, his work, dreams and efforts, as José Ángel Fernández Castañeda, President of the University Student Federation [FEU], said, 'From him we draw the strength to move forward.'"

Meanwhile, Cuba's Union of Young Communists (UJC), and Cuban student and social organizations held the international conference "Banners of Ideas" from November 24 to 26, in commemoration of Fidel and affirming their convictions to carry on the principles he espoused, under the slogan "Unity for solidarity, anti-imperialism and anti-neoliberalism: Action for necessary transformation in times of COVID-19."

The online conference included a central forum on Fidel's thought; a special discussion on peace, and regional meetings to exchange information on our different realities, in defence and solidarity with the just causes of the people, and to promote cooperation that guarantees access to all COVID-19 medications and vaccines to save lives during the pandemic.

To watch the closing session of the meeting, that begins with a tribute to Fidel, click here.

At the headquarters of the Cuban Workers' Federation (CTC), an event was held in honour of Fidel at which Teté Puebla (Delsa Esther Puebla Viltre) recounted her experiences working with Fidel and the Rebel Army beginning in 1957 when she was just 16 years old. She later took part in a ceremony to give Cuban youth awards from the CTC for their dedication in the current "combat" against COVID-19 or in key sectors of the economy or services.

The Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) launched two books celebrating Fidel's contributions. Professor María Elena Álvarez Acosta and Abel González Santamaría presented their book The World in Fidel: Drawing New Paradigms? It addresses Cuba's foreign policy, Fidel's conception of the world and, in that sense, shows how the Commander in Chief viewed capitalism and the characteristics of the international system.

Fabián Escalante Font presented his new book Revolution and Counterrevolution in Cuba. It covers six decades of history in essays, dismantling the counterrevolutionary actions against socialism in Cuba, and unmasking those who have been its main instigators.

Several exhibitions are being held on the occasion of the anniversary of Fidel's passing, including an exhibition of photos of Fidel taken by Alex Castro that opened on November 24. A virtual photo exhibition, featuring the work of Roberto Chile runs from November 25 to January 1, 2021 (to view, click here). A virtual tribute to Fidel is being hosted by the ALBA Cultural House in Havana on November 29 at 6:00 pm, viewable on its Facebook, Twitter or Telegram accounts.

Messages paying respects to Fidel were also received from around the world and tributes were held in many countries, including Canada.

Santa Ifigenia Cemetery, Santiago de Cuba Province

In Santiago de Cuba's Santa Ifigenia Cemetery, where flowers surrounded the monumental boulder that safeguards Fidel's ashes, a tribute to the historic leader of the Revolution was led by first secretary of the Party in the province, Lázaro Expósito Canto, and Lieutenant Governor Manuel Falcón Hernández.

Bayamo, Granma Province

November 25, 2020. Commemorations in Revolution Square in Bayamo, Granma province.

(Photos: Cubadebate, Trabajadores, Estudios Revolucion, Juventud Rebelde, UNEAC, Bayamo Radio Station.)

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Fidel Castro in the Words of Ernesto Che Guevara

On the occasion of the Fourth anniversary of the death of Fidel Castro, TML Weekly is publishing an extract highlighting what Che Guevara wrote about Fidel in April 1961.

That telluric force called Fidel Castro Ruz has gained a historical projection within a few years.

The future will place our prime minister in his exact place, but for us he is comparable with the most elevated figures in Latin American history. But, what are the exceptional characteristics surrounding the personality of Fidel Castro?

There are various aspects of his life and character that make him stand out far above all his comrades and followers: Fidel is a man of such great personality that he will occupy a leadership role in any movement in which he participates, and this has been the case throughout his career from student life to the premiership of our homeland and of the oppressed peoples of America.

He has the characteristics of a great leader that, combined with his personal gifts of boldness, strength and valour, and his extraordinary desire to sound out the will of the people have taken him to the position of honour and sacrifice that he occupies today.

However he has other important qualities: the capacity to assimilate knowledge and experience in order to comprehend all the aspects of a situation without losing sight of the details, his immense faith in the future, and his breadth of vision that can foresee events and anticipate incidents, always seeing further and more accurately than his comrades.

With these great cardinal qualities, with his capacity to adhere and unite, opposing divisions that can weaken, his leadership capacity at the head of any popular action, his infinite love for the people, his faith in the future and his capacity to foresee it, Fidel Castro has done more than anyone else in Cuba to construct from nothing the now formidable apparatus of the Cuban Revolution.

Fidel gave the Revolution its impulse in the initial years, the leadership, the tonic, always. Hence we are forging ahead. It does not shame us or intimidate us to say that there goes Fidel, at the head of a vast column.

(Absolved by History, by Luis Báez (José Marti, 2003))

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United States Election Results

Dysfunctional Congress Means
Clash Among Rulers Continues

As more states certify their votes in Biden's favour and various CEOs and others call for Trump to concede, the ongoing clashes among the rulers are showing themselves in Congress. Among the areas of conflict are those concerning the transition; Senate confirmation of Biden's picks for his cabinet; the need to pass a massive omnibus budget bill or another emergency spending bill to avoid government shutdown on December 11; and disputes over the National Defense Authorization Act which usually passes readily.

Transition and Civil War Threats

After Michigan certified its vote on November 23, and an open letter from 166 businessmen called for the transition to proceed, the General Services Administration, which had been blocking official transition support for Biden, "ascertained" that he was the winner. This action released millions in funding and opened the way for mutual briefings concerning COVID-19, domestic and foreign security matters and more. However, it remains unclear whether the various cabinet departments, all part of the Office of the Presidency, will cooperate. Attorney General William Barr has so far not done so. National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien has promised a "professional transition" with the Biden team. These differences within the cabinet, along with Trump's continuing lawsuits to block seating of Biden electors from Pennsylvania and Arizona in the Electoral College, for example, are indicators that the usual rules and norms are still not being followed.

Trump's continuing claims that the election was a fraud and, as his lawyer put it, "Americans must be assured that the final results are fair and legitimate," were also evident at a hearing called by Pennsylvania state Republican Senators that took place on November 25. Trump chose Gettysburg as the site for the hearing and called in to say, "This election was lost by the Democrats. They cheated. It was a fraudulent election." Former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge responded, "History will record the shameful irony that a president who lied to avoid military service staged a bogus event on the hallowed grounds of Gettysburg in a brazen attempt to undermine the Republic for which scores of real patriots had fought and died to preserve since its founding."

Gettysburg is known for the Civil War battle fought there, with massive deaths on both sides. It is also where then President Lincoln questioned whether the union, based on the Declaration of Independence's claims of "liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal," could endure.

Trump's administration and the election and transition have all brought out the fierce civil war taking place among the rulers, short of open violence. The calls by many officials and CEOs for "peaceful transition" are efforts to keep it that way. The letter from the 166 businessmen for example raised concerns about the legitimacy of the elections and the need to keep the Union united:

"Every day that an orderly presidential transition process is delayed, our democracy grows weaker in the eyes of our own citizens and the nation's stature on the global stage is diminished."

"As business and civic leaders who reflect the political diversity of the country, we urge respect for the democratic process and unified support for our duly elected leadership," they concluded.

Among the 166 signers were Larry Fink, Chairman and Chief Executive of BlackRock, one of the largest hedge fund managers, David Solomon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of financial firm Goldman Sachs and Steve Schwarzman, founder of equity firm Blackstone and leading Trump donor.

The many conflicts between state and federal forces, not only for elections, but policing, are among the examples where open violence threatens. As well, the Declaration also says that whenever government becomes destructive of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," it is "the right of the people to alter or to abolish it." Bringing the Civil War and a potential division of the union so openly into play is perhaps Trump's way of saying that however the election goes, the battle for power is not over. And he has forces behind him, not only elected officials but also among the policing agencies and the armed militias they back.

Confirmation of Biden Cabinet

Biden has begun announcing his nominations for various cabinet posts, including those for Secretary of State, Department of Homeland Security and Director of National Intelligence. The Senate has to confirm these and another 1,200 positions in the bureaucracy with a simple majority vote. Confirmation hearings usually begin Inauguration Day, January 20, or within days afterward. Normally, these confirmations are not disputed, with a general courtesy extended to the President who in this case is himself a former Senator. In the past, to date, only nine nominees have failed confirmation, with four of these dating back to President John Tyler, 1841-1845. Another 17 have been withdrawn.

Biden has asked for "a prompt hearing" and called on the Senate to "begin the work to heal and unite America and the world." Republicans are already objecting to the nominees and current Senate head Mitch McConnell has yet to accept Biden as the President-Elect. The usual norms and courtesies evidently no longer apply.

Outrage of Possible Government Shut Down

The possibility of a government shut-down December 11 also remains. An emergency spending bill was passed when the fiscal year ended in October. That funding runs out on December 11. Currently the House and Senate are negotiating a massive omnibus bill. Right now a $1.4 trillion package, covering all 12 budget appropriations needed for the various departments, is being debated. Differences concern budget amounts, which are being kept secret. Trump has said he favours the omnibus bill rather than another emergency stop-gap measure, which he could veto. His Chief of Staff has said he "cannot guarantee" a shutdown will be averted.

Previously, each of the 12 budget appropriations would be debated separately, and include public hearings. Now, no such hearings occur and the numbers are kept from public view, and even from legislators, often until the final vote for a huge 1,000 page bill. The process is indicative of the deterioration of Congress as a legislative body, and the elimination of serving the public good, or at least providing the public an opportunity to speak. It also means that use of the budget as a means to lessen conflicts among the ruling factions no longer functions, with threats and actual government shutdowns the result. Given COVID-19 and the already large numbers of unemployed, such a shutdown involving laying off hundreds of thousands of government workers is widely seen as an unacceptable and horrendous attack on the people.

Pentagon Funding

The National Defense Authorization Act, something that usually easily passes by a large majority, also has not passed. It is a yearly bill that funds the Pentagon, including U.S. wars of aggression. This year $740.5 billion is planned. Among the areas of dispute are amendments that attempt to assert Congressional control in situations where the President has usurped power. One requires the President to get Congressional approval before removing any more troops from Germany or Afghanistan. Another requires the President to consult Congress before using the Insurrection Act. Trump had threatened to invoke this in June in order to use the military against demonstrators across the country demanding an end to racist police killings, and equality and justice.

The National Defense Authorization Act also includes language requiring the renaming of 10 military bases named after Confederate generals. These include Fort Bragg, Hood, Robert E. Lee and others. Trump has said he will veto the bill if it includes these measures. Senate head McConnell has said he will not bring the bill for a vote if it will be vetoed. Others are raising that a veto could impact the two Senate races in Georgia, January 5. Those races will decide whether the Senate will be 50-50 or whether Republicans will maintain control, 52-48 or 51-49. Some say the veto could favour Democrats; others claim it favours Republicans.

As with the National Defense Authorization Act debate as a whole, what is left out is the strong anti-war stand of the people that favours massive cuts to the Pentagon and increased funding for COVID-19 requirements, including for safety, health care, education and housing. As well, the objection to honouring confederate generals was greatly strengthened through demonstrations and removal of statues by protesters. The struggle is not simply removing statues and renaming bases, but that the history and contributions of the peoples in their fight for rights must be honoured.

All of the on-going disputes make clear that the current governing institutions no longer function, raising the growing possibility of violence both among the factions and more likely against the people, as they strengthen their resistance and demands for control. The people are refusing to be divided and are rejecting governing structures that enforce inequality. Their many actions of various kinds show they are organizing instead for a new direction for the country that favours their interests and represents their anti-war, pro-social drive. This New is reflected in the fight for an Anti-War Government, Peace Economy and Democracy Where We the People Decide!

For Your Information

The following open letter raised concerns about the impact a lack of "peaceful transition" will have on business interests, at home and abroad. It also raises legitimacy concerns and worries the rulers have about how the people see developments.

In addition to Larry Fink, chairman and chief executive of BlackRock, one of the largest hedge fund managers; David Solomon, chairman and chief executive officer of Goldman Sachs; and Steve Schwarzman, Blackstone founder and leading Trump donor, other signatories from financial, insurance and other influential areas include: John Bruckner, president, NY, National Grid; Kelly J. Grier, U.S. chair and managing partner and Americas managing partner, Ernst & Young LLP; Alfred F. Kelly Jr., chairman and chief executive officer, Visa Inc.; Michel A. Khalaf, president and chief executive officer, MetLife, Inc.; Kewsong Lee, chief executive officer, The Carlyle Group; Theodore Mathas, chairman and chief executive officer, New York Life Insurance Company; John McAvoy, chairman, president and chief executive officer, Con Edison, Inc.; Michael Roberts, president and chief executive officer, HSBC Bank USA. (See here  for the full list). Jamie Dimon, chairman and chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase and Tom Donohue, president and chief executive of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, have made similar remarks.

America is being ravaged by a deadly pandemic with enormous social and economic consequences. The attention and energy of public and private sector leaders should be entirely focused on uniting our country to fight the coronavirus, provide aid to those in need, prevent further business disruption and loss of jobs, and invest in our economic recovery and revitalization.

Every day that an orderly presidential transition process is delayed, our democracy grows weaker in the eyes of our own citizens and the nation's stature on the global stage is diminished. Our national interest and respect for the integrity of our democratic process requires that the administrator of the federal General Services Administration immediately ascertain that Joseph R. Biden and Kamala D. Harris are the president-elect and vice president-elect so that a proper transition can begin. Withholding resources and vital information from an incoming administration puts the public and economic health and security of America at risk.

As business and civic leaders who reflect the political diversity of the country, we urge respect for the democratic process and unified support for our duly elected leadership. There is not a moment to waste in the battle against the pandemic and for the recovery and healing of our nation to begin.

Dear President Trump,

As organizations representing the nation's hospitals and health systems, physicians and registered nurses who remain on the front lines in the battle against COVID-19 and currently caring for tens of thousands of COVID-19 patients, we have been working with your Administration to defeat the pandemic. Now, as new therapeutics and vaccines are being developed and will begin to be deployed, we urge your Administration to work closely with the Biden transition team to share all critical information related to COVID-19.

Our nation is experiencing a new surge of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths as we enter into a holiday season that will undoubtedly lead to greater exposure to this deadly virus. Confronting the challenges of the pandemic is imperative to saving American lives. Real-time data and information on the supply of therapeutics, testing supplies, personal protective equipment, ventilators, hospital bed capacity and workforce availability to plan for further deployment of the nation's assets needs to be shared to save countless lives. All information about the capacity of the Strategic National Stockpile, the assets from Operation Warp Speed, and plans for dissemination of therapeutics and vaccines needs to be shared as quickly as possible to ensure that there is continuity in strategic planning so that there is no lapse in our ability to care for patients.

As providers of care for all Americans, we see the suffering that is occurring in our communities due to COVID-19. We see families who have lost both parents from COVID- 19; we see children suffering from long-term effects due to a COVID-19 infection; and we see minority populations disproportionately suffering from the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is from this front line human perspective that we urge you to share critical data and information as soon as possible.

We stand ready to continue to work with your Administration to do all we can to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and provide care to those who have been infected.


Richard J. Pollack, President and CEO, American Hospital Association
James L. Madara, CEO, American Medical Association
Debbie Dawson, CEO, American Nurses Association

(Photos: VOR)

Claims that Election Is "Free and Fair"
Accompany Trump Lawsuits

As key states, including Michigan, Pennsylvania and Nevada, certified their election results on time, more lawsuits are being filed on grounds the election was a fraud. Various state elected officials, Republican and Democrat alike, such as those in Georgia and Pennsylvania, are saying they were "free and fair." The Republican Secretary of State in Georgia, who conducted an additional hand recount, said "I want 100 per cent of the people to understand that the process was fair and accurately counted." Both those claiming fraud and those saying counts were fair say they are defending democracy for the people.

On November 23, Michigan officially certified its results, with the four-member State Board of Canvassers voting three in favour and one abstention, a Republican. Based on the certification, the Michigan Governor certified the slate of electors for Biden. At the same time, the State Board of Canvassers joined calls for an audit of the Wayne County vote, which includes Detroit, and election reforms. The Michigan Legislature is already holding hearings concerning the 2020 vote and future reforms.

On November 25, a new lawsuit in federal court was brought by a group of Michigan Republicans, including three from Trump's slate of electors for the Electoral College. It asks a federal judge to set aside mail-in ballots and that all electors for the State of Michigan be disqualified from counting toward the 2020 election.

On November 26, a conservative legal group asked the Michigan Supreme Court to take custody of all November 3 election materials to give the Michigan Legislature time to audit the results, investigate all claims of ballot irregularities and fraud. The lawsuit asked the court to stop state Secretary of State and the Board of State Canvassers from giving final certification to the state's election results until a special master can be appointed to review alleged ballot irregularities and the legality of absentee ballots in Wayne County.

Both suits are an indication of Trump's efforts to block the seating of electors while also promoting the election as a fraud. In this manner the ground is being laid for federal intervention in election law, as also occurred after the 2000 Bush/Gore election dispute. At that time the Help America Vote Act concentrated power, particularly voter rolls and eligibility, in the state Secretaries of State. Such intervention today would likely increase federal control, potentially including a direct vote for President with voter rolls, eligibility and counting of votes controlled by the federal government. This then further concentrates power in the Office of the President, weakens the role of states and further removes any say from the people. Trump's refusal to concede the election and his claims that the election was a fraud also position him to pursue such reforms and have backing for it at the federal level.

On November 24, both Pennsylvania and Nevada certified their votes. Nevada's had already been certified by their county-level canvassers. On that day, the state Secretary of State confirmed certification before the Nevada Supreme Court, which then verified the certification.

In Pennsylvania, the state Secretary of State certified the vote from 67 counties and affirmed Biden's win. The Governor then signed a "Certificate of Ascertainment," which certifies the slate of electors for Biden. Governor Tom Wolf went out of his way to thank election officials who "have administered a fair and free election during an incredibly challenging time in our commonwealth and country's history."

On November 27, a three-judge federal appeals court panel dismissed one of Trump's lawsuits which called for setting aside 1.5 million mail-in ballots and blocking the seating of Pennsylvania's electors. Trump is appealing the ruling to the Supreme Court.

The three judges on the appeals court were all appointed by Trump. They found it necessary to say there was no fraud and tried to provide legitimacy to the vote: "Voters, not lawyers, choose the president," the ruling said. "Ballots, not briefs, decide elections. The ballots here are governed by Pennsylvania election law." They added, "Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy," saying further that "charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."

Similar suits in Michigan, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona, have also failed. In Arizona a fifth lawsuit was filed November 25 by the head of the state Republican Party, also asking that certification of the slate of Biden electors be nullified and the election set aside. Mail-in ballots are again being targeted. Arizona's counties all certified their votes November 23. The state certification does not take place until November 30. It involves the state Attorney General, the Governor and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who need to confirm results presented by the state Secretary of State.

While all sides are claiming to defend democracy, what gets left out is the fact that the people do not decide the candidates, do not decide the election process, do not have a role in debating the problems and solutions and do not decide the outcome, as the certification process has shown. It is a situation where Trump, Biden and the courts are all striving to hide the fraud of an election process riddled with inequality, designed to disempower the people.

However the vote is counted, it is not a reflection of the sentiments and stands of the people and their solutions for problems. These are represented in their demands for control of policing, health care and budgets, expressed in many demonstrations, petitions, webinars and through other means. Vigilance is required going forward concerning efforts at the federal level, using the presidential election, to further remove the people from a say in deciding the direction of the country and to block the drive for a democracy that empowers the people to govern and decide.

Voice of Revolution is a publication of the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization.

(Photos: VOR, A. Azikiwe)

Situation in the U.S.

The conditions in the U.S. continue to deteriorate. Indebtedness of the people is skyrocketing. Reports indicate that 75 per cent of U.S. residents die with an average debt of $62,000. College graduates have an average debt of $32,000. More than 40 million people will face eviction once the moratorium on evictions comes to an end at the end of the year. A mortgage crisis is also looming on the horizon as more than 60 million people are reported to be under threat of foreclosures for non-payment of mortgages. It is reported that 54 million people are facing hunger. Thousands upon thousands are waiting in line at food banks.

Biden's home state of Delaware is the credit card capitol of the U.S. This makes it likely that indebtedness and credit card debt is going to increase in the coming years. Biden is also indebted to the credit card companies and he is going to take good care of them; they have been good to him for decades. One look at the stage when Biden announced his cabinet showed that the old order will carry on, with prominent establishment forces who have committed crimes against humanity and nature. It is continuing Lyndon Johnson's doctrine: "I am not going to give them what they want, but sure going to make them feel that they got it." The ruling elite brought Trump in to do filthy things that the Old Boys could not do and now they are back. But people are determined to carry on fighting. Biden's cabinet has been denounced by many.


A reader in Massachusetts

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Suspension of Jeremy Corbyn from British Labour Party

The Need to Settle Scores with Britain's Decrepit Anachronistic Institutions

July 2014. Jeremy Corbyn participates in action against Israeli bombardment of Gaza. (Ron F)

On October 29, the leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, was suspended from the party because he refused to retract his reaction to a recent report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). This report alleged that the Labour Party under Corbyn's leadership had breached the 2010 Equality Act through a combination of "inappropriate involvement" and harassment in complaints procedures relating to "anti-Semitism," and an "inadequate training provision for those handling the complaints." Corbyn was suspended, it was said, for refusing to accept all the EHRC report's conclusions and for claiming that "the scale of the problem was also dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents." In response, Corbyn declared his intention to "strongly contest the political intervention to suspend" him.

The uproar over Corbyn's suspension from the Labour Party's base was such that his suspension from the party was lifted on November 17 by a disciplinary panel of the Party's National Executive Committee. Despite this, the present Labour Party leader, Keir Starmer, ordered that the Labour whip be withheld from Corbyn. In the British party system, "whips" are the party's "enforcers" whose role is to ensure that their fellow political party legislators attend voting sessions and vote according to their party's official policy. Members who vote against party policy may "lose the whip," effectively expelling them from the parliamentary party benches. This means that formally Corbyn remains an independent rather than a Labour Party MP (i.e., he is not in the caucus).

This too has provoked widespread condemnation from within the Labour Party and the trade union movement. Executive bodies of a number of unions have passed motions demanding Corbyn's reinstatement. Quite a few Constituency Labour Parties -- the equivalent of local party branches -- have passed motions supporting Corbyn and expressing no confidence in the present leadership, actions which themselves have led to suspensions from the party.

A joint statement made on October 31 by the general secretaries of the Labour-affiliated unions -- Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen; Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union; Communication Workers Union; Fire Brigades Union; National Union of Mineworkers; Transport Salaried Staffs' Association; and Unite -- condemned the suspension as "ill-advised and unjust."

Jeremy Corbyn himself has started a formal legal claim against the Labour Party for suspending the whip.

Corbyn's suspension from the Labour Party by its General Secretary David Evans and current proceedings against him underscore how reactionary and backward the cartel parties are, not only in Britain but all over the world. Who sets the party line that all party members in office have to toe is a matter of grave concern when it is not the party members or the people of the country of its alleged constituency. How party discipline is enforced is also thoroughly outmoded and anti-democratic. All of it underscores the urgent need for democratic renewal so as to achieve people's empowerment.

The entire affair brings clearly to public attention how decision-making and proceedings in the cartel parties take place in secret to enforce decisions also taken behind the people's backs. Reports indicate that Corbyn has been told the Party whip will be suspended for three months while an investigation is carried out, and that he has been told by the chief whip, Nick Brown, to "unequivocally, unambiguously and without reservation" apologize for his claims made in the aftermath of the EHRC report.

Corbyn's response to the report read: "Anyone claiming there is no anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is wrong... Jewish members of our party and the wider community were right to expect us to deal with it, and I regret that it took longer to deliver that change than it should. One anti-Semite is one too many, but the scale of the problem was also dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents inside and outside the party, as well as by much of the media. That combination hurt Jewish people and must never be repeated. My sincere hope is that relations with Jewish communities can be rebuilt and those fears overcome. While I do not accept all of its findings, I trust its recommendations will be swiftly implemented to help move on from this period."

Aiming at Corbyn, current Labour Party leader Starmer stated: "If you're anti-Semitic, you should be nowhere near this party... And if after all the pain, all the grief, and all the evidence in this report, there are still those who think... it's all exaggerated, or a factional attack... you are part of the problem too. And you should be nowhere near the Labour Party either."

This shows that he is in utter denial that his party is indeed wracked with factions, with the old establishment guard trying to impose its positions and decisions on the rank and file, represented by Corbyn, through mostly foul means. All righteous talk about "whips" merely reveals the decrepitude of the system, not its vibrancy or relevance today. Ever since Corbyn was first elected by a groundswell of support from the base, the establishment forces -- which according to the party system must swear allegiance to the preservation of decrepit institutions -- did not want a Corbyn government. No matter what the cost, they have plotted, connived and besmirched themselves to make sure it does not happen. It has been an experience of treachery and betrayal all down the line.

In the current case, the establishment has attempted to use its Zionist position which equates support for the just cause of the Palestinian people for the recognition of their rights and an end to their criminalization and persecution, with anti-Semitism. However, any attempts to implicate Jeremy Corbyn with anti-Semitism turns truth on its head and falls flat with the people. Of all people, Jeremy Corbyn is known for his stands in favour of the rights of all, from anti-fascist organizer in the seventies to prominent anti-war campaigner in the present.[1] Before emerging as the leader of the Labour Party, Corbyn was particularly well-known in the anti-war movement -- not least as chair of the Stop the War Coalition from 2011 to 2015 during which the anti-war movement and Corbyn himself were known for upholding the right to be of the Palestinian people against Zionist war crimes.

Because he clearly stood against the neo-liberal austerity and war agenda of the British ruling class, he enjoyed widespread support among the Labour Party's rank and file, especially youth and working people. Furthermore, his election as Labour Party leader also represented the growing demand for a new kind of politics. His own campaign stressed the need for a fundamental change of approach to politics. His campaign slogan for a new "people-powered politics" expressed the need to build a social movement consistent with the right of the electorate to participate in political affairs, to elect and be elected and for their will to be transformed into the legal will through a political system that serves their interests.

Consistent with these features of Corbyn's platform was his characteristic readiness to take a stand on the important problems facing society, rather than follow the path of expediency or the outlook that the ends justify the means that characterizes the neo-liberal "consensus."

Corbyn's election captured the people's imagination and movement for change. The Labour Party experienced a growth in membership unprecedented in recent times, particularly amongst young people, and democratic, peace-loving and anti-racist people, who joined the party in the hope of occupying the space that had opened up for discussion on serious issues facing the polity and turning things around.

When elected on the first ballot with 59.5 per cent of the vote, he said: "We are a party organically linked together between the unions and party membership and all the affiliated organizations. That is where we get our strength from."

However, there was no chance that the cartel parties would tolerate any space being used for the independent program of the working class. Such a development was to be foiled, no matter what.

In that context, constant allegations associating Corbyn with anti-Semitism have been propagated, when nothing could be further from the truth. The progressive movements of which Corbyn is a part and which his leadership of the Labour Party represented have always upheld the rights of all, without exception. The manipulation of the issue of anti-Semitism to divert and disorient these forces, and wrecking public opinion to block people from forming an independent outlook, is itself abhorrent.

Jewish Voice for Labour, Jews for Justice for Palestinians, Jewish Socialists' Group, Jewdas and Independent Jewish Voices have all rejected the charge of anti-Semitism, and in February last year, 200 Jewish Labour Party members and supporters praised Corbyn's consistent support for "initiatives against anti-Semitism."

Settling Scores with the Past

The issue goes beyond Corbyn and the Labour Party. The Hitlerite "Big Lie" technique is in operation to paint any dissenting voices which represent the working people, and the political and social forces which represent them as extremist "hard left." This is equivalent to the fiction they have erected, with state support, which they call the "far right." This "hard left" and "far right" are equated in every way by their fiction of what constitutes "anti-Semitism." The "centre ground," meanwhile, is equated with "security," "the national interest," "balance" and "prosperity," all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.

A major problem the forces of the status quo face is that the real conditions of life defy their fictional account of their rule and what it stands for. This official "centre ground" touts adherence to liberal democratic institutions which are in total crisis precisely because they are incapable of persuading the people to toe the line and support, overtly or passively, the neo-liberal agenda and its use of force to sort out problems both domestically and internationally. While the use of police powers has always been at the heart of the civil society the neo-liberal forces are trying to defend, today attempts to keep things under control reveal an increasingly overt dictatorial regime which is reorganizing the state around rule via police powers, governed by a small clique wielding those powers, and criminalizing all thought that is opposed to official dogma.

Allegations such as the ones thrown at Corbyn to defame and criminalize him seek to generate an atmosphere of hysteria in a generalized campaign to discredit and sow division amongst the people so that they cannot organize in a manner which favours them. Attempts to cover up the reality that the so-called centre is itself in essence the extreme right, where everything is put in the service of the most powerful monopolies, are futile. Yet far from giving up this nefarious path, measures to make sure no organized independent workers' opposition emerges become as increasingly reactionary as they are unaccountable.

Who does not understand that the burden of the economic crisis is shifted onto the working population through austerity measures which have as their mainstay the deprivation of rights? An article on Corbyn's suspension in Workers' Weekly published by the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) clearly points out that people are denied a say in the most important matters that affect their lives, such as the direction of the economy, while the polity is destroyed.

"Political problems are made problems of law and order. Police are given further powers to act with impunity under the spurious theory of balancing rights against security, as opposed to the modern conception that security lies in the defence of the rights of all. Legislation is passed that violates the right to conscience and attempts to establish an official set of 'British values' around the notion that all should line up behind national-chauvinistic aims, aims which are increasingly pursued through intervention and war.

"Jeremy Corbyn was seen to represent opposition to this direction.

"Under the banner of returning Labour to electability and making it a 'broad church,' Keir Starmer represents cartel-party politics. To this end, it is not enough that Corbyn be defeated. Corbyn was never to be permitted to assume the role of Prime Minister, and all he upheld was blocked at every turn. No alternative is permitted within the present arrangements. Now that he has been removed, all vestiges of his legacy are to be eradicated, and his character itself is to be slandered, all with the aim of preventing such a phenomenon as Corbyn from ever appearing again. The ultimately futile aim is to wipe thought of an alternative from the minds of the party and the public at large.

"The forces of the establishment would seek to expunge the Labour Party of all elements that strive for the New. It is to remain a party firmly of the Old, a cartel party that acts as part of the arrangements of state, as a gatekeeper barring people from decision-making power.

"Further, the clearing out of the Labour Party is part of clearing out the opposition in parliament, ensuring that there are no representatives of the people in parliament.

"These attacks on Corbyn and his supporters expose the whole party system. They serve to underline how people cannot put their faith in some other force, but must rely on building their own forms of organization to enable them to speak and act in their own name, that confers authority to themselves directly as they strive for empowerment and democratic renewal. Try as it might, the ruling elite cannot kill off this vision."

In brief, what Corbyn represents is an aspiration to break from the cartel-party system, which the establishment forces will not tolerate. Moreover, they will commit any infamy against "outsiders" to retain power in their hands. Implicit in Corbyn's vision is that people, not parties, should capture political power. The conditions in which Corbyn has had to operate with a rapidly reactionary establishment wing of the Labour Party viciously and overtly opposing him every step of the way, has meant that even the slightest hint of that vision expressing itself in the Official Opposition was never going to be accepted by the ruling elite.

This entire experience merely confirms that having the working people occupy the space for change is anathema to the ruling class and their system of governance. They stand ready to commit any infamy to protect their rule. This has been one of the main attributes of their system since it was established in the 1660s following the English Civil War, perfected in the mid-19th century through the imposition of the European nation-state on the peoples of the world in the name of "peace, order and good government." Peace in this parlance signifies the means by which the anti-colonial rebellions can be suppressed. Order refers to the system of crime and punishment used to keep the working class and its demands for rights in check. Good government refers to the so-called democratic institutions maintained by the system of party rule which pledges loyalty to uphold the prerogative powers that concentrate decision-making in the hands of the party executive which serves the ruling class.

This system of rule intended to keep power in the hands of a corrupt ruling elite was enforced after World War II on the basis of Cold War ideology and preoccupations aimed at dividing the world's people into two camps and defeating the Soviet Union. Today, at a time this elitist rule has no consent of the governed whatsoever, treacherous attempts are made to provide it with justifications called humanitarianism, peace, democracy, opposition to anti-Semitism and the like. 

What the working class, youth, women and anti-war movement in Britain will do next is sure to reveal itself sooner rather than later as they tackle the situation from their own vantage point, in a manner which favours their interests. The conditions the working people face within Britain and which the peoples of the world face as a whole are so dire, there is no alternative but to settle scores with British imperialism and its rotten, elitist institutions whose decrepitude places a huge burden on society.

Canadian working people have full confidence that the working peoples of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales will reckon with what has been done and is being done to Jeremy Corbyn in a profound manner. The working class in these countries is international in its make-up. It is settling scores with all the old arrangements of this most reactionary monstrous machine that comprises the British ruling class, which the rulers go so far as to call the "cradle of civilization." The working people of Britain will yet show the world what they are made of!


1. What Corbyn represents is a matter of public record. He was active in the 1970s when he organized a demonstration against a National Front march through Wood Green. He spoke on the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street, noting that his mother was a protester at that time who signed numerous early day motions condemning anti-Semitism. In 1987, he campaigned to reverse Islington Council's decision to grant the planning application to destroy a Jewish cemetery; and in 2010, he called on the UK government to facilitate the settlement of Yemeni Jews in Britain. He also took part in a ceremony in his Islington constituency to commemorate the original site of the North London Synagogue and visited the Theresienstadt concentration camp, calling it a reminder of the dangers of far-right politics, anti-Semitism and racism. Theresienstadt was a ghetto-labour camp. It served as a transit camp for Czech Jews whom the Germans deported to killing centres, concentration camps, and forced-labour camps in German-occupied Poland, Belorussia and the Baltic States.

(With files from Workers' Weekly, Wikipedia and

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Massive Resistance to Impunity in India

Millions Turn Out to Demand Justice and
Enforcement of Rights

November 28, 2020. A section of the farmers' march, that has brought 12 million farmers, with some 96,000 tractors, to borders of India's capital New Delhi. The action is said to be the longest march in history undertaken by farmers.

November 26, 2020. Police attempt to prevent farmers from reaching Delhi.
In what constitutes a near shutdown of India, over 250 million workers took part in a general strike on November 26 and hundreds of thousands of farmers held a two-day Chalo Dilli ("Go to Delhi") mobilization to condemn state-organized immiseration of the people on behalf of the rich, perpetrated right in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to condemn state violence and impunity.

The general strike involved workers from private and public sectors -- from steel, ports, oil and gas, telecommunications, health care, education and other sectors. Actions in support of the strike were also held by government workers, postal workers, railway workers and others. It is estimated that strike and support actions took place in nearly all major towns and cities, including New Delhi. In some states, workers blocked roads and railway tracks to press for their demands.

Workers firmly supported the farmers' march to Delhi and denounced the state repression against them as they were marching and approaching Delhi. The farmers' organizations likewise expressed their support for the workers' general strike.

November 27, 2020. March in Delhi in support of farmers' march.

November 26, 2020. Students in Delhi support farmers' Chalo Dilli.

The farmers heroically defended themselves against police violence, especially at the border between the states of Punjab and Haryana, and as they were attempting to cross the Haryana border to reach Delhi. Those attempting to reach Delhi through the state of Uttar Pradesh were also faced with brutal police violence. Farmers were attacked with tear gas and water cannons in the middle of the night. Police had erected barriers and put up barbed wire in an attempt to prevent them from carrying on with their march. The farmers were undeterred and pushed back against the barricades, insisting that they had to take their protests and demands directly to Delhi so as to be heard by the central state. They are ready for a long battle and travelled with trolleys full of rice and grains and are cooking their own food. Some travelled in tractors and cars while many were on foot. The Delhi police finally allowed the farmers to enter the city but attacks with teargas and water cannons continued, injuring some of them. A venue was allocated to them by the police in Burari near the outskirts of the city. Some farmers went to that area but most decided to camp in a location closer to the Parliament. At least three highways that lead to Delhi remain blocked by the protests. The farmers made clear that they have enough essentials to continue their action for months and that they will not leave until the central government withdraws the farm bills.

November 27, 2020. Water cannon used against farmers.

The general strike is a joint action of 10 trade union centrals. The main convener of the farmers' actions is the All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee (AIKSCC), a pan-Indian organization comprised of 250 farmers' organizations.

The Days of Action were organized in response to a series of anti-labour and anti-farmer laws which were adopted by the Indian parliament in September with no debate and in spite of the fact that they are firmly opposed by the people who are directly concerned. The anti-labour laws amalgamate 44 labour laws into four, dismantling all previous arrangements regarding wages, industrial relations, social security, safety, and working conditions. The farm bills dismantle even the limited form of public procurement of farmer's crops by state agencies that currently exists, and put the farmers at the mercy of private traders acting on behalf of global multinational agriculture corporations. Farmers expect that with the new legislation, even the minimum support price that is set for the government-controlled wholesale markets is going to be eliminated.

Farmers in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh

Workers' immediate demands include monthly cash transfers for poor households, free food rations, withdrawal of anti-farmer and anti-labour laws, an end to privatization of public services and an end to the corporatization of public sector manufacturing facilities and service institutions like railways and ports.

Farmers' immediate demands are for the repeal of the farm laws and real protection by the state, especially to ensure that they get better prices for their crops. For a long time, farmers have been demanding that their crops must be purchased at a price that is at least 50 per cent above their cost of production.

This wrecking, so-called reforms carried out by the state with impunity and presented as providing needed "flexibility," "freedom" and "choice," will only further immiserate workers and farmers and is an attack on their human dignity on behalf of the rich.

TML Weekly hails the heroic action of the workers and farmers of India to demand justice and the enforcement of their rights.

Rampur, Uttar Pradesh

Sitmahri, Bihar

Panjipara, West Bengal

Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh

Pune, Maharashtra


(Photos: PTI, AIKSCC, ajplus)

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