Situation in the U.S.

The conditions in the U.S. continue to deteriorate. Indebtedness of the people is skyrocketing. Reports indicate that 75 per cent of U.S. residents die with an average debt of $62,000. College graduates have an average debt of $32,000. More than 40 million people will face eviction once the moratorium on evictions comes to an end at the end of the year. A mortgage crisis is also looming on the horizon as more than 60 million people are reported to be under threat of foreclosures for non-payment of mortgages. It is reported that 54 million people are facing hunger. Thousands upon thousands are waiting in line at food banks.

Biden's home state of Delaware is the credit card capitol of the U.S. This makes it likely that indebtedness and credit card debt is going to increase in the coming years. Biden is also indebted to the credit card companies and he is going to take good care of them; they have been good to him for decades. One look at the stage when Biden announced his cabinet showed that the old order will carry on, with prominent establishment forces who have committed crimes against humanity and nature. It is continuing Lyndon Johnson's doctrine: "I am not going to give them what they want, but sure going to make them feel that they got it." The ruling elite brought Trump in to do filthy things that the Old Boys could not do and now they are back. But people are determined to carry on fighting. Biden's cabinet has been denounced by many.


A reader in Massachusetts

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 46 - November 28, 2020

Article Link:
Situation in the U.S. - Letter to the Editor


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