Fidel Castro in the Words of Ernesto Che Guevara

On the occasion of the Fourth anniversary of the death of Fidel Castro, TML Weekly is publishing an extract highlighting what Che Guevara wrote about Fidel in April 1961.

That telluric force called Fidel Castro Ruz has gained a historical projection within a few years.

The future will place our prime minister in his exact place, but for us he is comparable with the most elevated figures in Latin American history. But, what are the exceptional characteristics surrounding the personality of Fidel Castro?

There are various aspects of his life and character that make him stand out far above all his comrades and followers: Fidel is a man of such great personality that he will occupy a leadership role in any movement in which he participates, and this has been the case throughout his career from student life to the premiership of our homeland and of the oppressed peoples of America.

He has the characteristics of a great leader that, combined with his personal gifts of boldness, strength and valour, and his extraordinary desire to sound out the will of the people have taken him to the position of honour and sacrifice that he occupies today.

However he has other important qualities: the capacity to assimilate knowledge and experience in order to comprehend all the aspects of a situation without losing sight of the details, his immense faith in the future, and his breadth of vision that can foresee events and anticipate incidents, always seeing further and more accurately than his comrades.

With these great cardinal qualities, with his capacity to adhere and unite, opposing divisions that can weaken, his leadership capacity at the head of any popular action, his infinite love for the people, his faith in the future and his capacity to foresee it, Fidel Castro has done more than anyone else in Cuba to construct from nothing the now formidable apparatus of the Cuban Revolution.

Fidel gave the Revolution its impulse in the initial years, the leadership, the tonic, always. Hence we are forging ahead. It does not shame us or intimidate us to say that there goes Fidel, at the head of a vast column.

(Absolved by History, by Luis Báez (José Marti, 2003))

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 46 - November 28, 2020

Article Link:
Fidel Castro in the Words of Ernesto Che Guevara


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