Fidel's Legacy Commemorated in Cuba and Beyond

November 25, 2020. Cultural event at University of Havana.

The Cuban people at home and around the world celebrated the life and indelible contributions of the legendary leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, on the fourth anniversary of his death. November 25 also marked the 64th anniversary of the departure from Mexico of the Cuban revolutionaries led by Fidel on board the Granma.

An online report from Granma recounts the main celebrations in Havana on the evening of November 25:

"Many came to meet Fidel again on the University of Havana's grand stairway, the scene of so many rebellious, revolutionary events, bringing him to the present, giving his work continuity, in the voices of children, in songs of commitment and celebration, in verse...

"On the fourth anniversary of the physical disappearance of the Comandante en jefe, students and young workers, representing all of Cuba, expressed their commitment to resist, to renew their vows to continue Fidel's work, during a cultural event with the President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez and Army Corps General Leopoldo Cintra Frias, minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) on hand, along with other members of the Party Political Bureau and Central Committee Secretariat, the government and mass organizations.

"In these hard times, full of difficult challenges, we turn to Fidel, to seek nourishment in his thoughtful reflections, his work, dreams and efforts, as José Ángel Fernández Castañeda, President of the University Student Federation [FEU], said, 'From him we draw the strength to move forward.'"

Meanwhile, Cuba's Union of Young Communists (UJC), and Cuban student and social organizations held the international conference "Banners of Ideas" from November 24 to 26, in commemoration of Fidel and affirming their convictions to carry on the principles he espoused, under the slogan "Unity for solidarity, anti-imperialism and anti-neoliberalism: Action for necessary transformation in times of COVID-19."

The online conference included a central forum on Fidel's thought; a special discussion on peace, and regional meetings to exchange information on our different realities, in defence and solidarity with the just causes of the people, and to promote cooperation that guarantees access to all COVID-19 medications and vaccines to save lives during the pandemic.

To watch the closing session of the meeting, that begins with a tribute to Fidel, click here.

At the headquarters of the Cuban Workers' Federation (CTC), an event was held in honour of Fidel at which Teté Puebla (Delsa Esther Puebla Viltre) recounted her experiences working with Fidel and the Rebel Army beginning in 1957 when she was just 16 years old. She later took part in a ceremony to give Cuban youth awards from the CTC for their dedication in the current "combat" against COVID-19 or in key sectors of the economy or services.

The Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) launched two books celebrating Fidel's contributions. Professor María Elena Álvarez Acosta and Abel González Santamaría presented their book The World in Fidel: Drawing New Paradigms? It addresses Cuba's foreign policy, Fidel's conception of the world and, in that sense, shows how the Commander in Chief viewed capitalism and the characteristics of the international system.

Fabián Escalante Font presented his new book Revolution and Counterrevolution in Cuba. It covers six decades of history in essays, dismantling the counterrevolutionary actions against socialism in Cuba, and unmasking those who have been its main instigators.

Several exhibitions are being held on the occasion of the anniversary of Fidel's passing, including an exhibition of photos of Fidel taken by Alex Castro that opened on November 24. A virtual photo exhibition, featuring the work of Roberto Chile runs from November 25 to January 1, 2021 (to view, click here). A virtual tribute to Fidel is being hosted by the ALBA Cultural House in Havana on November 29 at 6:00 pm, viewable on its Facebook, Twitter or Telegram accounts.

Messages paying respects to Fidel were also received from around the world and tributes were held in many countries, including Canada.

Santa Ifigenia Cemetery, Santiago de Cuba Province

In Santiago de Cuba's Santa Ifigenia Cemetery, where flowers surrounded the monumental boulder that safeguards Fidel's ashes, a tribute to the historic leader of the Revolution was led by first secretary of the Party in the province, Lázaro Expósito Canto, and Lieutenant Governor Manuel Falcón Hernández.

Bayamo, Granma Province

November 25, 2020. Commemorations in Revolution Square in Bayamo, Granma province.

(Photos: Cubadebate, Trabajadores, Estudios Revolucion, Juventud Rebelde, UNEAC, Bayamo Radio Station.)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 46 - November 28, 2020

Article Link:
Fidel's Legacy Commemorated in Cuba and Beyond


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