November 25, 2022 - No. 49

Sixth Anniversary of the Death of Fidel Castro

Honour to the Life and Work of
Comrade Fidel Castro!

• Commemorations of Fidel in Cuba and Around the World

Monument to Fidel Castro Unveiled in Moscow

Speech on the Occasion by President Putin

Speech on the Occasion by President Díaz-Canel


• Y en eso llegó Fidel / And then Fidel Came

– Carlos Puebla –

• Fidel es Fidel / Fidel Is Fidel

– Roberto Chile –

Sixth Anniversary of the Death of Fidel Castro

Honour to the Life and Work of
Comrade Fidel Castro!

This November 25 marks six years since the death of Fidel Castro, legendary leader of the Cuban people and their historic revolution. Fidel's courage, resolve and profound commitment to affirming and defending human rights in Cuba and abroad was possible because with the Cuban Revolution he inaugurated a revolutionary nation-building project which vested the state power in the Cuban people. His deeds were always aimed at benefiting the well-being of his people and the peoples of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean as well as building bonds of friendship and solidarity with the people of the United States, Canada, Europe and Oceania.

Fidel's courage, resolve and profound commitment to affirming and defending human rights continue to inspire peoples the world over. His legacy is all the more important at a time when the peoples are facing increasing hardship and violation of rights by those who are nation-wreckers and in the name of high ideals consider human beings to be things, to be exploited and disposed of in the service of private interests, imperialism and war.

On this occasion, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) joins the Communist Party of Cuba and its leadership, the Cuban people at home and the majority of those living abroad, friends of Cuba and fellow fighters the world over to commemorate Fidel's legacy of profound contributions to humanity.

Rights belong to people by virtue of their being human, and Fidel was always guided by taking the necessary actions to affirm the rights and well-being of the Cuban people and the oppressed peoples of the world. The Cuban Revolution and its nation-building project has thus been developed in an all-sided manner and with great foresight to predict the peoples' needs not only in the present but in the future as well. It is on this basis that despite the hardships that the Cuban people continue to face from natural disasters and especially from the illegal and genocidal U.S. blockade, they continue to forge ahead with the leadership and modern institutions required by the times.

Take for example Cuba's health care system and its biotech sector, established under Fidel's leadership. They have brought the COVID-19 pandemic under control and lent a hand to so many in the oppressed countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean, and even in Europe.

The infamies of the imperialists know no bounds, based on the doctrine of might makes right. Cuba stands at the ready, always taking the high road of civilization and upholding the international rule of law and the best interests of humanity, no matter the situation. It is these principled stands and steadfastness that show Fidel's living legacy amongst the new generation of Cuba's leadership and its people today, and continue to show the path forward for humankind.

Let everyone honour the memory of Fidel Castro in practical ways, by standing in solidarity with the Cuban Revolution through the activities of the Cuba friendship and solidarity movement, by strengthening the anti-war movement, upholding the friendly relations between Cuba and Canada and opposing all foreign interference in Cuba's internal affairs.

Fidel's tomb in Santa Ifigenía Cemetery in Santiago de Cuba, where he takes his place among Cuba's pantheon of heroes.

Cuban youth commemorate Fidel, November 28, 2016.

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Commemorations of Fidel in Cuba and
Around the World

In Cuba and around the world, the outstanding life and legacy of Fidel Castro is being commemorated on the sixth anniversary of his passing.

In Cuba on November 25, an early morning event was held at Fidel's tomb at Santa Ifigenía Cemetery in Santiago de Cuba attended by Army General Raúl Castro, members of the Council of Ministers and other dignitaries.

Ceremony November 25, 2022 at Fidel's tomb at Santa Ifigenía Cemetery in Santiago de Cuba.

In the days leading up to the anniversary, Cubans organized tributes to Fidel at their places of work. These include the many social enterprises and public institutions that owe their existence to Fidel and are the concrete expression of the all-sided attention paid by Fidel and the Cuban Revolution to human beings and their needs.

On November 23, the Fidel Castro Ruz Center in Havana screened a new 27-minute documentary Fidel su juventud fecunda (Fidel, His Fruitful Youth) that focuses on this period of this life. In particular, through interviews with Cuban personalities, scholars and historians, the film addresses salient but little-known events in the childhood and youth of the revolutionary leader before his participation in the assault on the Moncada Barracks on July 26, 1953.

The film is accompanied by a multimedia presentation of photos and videos. This audiovisual production will serve as a basis to deepen the knowledge of young Cubans about Fidel as a child, adolescent and youth, providing the new generations with a more comprehensive vision of Fidel as a patriot, thinker, revolutionary and human being. The film and multimedia presentation will be disseminated through educational centres across the country.

A new documentary on Fidel is screened in Havana on November 23, 2022.

The filmmakers Dinora Romo and Julio Alberto Salve said they focused on showing how much Fidel's experiences in growing up in Birán influenced him. "We chose very fresh images of the family to support the story. We show the greenery of spaces and animals; in addition to the mischief of the child Fidel and his defence of his brothers and the people around him," Salve explained to Prensa Latina. He added, "I think that his time at university was one of the most important stages for the Commander in Chief because it strengthened his ideals. That is why we use a very sui generis title because we will always see Fidel as an eternal rebel, eternal pioneer and eternal youth."

Around the world, Cuban diplomatic missions and solidarity organizations are holding events with the participation of Cubans living abroad and friends and supporters who are part of the worldwide Cuba solidarity movement.

The broad expression of social love for Fidel and the work to bring forward this legacy to new generations six years after his passing underscore Fidel's indelible contributions to uplifting humanity.

Cubans pay tribute to Fidel at the Fidel Castro Ruz Center in Havana, November 24, 2022.
Health care workers at the José Martí Pediatric Hospital in Sancti Spiritus pose with a tribute to Fidel, November 24, 2022.
At the Fidel Castro Campus of Anchovy High School in Anchovy, Jamaica, members of Cuba's diplomatic corps in Jamaica join with teachers, students and members of the solidarity movement to commemorate Fidel, November 24, 2022.
Aylin Alvarez, First Secretary of the National Committee of the Union of Young Communists, joins Cuban health collaborators in Venezuela in a salute to Fidel, November 24, 2022.
The Cuban Embassy in Algeria hosts a commemoration of Fidel, November 24, 2022.
Cuban youth takes part in a commemoration of Fidel at Cuba's Embassy in New Zealand,
November 24, 2022.

(With files from Cubadebate, Juventud Rebelde. Photos: Juventud Rebelde, A. Lajos Grau, R. Guardia Valdes, Cuban Embassies in Jamaica, Algeria and New Zealand.)

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Monument to Fidel Castro Unveiled in Moscow

On November 22, a monument to Fidel Castro, legendary leader of the Cuban people, was unveiled in Moscow at an event presided over by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The monument, by sculptor Alexei Chebanenko and architect Andrei Bely, took six months to create. Fidel, rendered in bronze, stands atop a rock inscribed with a stylized map of Cuba, mounted on a granite pedestal. The monument, according to the Kremlin's press release, reflects the heroic path of a person who stood up for the rights and freedoms of the Cuban people. The monument stands in Fidel Castro Square in the Sokol district of Moscow, named in his honour in 2017.

The initiative to erect a monument to Fidel Castro came from the leadership of the Russian Defense Ministry. The idea was supported by the Russian Military-Historical Society which held a closed artistic contest with 11 works participating.

The speeches delivered by the two presidents on this occasion are reproduced below.

(With files from

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Speech on the Occasion by President Putin

Mr President, Cuban guests, Muscovites, friends,

We have gathered here, on a square named after Fidel Castro, to unveil a monument to this outstanding statesman and political figure, the founder of the modern Cuban state.

Fidel Castro dedicated his life to the selfless struggle to advance the ideas of goodness, peace and justice, for the freedom of oppressed peoples, for a decent life for ordinary people and social equality.

He is rightfully considered one of the most colourful and charismatic leaders of the turbulent and dramatic 20th century, a truly legendary person and a symbol of an era of national liberation movements, the collapse of the colonial system and the creation of new independent states in Latin America and Africa.

Fidel and his associates have selflessly defended the sovereignty of their native country; they did not allow it to be broken by the intervention of mercenaries, sanctions, financial or economic embargo, or attempts at external isolation; they upheld Cuba's right to its own development model in accordance with national rather than externally imposed values; and made sure that the world takes into account Cuba's opinion and respects its interests.

For many generations of our fellow citizens, the image of the Comandante has always been shrouded in romantic glory, courage and victories. The lyrics of the well-known Soviet song Cuba, My Love! reflected our sincere and enthusiastic feelings not only for the Island of Freedom and the entire Cuban people, but also directly for Fidel, whose strength, energy and unbending will attracted and still attract people like a magnet.

Friends, I was lucky enough to meet with Fidel Castro on several occasions, and I still remember many hours of conversations with him, especially our last conversation in July 2014.

He talked about the things that were surprisingly consonant with the time -- the time of the development of a multipolar world -- saying that independence and dignity cannot be put up for sale and that every nation is entitled to develop as it sees fit and to choose its own path, and that a truly fair world has no place for dictatorship, plunder or neo-colonialism. His encyclopaedic knowledge, deep understanding of the underlying causes of events, sharpness of mind, and accuracy of assessments were striking.

Fidel was a true friend of our country and often came to see us. In 1963, he travelled around almost the entire Soviet Union. He was always a welcome guest in Moscow and loved it very much. As Fidel said, he was willing to come to Russia any time, summer or winter, with or without snow.

Our country has always supported the freedom-loving Cuban people and the leadership of the Republic. And we know it is a mutual feeling. Cuba has been, is and, I am sure, will always be our consistent strategic partner and ally in international affairs.


The Russian-Cuban friendship that was bequeathed to us by Fidel Castro is the common legacy of our peoples. Mr President, you represent the new generation of Cuban leaders and you are making an enormous contribution to promoting friendly and trust-based relations between our countries.

We will join efforts in order to strengthen our alliance and to defend the great values of freedom, equality and justice.

Thank you for the attention.


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Speech on the Occasion by President Díaz-Canel

Dear Comrade Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, my dear Russian friends,

It is a great honour for me to take part in unveiling the monument to the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz.

First, I would like to thank President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin for his participation in this commemorative event. He had the honour of being personally acquainted with Fidel and of having hours-long conversations with him during his visits to Cuba in December 2000 and in July 2014.

I am also grateful to the members of the Russian Military-Historical Society, the Moscow City Duma and particularly, to sculptor Alexei Chebanenko for this noble initiative.

My dear friends,

The personality of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was very closely linked to the friendship between our peoples and governments that was tempered over 60 years. Fidel understood very well the underlying nature of the fraternal relations between our countries. He always had warm relations with Soviet and Russian leaders. He knew personally and admired Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova, the great Russian cosmonauts. He always admired the tremendous spirit of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War, the heroism and ability for self-sacrifice in saving humanity from fascism.

Fidel first came to the Soviet Union in 1963. In over 40 years, he visited the most important cities, including Leningrad -- a city that he deeply respected for its resistance to the epic 900-day siege by the Nazi army.

This historical visit enhanced the love of your fraternal country by our historical leader and the budding friendship between our peoples that has existed up to this day.

In subsequent years, Fidel travelled to the USSR many times. He last visited in November 1987 to attend the 70th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

Till the end of his life, Fidel followed with special interest everything that was happening in this great country. He paid special attention to every event and piece of news linked with Russia and attached special importance to its role in world politics.

In this context, we can say that this monument also recognises the friendship between Russia and Cuba, which has a very firm foundation.

My dear friends, comrades,

I would like to recall with deep gratitude the words written by President Vladimir Putin on behalf of the Russian people when Fidel died six years ago.

I quote, "Fidel Castro was a true friend of Russia, in whom we could believe. He made a tremendous contribution to the establishment and development of Russian-Cuban relations and their close strategic cooperation in all areas."

Today, we can confirm that the new generations of Cubans that hold public and government positions in the country are committed to continuing our friendship and solidarity with the Russian Federation.

Speaking on behalf of the Cuban people and government, I can speak of our commitment to the behest of Raul and Fidel as regards the friendship they were building for so many years with the USSR and later the Russian Federation. The connections between Russia and Cuba are indestructible. Fidel laid the foundation for these relations and developed them further. Our task is to preserve and continue them. Russia knows that it can continue to rely on Cuba.

Eternal glory to the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz!

Thank you very much.


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Y en eso llegó Fidel / And then Fidel Came

– Carlos Puebla –

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 Fidel es Fidel / Fidel Is Fidel

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