Commemorations of Fidel in Cuba and Around the World

In Cuba and around the world, the outstanding life and legacy of Fidel Castro is being commemorated on the sixth anniversary of his passing.

In Cuba on November 25, an early morning event was held at Fidel's tomb at Santa Ifigenía Cemetery in Santiago de Cuba attended by Army General Raúl Castro, members of the Council of Ministers and other dignitaries.

Ceremony November 25, 2022 at Fidel's tomb at Santa Ifigenía Cemetery in Santiago de Cuba.

In the days leading up to the anniversary, Cubans organized tributes to Fidel at their places of work. These include the many social enterprises and public institutions that owe their existence to Fidel and are the concrete expression of the all-sided attention paid by Fidel and the Cuban Revolution to human beings and their needs.

On November 23, the Fidel Castro Ruz Center in Havana screened a new 27-minute documentary Fidel su juventud fecunda (Fidel, His Fruitful Youth) that focuses on this period of this life. In particular, through interviews with Cuban personalities, scholars and historians, the film addresses salient but little-known events in the childhood and youth of the revolutionary leader before his participation in the assault on the Moncada Barracks on July 26, 1953.

The film is accompanied by a multimedia presentation of photos and videos. This audiovisual production will serve as a basis to deepen the knowledge of young Cubans about Fidel as a child, adolescent and youth, providing the new generations with a more comprehensive vision of Fidel as a patriot, thinker, revolutionary and human being. The film and multimedia presentation will be disseminated through educational centres across the country.

A new documentary on Fidel is screened in Havana on November 23, 2022.

The filmmakers Dinora Romo and Julio Alberto Salve said they focused on showing how much Fidel's experiences in growing up in Birán influenced him. "We chose very fresh images of the family to support the story. We show the greenery of spaces and animals; in addition to the mischief of the child Fidel and his defence of his brothers and the people around him," Salve explained to Prensa Latina. He added, "I think that his time at university was one of the most important stages for the Commander in Chief because it strengthened his ideals. That is why we use a very sui generis title because we will always see Fidel as an eternal rebel, eternal pioneer and eternal youth."

Around the world, Cuban diplomatic missions and solidarity organizations are holding events with the participation of Cubans living abroad and friends and supporters who are part of the worldwide Cuba solidarity movement.

The broad expression of social love for Fidel and the work to bring forward this legacy to new generations six years after his passing underscore Fidel's indelible contributions to uplifting humanity.

Cubans pay tribute to Fidel at the Fidel Castro Ruz Center in Havana, November 24, 2022.
Health care workers at the José Martí Pediatric Hospital in Sancti Spiritus pose with a tribute to Fidel, November 24, 2022.
At the Fidel Castro Campus of Anchovy High School in Anchovy, Jamaica, members of Cuba's diplomatic corps in Jamaica join with teachers, students and members of the solidarity movement to commemorate Fidel, November 24, 2022.
Aylin Alvarez, First Secretary of the National Committee of the Union of Young Communists, joins Cuban health collaborators in Venezuela in a salute to Fidel, November 24, 2022.
The Cuban Embassy in Algeria hosts a commemoration of Fidel, November 24, 2022.
Cuban youth takes part in a commemoration of Fidel at Cuba's Embassy in New Zealand,
November 24, 2022.

(With files from Cubadebate, Juventud Rebelde. Photos: Juventud Rebelde, A. Lajos Grau, R. Guardia Valdes, Cuban Embassies in Jamaica, Algeria and New Zealand.)

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 49 - November 25, 2022

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