Speech on the Occasion by President Díaz Canel

Dear Comrade Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, my dear Russian friends,

It is a great honour for me to take part in unveiling the monument to the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz.

First, I would like to thank President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin for his participation in this commemorative event. He had the honour of being personally acquainted with Fidel and of having hours-long conversations with him during his visits to Cuba in December 2000 and in July 2014.

I am also grateful to the members of the Russian Military-Historical Society, the Moscow City Duma and particularly, to sculptor Alexei Chebanenko for this noble initiative.

My dear friends,

The personality of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was very closely linked to the friendship between our peoples and governments that was tempered over 60 years. Fidel understood very well the underlying nature of the fraternal relations between our countries. He always had warm relations with Soviet and Russian leaders. He knew personally and admired Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova, the great Russian cosmonauts. He always admired the tremendous spirit of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War, the heroism and ability for self-sacrifice in saving humanity from fascism.

Fidel first came to the Soviet Union in 1963. In over 40 years, he visited the most important cities, including Leningrad -- a city that he deeply respected for its resistance to the epic 900-day siege by the Nazi army.

This historical visit enhanced the love of your fraternal country by our historical leader and the budding friendship between our peoples that has existed up to this day.

In subsequent years, Fidel travelled to the USSR many times. He last visited in November 1987 to attend the 70th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

Till the end of his life, Fidel followed with special interest everything that was happening in this great country. He paid special attention to every event and piece of news linked with Russia and attached special importance to its role in world politics.

In this context, we can say that this monument also recognises the friendship between Russia and Cuba, which has a very firm foundation.

My dear friends, comrades,

I would like to recall with deep gratitude the words written by President Vladimir Putin on behalf of the Russian people when Fidel died six years ago.

I quote, "Fidel Castro was a true friend of Russia, in whom we could believe. He made a tremendous contribution to the establishment and development of Russian-Cuban relations and their close strategic cooperation in all areas."

Today, we can confirm that the new generations of Cubans that hold public and government positions in the country are committed to continuing our friendship and solidarity with the Russian Federation.

Speaking on behalf of the Cuban people and government, I can speak of our commitment to the behest of Raul and Fidel as regards the friendship they were building for so many years with the USSR and later the Russian Federation. The connections between Russia and Cuba are indestructible. Fidel laid the foundation for these relations and developed them further. Our task is to preserve and continue them. Russia knows that it can continue to rely on Cuba.

Eternal glory to the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz!

Thank you very much.


This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 49 - November 25, 2022

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