Sixth Anniversary of the Death of Fidel Castro

Honour to the Life and Work of Comrade Fidel Castro!

This November 25 marks six years since the death of Fidel Castro, legendary leader of the Cuban people and their historic revolution. Fidel's courage, resolve and profound commitment to affirming and defending human rights in Cuba and abroad was possible because with the Cuban Revolution he inaugurated a revolutionary nation-building project which vested the state power in the Cuban people. His deeds were always aimed at benefiting the well-being of his people and the peoples of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean as well as building bonds of friendship and solidarity with the people of the United States, Canada, Europe and Oceania.

Fidel's courage, resolve and profound commitment to affirming and defending human rights continue to inspire peoples the world over. His legacy is all the more important at a time when the peoples are facing increasing hardship and violation of rights by those who are nation-wreckers and in the name of high ideals consider human beings to be things, to be exploited and disposed of in the service of private interests, imperialism and war.

On this occasion, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) joins the Communist Party of Cuba and its leadership, the Cuban people at home and the majority of those living abroad, friends of Cuba and fellow fighters the world over to commemorate Fidel's legacy of profound contributions to humanity.

Rights belong to people by virtue of their being human, and Fidel was always guided by taking the necessary actions to affirm the rights and well-being of the Cuban people and the oppressed peoples of the world. The Cuban Revolution and its nation-building project has thus been developed in an all-sided manner and with great foresight to predict the peoples' needs not only in the present but in the future as well. It is on this basis that despite the hardships that the Cuban people continue to face from natural disasters and especially from the illegal and genocidal U.S. blockade, they continue to forge ahead with the leadership and modern institutions required by the times.

Take for example Cuba's health care system and its biotech sector, established under Fidel's leadership. They have brought the COVID-19 pandemic under control and lent a hand to so many in the oppressed countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean, and even in Europe.

The infamies of the imperialists know no bounds, based on the doctrine of might makes right. Cuba stands at the ready, always taking the high road of civilization and upholding the international rule of law and the best interests of humanity, no matter the situation. It is these principled stands and steadfastness that show Fidel's living legacy amongst the new generation of Cuba's leadership and its people today, and continue to show the path forward for humankind.

Let everyone honour the memory of Fidel Castro in practical ways, by standing in solidarity with the Cuban Revolution through the activities of the Cuba friendship and solidarity movement, by strengthening the anti-war movement, upholding the friendly relations between Cuba and Canada and opposing all foreign interference in Cuba's internal affairs.

This article was published in
Volume 52 Number 49 - November 25, 2022

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