
No. 10March 28, 2020

Peoples of the World Firmly Support the
Heroic People of Palestine
and Their Right to Be

Palestinians undertake the Great March of Return, April 2018.

Land Day and Nakba Coming Events
No to Canada Facilitating Israeli State War Crimes
Against the Palestinian People!

False Accusations at University of British Columbia Based on Pernicious Definition of Anti-Semitism
• Mass Opposition to U.S. "Deal of the Century"

Palestinians Reject the "Deal of the Century" and Step Up
Resistance to Zionist Aggression

Land Day and Nakba Coming Events

Long Live the Palestinian People
and Their Resistance!
Palestinians Have the Right to Return!

Online Campaign
Nakba72 and Resistance

Sunday, March 29-Friday, May 15
Organized by: Nakba Commemoration Initiative in Ottawa

Organizers inform that "Due to circumstances surrounding COVID-19, we are transforming our physical event into a virtual campaign.

"With your help and that of our friends at various groups and organizations, we will be launching an online #Nakba72 awareness campaign from March 29, 2020 (Land Day) to May 15, 2020 (Nakba Day). This campaign will include weekly educational, cultural, political, and personal content to help bring awareness to the Palestinian Nakba and celebrate the resilience and resistance of the Palestinian people.

"Stay tuned and join us by LIKING our page and SHARING our content, and USING #Nakba72 during this campaign."

No to Canada Facilitating Israeli State
War Crimes Against the Palestinian People!

Toronto demonstration, February 1, 2020, stands with Palestinian people rejecting the
"Deal of the Century."

The Canadian state's support for Zionism is part of its manoeuvring for Canada to win one of  five non-permanent seats on the UN Security Council for a two-year term beginning in 2021. From this vantage point, Canada could better serve U.S. imperialist interests, which includes putting a human face on Zionist war crimes and terrorism against the Palestinian people, and U.S. aggression worldwide.

Canada's voting record on the matter of Israel is shameful. It abstained on a General Assembly resolution in December 2017 demanding the U.S. rescind its decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The resolution declared the U.S. recognition of Jerusalem "null and void." The non-binding resolution was approved by 128 of the 172 nations present on the day of the vote. In fact, Canada regularly votes against or abstains on the 16 recurrent resolutions on Palestinian issues which go before the General Assembly every year, including resolutions on Palestinian self-determination, sovereignty over natural resources and the illegality of Israeli settlements.

Canada, along with other so-called western liberal democracies, continues to condone Israeli war crimes and terror against the Palestinian people. On February 14, Canada sent a formal letter to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at the Hague, opposing its decision to proceed to a formal trial on war crimes allegations against the state of Israel. The decision to send the letter was made by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the direct request of Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu.

On December 20, 2019, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Fatou Bensouda announced that, after five years of investigation, the ICC is "satisfied that there is a reasonable basis to initiate an investigation into the situation in Palestine [...] There is a reasonable basis to believe that war crimes have been or are being committed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip."

Following the ICC ruling, Israel began an organized campaign to block such an investigation. Canada has formally joined this campaign to cover up Israel's war crimes. While the February 14 letter from Global Affairs Canada to the ICC has not been made public, in an email to Canadian Jewish News, a spokesperson for Global Affairs Canada, Guillaume Berube, wrote: "Canada's long-standing position is that it does not recognize a Palestinian state [...] In the absence of a Palestinian state, it is Canada's view that the (ICC) does not have jurisdiction in this matter under international law." 

Canada's letter to the ICC follows on the heels of a personal letter sent from President Nethanyahu to Prime Minister Trudeau in December 2019 concerning the ICC decision, which reads in part:

"In light of our special relations and the steadfast friendship between our countries, I urge you to publicly condemn this erroneous decision, to acknowledge there is not a Palestinian state, that the court has no jurisdiction in this matter, which involves political issues to be determined by the parties, and to voice your deep concerns regarding its dangerous ramifications to the court and the region."

It is noteworthy that ICC Chief Prosecutor Bensouda spent five years reviewing initial evidence before concluding there is evidence of war crimes and asking the ICC judges to decide whether the court has jurisdiction to proceed. The ICC examination of the "situation in Palestine" would look back only as far as June 13, 2014 and include allegations of war crimes during Israel's summer 2014 Operation Protective Edge in the Gaza Strip. That particular bombardment caused the deaths of some 2,251 Palestinians in a matter of fifty days, the majority of them civilians, including 551 children. There were six Israeli civilian casualties.

The investigation may also include the Israeli military's brutal repression of Palestinian protesters participating in the Great March of Return, which began in 2018 and, according to the ICC Prosecutor's 2019 Report on the Situation in Palestine, "reportedly resulted in the killing of over 200 individuals, including over 40 children, and the wounding of thousands of others." Bensouda also concluded "that in the context of Israel's occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem" there are reasonable grounds to believe "that members of the Israeli authorities have committed war crimes [...] in relation, inter alia, to the transfer of Israeli civilians into the West Bank."

When Chief Prosecutor Bensouda announced her intention to prosecute war crimes charges against Israel, Michael Lynk, the UN Special Rapporteur for human rights matters in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 1967, underscored what he considered to be its significance for the rule of law. "International law must be the basis for seeking justice for the victims of war crimes in this interminable conflict, and the international community must resolutely support the laws and the institutions that it has created and nurtured." He said, "Accountability has until now been largely missing in action throughout the 52-year-old occupation [...] In a world that proclaims its devotion to human rights and a rules-based international order, it is vital that the international community defend the decision of the ICC Prosecutor to advance her investigation and to seek a favourable ruling from the Pre-Trial Chamber on the issue of territorial jurisdiction."

The peace- and justice-loving Canadian people must condemn the decision of Canada to continue to condone Israeli war crimes against the Palestinian people. It is unacceptable that Canada has stood with the Zionist state of Israel for more than 70 years while it murders and commits acts of terror against the Palestinian people to extinguish them as a people. It will not pass! The crimes of the Israeli state against the heroic Palestinian people, with the open support of the Anglo-American imperialists, are carried out in broad daylight and Canada has once again opted for impunity for Israeli war crimes, arguing that the International Criminal Court has no jurisdiction. The Canadian people say: Not In Our Name!

(With files from, Globe and Mail, Palestine Chronicle, Canadian Jewish News, Jacobin.)

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False Accusations at University of British Columbia Based on Pernicious Definition of Anti-Semitism

A long-standing tactic of the Zionists to undermine and criminalize support for the Palestinian people is to conflate opposition to Zionism -- the chauvinist political ideology and its aim of genocide of the Palestinian people -- with anti-Semitism, a prejudice against people of Jewish background.

Recently, this tactic has taken the form of an international campaign for governments to adopt a pernicious definition of anti-Semitism, known as the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism.

A recent case at the University of British Columbia illustrates how the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism is being used to block opposition to Zionism and its genocidal project against the Palestinian people. Activists with Independent Jewish Voices (IJV), writing in The Talon, a student newspaper at the University of British Columbia, reported this February on the outcome of accusations of anti-Semitism made against university members in 2018.[1] They wrote:

"In 2018, six members of the UBC community were the subjects of an investigation based on allegations that they had engaged in antisemitic behaviour after they declared their opposition to holding the Geography Department's year-end party at Hillel UBC."

In the discussion within the Geography Department, it was decided to change the venue. As the IJV activists point out:

"There was never any evidence that either these comments or the Geography Students Association decision to change venues had been motivated by hatred of Jews, which is the standard definition of anti-Semitism. Nevertheless, the local chapter of the pro-Israel group known as the Centre for Israel and Jewish Advocacy (CIJA) waded into the matter, responding to the decision to change the party venue by setting up a special website and launching a letter writing campaign targeting the UBC administration to take action against what they alleged to be a blatant instance of anti-Semitism at the University. It is no coincidence that CIJA is promoting a 'new' definition of anti-Semitism which targets activists who criticize or organize against Israel's treatment of the Palestinians."

Those accused were eventually vindicated after a six-month investigation, although the IJV activists note that "Although the 52-page report was completed in October 2018, UBC officials have refused to publicly acknowledge the fact that the case was dismissed. In addition, they have not released the investigator's findings."

The IJV activists point out that "Unfortunately, the situation that arose at UBC is far from unique. Internationally, pro-Israel campaigners are lobbying national, provincial and municipal governments as well as universities, school boards and police departments, to adopt CIJA's 'new' definition of anti-Semitism. Known as the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition, it includes a list of 11 examples of anti-Semitism. Seven of these relate to Israel and/or Zionism. The campaigners hope that the IHRA definition will focus the conversation on instances mislabelled as anti-Semitism in order to discourage criticism of Israel's egregious behaviour."[2]

The IJV activists note that: "Regrettably, Canada's Liberal government chose to include the IHRA definition in its anti-racism strategy adopted this past year. But when the IHRA definition was brought before Vancouver's city council in July 2019, the council referred the matter to the city's Racial and Ethno-Cultural Equity Committee, asking the committee to make recommendations on how to oppose all forms of racism, including anti-Semitism. Recently, the Calgary City Council was asked to simultaneously recognize January 27 as Holocaust Remembrance Day and adopt the IHRA definition, but the IHRA definition was deleted when the final version of the resolution was passed. [...] And most recently, when the IHRA definition was brought to the Montreal City Council, it generated sufficient opposition that demands were made to give the matter further study. Instead, the motion's sponsor withdrew it altogether."

Canadians in the main have always stood by the heroic Palestinian people and their fight for their right to be and to return to their homeland. The examples at UBC and elsewhere of the failed attempts to impose the pernicious IHRA definition of anti-Semitism show that such chauvinism is against what ordinary Canadians stand for. Conversely, the federal Liberal government's adoption of the IHRA definition highlights the ruling circles' support for Zionism, a feature of its support for U.S. imperialism, and that it does not represent the stand of Canadians for peace and justice internationally. It shows need for working people in Canada to continue to stand with the Palestinian people and oppose attempts at all levels to criminalize support for their just cause.


1. "Academic Freedom at UBC Threatened by False Allegations of Anti-Semitism," Paul Tetrault and Sid Shniad, The Talon, February 12, 2020.

2. To see the IHRA's "Working Definition of Antisemitism" on its website, click here.

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Mass Opposition to U.S. "Deal of the Century"

Protest in Baqa al-Gharbiyye,  Occupied Palestine, February 1, 2020.

The peace- and justice-loving peoples have stated unequivocally that the U.S. Trump administration's "Deal of the Century," announced January 28 in collusion with the most virulent Zionist forces in Israel, is totally unacceptable. Mass actions have taken place around the world to reject this latest attack on the rights of the Palestinian people and attempt to expropriate their lands.

The actions underscored that the "Deal of the Century" is not aimed at bringing peace to the region. The peoples in the region lived in peace for centuries until Britain imposed the Balfour Agreement in 1917, which enabled the eventual establishment of a Zionist state on Palestinian lands, breaking the peace to this day. Furthermore, what the "Deal of the Century" offers the Palestinians is not their own state, but a prison.

In Canada, actions denounced the Canadian government and the political parties in power for refusing to stand with the just cause of the Palestinians, legitimizing Israel's crimes against the Palestinians and its violations of international law, and criminalizing those in Canada who raise their voice for justice, labelling them anti-Semitic.

At the Toronto action, speakers highlighted the need for a campaign in Canada to defend the right to free speech and the right to conscience. The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) is attempting to get cities and provinces in Canada to pass legislation redefining "anti-Semitism" to include criticism of Israel or Zionism. The federal government has already adopted the definition, while the cities of Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal have voted against it. The redefinition, Bill 168, passed second reading at the Ontario Legislature on February 27 and has been referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy. Independent Jewish Voices Canada has started a petition urging local and provincial governments not to adopt IHRA's definition of anti-Semitism. It reads as follows:

"Anti-Semitism is a real problem and must be fought in all its forms. Yet the primary goal of those promoting the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism is to ban or criminalize criticism of Israel and of Zionism, and silence support for Palestinian rights. The IHRA definition thus represents a threat to the struggle for justice and human rights in Israel/Palestine. The real fight against anti-Semitism must be joined to the struggles against racism, xenophobia and hatred of all ethnic and religious groups the world over." To sign the petition, click here

The Trudeau government's support for the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism is unacceptable, as is the stand of any political party in Canada that is pushing this in the name of combating hatred. The example of New York State shows how such anti-social reactionary laws are being imposed in the name of opposing anti-Semitism. In August 2019, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo proposed legislation called the New York State Hate Crimes Domestic Terrorism Act "to define hate-fueled murder with the intent to cause mass casualties as an act of domestic terrorism with penalty equivalent to other acts of terrorism." Cuomo has argued that such legislation at the state and federal level is necessary to combat anti-Semitism, following an attack on the home of a rabbi in Monsey, New York in December 2019. The people of the U.S. have no shortage of experience with the kinds of crimes and violations of rights that are committed at home and abroad under the auspices of so-called anti-terrorism laws and other exceptional emergency laws.

The Canadian state's support for Zionism is part of its manoeuvring for Canada to win one of the five non-permanent seats on the UN Security Council for a two-year term beginning in 2021. From this vantage point, Canada could better serve U.S. imperialist interests, which includes putting a human face on Zionist war crimes and terrorism against the Palestinian people, and U.S. aggression worldwide.

The Trudeau government's cynical support for Zionism and, by extension, U.S. imperialist aims in the Middle East, are unacceptable to Canadians, who in the main oppose Israel's brutal crimes against the Palestinians, and Canada's appeasement of Zionism. They wish for Canada to be a genuine force for peace, not a henchman of U.S. imperialism and Zionist reaction against the Palestinians and other oppressed peoples of the world.

TML Weekly calls on everyone to step up support for the just cause of the Palestinian people's right to be, their right to resist and their right to return to their historic homeland, of which they have been unjustly dispossessed.

Demonstrations in Support of the Palestinian People







Occupied Palestine

Ramallah, West Bank

West Bank

North Jordan Valley, West Bank

North of Gaza

Around the World

Istanbul, Turkey

Beirut, Lebanon


Tel Aviv, Israel



Rabat, Morocco

São Paulo, Brazil

Boston, USA

Minneapolis-St. Paul, USA

Detroit, USA

Houston, USA

Stockholm, Sweden

Yabturi, Sweden

Oslo, Norway

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Vienna, Austria

Brighton, England

London, England

Sussex, England

Milan, Italy


(Photos: TML, A. Smith, activestills, A. Al-Bazz, Almanara, O. Ziv, K. Manor, Women for Palestine, The Inside Palestine, Palestine Youth Movement, H. Khaled, Palestinians Abroad, redfish, Third World War, Mind Hacker, Ansar Allah Media Group, Sussex Friends of Palestine, Moviment Graffitti, Minnesota Anti-War Committee,
M. Osman, A. Azikiwe)

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Palestinians Reject the "Deal of the Century" and
Step Up Resistance to Zionist Aggression

Demonstration in Ramallah rejects "Deal of the Century," February 11, 2020.

The heroic resistance of the Palestinian people has been stepped up since the ignominious "Deal of the Century" announced by President Trump on January 28, aimed at legitimizing the role of the Zionist state over the Palestinians, depriving them of their livelihoods and lands and, in particular, negating their rights as a people, including the right of return. The Palestinian people have rejected the "Deal of the Century" in its entirety, while the Israeli state and its political leaders are acting as if it is a done deal.

In the wake of Trump's announcement of the "Deal" at the White House, the state of Israel has become more brazen in its plans to annex the lands of the Palestinian people. 

In February 27 media reports, Israeli Defence Minister Naftali Bennett is said to have sworn he will "not give one inch of land" to the Palestinians, at the same time that he announced the advancement of plans for 1,800 new homes in the West Bank settlements. "We are no longer in the discourse of evacuation and a freeze but in the mode of expansion and construction," Bennett said. "Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria is one of the building blocks of Zionism in the State of Israel."  Within this context, acts of terrorism are being committed by Zionist settlers, such as raids of houses and properties owned by Palestinians, and racist graffiti on Palestinian homes and vehicles, including the threat, "There will be war."

In the face of the increased Israeli aggression and bombardment, the Palestinian people have stepped up their resistance. A Hamas spokesperson in Gaza, Fawzi Barhoum, pointed out recently, "The brave resistance's response to the crimes of the Zionist occupation came within the framework of a strategy of unified understanding among all its factions that Palestinian blood is a red line that cannot be crossed [...] our resistance is legitimate, as long as the occupation and aggression continues."

On February 14, the Supreme Commission for Return Marches and the Siege announced that it had amended its name to "the National Authority for the Return March and Facing the Deal." The Commission's spokesperson confirmed "the continuation of the popular and mass action at the Palestinian and national levels and in all places of presence and diaspora, and the continuation of its various activities and its growing mass action, as an affirmation of the unity of the Palestinian position and outright rejection of the 'Deal of the Century.'"

"March of Return" actions are being planned for March 30, 2020, the second anniversary of the march's start in 2018, both in Palestine and around the world. This year, in addition to expressing the collective will of the Palestinian people to affirm their right of return, it will vigorously reject the so-called "Deal of the Century."

It is unconscionable that the Trudeau Liberals are silent while the Israeli state carries on acts of terrorism, violence and aggression, and violations of international law against the Palestinian people. The people of Canada demand that the Canadian government uphold the rights of the Palestinian people, including the right of return to their historic homeland. Canadians denounce the brazen acts of theft, aggression and oppression of the Palestinian people by the Zionist state of Israel, sponsored by U.S. imperialism and its appeasers, including Canada.

Palestinian women organize demonstration outside of UN offices in Gaza, February 28, 2020.

(With files from Middle East Monitor. Photos: A. Ehsan, Y. Arar.)

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