Palestinians Reject the "Deal of the Century" and Step Up Resistance to Zionist Aggression

Demonstration in Ramallah rejects "Deal of the Century," February 11, 2020.

The heroic resistance of the Palestinian people has been stepped up since the ignominious "Deal of the Century" announced by President Trump on January 28, aimed at legitimizing the role of the Zionist state over the Palestinians, depriving them of their livelihoods and lands and, in particular, negating their rights as a people, including the right of return. The Palestinian people have rejected the "Deal of the Century" in its entirety, while the Israeli state and its political leaders are acting as if it is a done deal.

In the wake of Trump's announcement of the "Deal" at the White House, the state of Israel has become more brazen in its plans to annex the lands of the Palestinian people. 

In February 27 media reports, Israeli Defence Minister Naftali Bennett is said to have sworn he will "not give one inch of land" to the Palestinians, at the same time that he announced the advancement of plans for 1,800 new homes in the West Bank settlements. "We are no longer in the discourse of evacuation and a freeze but in the mode of expansion and construction," Bennett said. "Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria is one of the building blocks of Zionism in the State of Israel."  Within this context, acts of terrorism are being committed by Zionist settlers, such as raids of houses and properties owned by Palestinians, and racist graffiti on Palestinian homes and vehicles, including the threat, "There will be war."

In the face of the increased Israeli aggression and bombardment, the Palestinian people have stepped up their resistance. A Hamas spokesperson in Gaza, Fawzi Barhoum, pointed out recently, "The brave resistance's response to the crimes of the Zionist occupation came within the framework of a strategy of unified understanding among all its factions that Palestinian blood is a red line that cannot be crossed [...] our resistance is legitimate, as long as the occupation and aggression continues."

On February 14, the Supreme Commission for Return Marches and the Siege announced that it had amended its name to "the National Authority for the Return March and Facing the Deal." The Commission's spokesperson confirmed "the continuation of the popular and mass action at the Palestinian and national levels and in all places of presence and diaspora, and the continuation of its various activities and its growing mass action, as an affirmation of the unity of the Palestinian position and outright rejection of the 'Deal of the Century.'"

"March of Return" actions are being planned for March 30, 2020, the second anniversary of the march's start in 2018, both in Palestine and around the world. This year, in addition to expressing the collective will of the Palestinian people to affirm their right of return, it will vigorously reject the so-called "Deal of the Century."

It is unconscionable that the Trudeau Liberals are silent while the Israeli state carries on acts of terrorism, violence and aggression, and violations of international law against the Palestinian people. The people of Canada demand that the Canadian government uphold the rights of the Palestinian people, including the right of return to their historic homeland. Canadians denounce the brazen acts of theft, aggression and oppression of the Palestinian people by the Zionist state of Israel, sponsored by U.S. imperialism and its appeasers, including Canada.

Palestinian women organize demonstration outside of UN offices in Gaza, February 28, 2020.

(With files from Middle East Monitor. Photos: A. Ehsan, Y. Arar.)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 10 - March 28, 2020

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Palestinians Reject the "Deal of the Century" And Step Up Resistance to Zionist Aggression


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