Mass Opposition to U.S. "Deal of the Century"

Protest in Baqa al-Gharbiyye,  Occupied Palestine, February 1, 2020.

The peace- and justice-loving peoples have stated unequivocally that the U.S. Trump administration's "Deal of the Century," announced January 28 in collusion with the most virulent Zionist forces in Israel, is totally unacceptable. Mass actions have taken place around the world to reject this latest attack on the rights of the Palestinian people and attempt to expropriate their lands.

The actions underscored that the "Deal of the Century" is not aimed at bringing peace to the region. The peoples in the region lived in peace for centuries until Britain imposed the Balfour Agreement in 1917, which enabled the eventual establishment of a Zionist state on Palestinian lands, breaking the peace to this day. Furthermore, what the "Deal of the Century" offers the Palestinians is not their own state, but a prison.

In Canada, actions denounced the Canadian government and the political parties in power for refusing to stand with the just cause of the Palestinians, legitimizing Israel's crimes against the Palestinians and its violations of international law, and criminalizing those in Canada who raise their voice for justice, labelling them anti-Semitic.

At the Toronto action, speakers highlighted the need for a campaign in Canada to defend the right to free speech and the right to conscience. The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) is attempting to get cities and provinces in Canada to pass legislation redefining "anti-Semitism" to include criticism of Israel or Zionism. The federal government has already adopted the definition, while the cities of Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal have voted against it. The redefinition, Bill 168, passed second reading at the Ontario Legislature on February 27 and has been referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy. Independent Jewish Voices Canada has started a petition urging local and provincial governments not to adopt IHRA's definition of anti-Semitism. It reads as follows:

"Anti-Semitism is a real problem and must be fought in all its forms. Yet the primary goal of those promoting the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism is to ban or criminalize criticism of Israel and of Zionism, and silence support for Palestinian rights. The IHRA definition thus represents a threat to the struggle for justice and human rights in Israel/Palestine. The real fight against anti-Semitism must be joined to the struggles against racism, xenophobia and hatred of all ethnic and religious groups the world over." To sign the petition, click here

The Trudeau government's support for the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism is unacceptable, as is the stand of any political party in Canada that is pushing this in the name of combating hatred. The example of New York State shows how such anti-social reactionary laws are being imposed in the name of opposing anti-Semitism. In August 2019, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo proposed legislation called the New York State Hate Crimes Domestic Terrorism Act "to define hate-fueled murder with the intent to cause mass casualties as an act of domestic terrorism with penalty equivalent to other acts of terrorism." Cuomo has argued that such legislation at the state and federal level is necessary to combat anti-Semitism, following an attack on the home of a rabbi in Monsey, New York in December 2019. The people of the U.S. have no shortage of experience with the kinds of crimes and violations of rights that are committed at home and abroad under the auspices of so-called anti-terrorism laws and other exceptional emergency laws.

The Canadian state's support for Zionism is part of its manoeuvring for Canada to win one of the five non-permanent seats on the UN Security Council for a two-year term beginning in 2021. From this vantage point, Canada could better serve U.S. imperialist interests, which includes putting a human face on Zionist war crimes and terrorism against the Palestinian people, and U.S. aggression worldwide.

The Trudeau government's cynical support for Zionism and, by extension, U.S. imperialist aims in the Middle East, are unacceptable to Canadians, who in the main oppose Israel's brutal crimes against the Palestinians, and Canada's appeasement of Zionism. They wish for Canada to be a genuine force for peace, not a henchman of U.S. imperialism and Zionist reaction against the Palestinians and other oppressed peoples of the world.

TML Weekly calls on everyone to step up support for the just cause of the Palestinian people's right to be, their right to resist and their right to return to their historic homeland, of which they have been unjustly dispossessed.

Demonstrations in Support of the Palestinian People







Occupied Palestine

Ramallah, West Bank

West Bank

North Jordan Valley, West Bank

North of Gaza

Around the World

Istanbul, Turkey

Beirut, Lebanon


Tel Aviv, Israel



Rabat, Morocco

São Paulo, Brazil

Boston, USA

Minneapolis-St. Paul, USA

Detroit, USA

Houston, USA

Stockholm, Sweden

Yabturi, Sweden

Oslo, Norway

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Vienna, Austria

Brighton, England

London, England

Sussex, England

Milan, Italy


(Photos: TML, A. Smith, activestills, A. Al-Bazz, Almanara, O. Ziv, K. Manor, Women for Palestine, The Inside Palestine, Palestine Youth Movement, H. Khaled, Palestinians Abroad, redfish, Third World War, Mind Hacker, Ansar Allah Media Group, Sussex Friends of Palestine, Moviment Graffitti, Minnesota Anti-War Committee,
M. Osman, A. Azikiwe)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 10 - March 28, 2020

Article Link:
Mass Opposition to U.S. "Deal of the Century"


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