E-mail: ontario@cpcml.ca • Website: www.cpcml.ca

INDEX 2018

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January 18, 2018

January 25, 2018

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February 1, 2018

February 8, 2018

Defend the Public Post Office!
Liberals' Hypocrisy on Home Delivery and a Universal Postal Service - Louis Lang

Discussion on Criminalization of Quebec Construction Workers
Defend Workers' Dignity and Rights!

Whose Economy? Who Decides?
Sobeys Attacks Workers and Economy in Western Canada

February 15, 2018

February 22, 2018

Hearings on Quebec Bill that Further Criminalizes Construction Workers
Interventions in Defence of the Rights of Construction Workers

Quebec Nurses Take Action to End the Crisis in Their Sector
Outaouais Hospital Workers -- Militant Contingent to Smash the Silence on Working Conditions - Pierre Soublière
Anti-Social Restructuring of Health Care -- The Example of the North Shore  - Interview, Nathalie Savard, President, Union of Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses and Inhalotherapists of Northeastern Quebec

Another Blow to Canadian Workers and Economy
PepsiCo Shuts Down Alberta Spitz Sunflower Seed Factory

Nova Scotia
Whatever It Takes! Teachers Stand Up to McNeil Liberals

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MARCH 2018

March 1, 2018

March 8, 2018

International Women's Day 2018
All Out to Fight for Empowerment on International Women's Day!

Interviews with Working Women
Nathalie Soullière, Construction Worker and Member of Electrical Workers' Union
Magali Giroux, Member of Montreal Local of Canadian Union of Postal Workers
Nathalie Savard, President, Union of Health Care Workers in
Northeastern Quebec
Manon Castonguay, President, USW Local 6486, CEZinc Refinery in

For Your Information
History of International Women's Day - Janice Murray

Nova Scotia Liberals Hand Over Decision-Making in Education to Private Interests

Nova Scotians Speak Up - Kevin Corkill

Ontario Education Unions' Annual General Meetings 
Teachers and Education Workers Must Speak in Their Own Name - Laura Chesnik
Anti-Social Aims Behind Program to Eliminate Local Decision-Making
- Enver Villamizar

University Workers Affirm Their Right to Say No!
York University Academic Workers on Strike
Carleton Workers Say No! to Attacks on Defined Benefit Pensions

March 15, 2018

March 22, 2018

March 29, 2018

Carleton Education Workers Continue Battle to Defend Defined Benefit Pensions
Fight for Canadian Standard Pensions for All!
Theft of What Belongs to Workers by Right

Lockout at Aluminerie de Bécancour in Quebec
Strong Support from Metallurgical Workers

Iron Ore Company Workers on Strike in Labrador
Workers Demand End to Two-Tier Conditions

Drug Testing of Workers at Suncor in Alberta
Court of Appeal Upholds Injunction Against Random Drug and Alcohol Testing
- Peggy Askin

The Need to Speak Out Against Trudeau Government's Transportation Reforms
Nation-Wrecking to Serve Global Cartels

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APRIL 2018

April 5, 2018

Iron Ore Company Workers on Strike in Labrador Joined by Workers in Sept-Iles
Mine and Transportation Workers Fight for the Dignity of Labour

New Brunswick Public Sector Broadly Organizing Against Government Dictate
"Breaking the Mandate" Conference Promotes United Fight for Public Sector Wage Increases - Interview, Daniel Légère, President, CUPE New Brunswick

Nova Scotia Public Sector Workers Fight for Their Rights
Strike Vote Announced by Nova Scotia Council of Health Care Unions
Nursing Home Workers Demand Improved Health and Safety for Themselves
and Residents

Ontario Health Care Workers Seek New Ways to Affirm Their Rights
Alliance of Hospital Workers Unions Formed

Quebec Government's Abuse of State Power
Quebec Bill 152 Uses Charbonneau Commission to Unleash More Police Powers Against Construction Workers - Pierre Chénier

April 12, 2018

For a New Direction for the Economy
Owners of Privatized Government Debt Expropriate $70 Billion a Year
in Interest Payments

Bécancour Aluminum Smelter Owners File Spurious $19 Million Grievance
Against Union
Further Outrage Against Workers, the Community and Quebec - Pierre Chénier
Interview, Clément Masse, President, USW Local 9700

Anti-Worker Machinations of Iron Ore Company of Canada
Company Cites "Essential Services" to Delay Strike in Sept-Îles

Nova Scotia Public Sector Workers Fight for Their Rights
Nova Scotia Council of Health Care Unions Prepares Strike Vote - Interview,
Jason MacLean, President, Nova Scotia Government and General
Employees Union

April 19, 2018

April 26, 2018

April 28, Day of Mourning for Workers Killed or Injured on the Job
Affirm the Right to Healthy and Safe Working Conditions!

Workers Speak Out in Defence of Their Rights
Doug Finnson, President, Teamsters Canada Rail Conference
Peter Page, Executive Vice President, Ontario Network of Injured Workers' Groups
Simon Lévesque, Health and Safety Director, FTQ-Construction
Nathalie Savard, President, Union of Health Care Workers in Northeastern Quebec
Geneviève Royer, High School Remedial Teacher
Denis St. Jean, National Health and Safety Officer, Public Service
Alliance of Canada
Lui Queano, Organizer, Migrante Ontario
Mike Cartwright, Occupational Health and Safety Committees of the Hospital Employees' Union and the BC Federation of Labour
Bill McMullan, Care Aide, Vancouver Island
Samantha Cartwright, Care Aide, Prince George
Quebec Truck Drivers to Commemorate Fellow Workers Who Died on the Job
- Normand Chouinard, Quebec Trucker

For Your Information
Fatalities and Injuries at Work in Canada and Internationally
Asbestos-Related Deaths - Peggy Askin, Past President, Calgary and
District Labour Council 

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MAY 2018

May 1, 2018

May First -- Day of International Working Class Unity and Struggle
Build the New!
Hamilton Steelworkers Highlight MANA Lockout at May Day Action - Interview, 
Bill Good, Retired Bar Mill Worker, USW Local 1005 Activist
Photo Review

May 8, 2018
Trudeau Government Forces CP Workers to Vote on Rejected Offer
Canadian Pacific Railway and Trudeau Government in Cahoots to Create Impasse for Workers
Liberal Concoction to Violate Workers' Rights - Pierre Chénier

No Way to Run an Economy
Two Steel Plants Close in Hamilton

Workers in Montreal Resist Anti-Social Offensive
Crane Operators Protest Irresponsible Changes to Training Requirements
Transportation Workers Prepare to Strike Against Deterioration of Working Conditions and Privatization of Services

Resistance in British Columbia
"Open Mic" Meeting on Kinder Morgan in Prince George
Hotel and Food Service Workers in Prince George
Vancouver Safeway Workers
May 15, 2018

Stelco's 2018 First Quarter Statement
Stelco Has Become a Shadow of Its Former Self

Negotiate, Don't Dictate!
Locked-Out ABI Workers Demonstrate Outside Alcoa Shareholders'
Meeting in Pittsburgh

Iron Ore Company Workers Uphold the Dignity of Labour
Labrador Strike Continues
Sept-Îles Workers Reject Tentative Agreement
May 22, 2018

May 29, 2018

CP Rail Workers Continue to Press Just Demands
Conductors, Engineers, Signals and Communications Workers Serve Strike Notice

FTQ-Construction Triennial Convention
Quebec Construction Workers Defend the Dignity of Labour
Interview, Richard Goyette, Former Director General, FTQ-Construction

Montreal Transit Workers Defend Working Conditions and Public Transit
Maintenance Workers Give Strike Mandate

U.S. Monopoly Threatens to Close Ontario's Huron Central Railway
Threats and Blackmail Par for the Course in Nation-Wrecking

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JUNE 2018

June 5, 2018

June 12, 2018

Minister of Transport Tables Report of Railway Safety Act Review Panel
Workers Are Determined to Hold Rail Monopolies and Government to Account

Workers' Fight for Working Conditions that Uphold Their Dignity
Iron Ore Company Workers in Labrador and Sept-Îles Ratify New
Collective Agreements
CP Rail Workers to Vote on Tentative Collective Agreements
York University Administrators Refuse to Budge in Mediation with CUPE 3903
York Professors Call on University to Settle Strike
June 19, 2018
Canada Post Attempts to Divide Postal Workers
Arbitration Fails to Resolve Decades of Injustice Suffered by Rural
Suburban Mail Carriers - Louis Lang

Quebec Construction Commission Declares Crane Operators Are Engaged in
Illegal Strike
Stand with Quebec Crane Operators and Construction Workers Fighting for Their Rights and the Rights of All! - Pierre Chénier
Interview, Richard Goyette, Labour Lawyer and Former Director General, FTQ-Construction
Information about Diploma of Vocational Studies in Crane Operation Training
June 26, 2018
Unacceptable Actions of Quebec Government
Crane Operators Back on the Job: the Fight Continues
Stand in Support of the Crane Operators!
Our Security Lies in the Defence of the Rights of All!
Might Makes Right
Militant Demonstration of Crane Operators in Montreal
Vocational Teachers Say Quebec Premier Must Reverse Decision

Letter to the Editor
The Crane Operators Are Right

Coming Event
Support Locked-Out MANA Workers: SHAME -- Five Long Years

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JULY 2018

July 3, 2018

July 12, 2018

Goderich Salt Mine Workers and Community Fighting for Their Rights and Dignity
Workers Take Action to Block Compass Minerals from Running the Facility
with Scabs

ABI Owners in Bécancour Demand More Concessions from
Locked-Out Workers
Oppose the Anti-Social Dictate of the Alcoa-Rio Tinto Cartel! - Pierre Chénier
Interview, Clément Masse, President, United Steelworkers Local 9700
Alexandre Fréchette, President, United Steelworkers Local 9490 Speaks to
Workers' Forum

Coquitlam Strike Struggle Continues
BC Casino Workers Reject Tentative Agreement - Brian Sproule

July 19, 2018

Goderich Salt Mine Workers Ratify Tentative Agreement Ending Their Strike
Miners Go Back to Work with Heads Held High, United with Community

Wrecking of Canada Must Not Pass!
Greyhound Shutdown Must Be Presented to the People for Discussion
and Action - Dougal MacDonald

Quebec Crane Operators Defend Their Rights and Safety and that of the Public
Self-Serving and Twisted Logic and Actions of the Rulers - Pierre Chénier

Note to Readers

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September 3, 2018
Labour Day 2018
The Dignity of the Working Class Is Found in Its Defence of the
Rights of All  - Workers' Centre of CPC(M-L)
September 6, 2018
Hamilton Steel Summit Not Likely to Sort Anything Out
September 13, 2018
Postal Workers Stand United
Hold Canada Post to Account!

For Your Information
State of Negotiations between CUPW and Canada Post

Burnt By Phoenix Pay System
Federal Public Service Workers Demand: Fix the Pay System
Now! - Peggy Askin
PSAC Campaigns for a Fix to Phoenix Pay System

Wrecking of Canada Must Not Pass!
Spirited Picket in Calgary to Oppose Greyhound Bus Shutdown and
Explore Solutions
Remarks by Nicole Montford at Calgary Picket to Oppose
Greyhound Shutdown
September 20, 2018

2018 Quebec Election
Workers Speak Out to Defend Their Rights and the Rights of All
Aluminum Smelter Workers Continue to Demand Company Resume Negotiations
What Health Care Workers Have to Say
Working Together to Reverse the Situation in Health Care for the Well-Being of All - Nathalie Savard, President, Union of Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses and Inhalotherapists of Northeastern Quebec
For the Recognition of Occupational Disease for Firefighters - Chris Ross, President, Montreal Firefighters Association
Liquor Control Board Workers Defend Their Jobs and Working Conditions
No Way Will We Let the Liquor Control Board Be Privatized! - Éric Forget,
Vice-President, Store Grievances and Labour Relations, Syndicat des employé(e)s de magasins et de bureaux de la SAQ
Municipal Workers Fight for Their Rights
The Plunder of Our Resources - Normand Fournier
Casino Workers' Strike Continues in BC
Workers Fight for Improved Wages and Working Conditions - Brian Sproule
September 27, 2018

Workers Speak Out During Quebec Election Campaign
The Dignity of Labour - Editorial, Chantier politique
The Role of Citizens in this Election - A Montreal Construction Worker
It's Up to Us to Become the Decision-Makers - Claude Moreau,
Maintenance Mechanic, Saint-François-d'Assise Hospital, Quebec City
Defend Our Public Services and Keep Them In-House - Robin Côté, President, Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 2541 (Alma)
Stop the Cuts, Invest in Health Care and Improve Working Conditions to Keep
and Attract Personnel - Félix-Olivier Bonneville, Vice-President, Fédération de la santé et des services sociaux (FSSS-CSN)
Support Outaouais Nurses, Auxiliary Nurses and Respiratory Therapists
- Petition, Outaouais Health Care Professionals Union (FIQ-SPSO) 

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October 4, 2018
Workers Across the Country Fight for Their Rights
Workers from Across Canada Help D-J Composites Workers in Newfoundland Block Entrance to Scabs
Quebec Liquor Board Workers Vote for New 18-Day Strike Mandate
Railway Workers' Fight for Their Health and Safety and that of the Public
Ontario Injured Workers Decry Measures Taken on Their Backs

For Your Information
Reverse WSIB's Premium Rate Reduction for Employers - Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups
Workers' Organizations Denounce Premium Reduction
October 11, 2018
Growing Demands to Increase Investments in Health Care and Keep the
System Public

Mass Rally to Rebuild and Improve Public Health Care

Health Care Workers Fight for Immediate and Long-Term Demands, Against the Wrecking of the Sector - Interview, Jeff Begley, President of the Federation of Health and Social Services
Health Professionals Protest Cutbacks and Deteriorating  Working Conditions
Shortage of Nurses Driven by Neo-Liberal Agenda

Manufacturing Yes! Nation-Wrecking No!
Talks Suspended Between ABI Workers and Alcoa-Rio Tinto Cartel
October 18, 2018

Workers Across the Country Defend the Dignity of Labour and the Rights of All

Key Issues Remain Unresolved at Post Office
Canadian Union of Postal Workers Issues 72-Hour Strike Notice - Louis Lang

Fight of Airline Workers for Air Transport Safety
Canadian Airline Pilots Step Up Campaign for Fatigue Reduction Measures

Right to Health Care in Nova Scotia
Nova Scotians in Action to Defend What Belongs to Them by Right - Kevin Corkill

Fight Against the Anti-Social Offensive in Quebec
Public Service Unions Warn Government Against Cutting Public Sector
- Pierre Chénier

Right to a Livelihood in Ontario
Day of Action Says No! to Ford Government's Threats to Rescind Bill 148

Education Support Workers in Northern Alberta Defend Their Rights!
Striking Education Support Workers in Living Waters Catholic School District Reach Agreement - Peggy Askin

Forestry Workers in Northern BC Uphold the Dignity of Labour
Northern BC Sawmill Workers Strike Against Anti-Labour Concessions
October 25, 2018
Postal Workers Begin Rotating Strikes
All Out to Support Postal Workers' Just Demands

Pensions Are a Right!
Make Defeat of Bill C-27 the First Step to Real Pension Security
for All - Ottawa Committee for Pension Security

Quebec Workers Defend Rights and Public Services
Demonstration Outside National Assembly in Defence of Public Sector Workers and Public Services
Outaouais Nurses Continue to Organize in Defence of Their Rights
Montreal Transit Maintenance Workers Fight for Working Conditions and Quality of Life - Gleason Frenette, President, Montreal Transit Union (STM-CSN)

New Brunswick Workers Fight for Their Rights and the Rights of All
Need for Wage Increases to Improve Workers' Living Conditions and Defend the People's Right to Public Services - Interview, Daniel Légère, President,
CUPE New Brunswick

WorkSafe NB Task Force's Anti-Worker Recommendations on Workers' Compensation System - Interview, Patrick Colford, President, New Brunswick Federation of Labour

Letter to the Editor
Re: Workers' Forum Article on Pilot Fatigue

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November 1, 2018
BC Forestry Workers Step Up Fight for the Dignity of Labour
Firm Opposition to Anti-Labour Concessions in Northern and Southern Interior

Lockout at Bécancour Aluminum Smelter
Aluminum Workers Fight for Their Dignity and Rights

Quebec Liquor Board Workers' Fight for Modern Working Conditions
Unannounced Strike Against Unjust Disciplinary Measures and for
Meaningful Negotiations

Rotating Strikes at Post Office
Postal Workers Ready to Strike When Called

For Your Information
Data on Nova Scotia's Economy and Workforce
November 8, 2018

Nation-Wrecking in the Retail Sector
U.S. Lowe's Consolidates Its Empire
For Your Information

Reducing Fatigue Among Transportation Workers
Practical Actions Are Needed, Not Rhetoric

Precarious Faculty Jobs at Canadian Universities
Crisis in Relations of Production Extends to Intellectual Work

Northwest Territories
Public Service Workers Wage Determined Fight for Their Rights and Dignity

Serious Concerns About Automation of Mining Processes - André Racicot, President, United Steelworkers Local 9291, Abitibi, Quebec
Drivers of Concrete Mixer Trucks Demand Increased Safety for Themselves
and the Public

Rotating Strikes at Post Office

November 15, 2018

Necessity for a New Pro-Social Outlook and Direction for the Economy
Bombardier Economy in Turmoil - K.C. Adams

Workers Defend Their Rights and the Rights of All
November 28: Demonstration in Montreal to Support ABI Locked-Out Workers
Urgent Need to Ensure Safety of Truckers and the Public - Normand Chouinard
Training in the Construction Industry Must be Upgraded - Simon Lévesque,
Director of Health and Safety at FTQ-Construction

November 22, 2018

November 29, 2018
Post Office -- No to Liberal Back-to-Work Legislation!
Postal Workers Treated Like Criminals by Trudeau Government - Louis Lang
Canada Post Not the Workers Has Been Withholding Social Assistance
Cheques - Canadian Union of Postal Workers
Renewed Attacks on Postal Workers: We Take It Personally! - Pierre Soublière
Postal Workers Demand Justice as Trudeau Meets with Corporate Calgary
Photo Review: Postal Workers' Rotating Strikes and Occupations

General Motors to Close Auto Plant in Oshawa, Ontario
Unifor Local 222 Holds Press Conference on Oshawa GM Plant Closure
Unifor Calls on General Motors to Allocate Product to Oshawa - Unifor

Quebec Construction Workers Uphold Their Rights
Opposition to the Police Regime Against Construction Workers 
- Pierre Chénier

Alberta Workers Oppose Anti-Labour Laws
Local 110 Insulators Rally at Alberta Legislature - Peggy Askin
Anti-Worker Labour Laws Must Be Repealed - K.C. Adams
Alberta Boilermakers and Operating Engineers Fight to Overturn Anti-Worker Labour Laws

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December 6, 2018

Workers' Comp Is a Right! Ontario Week of Action
Injured Workers Reject Neo-Liberal Mantra that Ontario Is "Open for Business"
at Their Expense 

Locked-Out ABI Workers Show What Needs to Be Done
Just Stand to Hold Quebec Government and Hydro-Québec to Account Wins Broad Support - Chantier politique

Opposition to Criminalization of Workers' Struggles at the Post Office
National Day of Action in Support of Postal Workers and Their Opposition to Back to Work Legislation -- Photo Review

Defend the Rights of Migrant Workers and the Rights of All
Landed Status Now! Care Workers Organize - Peggy Morton
Caring for the Caregivers -- Interim Reforms

Workers' Fight for Safe Working Conditions
Important Health and Safety Resolution from the Mining Sector - André Racicot, President, USW Local 9291
Resolution on the Inspection Service of the Labour Standards, Pay Equity, and Workplace Health and Safety Board - Quebec United Steelworkers

Growing Sleep Deprivation Among Transportation Workers
Transportation Workers Need a Guarantee of Health Care for Work-Related
Illness - Normand Chouinard
December 13, 2018
The Rights of Unemployed Workers Must Be Recognized and Upheld
Seasonal Workers in Quebec and New Brunswick Demand Adequate Employment Insurance Benefits - Pierre Chénier

Line Sirois, Coordinator, Action Chômage Côte-Nord
Fernand Thibodeau, Spokesperson, Action Committee on Employment Insurance for Seasonal Workers in New Brunswick

Opposition to Back-to-Work Legislation
Postal Workers and Allies Take Action Against Bill C-89

Ontario Injured Workers Demand Justice
Spirited Actions Affirm "Workers' Comp Is a Right"
December 20, 2018

WORKERS' FORUM: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022

For previous years, write to office@cpcml.ca.

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