December 6, 2018

Workers' Comp Is a Right! Ontario Week of Action

Injured Workers Reject
Neo-Liberal Mantra that Ontario Is
"Open for Business" at Their Expense



Workers' Comp Is a Right! Ontario Week of Action
Injured Workers Reject Neo-Liberal Mantra that Ontario Is "Open for Business"
at Their Expense

Locked-Out ABI Workers Show What Needs to Be Done
Just Stand to Hold Quebec Government and Hydro-Québec to Account Wins Broad Support - Chantier politique

Opposition to Criminalization of Workers' Struggles at the Post Office
National Day of Action in Support of Postal Workers and Their Opposition to Back to Work Legislation -- Photo Review

Defend the Rights of Migrant Workers and the Rights of All
Landed Status Now! Care Workers Organize - Peggy Morton
Caring for the Caregivers -- Interim Reforms

Workers' Fight for Safe Working Conditions
Important Health and Safety Resolution from the Mining Sector - André Racicot, President, USW Local 9291
Resolution on the Inspection Service of the Labour Standards, Pay Equity, and Workplace Health and Safety Board - Quebec United Steelworkers

Growing Sleep Deprivation Among Transportation Workers
Transportation Workers Need a Guarantee of Health Care for Work-Related
Illness - Normand Chouinard

Workers' Comp Is a Right! Ontario Week of Action

Injured Workers Reject Neo-Liberal Mantra that
Ontario Is "Open for Business" at Their Expense

The Ontario Network of Injured Workers' Groups (ONIWG) is holding a province-wide week of action from December 10 to 14. Workplace injuries and workers' right to compensation are issues that affect everyone and ONIWG is calling on everyone to "take a stand for fairness for injured workers!"

ONIWG points out that the new Conservative Ford government and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board are trying to abscond with compensation that belongs to injured workers by right: "They've teamed up to give employers a $1.5 billion gift, in the form of a massive reduction to their premium rates -- that's the money that's needed to provide compensation for people who need it. Meanwhile, injured workers are struggling with poverty and homelessness.

"Doug Ford's promise of being 'for the little guy' rings hollow in the face of this reality. And as we've seen from the government attacks on workers across the board, the 'Ontario open for business' slogan really means they want to open workers to exploitation.

"Well, we won't stand for that. We've got a province-wide week of action to say 'Workers' Comp Is A Right,' and 'Injured Workers Need Real Health Care!'"

Workers' Forum calls on everyone to join in the actions in your area, to oppose the anti-social attacks of the Ford government on the most vulnerable, and to affirm that workers' compensation is a right.

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Locked-Out ABI Workers Show What Needs to Be Done

Just Stand to Hold Quebec Government and
Hydro-Québec to Account Wins Broad Support

Workers protested outside Hydro-Québec's offices in Montreal on November 28, in support of ABI workers who have been locked out by the Alcoa/Rio Tinto cartel for close to 11 months. Estimates place the attendance at about 500 workers, including a 300-strong continent from ABI. Also present were some 50 workers from various Rio Tinto facilities in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, who traveled by bus for five hours to express their support for their ABI colleagues, remembering only too well Rio Tinto's lockout declared by Rio Tinto against the Alma workers in 2012.

Workers already outside Hydro-Québec cheered the contingent of ABI workers as they approached with flags waving and placards in hand. ABI workers expressed their opposition to the cartel and the Quebec government's betrayal of their social responsibility, and the total refusal of the company's owners to negotiate with them. Placards read: "Betrayal: Zero Negotiation!"; "Meaningless Signature!"; "Sacrificed for Hydroelectricity!"; "Seniority Sabotaged!"; "1,300 Families: We Want Respect!" Rio Tinto/Alcan has added new demands for concessions, while it pays nothing for the block of hydroelectricity reserved for it through its contract with the Quebec government and Hydro-Québec, nor is it paying the fines resulting from non-utilization of that electricity.

In addition to the ABI workers from Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean (which included a contingent of Rio Tinto/Alcan unionized retirees) the demonstration included members of the United Steelworkers, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Unifor, the Canadian Union of Public Employees, the Congress of Democratic Trade Unions and Repentigny white collar workers.

On behalf of United Steelworkers' Local 9700, which represents the ABI workers, President Clément Masse greeted the workers and said:

"Thank you to all the unions represented here, which not only morally, but also financially support us. This helps us in carrying on the struggle. We are here today outside of Hydro-Québec because the government and Hydro-Québec signed contracts with our employer that provide [the company] with a huge advantage and creates a huge imbalance in our relations, regarding the force majeure clause. Up till now, through its lockout, the employer has saved $200 million in electricity costs. Besides this, everyone in Quebec is going to end up paying for this because Hydro-Québec will be going before the Energy Board to request an increase in its rates on account of its $200 million shortfall. It's Quebeckers who will be funding the employer for having locked us out. We demand that the government and Hydro-Québec renegotiate such contracts, so that this type of clause is eliminated in the contracts it signs with businesses.

United Steelworkers' Quebec Director Alain Croteau then took the mike and announced, to loud applause, that there are now over 300 union locals around the world that are financially supporting the locked-out ABI workers.

With this support from workers in Quebec, Canada and worldwide, including financial support, the ABI workers reiterated their determination to obtain a negotiated collective agreement acceptable to them and the renegotiation of the hydroelectricity contract, to force the cartel to pay for its electricity during a labour dispute.

Participants ended the demonstration determined to intensify support for the ABI workers.

What Workers Had to Say

Workers at the rally commented on why they were there.

A locked-out ABI worker said, "We are demonstrating today outside of Hydro-Québec's main office because Hydro-Québec and the government say that a lockout is an 'Act of God,' that it's like a hurricane or something similar to that. As far as our situation goes, it's a conflict between workers and a private company, which is not the same at all. At this point, Alcoa and Rio Tinto have not paid $200 million in electricity. Quebeckers are the ones who are going to be paying for that. That's why we came to demonstrate outside of Hydro-Québec today."

A Rio Tinto/Alcan retiree explained, "We are here today because we are opposed to the energy contract between the government and Alcoa and Rio Tinto. That money is in the pockets of companies and it has to be recuperated. Alcoa and Rio must pay for their hydroelectricity. Otherwise, Quebeckers will be paying for it. Alma workers experienced the same thing in 2012 during the lockout. We also waged battles like this one before we retired. I'm 80 years old and we retirees are carrying on fighting."

One of the aluminum workers from Alma pointed out, "We came a long way to get here. The dice are loaded, the government is creating a huge disequilibrium in power struggle between the workers and the company. This must be denounced, it's as much of a scandal as what happened with us in 2012. There are people here from most of Rio Tinto's installations in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Énergie électrique Nord, Port de Mer, the Alma plant, we have colleagues here from the FTQ Regional Council. We're a good gang and everyone supports the ABI workers."

A contingent of sealth care workers were also at the rally. One of them explained, "We are a FTQ union affiliate and are here today to support the locked out ABI workers. They have been locked out for 11 months and their employer refuses to negotiate. It's important that we be here for them. The more mobilized we are, the more helpful it is."

Workers from the retail auto sector also took part. One of them said, "We are here to express our support for the ABI workers, because a lockout is everyone's fight. We also experienced lockouts recently, one of which lasted at our local for six months, at Longueuil Kia, a car dealer. We know what a lockout is. Some of our workers found themselves in huge financial difficulty for months, so it's important to come out and support the ABI workers. The ABI conflict concerns everyone. It's not an issue of which union we're affiliated with, it's an issue that concerns all workers."

A machinist expressed the support of workers at Bombardier, saying, "What are Quebec workers experiencing at the present time? What we are seeing is that with the multinationals [in control], any worker can find him or herself locked out. It's not us who decided, it's not the ABI workers who decided, it's the employer who decided to lock them out. That employer is taking advantage of the option in its hydroelectricity contract to save money on the backs of the Quebec people, of workers. That should never be forgotten. That's why we're fighting these arbitrary actions. The ABI workers are our colleagues. We're part of the same family. Bombardier is another multinational that acts in a similar fashion. We'll find ways to get out of this."

An FTQ Union representive from Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, explained the need to take part in the rally by saying, "It's important to be here, because what the ABI workers are living through at this time shows the way in which working relations are being developed. We experienced the same thing in Alma in 2012. It's the refusal to negotiate with workers through actions such as lockouts and we are now seeing it with the back-to-work legislation against postal workers. We must prepare by mobilizing and by supporting all those who face such attacks."

(Translated from the original French by Chantier politique.)

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Opposition to Criminalization of Workers' Struggles at the Post Office

National Day of Action in Support of Postal Workers and Their Opposition to Back-to-Work
Legislation -- Photo Review

On December 1 loud and spirited pickets and rallies took place in many cities and towns to support postal workers and denounce the Trudeau Liberal government for imposing strike-breaking legislation on the workers. Slogans such as Negotiate, Don't Legislate!; An Injury to One Is An Injury to All!; No Justice, No Peace!; Stand Up, Fight Back!; and On Strike, Shut It Down! filled the air.

Speakers stated that the legislation is an attack on all working people and militantly declared that the postal workers are not alone and workers will respond to this state attack on their rights to negotiate wages and working conditions acceptable to themselves as well as their right to strike to back up their demands.

The stubborn refusal of Canada Post and the Trudeau government to meet workers' just demands but instead step up the violation of rights was underscored on December 2 in Halifax when Canada Post security called police to take action against the picket line blocking mail trucks from entering the Almon St. facility. Six people were arrested.

Workers report that Canada Post sought and received a blanket injunction on November 30 against "John Doe, Jane Doe, and Other Persons, Names Unknown" at all of its facilities in Ontario. A similar injunction was said to be in place in New Brunswick as well.

Nonetheless, actions continue at sorting stations and MPs offices in support of the just fight of postal workers for a negotiated contract with proper wages and working conditions, and against the back-to-work legislation. In Ottawa in the early hours of December 5, a picket line was set up at the Canada Post sorting centre in Ottawa that blocked out-going trucks. Police arrested three people, who were taken to the police station and released after being fined. A similar action is planned for Fredericton on December 6.

Workers' Forum calls on everyone to continue to express their support for postal workers and oppose the Trudeau government's attacks on workers' right to negotiate their wages and working conditions, including their right to strike.

Halifax, December 2, 2018.

Ottawa, December 5, 2018

Fredericton, December 6, 2018

December 1 Photo Review

Fredericton, New Brunswick

Montreal, Quebec

Ottawa, Ontario

Kingston, Ontario

Pickering, Ontario

Sudbury, Ontario

Toronto, Ontario

Mississauga, Ontario

Guelph, Ontario

London, Ontario

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Thompson, Manitoba

The Pas, Manitoba

Regina, Saskatchewan

Grand Prairie, Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta

Calgary, Alberta

Prince George, BC

Chiliwack, BC

Vancouver, BC

Victoria, BC

Rally at BC Federation of Labour Convention

Vancouver, November 29, 2018.

(Photos: Workers' Forum, CUPW, Friends of Public Services, CUPE, PSAC 610, BCFL, People 4 Postal Workers, T. Glynn, A. Muppett, C. Snooks, T. Balducci, J.B. Woods, J. Fontaine, N. Dias, C. Eyfe, C. Repetowski, FVLC, M. Rozworski, J.T. Parent, K. Peppard, Z. Roman.)

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Defend the Rights of Migrant Workers and the Rights of All

Landed Status Now! Care Workers Organize

Edmonton, November 18, 2018

The Coalition of Migrant Worker Rights Canada launched a campaign across Canada on November 18 calling for Landed Status Now, with permanent resident status upon arrival for all care workers. Events took place in Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal to launch the campaign.[1]

The live-in caregiver program has existed for many years in place of publicly funded and delivered day care and modern and humane seniors' care as a right. Live-in caregivers fought for years for permanent residency status upon arrival. The current Caregiver Pilot program was created in 2014 by the Harper government, which responded to the demand to right wrongs by launching further attacks on the workers coming to Canada to care for children, frail seniors and people with disabilities.

Under the old program, live-in caregivers could apply for permanent residency after 24 months of work. The Pilot Project capped the number of workers who could apply at 2,760 per year in each caregiving stream, while more than 5,500 workers come in the childcare stream each year alone. The Pilot Project also ended the requirement that care workers live in their employers' homes, although for most workers the high cost of housing and low pay leaves them no choice.

Vancouver, November 18, 2018.

The Trudeau government has announced that the Pilot Project is now closed and will end in November 2019. It has provided no answers to caregivers and their organizations about what will happen to workers who are now working in Canada under the pilot project and the thousands of workers who came to Canada under the old program are still waiting for their applications for permanent residency to be processed, and the commitment made to them honoured.

The existing program permits employers to violate Employment Standards with impunity, and the workers report rampant abuse. Many care workers work long hours with little time off, working unpaid hours with no pay for overtime and holidays, sometimes not even one day off a week. Because they do not have open worker permits and are tied to one employer, care workers are also vulnerable to sexual abuse and violations of their human person. Caregivers who live-in are especially vulnerable, and for this reason their organizations have long called for open work permits to allow a worker to leave an abusive employer.

One of the most abhorrent aspects of the program is that it enforces family separation of women from their spouses and their children. Under the current program, meeting the two years of employment can be very difficult. For example families often hire a caregiver when their elderly family member's health deteriorates. But it takes months or longer to get a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) and caregivers often work without a work permit, so those hours don't count towards the 2-year requirement. Families are often reluctant to hire someone who is nearing completion of the two years.

Toronto, November 18, 2018

The government's failure to process applications has left thousands of care workers waiting for up to 10 years to reunite with their families because even when applications are accepted, they are not processed. At the end of 2017, over 30,000 Caregiver primary applicants were backlogged in the immigration system waiting for a decision. In mid-2017, the average processing time for Caregiver applications was 53 months, nearly four and a half years, the Report states. The "pathway to permanent residency" is really a pathway to despair, caregivers say.

Care workers add immense value to the economy and their work is essential. While 82 per cent of women aged 25 to 54 are in the labour force, Canada has no national child care program. Caregiver programs are part of the patchwork system where families seek care for their children and dependent family members. The report points out, "Care workers do the necessary work that enables our society and economy to function. We care for children so their parents can work, we provide the support needed for the elderly to live out the last chapter of their lives in their homes, and care for people with disabilities to support their independence. There is nothing temporary about this work."

It is impermissible in a modern society that those who take care of children, the sick and the elderly should be separated from their own families for years. Society must care for the caregivers, their well-being and that of their families. Stable and permanent immigration status provides peace of mind for those who care for the coming generation and people with high medical needs to do their valuable work.

"To provide care to other people's families, while being denied access to our own, imposes a cruel and damaging hardship on Care Workers and our children. Care Workers should be able to arrive in Canada with permanent resident status and with their families intact," the report states.


1. The Campaign is led by the Caregivers' Action Centre (Toronto); Caregiver Connections, Education and Support Organization (Toronto); Vancouver Committee for Domestic Workers and Caregivers Groups (Vancouver); PINAY Quebec (Montreal); The Association for Rights of Household Workers (Montreal); Migrante Alberta; Alberta Care Workers Association and, Migrant Workers' Alliance for Change (Ontario coalition).

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Caring for the Caregivers -- Interim Reforms

The Care Worker Report, Care Worker Voices for Landed Status and Fairness has proposed a series of interim reforms to be immediately put in place for caregivers already in Canada while a new program is created providing landed status on arrival. The demands include repeal of a number of changes imposed by the Harper government in 2014, which the Trudeau Liberals have left unchanged. These interim reforms are summarized below.

1. Applications for Permanent Residency status to be accepted after 1950 hours of work.

2. Replace work permits tying workers to one employer with open work permits which allow workers to leave bad situations and seek new employment, and to find new employers when elders pass away.

3. Remove the new educational requirements for one year of post-secondary Canadian-equivalent education in order to apply for permanent residency. 

4. English and French language testing prior to making a permanent residency application should be removed from the requirements, as language skills are already assessed before a work permit is issued, but higher levels are required to apply for permanent residency. 

5. Remove the cap on applications so that all care workers can apply for permanent residency after one year of work. 

6. Process the backlog of permanent residency applications and process. 

7. Provide spouses and children with open work and study permits of their own so they can accompany care workers This is essential to end years of forced separation of families.

8. Remove the second medical that is required when applying for permanent residency, which adds unnecessary delays and financial barriers.

9. Repeal Section 38(1)c of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act ("Medical Inadmissibility" rules) which denies permanent residency to an entire family if even one member of the family has a disability.

10. Eliminate recruiters. Despite laws prohibiting recovery of recruiting fees from temporary foreign workers, a 2014 survey found that two-thirds of workers had paid recruiters, fees of many thousands of dollars, the Care Worker Report informs. 

11. "Create a National Care Strategy that addresses the broad, public and enduring need for quality care for children, the elderly and people with disabilities. Decent work and permanent status for the workers providing that care labour must be the foundation for that Care Strategy."

12. Create a permanent Care Worker stream as an economic class for permanent immigration. 

13. Allow for care work in either the Child Care or High Medical Needs Stream to count towards the one year work requirement. Since 2014 care workers must accumulate all work experience within one stream.

14. Regularize the status of care workers who have become undocumented.

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Workers' Fight for Safe Working Conditions

Important Health and Safety Resolution
from the Mining Sector

André Racicot, President, USW Local 9291, speaks at the Quebec United Steelworkers annual meeting.

At the Annual Meeting of the Quebec United Steelworkers which was held from November 21 to 23, in La Malbaie, our Local 9291, which is largely based in the mining sector, submitted a resolution in defence of the work of the inspectors of the Labour Standards, Pay Equity, and Workplace Health and Safety Board (CNESST). This resolution was adopted unanimously.

More and more, we are witnessing intervention by CNESST management in the work of inspectors. Inspectors are responsible for enforcing the law, investigating accidents, making statements of offence to companies if articles of law have not been respected. The inspectors do accident investigations and make recommendations so that they do not happen again, but the recommendations themselves do not carry weight. Previously, it was common for inspectors to write in their report that the employer had not complied with this or that section of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and they based their reports on the law and regulations. Now, we observe that when they make findings, they prepare notices of correction to the employer or intervention reports that require strong measures, but the central management of the CNEEST modifies them, changes words to soften what the inspectors put in their report. Inspectors have told us about this problem. They say they are prevented from doing their work properly.

That's why in the resolution we submitted we asked that an ombudsman position be created so that inspectors can do their job without political interference.

Inspectors must be able to do their job without political interference or retaliation. It is common for employers to break the law and regulations. The inspector makes a correction notice, then a second, then another, because the problem is repeated. Then he says that this is enough; he issues a ticket and recommends to CNESST executives to issue a notice of offence to the employer. CNEEST sends this to their legal department and often the inspector's recommendation is not followed.

At the Westwood mine, for example, there was a rock burst. The employer violated a section of the law, but was not even fined. There is a lot of management intervention with the inspection services to weaken the recommendations of the inspectors.

The inspector has an important function. He has powers under the law, including the power to order the suspension of work or the closing of a workplace if necessary. These powers are hindered by the political intervention of the commission.

We can prove these allegations and demonstrate that there is a problem with the inspection service. This situation cannot continue.

I have worked in health and safety for a long time, and, unfortunately, I have been involved in fatal accident investigations. In recent years, we have seen that the inspection reports are written from the point of view of avoiding disputes and avoiding reprisals on the part of their employer.

More and more, the inspectors make inquiries only when there have been deaths or several injured. This is contrary to the principle of prevention. Investigation of incidents, even when there are no deaths or injuries, can be used to prevent more serious incidents occurring in the future. If we do not investigate rock bursts in the mines, how are we going to predict and prevent them?

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Resolution on Inspection Service of the
Labour Standards, Pay Equity, and Workplace
Health and Safety Board

WHEREAS Several local unions in the mining sector note that the CNESST inspection department has been struggling to carry out its prevention work in recent years;

WHEREAS Several major health and safety violations in the mining sector are noted by the CNESST inspection service;

WHEREAS Several serious and even fatal accident investigations conducted by the inspection service do not highlight all the obvious shortcomings regarding the application of the law and the regulations;

WHEREAS CNESST's management is increasingly interfering with the the content of the inspection services' investigations into fatal or serious accidents, in order to change the content;

WHEREAS Some inspectors complain about political intervention by CNESST management when they recommend statements of offence following their intervention reports and/or accident investigation reports;

WHEREAS CNESST's inspection department has its hands tied by CNESST management to carry out their prevention work adequately;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Quebec United Steelworkers, together with the Quebec Federation of Labour (FTQ), make representations to the Quebec Ministry of Labour to prevent any actions and political obstacles from CNESST management that interfere with the Inspection Service during accident investigations and the implementation of the regulations and statements of offence.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Syndicat des Métallos, together with the FTQ, put pressure on CNESST to ensure that its Inspection Service is protected by an ombudsman service to counter the interference of CNESST management so as to provide inspectors with the necessary latitude to carry out their preventive work.

Passed at the Quebec United Steelworkers Annual Meeting, November 21-23, 2018, La Malbaie

(Translated from the original French by Workers' Forum.)

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Growing Sleep Deprivation among Transportation Workers

Transportation Workers Need a Guarantee of Health Care for Work-Related Illness

Many workers face multiple hazards every day in their workplaces. Transportation workers are no exception. When referring to transportation workers, truckers of all kinds immediately come to mind but there are many other trades in this category of workers including taxi drivers, Uber drivers, delivery drivers, bus drivers, couriers and so on. Truck drivers are the most numerous in this sector of the economy with nearly 50,000 workers in Quebec and more than 220,000 workers across Canada.

Those who drive the roads and highways of the country face dangers that can radically transform their lives and those of their families as well as others in a moment. Drivers also face the serious risk of death in an accident. The dangers of working on the road are multiple and complex. There is a constantly changing environment that changes road conditions, often several times in a single day, but also an increasing number of vehicle drivers who are under social pressure and high levels of stress related to problems experienced in their daily lives, both work-related and other. It is safe to say that the problems of society stemming from the neo-liberal offensive of the last decades are reflected in many ways on Canadian roads and highways.

An issue of increasing concern to transport workers regarding their physical and emotional health is lack of sleep. According to researchers, lack of sleep is comparable to consumption of alcohol. Two hours of sleep less per night, accumulated over two weeks is equivalent to the loss of one night of sleep, which in turn is equivalent to a blood alcohol level of 0.08 per cent, the legal limit in Canada. Driver fatigue is the determining factor in 30 to 40 per cent of fatal accidents involving a heavy vehicle as fatigue makes the risk of an accident six times higher. According to the Quebec Automobile Insurance Company (SAAQ), fatigue is involved in 19 per cent of fatal accidents and in 23 per cent of all personal injury accidents on Québec roads.

The problem of lack of sleep is due to inhuman conditions of long working hours, unreasonable delivery times and the anarchic conditions of the transport industry in general, in which drivers wage a daily struggle for their well-being, working conditions and the defence of their rights.

Constant vigilance is required for driving heavy vehicles and other vehicles for the health of transport workers. According to Section 5 of Quebec's Act respecting health services and social services, everyone has the right to receive health and social services that are scientific, human and social, with continuity and in a personalized and safe manner. This right must be guaranteed and put into practice effectively without any interference either by employers or state institutions. Quebec's Act respecting occupational health and safety and the Canada Labour Code must incorporate articles that fully recognize the existence of this serious problem among transport workers, not to mention other work-related illnesses such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Representatives of the rich elected in the various government bodies must take responsibility for ensuring that the health and safety laws they themselves have passed are implemented in all conditions and circumstances.

Problems related to lack of sleep and fatigue are now compounded by the problem of sleep apnea, which has become a serious health issue for the population. This is a condition where breathing is interrupted during sleep, decreasing oxygen to the blood and causing the sufferer to awake repeatedly throughout the night and experience increased drowsiness during the day.

About 10 per cent of the population is affected by sleep apnea. An estimated 3.2 million Canadians and 700,000 Quebeckers suffer from it. According to the SAAQ, 28 per cent of truckers suffer from sleep apnea. No data exists for other categories of transport workers. Research is being conducted to find out if sleep apnea could be related to working conditions.

The consequences of sleep apnea and lack of sleep in general are multiple: decreased intellectual performance, irritability, decreased ability to drive, decreased libido, headaches, tendency to depression, high blood pressure, stroke, heart problems (especially myocardial infarction), premature aging, etc. There are countless social repercussions for families and other social relations. Every effort must be made to facilitate treatment for sleep apnea among transport workers. It is unacceptable that between one quarter and one third of transport workers suffer from this disease. Yet there is no assurance they will receive the care they require despite sleep apnea being a serious hazard for the worker and the public. No transport worker can be forced to put their life and the lives of others in danger.

(Sources: SAAQ, Association of Respiratory Therapists of Quebec)

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