February 3, 2018 - No. 4

"We Are Proud, We Remember"

75th Anniversary of Stalingrad Victory


Stalingrad Victory Celebrated in Russia in Grand Style
Fatal Blow Dealt to Nazi Barbarism
- Henri Denis -

U.S. President's State of the Union
Trump Warns Warring Factions in U.S. to Unite and Obey
or Be Treated as Enemy Combatants

- U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization -
Spirit of Resistance Reflected in Actions Across U.S.
Women's Marches Across Canada

"We Are Proud, We Remember"

75th Anniversary of Stalingrad Victory

Today the world joins the peoples of the former Soviet Union and present-day Russian Federation to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the victory of the Battle of Stalingrad. That victory changed the course of the Second World War known as the anti-fascist war. It marks the point at which the anti-fascist fight went on the offensive, delivering mortal blows to Hitler's forces all the way to their final demise and surrender in Berlin on May 9, 1945. The victory at Stalingrad, followed by the victorious battle of Kursk, imbued the peoples of the Soviet Union and the world with optimism and certainty that, thanks to the sacrifices made by the peoples of the Soviet Union, the anti-fascist forces of the world would be victorious.

On this occasion, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) reiterates its deepest admiration for the peoples of the former Soviet Union and the nation-building project which permitted them to affirm the dignity of labour and humanize their natural and social environment and to stand as an organized force to defend their achievements and defeat the Nazi aggressors. We send our greetings to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and its Chairman Gennady Zyuganov and through the Central Committee to all Party members and the peoples of the Russian Federation.

"Under Lenin's banner -- forward to victory!"

The tenacity, courage and audacity of the defenders of the city and their sacrifice were without precedent as they implemented the call of J.V. Stalin, Not One Step Back! The peoples of the entire world saw the mettle of the Soviet people under the leadership of Stalin, the field commanders of the armed forces and the Bolshevik Party. In the battle against the Nazis, the Soviet peoples united as one. They stood with the people of Stalingrad and their Red Army, Air Force and special brigades. The role of the People's Militia formed by the factory workers to defend their city street by street, house by house, room by room, factory by factory, inspired hundreds of millions of people the world over who accompanied them with bated breath and admiration.

The Soviet women formed advanced sniper brigades and became pilots who caused Hitler's air force irreparable damage and contributed to blowing their morale to bits. The women and girls also stood second to none in the partisan units behind enemy lines. The women took over assembly lines in the factories and worked on the farms which provisioned the fighting forces and all of the Soviet Union in the war conditions. The unprecedented positions the Soviet women assumed in the trenches and front lines gave inspiration to the women working in the factories and fields of the countries which formed the anti-fascist front and in the resistance organizations and made the entire world proud. 

Left: Red Army snipers assemble before heading to the front;
right: at work in the Stalingrad Tractor Factory.

The sacrifice and determination to defeat the scourge of fascism and save humankind made the Soviet Union the vanguard of the world anti-fascist front. The courage, cool-headedness and bold leadership of the great commander Joseph Stalin and the Bolshevik Party he led made them the architects of the anti-fascist victory in Europe.

In the current complicated international situation where the U.S. imperialists are striving to control the planet and are drowning in blood those peoples and countries which refuse to submit to them, the peoples of the Russian Federation and former Soviet Republics and former people's democracies in eastern Europe, as well as other peoples of Asia and the world, are deeply concerned about the U.S-led NATO encirclement of Russia. CPC(M-L) condemns the Canadian government's participation in this encirclement and other pro-Nazi activities it is promoting and condoning such as in Ukraine, Poland, Latvia and other places.

Mamayev Kurgan, site of the Stalingrad Memorial Complex in present-day Volgograd.

It is because of these activities which target Russia as the enemy of the peoples of the world that the Russian government is using the celebrations of the victory of the Battle of Stalingrad to unite the people to defend their motherland once again against invasion. The theme, "We Are Proud, We Remember," seeks to kindle nationalist sentiment in preparation for dangers which threaten the peace as a result of the U.S. imperialist striving for domination and the manner in which one great power is being pitted against another.

And remember the people must, but not to be used as cannon fodder in inter-imperialist wars between big powers, imperialist coalitions and cartels. They can never again suffer what they suffered when Hitler invaded in 1941 to 1945 and the aftermath of the war when they had to bury their dead, care for the injured and reconstruct their cities and towns, factories, schools and vital infrastructure. To this day not all the bodies of the fallen have been recovered or identified. Thus the people remember that their struggle today, to be victorious and favour them, must be imbued once again with the spirit of Lenin and Stalin which led the people to establish and defend Soviet Power as the condition of their victory. It is the control of that power which enabled the people to win victory and build a life which made them proud.

This kind of pride cannot be achieved by taking up the chauvinist slogan of the Tsars to "Make Russia Great." It is by basing themselves on proletarian internationalism as they did during the war that the working class and peoples of the Russian Federation constitute a mighty force the imperialists have to contend with -- the best allies of the peoples of all of Asia, Africa, Europe, North, Central and South America, the Caribbean and Oceania.

That is what the peoples of the world remember from the Battle of Stalingrad. That is what makes them proud. Let no-one tear asunder the bonds forged between the peoples of all lands during the anti-fascist war. Let us unite today to uphold the cause of peace by forming anti-war governments and ensuring each of our countries is a zone for peace.

End the U.S.-led NATO Encirclement of Russia!
All Out to make Canada a Zone for Peace!

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Stalingrad Victory Celebrated in Russia
in Grand Style

Wreath-laying ceremony in Volgograd, in honour of all those who won the
Battle of Stalingrad, February 2, 2018.

The 75th anniversary of Victory Day, the day the German Nazi invaders surrendered after being defeated in the Battle of Stalingrad, was celebrated in Russia in grand style. More than 50 events preceded the Victory Day ceremonies -- exhibits, conferences, historical excursions, television shows, games, school lessons given by army officers, meetings with veterans, patriotic music and film festivals, and re-enactments. Military history groups and tour companies are running battleground tours throughout the anniversary period, news agencies report. The city of Volgograd, as the city of Stalingrad was renamed in 1961, has been restored to Stalingrad for a few days to commemorate the battle.

Letter from Colonel-General Konstantin Rokossovsky, Commander-in-Chief of the Don Front, to the Soviet Supreme High Command reporting the capture and surrender of German 6th Army commander Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus and his chief of staff Arthur Schmidt on January 31, 1943. This was among a number of original documents released on the occasion of this year's anniversary by the Russian Ministry of Defence. 

In the weeks leading up to the anniversary, 50,000 of the city's residents signed a petition in favour of changing the city's name back to Stalingrad on a permanent basis. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation has also collected 500,000 names on a petition.

News reports indicate that many significant projects were realized in Volgograd leading up to the festivities. "The bearing road network was renewed; the public spaces and parks were modernized; sporting, municipal, medical facilities and hotels were renovated; the Central Embankment was renewed [also known as the 62nd Army Embankment after the military unit that defended the city during the Battle of Stalingrad, preventing the enemy from reaching the bank of the Volga]; the airport was modernized and the new line of the railway to the airport is almost constructed," a report by the Volgograd State Technical University informs.

The report says there are "339 museums, 68 museum halls, 206 museum rooms, 516 expositions of the workers' and armies' glorious work during the battle being hosted in educational institutions of Volgograd District. The unique project 'We Are Proud, We Remember' was carried out by volunteers from the Volgograd District, who visited war veterans and talked to them."

"More than 700 representatives from other districts of our country and former Soviet republics gathered under the theme 'Russia -- My History' for a conference titled "Stalingrad is the symbol of heroism, patriotism and unity of the nations of Russia [sic] and the whole world," the report continues.

The report adds, "Public and political personalities, researchers, representatives of education and culture, military and historical associations and veteran organizations; students and upper-form pupils took part in the conference. The participants of the plenary meeting remarked on the huge role played by the Stalingrad Victory in world history and the importance of preserving the memory of Stalingrad inhabitants' great exploit.

Opening of interactive exhibit "My Russia -- My History" in Volgograd, October 2017, photo from Battle of Stalingrad in background.

"The Streets of Stalingrad" exhibit at the Panorama Museum of the Battle of Stalingrad,
in Volgograd that opened on December 22, 2017.

On Victory Day itself, an artillery salute and military parade took place in the Square of Fallen Soldiers. The military parade of some 1,000 soldiers passed through the city centre followed by a veteran T-34 tank. Two new truck-mounted Iskander ballistic missile units stood parked at the end of the square, with more rocket launchers and tanks on display behind them. Reports indicate that some 30,000 people were at the parade. "Today we are putting huge resources into the rebirth of the Russian defence industry," Dmitry Rogozin, a deputy prime minister, said at the parade. "Every enemy must see that, understand that, feel that. Let anybody who thinks of plans to seize our country remember Stalingrad," he added.

"Stalingrad will forever remain a symbol of unity and invincibility of our people, a symbol of genuine patriotism, a symbol of the greatest victory of the Soviet liberator soldier," Russian President Vladimir Putin said at an evening gala concert for Veterans of Stalingrad. "And as long as we are devoted to Russia, our language, culture, roots and national memory, Russia will be invincible," he said. "The defenders of Stalingrad, the entire generation of the victors did not only demonstrate heroism at war. They passed on to us a great legacy of love for our Motherland, readiness to protect its interests and independence, be strong against any ordeals, take care of our country and work for the sake of its prosperity. We will always be proud of your heroism. We will stand up for your great victories. We will keep the high bar of creation, unity and loyalty to Russia," Putin said.

President Putin's United Russia Party carried a banner reading, "We are proud of the past and we believe in the future."

Communist Party of the Russian Federation participates in celebrations in Volgograd.

Agence France Press quoted a government official, Kalachev, as saying war victory anniversaries are used to "promote the image of a country capable of accomplishments and defeating all of its enemies," and that the memory of Stalingrad should prevent any future invasion of Russia.[1]

A statement of a different character was issued by G.A. Zyuganov, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Amongst other things the statement underscores the significance of the Battle of Stalingrad:

The conditions for a successful counteroffensive were forged by the entire Soviet state. While in the first half of 1942 the Soviet military industry produced 9,600 combat aircraft, in the second half of the year it was already 15,800. The production of tanks and artillery pieces increased significantly. All this was impossible to achieve without the maximum mobilization of resources and skilful management of the country's economy, carried out by the State Defence Committee under the leadership of Stalin.


[O]n the banks of the Volga, two German armies, two Romanian armies and one Italian army were destroyed. The total losses of the enemy amounted to 1.5 million people killed, wounded and captured, along with 2,000 tanks, 3,000 aircraft, more than 10,000 guns and mortars. This comprised a quarter of all the forces that operated on the Soviet-German front.

The ruling circles of Finland, Hungary and Romania began to strive for an exit from the war ... Japan, which in the event of the defeat of the Soviet troops planned to attack the USSR, refused to attack. Turkey did not join the Axis countries.

Zyuganov concludes by highlighting the need for radical changes in Russia to uphold the aspirations of those who died in the war. He says:

The social policy of the current Russian government cannot but cause outrage in relation to people who survived the war. Citizens who suffered all the hardships of wartime as children and teenagers, who helped adults work in factories and fields, receive scanty pensions, do not have benefits for medical care and housing and communal services. The Communist Party [in the Duma] developed the Law on the Children of War, but because of the resistance of [Putin's] United Russia [Party] it was never adopted by the State Duma.

On the 75th anniversary of the victory at Stalingrad, we demand a radical review of state policy in the sphere of the economy, ideology, education and culture. Betrayal of the heroism of our fathers and grandfathers is unacceptable! Becoming the basis of the Great Victory of 1945, the Battle of Stalingrad calls us to [bring into being] new achievements for the sake of the Motherland!

Stalingrad anniversary concert in Volgograd, February 2, 2018.

Events on Mamayev Kurgan

Also on Victory Day, February 2, thousands of mourners climbed the steps of the Motherland Calls statue on Mamayev Kurgan to lay carnations at the statue and at the eternal flame in the nearby Hall of Military Glory where the names of 7,000 military and civilian casualties of the battle are engraved on plaques on the surrounding walls. They paid homage to the sacrifice made to defend the city during the battle.

Some of the most ferocious fighting occurred on Mamayev Kurgan, the hill overlooking the Volga River which was a former Tatar burial ground. The hill itself changed hands numerous times during the battle. In 1967, the 20-storey tall statue Motherland Calls, depicting a woman holding high a sword, was erected atop the hill, beneath which the bodies of 35,000 soldiers are buried. The statue, at 285 feet in height, is the tallest in Europe.

Since the 1980s, searchers have found more than 35,000 more bodies, but only 1,500 have been identified. The remains of some of those identified are buried in a cemetery about 30 minutes from the city. On top of each headstone, volunteers have placed a helmet recovered from the battlefield, many of them badly damaged from shrapnel or bullets.

Laying carnations in Hall of Military Glory.

Other Celebrations Across Russia and Former Soviet Republics

Across Russia and the former Soviet republics, wreaths were also laid at the many memorials for the heroes of Stalingrad and the Great Patriotic War.

A major celebration of the Stalingrad Victory was held in Moscow, where 60,000 people attended a rally at Vasilyevsky Spusk adjacent to Red Square.

Many activities were held to educate the younger generation about the significance of Stalingrad and connect them with veterans from the Second World War and their experiences.

Communist Party of the Russian Federation participates in Moscow rally on the
occasion of the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad.

Visit by the Belinsky Park "Patriots" choir of Russian veterans to a public school in Penza,
Russia, February 1, 2018.

Regional Children's Library in Khabarovsk in eastern Russia puts on presentations, reenactments and special displays about the Battle of Stalingrad.

Celebration with the Great Patriotic War Vets, January 31, 2018 in Brest, Belarus.


1. NATO forces are systematically encircling Russia. This includes building up infrastructure to establish NATO's permanent military presence on Russia's borders. In the past year Canada deployed 50 combat engineers to Latvia as Operation Reassurance. The mission is to build a town for 500 soldiers.

In April 2017, a U.S.-led battle group of 1,350 soldiers arrived at its base in Orzysz in northeastern Poland as NATO's enhanced Forward Presence in Eastern Europe.

British RAF forces are stationed in Romania and 800 British troops supported by 300 armed vehicles are now in Estonia.

German and Belgian forces arrived last year in Lithuania.

All in all, 4,000 NATO troops with tanks, armoured vehicles, air support and high-tech intelligence centres were deployed to Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. In addition, the U.S. Army is reopening or creating five equipment-storage sites in the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium and two locations in Germany.

The deployment breaches the Russia-NATO Founding Act (1997). By signing the document NATO pledged not to seek "additional permanent stationing of substantial ground combat forces" in the nations closer to Russia "in the current and foreseeable security environment."

(Photos: CPRF, RT, Tass, NTV, Sputnik News, p.belinkogo, Russian Consulate, TVZvedza, P. Dumont, A. Golybatov)

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Fatal Blow Dealt to Nazi Barbarism

Large scale bronze bas-relief monument dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad, located at the Shirokorechensky Great Patriotic War Memorial Complex in Yekaterinburg in Central Russia.

To appreciate the significance of the victory at Stalingrad which turned the tide of World War II, it is instructive to recall that when the Nazis unleashed their venom and destruction against the peoples of Europe and invaded the Soviet Union to crush communism, it was one of the darkest periods in the living memory of humankind. The Nazis' fierce opposition to the birth of the New, heralded by the Great October Socialist Revolution in 1917, was enjoined by the remnants of czarism and their cousins in the capitals of Europe who were moving might and main to hold onto their ill-gotten wealth and possessions and class privileges. To achieve its striving to take over all of Europe and the Soviet Union, Hitlerite Nazism promoted everything profoundly obscurantist and unscientific. Based on anti-worker, racist and anti-communist ideology, no crime was too great to achieve the glory of the Third Reich which threatened to return a large part of humankind to slavery and barbarism. Such is the only quality the Old could produce to prevent the birth of the New.

On the other hand, resistance to this assault of the Old gave rise to the most advanced organizational principles, ideology and modern methods of work to achieve the full mobilization of the workers and peoples behind the historic task of those days to defeat nazi-fascism and defend each people's right to be. This is what the communist party led by Joseph Stalin achieved. Their deeds embodied the spirit that imbued the people of Stalingrad to give their all to defeat the barbarians who invaded the Soviet Union and to liberate all of Europe.

The Anglo-American imperialists became allies of the Soviet Union because the beast they appeased when they signed the Munich Pact with Hitler was not under their control and threatened their very existence. They also could only resort to everything that is underhanded and regressive to achieve their aims. They spared no opportunity to ensure their rule would not fall to the communist forces who led the anti-fascist resistance in the countries of Europe. They did everything possible to make sure the leadership of the communists was undermined so as to vie for control of the outcome. This was especially the case once the victory over fascism was a sure thing when, amongst many other examples, they manoeuvred to have the Hitlerite forces surrender to them, not the Soviets. They also collaborated with the Vatican, which ran operations to permit the Nazis to escape justice, and established the precursor organization to the CIA and then the CIA itself to run covert counter-revolutionary operations. After the war, they set up anti-communist apparatuses in the universities and within media and cultural organizations, the unions and social organizations in Europe and in North America to undermine and liquidate the support of the most prominent writers, artists and scientists of those days as well as workers, for the great advances and progress achieved in the Soviet Union.

The Anglo-American imperialists organized to overthrow governments by coups d'état, gave rise to McCarthyism and the brutal assault on the right to conscience and freedom of expression. All of this was done to defeat the political movements of the people which sought to open the road to freedom, peace and progress and establish governments that would be ruled by them, not ruled in favour of imperialism and reaction. All of it pitted the discredited elitist system of liberal democracy -- said to uphold a stereotype of liberty -- against the stereotype called communist tyranny. This anti-communist construct is what motivates the ruling circles today, both those who call themselves right-wing and those who call themselves left-wing or progressive or humanitarian, or mixtures of these. This anti-communist spectre puts communism and fascism on par. While monuments are erected to remember the victims of what are called the crimes of the communists, a wall of silence is imposed around the crimes of the Nazis. The exception is the European holocaust used by many to promote the political ideology of Zionism, not to make reparations to all the victims of the Nazis in Europe which includes the Jews, the communists and social democrats, the Roma and the category they called "delinquents," as well as the peoples of the conquered territories they used as slave labour.

The anti-communist narrative promotes European exceptionalism to deny the holocausts against the Chinese and Korean people committed by the Japanese militarists and American imperialists and the heroic historic role of the Soviet peoples who suffered the greatest losses during World War II. This anti-communist narrative declares that Nazi collaborators in Ukraine, Latvia and other countries were freedom fighters for purposes of justifying the crimes that the U.S.-led NATO forces are committing against Russia today and preparing to commit against the peoples of Asia and the world.[1]

It is barbarism under new historical circumstances, which reveals that the task today is to find the means to defeat it so that the crimes of the past are no longer brought into the present in even worse ways. This can already be seen in the wars of destruction the U.S. imperialists and their allies are carrying out in the Middle East and they are threatening in Asia and Latin America. It must not pass!


1. A recent example is the law passed by Latvia's parliament on January 5 which grants the status of World War II "participant" to all those who fought on Latvian soil both in the Soviet Red Army and in the Nazi units of the Third Reich. This is yet another measure to whitewash Nazi criminals and put on par the Latvian SS storm troopers and Red Army veterans who liberated the world from Nazism.

Also, in Poland, a Bill was passed on February 1, 2018, that imposes three-year prison sentences for mentioning the term "Polish death camps." It also imposes jail terms for suggesting that Poland was complicit in the Holocaust. Poland's Law and Justice Party (PiS) claims that the Bill is needed to protect Poland's reputation and ensure that historians recognize that Poles as well as Jews perished under the Nazis.

The Bill has been overwhelmingly denounced internationally as a denial of historical facts and for criminalizing the discussion of the history of World War II. "EU officials have expressed alarm over the PiS administration in Poland, which they say has undermined the rule of law by exerting pressure over the courts and media," Reuters reports.

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U.S. President's State of the Union

Trump Warns Warring Factions in U.S. to Unite and Obey or Be Treated as Enemy Combatants

Demonstration in Washington DC on January 27, 2018, the one-year anniversary of Trump's
"Muslim Ban," reflects the spirit of resistance of the American workers and people.

The U.S. president, in executing his office and as Commander-in-Chief, has responsibility to preserve the Union. The Constitution requires him to regularly present the State of the Union to Congress, which has now become a significant yearly speech. On January 30, Donald Trump delivered his State of the Union address in circumstances where the conflicts within and between the presidency, the intelligence agencies and the military are manifesting themselves openly as the fight over the political power becomes sharper and sharper.

The growing conflicts within the governing factions were in no way sorted out by the presidential election. Thus, the predominant fear today, expressed by all contending forces, is that the on-going state of civil war, which always exists behind the scenes in the United States, will break out in open violence. Trump thus used the State of the Union to demand "the unity we need" to prevent such a development.

Demonstration outside White House, January 22, 2018. President Trump signed order to keep  Guantánamo open just before
delivering State of the Union address.

He threatened Americans to stand together or face punishment. Reiterating several times the need for unity to "Make America Great Again," he said this is necessary to avert civil war. He gave his definition of an American and threatened that those who do not adhere to this definition will be branded terrorists and enemy combatants and treated accordingly. This includes the Guantánamo torture camp which is being used increasingly.

From the beginning of his speech, Trump addressed the warring factions within the ruling class. "Tonight, I call upon all of us to set aside our differences, to seek out common ground, and to summon the unity we need to deliver for the people we were elected to serve," he said.

The reference to "the people we were elected to serve" sounds much broader but the State of the Union speech is delivered to the joint houses of Congress, which is filled with millionaires and is, in large part, comprised of people who represent private interests.

Speaking of his administration he said, "Together, we are building a safe, strong, and proud America." Later he said, "Tonight, I want to talk about what kind of future we are going to have, and what kind of Nation we are going to be. All of us, together, as one team, one people, and one American family."

Note the reference to "family," not to a polity which signifies a people with political rights, including the right to political power.

He goes on to define just what it means to be part of this "American family."

"We all share the same home, the same heart, the same destiny, and the same great American flag. Together, we are rediscovering the American way," Trump says.

He explains this "American way:"

In America, we know that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, are the center of the American life. Our motto is "In God We Trust." And we celebrate our police, our military, and our amazing veterans as heroes who deserve our total and unwavering support... Young patriots like Preston [a boy who put flags on the graves of veterans] teach all of us about our civic duty as Americans. Preston's reverence for those who have served our Nation reminds us why we salute our flag, why we put our hands on our hearts for the pledge of allegiance, and why we proudly stand for the national anthem.

Here Trump is not only calling for unity among the factions, but also targeting all those who may support a different flag, such as the flag of peace which the U.S. flag certainly does not represent. Recent polls again confirm that the large majority of people in the U.S. are anti-war and stand against U.S. wars of aggression and occupation.

Trump also specifically targeted all those who have stood against police brutality and killings as well as the African American athletes and the many youth and people across the country who have joined them in refusing to stand for the anthem. These forces have all targeted the government and demanded that action be taken to end police impunity and inequality and to defend the right to speak out and resist.

The national anthem represents the Republic, its wars and constitution, which are thoroughly racist and founded on genocide of the Indigenous peoples and the enslavement of Africans. All those who refuse to pledge and stand are not part of the "American family," Trump implied. He backed this emphasis by promoting guests from the military, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and police, applauding them as the country's heroes.

Demands for Powers to Fire Federal Workers "At Will"

In his State of the Union, Trump also called for the destruction of federal workers' unions through "at-will" contract arrangements. "[...] I call on Congress to empower every Cabinet Secretary with the authority to reward good workers and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people," Trump said.

Trump bragged of having fired 1,500 Veterans Affairs (VA) health care workers for allegedly not providing proper care for veterans. He also alluded to the fact that the "right" of health care workers not to provide medical service on grounds of religious or moral belief has been imposed in the name of defending religious freedom. This is said to permit and protect those who do not believe in abortion to refuse to provide the service.

The paradox lies in saying that workers have the right to affirm their conscience on religious/moral grounds but when it comes to working conditions it is another story. The firing of VA workers was the segue to declaring that to honor veterans means eliminating workers' rights to not be fired arbitrarily and without cause. This aspect of Trump's anti-worker, anti-union actions was generally ignored in the monopoly media's coverage of Trump's State of the Union speech as well as in the official response of the Democratic Party.

The notion of loyalty to veterans and soldiers Trump gave in his State of the Union is used to justify that the government should be able to fire federal workers "at will." This would establish what is called "at will workers." He said that in order to have accountability, workers must be deprived of all rights and that this will ensure veterans and others get what they need.

"At-will" employment is a term used in U.S. labor law for contractual relationships in which an employee can be dismissed by an employer for any reason (that is, without having to establish "just cause" for termination), and without warning.[1] This notion is typically traced to a treatise published by H.G. Wood in 1877, called Master and Servant.[2] As if 140 years of the struggle for rights never took place, it is an argument advanced today within U.S. ruling circles to make the reintroduction of slave-labor official legal policy with penalties for non-compliance.

Trump's Attempt to Use Immigration to
Unite Factions and Divide Workers

Picket at Portland Airport, January 27, 2018, on one-year anniversary of travel ban.

Trump used immigration to further set the stage to criminalize not only immigrants but those who support them, including at the level of state and local governments. He made a point of branding undocumented immigrants as criminals and gang members. By way of example he used the tragic killing of two young women from families with African American heritage:

The savage gang MS-13 have [sic] been charged with Kayla and Nisa's murders. Many of these gang members took advantage of glaring loopholes in our laws to enter the country as unaccompanied alien minors -- and wound up in Kayla and Nisa's high school.

Here we see several aspects of how Trump operates. He is striving to win backing among the ruling factions for immigration laws that greatly increase enforcement and criminalization. He is also striving to divide workers, attempting to pit African American families against Hispanic families, particularly those targeted by current laws, especially Salvadorans who have been a significant portion of the immigrants coming into the country recently, many of them youth. He leaves out that the U.S. is responsible for conditions in El Salvador forcing many to emigrate, and that the MS-13 gang, now in El Salvador, has its origins in Los Angeles. Trump has removed Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Salvadorans, meaning that many who have lived here for decades are now to be deported.

Workers originally from El Salvador, like many from Mexico, are an integral part of the U.S. working class. Both are a significant part of the resistance among U.S. workers and united efforts to defend the rights of all, such as at May Day demonstrations. Trump is hoping to block the further development of a political movement of the workers with these various attacks.

The many demonstrations involving hundreds and thousands of Americans from all walks of life, including the women's marches and actions opposing Trump's immigration bans, border wall and promotion of Nazis and KKKers, show the persistence of the people to build their united resistance for their rights.

The Trump administration is also threatening to bring charges against city officials, such as those in California and New York, who provide sanctuary cities for undocumented immigrants. These officials do not fully cooperate with ICE in holding or turning over immigrants who have been arrested on minor charges. Trump has already said sanctuary cites are a threat to national security. His State of the Union address raised the spectre that if he does not secure the unity he demands, he may consider these government officials enemy combatants. He is already implying that those who defend immigrant rights and stand against police impunity should be considered "un-American" and treated accordingly.

Resurrecting Enemy Combatants and Guantánamo

Trump specifically resurrected the use of the term "unlawful enemy combatant" and reintroduced the policy to use torture camps such as Guantánamo:

Terrorists who do things like place bombs in civilian hospitals are evil. When possible, we annihilate them. When necessary, we must be able to detain and question them. But we must be clear: Terrorists are not merely criminals. They are unlawful enemy combatants. And when captured overseas, they should be treated like the terrorists they are...I am asking Congress to ensure that, in the fight against ISIS and al Qaeda, we continue to have all necessary power to detain terrorists, wherever we chase them down, wherever we find them. And in many cases, for them, it will now be Guantánamo Bay.

This reiterates that the president alone determines who is and is not a terrorist, to be annihilated, and who is and is not an unlawful enemy combatant. The history of Guantánamo, its torture and illegal and indefinite detention, has shown this. The "wherever we chase them down" includes the U.S., as already occurred under Obama.

Trump is telling people at home and abroad that he is prepared to criminalize all who do not submit to his definition of being American and supporting America. He stated this directly in relation to those abroad: "Around the world, we face rogue regimes, terrorist groups, and rivals like China and Russia that challenge our interests, our economy, and our values. In confronting these dangers, we know that weakness is the surest path to conflict, and unmatched power is the surest means of our defence."

The "unmatched power" includes modernizing the U.S. nuclear arsenal and increasing the Pentagon budget still further, and further threats against Korea and Iran. Trump repeated the U.S. nuclear policy of "peace through strength," saying: "We must modernize and rebuild our nuclear arsenal, hopefully never having to use it, but making it so strong and so powerful that it will deter any acts of aggression by any other nation or anyone else."

"Perhaps someday in the future, there will be a magical moment when the countries of the world will get together to eliminate their nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, we are not there yet, sadly,"  he added.

Trump also said that those who vote against the U.S. in the UN will be subject to this "unmatched power," and deprived of U.S. aid. Referencing the UN vote where the large majority voted against U.S. plans to move its embassy to Jerusalem, he said, "I am asking the Congress to pass legislation to help ensure American foreign-assistance dollars always serve American interests, and only go to America's friends. As we strengthen friendships around the world, we are also restoring clarity about our adversaries."

Trump once again presented the use of force as the solution to deal with all those who his administration cannot control, whether at home or abroad.

At a time the old arrangements of the Constitution are no longer adequate to resolve conflicts within and between the warring factions which are striving to control the political power for themselves, the conditions lead to open civil war and U.S.-led imperialist war. At the same time the striving of the American people and the peoples of the world is increasing to find solutions that serve their interests.

Trump is attempting to contend with the problem faced by U.S. rulers of open, violent civil war among the factions, coalitions and cartels and its spill-over into broader imperialist war where the U.S. cannot predict the outcome. He is calling for unity based on a pledge of allegiance to the U.S. state, its military and police powers, while using "unmatched power" against those at home and abroad who refuse to submit.

How he thinks this will happen or how it would solve any problem facing the United States at this time has become a matter of much diversionary speculation. What the working class and people need is an anti-war government and a new direction for the economy that such a government would require.


1. "At Will Employment," Wikipedia.

2. A Treatise on the Law of Master and Servant: Covering the Relation, Duties and Liabilities of Employers and Employees. H. G. Wood, Albany, N.Y., J.D. Parsons, Jr., 1877.

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Spirit of Resistance Reflected in
Actions Across U.S.

New York City

Demonstrations on the one-year anniversary of U.S. President Trump's inauguration were spirited and large -- in New York City 200,000 people participated. Many of the actions were organized on January 20 under the banner of Women's March 2018. The need to resist and the need for different forms of resistance were the major concerns put forward by the participants, which included many youth, in particular young women.

New York City

Concord, New Hampshire

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Washington, DC

Cincinnati, Ohio

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Chicago, Illinois

St. Louis, Missouri

Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Charlotte, North Carolina

Ashville, North Carolina

Chattanooga, Tennessee

Miami, Florida

Palm Beach, Florida

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Oklahoma City

Austin, Texas

Bozeman, Montana

Cheyenne, Wyoming

Denver, Colorado

Park City, Utah

Las Vegas, Nevada

Los Angeles, California

Seattle, Washington

(Photos: USMLO, Women's March 2018, National Domestic Workers Alliance, Xinhua, Code Pink, Z.D. Roberts, J. Katigbak, S. Mraz, L. Sarsour, momopersister, J. Hogan, B. Talbot-Swan)

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Women's Marches Across Canada

In Canada, marches marked the one-year anniversary of the sister marches held in conjunction with the Women's March on Washington. The 2017 marches were part of the emphatic No! given by people around the world to the Trump presidency and what it stood for. This year, along with affirming women's rights, the demand for justice for missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls was very much on the minds of  those participating in the Canadian marches. In Toronto, women were asked to wear red scarves to honour the missing and murdered women and their families.

St. John's

Saint John













Thunder Bay







Fraser Valley




(Photos: TML, Women's March 2018, Xinhua, Les EssentiElles, A. Gagnon, R. Boilbeau, G. Caliskan, D. Osmond, Foundry Photo, L. MacDonald, A. Hufane, @huile_doppler, N. Tabandcura, K. Rosenkrantz, snapd, J. Jules, C. Marie, K. Shields, D. Maria, YWCA, T. Philips, D. Fairbairn, G. Decelled)

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