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December 25, 2018

2018 Photo Review

Taking Bold Stands in Defence
of the Rights of All and to
Make Canada a Zone for Peace


TML Daily continues its month-by-month photo review of the stands taken by the working people of Canada and Quebec and Indigenous peoples in 2018 with September.

As September began, thousands of workers participated in more than 70 Labour Day marches, picnics and other celebrations across the country, upholding the dignity of labour. This year, facing systematic attacks on their wages, working conditions and safety at work, workers are deeply concerned about the direction of the economy and future of society. The situation calls on them to step up their organized resistance in defence of their rights and the rights of all.

A major feature of September was the people's striving for empowerment in the Quebec election. Close to 50 per cent of the candidates ran as independents or for parties that did not hold seats in the Quebec National Assembly. Throughout the election, despite every attempt to silence their voices, workers, their unions, and social justice and environmental organizations spoke out and held actions to present their views and concerns. This showed the people's determination and their recognition of the importance of relying on themselves, not the cartel party system. The Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec (PMLQ) ran 25 candidates on the platform "For a Modern Quebec that Defends the Rights of All!" and "Humanize the Natural and Social Environment: All Out for Democratic Renewal!" Every day throughout the election, Chantier politique, the newspaper of the PMLQ, provided coherence by addressing the concerns of working people, debunking attempts by the ruling circles to divert them, reporting on their activities and providing a venue for workers to speak out on matters of concern.

In British Columbia, people geared up for the referendum on proportional representation that would start October 22. Activists in favour of proportional representation organized events, discussions and actions of various kinds over the summer and the pace of this activity accelerated as fall began, a reflection of people's dissatisfaction with the status quo and their desire for new arrangements.

Throughout September, issues of the natural environment were high on people's consciousness. On September 8, people across Canada took part in an international "Rise For Climate" day of action. In Vancouver, the theme of the march and rallies was "Build Our Future Not a Pipeline." As well, throughout the Quebec elections, demonstrations organized by "The Planet Joins the Campaign" put the urgent need for a coherent program to protect the natural environment front and centre.

Also during September, annual Take Back the Night marches and other activities to affirm women's right to fully participate in the life of society and to walk the streets, day or night, without fear were held across the country.

As the Ontario Ford government continued to escalate its anti-social offensive, 40,000 students across the province organized school walkouts emphatically stating, "We Do Not Consent!" to the government's retrogressive changes to the sex education and Indigenous studies curricula, or to cuts for school maintenance. They demanded a say and control over the decisions that affect their education and lives. Injured workers' organizations denounced the Ford government's decision to cut employer premiums for workers' compensation, depriving the system of much needed funds to assist injured workers.

As the month of September drew to a close, hundreds of union activists and supporters turned the tables on the managers and scabs at D-J Composites' aerospace facility in Gander, Newfoundland, where 30 Unifor members had been locked out by the U.S. owners since December 2016. Activists from across Canada surrounded the building and erected a temporary fence to keep scabs and managers from returning to work. The union also ran a social media campaign and newspaper ads, asking the public to write and call the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador to intervene to force the company to sign a contract acceptable to the workers.

September 3
On Labour Day workers across the country participate in parades, picnics and other activities, upholding workers' dignity, in the face of the brutal neo-liberal offensive which treats them as a cost to be reduced and discarded.


Labrador West 












Prince George http://cpcml.ca/Tmlw2018/W48030S.HTM  (Photos: TMLW, NAPE, Foundry Photography, OECTA, $15 and Fairness, Occupy WSIB London, Unifor 444, CUPE Manitoba, D. Brose) 

  Calgarians hold picket and lively discussion on Labour Day to oppose the impending shutdown of Greyhound bus routes in western Canada and Northern Ontario and to discuss solutions. These cuts to service amount to nation-wrecking as they eliminate a vital transportation link for many Canadians in rural areas.


  Information table at a Labour Day event in Gibsons is one of many actions across BC as mobilization steps up for a "Yes" vote in referendum on proportional representation.


September 5 
Federal public service workers confront Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as he arrives for a fundraiser in Edmonton. They demand: "Fix the Phoenix Pay System Now!"


September 6
Information picket at the entrance to Laurentian University in Sudbury opposes any development of the Ring of Fire that does not have the informed consent of the Anishinabek, nor recognize that Indigenous peoples must be the primary beneficiaries of any such developments on their lands. Instead, mining companies continue to destroy their homelands, steal their wealth, and leave them with scraps they are told to be grateful for.


September 6 
Quebec farmers take to the streets of Montreal saying “Enough is Enough. No More Concessions.” They demand the Trudeau government defend supply management against U.S. demands for greater access to the Canadian dairy market.


September 8
A loud and vigorous march and two rallies take place in Vancouver against construction of the Trans Mountain Pipeline and the federal government buyout of the Canadian assets of the U.S. monopoly Kinder Morgan. "Build Our Future Not a Pipeline" is the theme of the three-hour action. It is one of hundreds of events held in Canada and internationally on the "Rise For Climate" day of action.


Victoria, BC

Kelowna; Nelson, BC




In Prince George, people from all walks of life join in the Red Dress Campaign to remember and give voice to the missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls along the Highway of Tears. A powerful "stand-in" action is held at the corner of Highways 16 and 97, with each red dress representing a loved one lost. From there, participants move to Lheidli T'enneh Memorial Park, where red dresses are hung from trees and decorate the new park pavilion.


September 9-10
Workers picket in Estrie, opposing the privatization of the Quebec Liquor Control Board. The picket is part of two one-day strikes demanding that negotiations be unblocked so that a satisfactory agreement can be reached that will immediately end their precarious
working conditions.


September 10
A public assembly of seasonal workers on the Acadian Peninsula and in rural areas of New Brunswick, held in Inkerman, formalizes an alliance of Quebec and New Brunswick workers to together fight to eliminate the Black Hole of inadequate employment insurance.


September 11
The 45th anniversary of Canada-Vietnam relations is marked in Ottawa with a reception, exhibition and a cultural program. The events also celebrate Vietnam's National Day, the day in 1945 when Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence establishing the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.


September 12
 Torontonians pack public galleries at Queen's Park and rally outside city hall to express their anger as the Ontario PC government reconvenes the legislature to re-introduce the anti-social municipal government restructuring legislation invoking the "notwithstanding clause." The new legislation is introduced after a judge rules sections of Bill 5 violate the Charter. The Ford government's actions make clear that it will pick up where the Liberal government left off, escalating the destruction of all arrangements pertaining to a public authority, leaving only the police functions, which it will exercise to rule by decree.


September 13
People gather outside the CBC building in Montreal where the "Leaders' Debate" is taking place, determined to break the suffocating silence that the election imposes on them and affirm their demands for rights. There are contingents from community advocacy, youth, tenants' rights and environmental groups and workers from many regions. Locked-out aluminum smelter workers, health care workers, and workers from Bombardier all participate.

http://cpcml.ca/WF2018/WO0531.HTM#2  https://pmlq.qc.ca/wp/2018/09/14/replique-citoyenne-manifestation

Demonstration in Montreal by Société de transport de Montréal maintenance workers opposes demands for major contract concessions, such as the conversion of day shifts into evening and night shifts, the imposition of overtime and privatization of services.

https://pmlq.qc.ca/wp/2018/09/10/la-lutte-des-travailleurs-municipaux  (Photos: CSN)

September 14
Vietnam-Canada friendship organizations meet in Toronto to share experiences and ideas of how to enhance relations between the two peoples and countries.


September 15
The PMLQ officially opens its new office in Montreal where it announces the nomination of 25 candidates in the Quebec election.

http://cpcml.ca/Tmlw2018/W48031.HTM#4  (Photos: PMLQ)

People take to the streets of Montreal putting protection of the environment and an end to climate change on the agenda of the Quebec election. The action is organized by "The Planet
Joins the Campaign."


Demonstration by seasonal workers in Tracadie, New Brunswick demands reforms to employment insurance to ensure adequate benefits.


Public sector workers in Moncton hold a mass membership meeting as part of CUPE New Brunswick's "Breaking the Mandate: Bargaining Forward" campaign that puts wage increases for all 30,000 CUPE members as the first priority in current negotiations with the province. Meetings are held in cities around the province during September.


September 18
A reception takes place in Ottawa for the new President of the Cuba-Canada Parliamentary Friendship Group, Gladys Mercedes Lopez. Gladys, who is also a member of the Cuban National Assembly of People's Power, addresses the ongoing discussion taking place throughout Cuban society on the draft proposal for a new constitution.


September 20
Spirited Take Back the Night activities take place in Ontario and across the country. They affirm the right of women to say No! to interference with or threats against their person, whether by individuals or by the state.














Elliot Lake
http://cpcml.ca/Tmlw2018/W48033.HTM#8 (Photos: B. Reid, S. Sheldrick, S. Charron, Sackingston, YWCA, L. Goodman, Samira, PWAWA, S. Denney, A. Tennier, Alsamyname, J. Buckmaster, J. Watt, B. Miller, P. Mills, I. Cote, NFF, eyes on windsor, Counselling Centre for East Algoma)

September 21
Some 40,000 students walk out of class across Ontario affirming that the Ford government does not have their consent for retrogressive changes to school curricula.




Toronto, Western Tech

Toronto, Parkdale Collegiate

Toronto, Bloor Collegiate

Toronto, Wexford Collegiate

Toronto, Riverdale Collegiate

North Toronto Collegiate

Toronto, Harbord Collegiate

Toronto, Earl Haig Secondary

Toronto, Malvern Collegiate

Thornhill, Westmount Collegiate

Mississauga, Port Credit Secondary


Guelph, walkout and rally at City Hall

Waterloo; Bracebridge

Parry Sound

Port Perry http://cpcml.ca/Tmlw2018/W48033.HTM#7

September 22
A rally on air quality is held in the Lower Town of Quebec City. The PMLQ candidate and others highlight that the issue with air quality clearly shows working people must make the decisions which affect their lives.


September 23
Students rally at Queen's Park to take their demands to the Ontario government
two days after walkouts take place in schools across Ontario.

http://cpcml.ca/Tmlw2018/W48033.HTM#7  (Photos: TML, Isabel, I. Jansen, R. Operi, B. Karpoche, M. Stiles, Jordanna, P. Tabuns, O. Wright, D. Ladd, S. Tabasin, D. Matheson, N. Citron, S. Donegan, C. Smoolenaars, Benita Van M, K. Fife, Emma, J. Thomson, G. Nore, Rayne)

September 26
Injured workers picket the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) annual general meeting in Toronto demanding it withdraw its plan to cut employer premiums. The new government claims it has eliminated WSIB's fraudulent "unfunded liability" ten years ahead of schedule that justifies giving employers a massive reduction in premiums starting in 2019, depriving the compensation system of $1.5 billion.

http://cpcml.ca/WF2018/WO0542.HTM#1  http://cpcml.ca/WF2018/WO0533.HTM#4

September 26-29
Workers from across Canada help locked-out D-J Composites workers in Gander, Newfoundland block scabs from entering the plant. Hundreds of workers and 1,000 feet of fencing, erected by the union, surround the D-J composites plant.

http://cpcml.ca/WF2018/WO0533.HTM  (Photos: Unifor)

September 28
Postal workers across the country gather outside their workplaces to support their CUPW bargaining committees and tell Canada Post "Time's Running Out: Negotiate Now!"

St. John's Newfoundland




Prince George, BC

Retail and office workers at the Quebec Liquor Board hold a membership meeting in Montreal and vote 96 per cent in favour of a new 18-day strike mandate, to be used when the union deems necessary in their negotiations for wage increases to bring them to a modern standard income and for an end to precarious working conditions.

http://cpcml.ca/WF2018/WO0533.HTM#2 (CSN)

September 29
On the eve of the Quebec election, housing rights activists rally and march in Quebec City demanding the new government recognize the right to housing. Speakers denounce the complete silence imposed during the election on the urgent need for social housing. The march, organized by the Front d’action populaire en réaménagement urbain, "From Cities to Villages for the Right to Housing" that began in Ottawa on September 2, travels through some 50 municipalities to finish in Quebec City, gathering broad support along its route.

Demonstrations in four Quebec cities -- Montreal, Gatineau, Sherbrooke and Cowansville -- continue to raise protection of the natural environment as a major concern in the elections. These are the third actions organized by "The Planet Joins the Campaign" which emphasizes that we are collectively responsible for the environment, that solutions already exist and that it is urgent to present a coherent program to preserve it.



Actions take place across Canada a week before the first round of the presidential election in Brazil on October 7. People express militant support for the Brazilian people facing an election manipulated by reactionary forces.

Quebec City




Vancouverhttp://cpcml.ca/Tmlw2018/W48034.HTM#12 (Brasil de Fato, Ninja Midia, Vermelho)


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