Constant Evidence of Israeli War Crimes and Genocidal Intent

Recent footage of Israeli forces blowing up the Al-Israa University in southern Gaza in what appeared to be a controlled demolition has sparked international outrage. The Israeli forces blew up the university after 70 days of occupying it and converting it into a military barracks and a detention centre.

Destruction of Al-Israa University by the Israeli occupiers, January 18, 2024. (PressTV)

The World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations' health body, says the Israeli regime has staged nearly 600 attacks against medical targets across the Gaza Strip, which the occupying regime has brought under an unrelenting genocidal war. The attacks, the WHO said on January 19, have affected 94 health care sites, including 26 of the territory's 36 hospitals. The WHO reports that at least 613 people have been killed, and more than 770 others injured during the strikes.

Gadi Eisenkot, a former army chief who is a member of Israel's War Cabinet, said that claims the dozens of hostages could be freed by means other than a ceasefire amounted to spreading "illusions." The day before, rifle-toting police scuffled with protesting Israelis who blocked a major highway in Tel Aviv to call for an immediate deal to release the hostages. Police detained seven protesters overnight, Israeli media reported.

Anti-war protest in Tel Aviv, January 18, 2024, calling for an immediate ceasefire and negotiated peace agreement as the only way to guarantee security and a return of hostages. (H. Matar)

Israelis protest outside the residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, calling on the government to take action to release all remaining hostages, January 20, 2024. (Shehab News)

The recent statement by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been condemned worldwide. He said only "greater Israel" will exist from the "river to the sea." Speaking in a nationally broadcast news conference on January 18, Netanyahu ruled out a post-war peace process that would lead to the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state, rebuffing calls from the U.S. to start working toward that ultimate goal. "Israel must have security control over all the territory west of the Jordan," he said.

So too Israeli President Isaac Herzog, addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on January 18, said Israel has "lost trust in peace processes, because they see that terror is glorified by our neighbours." Meanwhile Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has again called for the "Occupation of the Gaza Strip." He said, "Gaza must be occupied. Stay inside it and encourage the voluntary migration of its residents. If we win the war, it will be practically accomplished."

With this, there is no more proof required of Israel's intentions to wipe out the Palestinian population.

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 6 - January 22, 2024

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