TML Monthly Supplement

      No. 5

February 21, 2021    


Democratic People's Republic of Korea

8th Congress of Workers' Party of Korea Sets Ambitious Program

Oppose Military Exercises Targeting DPRK

U.S., Korean and International Organizations Call for Suspension
of U.S.-ROK Joint Exercises

• Plans of Workers' Party of Korea to Strengthen Movement
for Peace and Reunification

Developments on the Economic Front

Difficulties Facing the Economy and Plans to Change the
Situation for the Better

• Key Industrial Sectors Which Form Lifeline
of National Economy

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

8th Congress of Workers' Party of Korea
Sets Ambitious Program

The 8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) was held in Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) from January 5 to 12. Attending the Congress were 4,750 delegates, including 1,455 industrial workers and farmers, and 10 per cent were women. There were also 2,000 observers.

Kim Jong Un, the Supreme Leader of the DPRK, presented the Report on the work of the Central Committee of the WPK since the previous congress in 2016, which was thoroughly discussed. 

In his presentation, Kim Jong Un stressed that in the period of five years since the 7th Congress, even taking into account the difficulties and setbacks, the successes of the WPK in its revolutionary struggle and construction work are no small matter. "During the period under review our internal force was further expanded and strengthened, and the external prestige of the country was raised remarkably.

 This is a clear signal that a new period of new upsurge, a period of gigantic transformation, has arrived for socialist construction," Kim Jong Un said. "The Central Committee of our Party made it clear at home and abroad that it would make this Congress a congress for work, struggle and progress," he added.

The Report consisted of four sections:

1. Achievements Made in the Period under Review;

2. For an Epoch-making Advance in Socialist Construction;

3. For Independent Reunification of the Country and Development of External Relations; and

4. For Development of Party Work.

After the presentation on the work since the 7th Congress, many delegates spoke to the Report. The Congress also elected the new Central Committee and elected Kim Jong Un as General Secretary of the WPK. It adopted amendments to the Party Constitution and received the report of the Audit Commission. The Congress then solemnly and unanimously adopted the resolution "On Consistent Implementation of the Tasks Outlined in the Report of the WPK Central Committee."

General Secretary Kim Jong Un delivered the closing address. He appreciated the revolutionary enthusiasm of the Party and people, and thanked all Party members, people and service personnel for placing their trust in him. He said that the 8th Congress had formulated an immediate plan for the struggle to open up a fresh period of upsurge, a period of great changes in the revolution and construction, and that it had revealed important issues which had arisen in the development of the Party, and had sincerely discussed them. He expressed confidence that the strategy and politics of the Congress would be successfully implemented.

Saying that everyone should be ready for a more difficult offensive in making a head-on breakthrough so as to win victory afresh and make progress in accomplishing the cause of socialism, Kim Jong Un passionately appealed to everyone to be more dynamic in struggling to successfully fulfil the program advanced at the 8th Congress, in developing the WPK and for the victorious advance of the revolutionary cause of Juche and putting the interests of the people of the DPRK at the centre of all achievements.

The Congress came to a close on January 12 with a performance of "The International." Following its successful conclusion, the 4th Session of the Supreme People's Assembly was convoked on January 17, at which Premier Kim Tok Hun called for thoroughly carrying out the five-year plan for national economic development set out in the WPK Congress, outlining some of the necessary key tasks to accomplish this.

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) sent a message of greetings to the Congress and a message of congratulations to Kim Jong Un on his election to the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee. CPC(M-L) expressed its confidence that the decisions taken by the Congress will guide the Party, the State and the People to further overcome the effects of the brutal sanctions regime imposed by the U.S. imperialists, which Canada also enforces, while they also further the cause of peace on the Korean Peninsula and for the reunification of the Korean nation. The results the Korean people have achieved in building a prosperous nation on the basis of self-reliance are remarkable. They show many things in terms of the activation of the human factor/social consciousness and innovations in the use of science and technology in a manner which serves the people. Of great significance, they show the potential energy which lies within humanity's striving to exercise control over all aspects of living.

January 14, 2021. Celebrations following successful conclusion of the 8th WPK Congress.

(Photos: Rodong Sinmun, KCNA)

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Oppose Military Exercises Targeting DPRK

U.S., Korean and International Organizations Call for Suspension of U.S.-ROK Joint Exercises

August 5, 2019. Protest outside U.S. Embassy in Seoul, Korea.

On January 27, a statement endorsed by 110 U.S., 197 south Korean, and 80 international civil society organizations was sent to U.S. President Biden calling on the U.S. to suspend all annual combined military exercises with the Republic of Korea (ROK) in order to restart diplomacy with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

This initiative was organized by U.S. and south Korean peace groups, including: Korea Peace Campaign of Veterans for Peace; Korea Peace Network; Korea Peace Now! Grassroots Network; Peace Treaty Now; Women Cross DMZ; Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; Civil Peace Forum; Korean Women's Movement for Peace; and South Korean Committee on June 15th Joint Declaration.

Spokesperson Colonel Ann Wright of the Korea Peace Campaign of Veterans for Peace organization said, "These war drills are expensive, provocative, and consistently provoke north Korea to take military actions in response. If the United States' goal is to reduce tensions, not increase them, then suspending these military exercises will be an important step forward."

Hyun Lee of Women Cross DMZ and Korea Peace Now said, "The majority of citizens on the Korean Peninsula want peace talks, not war drills and military confrontation. It's their lives that are at risk from the possibility of military exercises leading to mistakes and accidents that may cause disastrous military confrontation."

The organizers are calling on individuals to sign onto the statement and in so doing, join with many others from the U.S., south Korea and around the world working to promote peace on the Korean Peninsula.


We, the undersigned civil society organizations in the United States, south Korea, and around the world, call on President Biden to suspend the annual U.S.-south Korea (ROK) combined military exercises. Suspending these costly and highly provocative war exercises will be a crucial step toward re-starting genuine diplomacy with north Korea (DPRK). It will remove a formidable obstacle to a peaceful resolution of the ongoing 70-year-old Korean War and allow all parties to focus on other intractable global issues facing our nations today, such as creating a nuclear weapons-free world and resolving the current COVID-19 pandemic.

In the mid-1950s, just after the Korean War, the U.S. and ROK began combined military exercises in south Korea that prepare for war with north Korea. In the 1970s the drills developed into large-scale exercises that mobilize considerable weapons, equipment and the deployment of U.S. troops stationed in both south Korea as well as U.S. bases outside the Korean Peninsula. Since the 2000s they have been based on operation plans that reportedly include pre-emptive strikes and "decapitation measures" against the north Korean leadership. Due to their scale and provocative nature, the annual U.S.-ROK combined exercises have long been a trigger point for heightened military and political tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

For years these combined military exercises have involved the use of B-2 bombers (which are designed to drop nuclear bombs), nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines, as well as the firing of long-range artillery and other weapons. They not only increased tensions on the Korean Peninsula, they have cost U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars and have caused irreparable harm to local residents and the environment in south Korea.

At a time when the world is facing urgent humanitarian, environmental, and economic crises, these military exercises divert critically needed resources away from our capacity to provide true human security such as health care, a sustainable environment, and other priorities. Furthermore, they heighten geopolitical tensions and risk re-igniting a hot war on the Korean Peninsula, which would have catastrophic consequences for millions of people.

We want peace talks, not war drills and military confrontation. We urge the Biden Administration to resolve the root cause of the conflict between the United States and north Korea -- the unresolved Korean War -- which has driven a dangerous arms race, harmed the most vulnerable people through punishing sanctions, and enforced the tragic separation of hundreds of thousands of Korean families. Continuing to rely on isolation, pressure, and threats to force north Korea's unilateral denuclearization is a recipe for failure.

Suspending the combined military exercises will be a major confidence-building measure toward renewing diplomacy to resolve the longstanding 70-year-old conflict with north Korea and, ultimately, achieve permanent peace and denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

Signed by 387 U.S., south Korean and international organizations.

To sign the statement click here. For statement in Korean click here.

(Photos: TML, KCG, BCKSA)

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Plans of Workers' Party of Korea to Strengthen Movement for Peace and Reunification 

The 8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), held in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) from January 5 to 12, addressed important issues for the independent reunification of the country and development of external relations. Referring to the Report delivered to the Congress by Kim Jong Un, the Supreme Leader of the DPRK, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) published the following account of the discussion:

"Our nation is now standing on the crucial crossroads of whether to advance along the road of peace and reunification," Kim Jong Un said. "It is no exaggeration to say that the current inter-Korean relations have been brought back to the time before the publication of the Panmunjom Declaration and the hope for national reunification has become more distant."[1]

The Report to the WPK's 8th Congress stressed that north-south relations cannot thaw by the efforts of one side alone nor improve by themselves with the passage of time. To thaw relations, the Report said, it is necessary to take a stand to resolve the basic problems first in the north-south relations; halt all acts hostile toward the other side, and seriously approach and faithfully implement the north-south declarations.

Kim Jong Un clarified the WPK's principled stand on inter-Korean relations as follows: 

The south Korean authorities are going against the implementation of the north-south agreement on guaranteeing peace and military stability on the Korean Peninsula. In disregard of our repeated warnings that they should stop introducing the latest military hardware and joint military exercises with the U.S., the south is securing and developing new cutting-edge offensive equipment including ballistic and cruise missiles.

At the present moment the DPRK does not need to show goodwill to the south Korean authorities unilaterally as in the past, and the DPRK will treat them according to how they respond to our just demands and how much effort they make to fulfill the north-south agreements.

The third part of the Report to the WPK's 8th Congress also noted that whoever took power in the U.S., the real intentions of its policy toward the DPRK would never change. The Report stressed the need for an "adroit" strategy towards the U.S. while at the same time steadily expanding solidarity with the anti-imperialist, independent forces.

The Report also referred to the need to frustrate the reactionary offensive of the enemy and raise the prestige of the DPRK by enhancing the role of the external information sector. It stressed the need for the field of external work to further develop relations with the socialist countries, and consolidate unity and co-operation with the revolutionary and progressive parties which aspire for independence, and launch a dynamic joint struggle against imperialism on a worldwide scale so as to make the external environment of the DPRK evermore favourable.

The Report expressed the steadfast determination of the WPK to reliably defend the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula as well as of the rest of the world. There is no country on this planet, it said, which is permanently exposed to the threat of war as is the DPRK, nor a country as strong in its people's desire for peace.

The Report to the 8th Congress points out that "we have stored the strongest war deterrent, and steadily develop it, aimed at defending ourselves and opening up an era of genuine peace free from war forever. Now that our national defence capability has risen to such a level that it can pre-emptively contain the threat of the hostile forces outside our territory, in the future any heightening of tensions on the Korean Peninsula would lead to the instability of security on the part of the forces posing a threat to us."

Stating that the key to establishing a new DPRK-U.S. relationship lies in the U.S. withdrawal of its hostile policy toward the DPRK, the Report clarified the WPK's stand that it would approach the U.S. on the principle of power for power and goodwill for goodwill in the future, too. It reaffirmed that the DPRK, as a responsible nuclear weapons state, will not use its nuclear weapons unless the aggressive hostile forces try to have recourse to their nuclear weapons against the DPRK.

By clarifying the foreign policy and stand of the WPK for strengthening friendship and solidarity with all the countries in the world respecting the sovereignty of the DPRK and for achieving genuine international justice, the Report on the work of the Central Committee of the WPK provided strategic and tactical guidelines for further increasing the DPRK's international authority and influence in the new period to be reviewed, KCNA says.


1. The Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Reunification of the Korean Peninsula was signed by Kim Jong Un, Chairman of the DPRK and Moon Jae-in, President of the Republic of Korea on April 27, 2018, following north-south summit talks at the House of Peace, Panmunjom.

(January 9, 2021. Photos: TML, Fightback News)

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Developments on the Economic Front

Difficulties Facing the Economy and Plans to Change the Situation for the Better

The guiding outlook for the economy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is "everything for the people and everything by relying on them" within an overall determination of self-reliance.

The overriding objective factor for the economy during the past five years was the U.S.-led killer sanctions and blockade of the DPRK -- enforced by Canada as well -- which cause great hardship for the people, and the ongoing threats of military annihilation. In addition the country was battered yearly with severe natural disasters and last year with the global pandemic. Taking all of this into account, the leader of the DPRK, Kim Jong Un said in his Report to the 8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), "the successes of the WPK in the last five years in its revolutionary struggle and construction work are no small matter."

"Last year was a quite difficult year; in the circumstances of the world public health crisis that lasted unprecedentedly long in history, they consistently ensured a thoroughgoing stable situation in infectious disease prevention by stubbornly overcoming the difficulties, maintaining the conscious unity of all the people in this effort, and regarding it as a patriotic duty devolving on them; they also rose up in the struggle for recovering from the natural disasters and built more than 20,000 splendid new houses in different parts of the country. This great achievement left another proud page in our Party's record of struggle," he said.

Keeping the public safe during the COVID-19 pandemic

In this context, Kim Jong Un explained, "However, though the period of implementing the Five-Year Strategy for the National Economic Development ended last year, almost all sectors fell a long way short of the set objectives." He pointed to the external and internal challenges that still exist and that the key to making a breakthrough is to consolidate the internal strength of the DPRK.

The Congress made "a comprehensive and profound analysis and judgment of the experiences, lessons and mistakes we have made during the period under review and, on this basis, define the scientific goals and tasks of struggle, which we can and must accomplish without fail. The successes we have already achieved are priceless for us, and so are the bitter lessons that have been accumulated. All these are things that cannot be bartered even for gold, and constitute valuable assets for achieving fresh victories in the future. We should further promote and expand the victories and successes we have gained at the cost of our sweat and blood, and prevent the painful lessons from being repeated. In particular, we should be bold enough to recognize the mistakes which, if left unaddressed, will grow into bigger obstacles and stumbling blocks, and take resolute measures against their repetition. This Congress has been convened on the basis of this pluck and commitment."

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) informed that underlining the need to start the work for further developing the overall economy of the country under a new five-year plan, the Report of the 8th Congress analyzed the present state of the key industrial sectors including metal, chemical, electricity, coal, machine and mining industries and set forth the tasks for future development.

The Report given at the second-day sitting analyzed the situation of the transport, capital construction and building-materials industry, communications, commerce, land and environment protection, urban management, external economic relations and other major sectors and economic management fields and presented the goals and practical ways for making innovations and development in the relevant fields during a new five-year plan.

The Report also referred to the solutions in making a tangible turning point in improving the people's living standards by achieving planned and continuous growth of production in the fields of agriculture, light industry and the fishing industry, and by developing cities and counties in an independent and many-sided way.

It clarified again that there is a significant determination to protect the security of the country and people and the peaceful environment of socialist construction by reliably placing the state defence capability on a much higher level, and it put forth goals for realizing that.

The Report also put forward details of important tasks for promoting the scientific and technological development of the country.

"The cause of non-fulfillment of the five-year strategy for the national economic development" could not be solely attributed to the material conditions. To make such an assessment would suggest that the human factor "can do nothing" and "the action and role of the driving force would be unnecessary" making it "impossible to accelerate the revolutionary struggle and construction work unless the unfavourable external factors are removed."

Within the conditions, the Report said the previous "five-year strategy for national economic development had not been properly set on the basis of scientific calculation and grounds, that science and technology failed to play the role of propelling forward the economic work of the country, and the work of readjusting and reinforcing the irrational economic work system and discipline was not properly done."

"The economy of the country can never be boosted without breaking with the wrong ideological viewpoint, irresponsible working attitude, incompetence and obsolete working manner that have been prevalent so far," the Report concluded. By transforming the subjective conditions, the problems and damage of the objective conditions can be overcome.

The economic strategy for the next five years is to put "our economy on a normal track to run smoothly without being affected by any external influence" and give material expression to self-reliance and the economy's full potential. This means to concentrate on the internal organization of the national economy and the development of all its sectors and links from one department to the next so as to improve the people's standard of living.

The main industrial departments that require investment and focus to improve and normalize production are the metal and chemical industries, the production of the material and machinery necessary for industry to flourish, especially agriculture, the local supply of raw material and equipment for the production of articles of consumption and the generation of electricity.

Nationwide planned self-reliance and self-sufficiency through the mobilization of the people and the use of science, modern technology and increased investments in education are essential in "perfecting the self-supporting structure of the national economy, lowering the proportion of dependence on imports and stabilizing the people's standard of living."

(Photos: TML, For the Peoples Wellbeing)

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Key Industrial Sectors Which Form
Lifeline of National Economy

Metal Industry

The Report to the 8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) stressed the need to better grasp the science and technology of the metal industry "to perfect our own system of iron making, expand its capacity and radically increase iron and steel production."

Existing metal production must be renovated through the building of new energy-saving blast furnaces in the major iron works and steel plants, and "to invigorate the production of iron ore and the use of brown coal in the northern areas for the production of pig iron."

Chemical Industry

Sunchon Phosphate Fertilizer Factory opened May 1, 2020 as part of the construction of a
new chemical industry base.

The chemical sector is considered a "core industry" and "lifeline for the construction of the self-supporting economy and the improvement of the people's standard of living."

The central task of the chemical industry "is to give precedence to building up our own technical forces, step up the improvement of its structure, and drastically increase the production of chemical goods necessary for the national economy and the improvement of the people's standard of living." The chemical industry must rely "on our own raw materials" and raise its scientific level to ensure it serves the aim of self-reliance.

Electricity Generation

Ryongson Youth Power Station

The production of electricity is key to economic self-reliance and to guarantee the stable development and growth of the national economy and the material and cultured standard of living for all. The electric power industry needs "to readjust and reinforce its production foundations as a whole and expand them." This includes "the construction of tidal power stations under long-term and medium-term strategies and launching in real earnest the founding of the nuclear power industry."


The Report "stressed the need to attach importance to the mining industry and shore it up for the sake of the normal development of the national economy. The basic task of the mining industry is to reinforce and expand production to meet the needs of the national economy for nonferrous metal and non-metallic minerals during the new five-year plan period."

Coal Industry

Due to the suffocating U.S. killer sanctions and blockade, the coal industry has become an important outpost of self-reliance in the DPRK, as it has plentiful internal supplies and extensive knowledge and experience of coal mining. The Report outlined a plan to propel forward "the work of intensively supplying equipment, materials, labour and funds to the coal industry, securing more coal faces by giving precedence to prospecting and tunnelling, putting efforts into the development of the soft coal industry, pushing forward the work of improving the working and living conditions of coal miners as a priority task for increased coal production and taking measures for the effective use of coal."

Machine Industry

Display of DPRK-produced farm equipment

The Report defined the machine industry as an important sector leading and propelling forward the overall economy and its many sectors. It demanded an intense examination of the current state and orientation of the machine industry. The aim is to change its direction to the creation and development of "modern and high-performance machine products including machine tools, vehicles, building machines, electric machines, mining machines and hydraulic machines."


Large-scale greenhouse production of produce

"The main targets set forth for the agricultural sector are matters of paramount importance for the state that must be attained whatever the cost in order to ensure self-sufficiency in food supply."

Samjiyon Potato Flour Factory

Kosan Fruit Processing Factory


The Report underlined the need for the forestry sector to strengthen its own material and technological foundations and satisfactorily meet the need of the national economy for timber while keeping in mind the balance of timber production and afforestation.

Tree nursery


The Report outlined targets to improve and modernize rail transport throughout the country ensuring its safe operation. The Pyongyang Metro received special attention with projects to update its operations and renovate its stations. A necessity exists throughout the country "to produce a larger number of means of public transport, including new-type subway trains, trolley buses, tramcars and buses" to make travel more convenient for people.

Pyongyang subway

Construction Sector

New housing built to replace areas damaged by typhoons

The construction sector is tasked with building more and better housing for the people to meet modern cultured living standards and "radically change the appearance of the country."

Two fronts exist simultaneously in the construction sector: "industrial construction for strengthening the economic foundations of the country, and construction to meet the material and cultural needs of the people."

Specifically, a goal is to construct 10,000 new flats a year in Pyongyang alone during each of the coming five years to meet the needs of its citizens. Another is immediately to build 25,000 houses in the Komdok mining area in the east. Komdok is a leading nonferrous mineral producer where a large contingent of workers lives. Last September 3, Typhoon Maysak hit Komdok causing catastrophic damage with floods and landslides. The plan is "to build Komdok into a mining city with no comparison in the world."

"The basic tasks facing the building materials industry during the new five-year plan period is to attain the goal of producing 8 million tons of cement and ensure self-sufficiency in finishing materials."

To achieve this goal the existing cement factories need renovation and "new large-capacity, up-to-date cement factories" must be built "in areas with favourable conditions for materials and electricity supply and transport."

Self-reliance in finishing materials is imperative to meet the large demand. Paints using locally available raw materials have to become more available along with roofing materials.

On the front of producing building materials, the plan is "to construct more zero-carbon and zero-energy buildings in keeping with the world trend in architectural development." The "provinces should produce various building materials in large quantities" that "rely on their locally available raw materials" giving rise to sizeable new value for reinvestment.


"The Report defined the fishing industry as one of the three fields directly related to the people's diet. The fishing industry should modernize fishing vessels and implements, put fishing on a scientific basis and build up fishery stations and ship repair yards. It is necessary to systematically increase seafood production by substantially conserving and propagating the nation's aquatic resources in a planned way and launching a mass drive for aquaculture."

The Report discussed other sectors such as communications with plans to update its infrastructure and "turn mobile communications into a next-generation one" to develop the conditions so "people in all parts of the country, ranging from cities to remote mountain villages can enjoy a better cultural and emotional life."

The discussion also dealt with problems and actions to be taken in state-run commerce, public catering and welfare services, and the tasks necessary to support the people and promote their material and spiritual well-being. The aim is to create "a new socialist service culture of our own style."

"The Report presented land management and ecological environment protection as important affairs for protecting the lives and health of the people and improving the landscape of the country." The plan is to make decisive progress in land development to preserve and protect the environment. Of importance is to grasp "through surveys the overall situation of the environment including forests; to deal with their seasonal and annual changes correctly and promptly; to enact laws and regulations for the protection of the land and environment and implement them strictly to prevent natural disasters through an intensified campaign of afforestation and water conservation; to make great efforts for road construction and management, and push ahead with eastern and western coastal improvement projects in a big way through national mobilization to protect the lives and safety of the people, conserve land, and spruce up the country's coastal areas as befits a maritime nation."

Fish farms are being developed throughout the country

Fish processing plant

Building City Infrastructure

Redevelopment of Ryomyong Street in Pyongyang

The Report stressed the importance of city management, which is directly related to the life of the people, and set forth relevant tasks dealing with housing, water, sewage treatment plants, and the prevention of environmental pollution, and to enhance landscaping of the cities and their parks and recreation grounds.


Yangdok Hotsprings resort

The Report raised the issue of boosting tourism so that people around the world can become better acquainted with Koreans and vice versa. Specifically it referenced the Mt Kumgang area, the Port of Kosong, the Pirobong mountaineering tourist area, and the Haegumgang coastal park and the necessity for new construction "in harmony with the beautiful scenery," which expresses "the emotional and aesthetic feelings of our people."

In sum, "the fundamental requirement and direction in improving the management of the socialist economy are to put the masses of the people, the masters of society, at the centre of all considerations and give priority to their demands and interests."

Dealing with the Relation Between Urban and Rural Life

Samjiyon has been redeveloped as a model city in the mountains

The Report discussed the necessity "to eliminate disparities between the working class and the peasantry, the gaps between industry and agriculture and differences between the urban and rural areas."

The general goal as defined in the Report is not to eliminate the distinct qualities of counties but in fact retain and develop their "inherent characteristics." The local economy is encouraged to use "the raw and other materials available to it in accordance with the regional characteristics" and for the people through "the Party committees and People's committees to become a powerful engine propelling the development of their regions, the master of the local economy and administrator responsible for the livelihood of the people in their regions."

National Defence

Soldiers assist in reconstruction of housing after recent natural disasters

The discussion on the economy dealt with the reality that investment must be set aside for national defence. "As long as imperialism remains on the earth and the danger of war of aggression by the hostile forces against our state remains, the historic mission of our revolutionary armed forces can never be changed and our national defence capability must be steadily bolstered along the track of new development."

The Report makes the sober assessment that the armed forces of the U.S. imperialists still occupy the south of their country and have numerous military bases throughout Japan and the Pacific Ocean armed with the most advanced weaponry including nuclear bombs. Within this situation the defence industry must reaffirm its great tradition of self-reliance and capability and "rapidly advance the Korean People's Army from a conventional type into an elite hi-tech one by developing military science and technology and inventing more advanced weapons and combat equipment." The primary target of the defence sector must be to make "military equipment intelligent, high-performing, precise, unmanned and light."

As always, the task of defence of the country can only be accomplished with the mass mobilization of the people to prepare to resist the invaders and drive them from Korea. The "all-people resistance" is "a matter of crucial importance that should never be neglected in firmly consolidating the national defence capability." The Report stresses that strengthening national defence is crucial "until the vicious cycle of the brink of war and detente, tension and dialogue is removed once and for all and such words as threat and blackmail by the hostile forces disappear from this land."

Science and Technology

Myohyangsan Medical Appliances Centre

The Report underscores the importance of developing "science and technology as a crucial task and an optimum policy in socialist construction." Goals have been set to advance science and technology in each sector of the economy "as well as the relevant ways and means to achieve that goal." Within this aim, all sectors will "share scientific research findings and vigorously push forward with the work of making all the people well versed in science and technology."

The Report raised the general goal to develop mass education to turn the people and country "into an educational power, a talent power, by bringing about radical improvement in education." Increased investments in education must be made at all levels including enhancing the abilities and level of teachers and furnishing the material requirements of education including new schools.

Increased investments must also be directed to public health to improve the quality of medical care and treatment. Again, self-reliance is key in providing the material means of health care including pharmaceuticals and hospital supplies and to "build up the ranks of medical workers and create a reliable anti-epidemic basis for coping with whatever world health crisis may erupt."

The Report also made serious analysis of the work in the field of art and literature, the media and sports, and set forth tasks to usher in a new era of efflorescence of all fronts in culture, sports and recreation.

Ryugyong Ophthalmic Hospital

(Information from the Report to the 8th Congress of the WPK and all quotations are from the joint KCNA/Chongnyon Chonwi article of January 9. Photos:  For the Peoples Wellbeing, Rodong Sinmun)

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