Democratic People's Republic of Korea

8th Congress of Workers' Party of Korea Sets Ambitious Program

The 8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) was held in Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) from January 5 to 12. Attending the Congress were 4,750 delegates, including 1,455 industrial workers and farmers, and 10 per cent were women. There were also 2,000 observers.

Kim Jong Un, the Supreme Leader of the DPRK, presented the Report on the work of the Central Committee of the WPK since the previous congress in 2016, which was thoroughly discussed. 

In his presentation, Kim Jong Un stressed that in the period of five years since the 7th Congress, even taking into account the difficulties and setbacks, the successes of the WPK in its revolutionary struggle and construction work are no small matter. "During the period under review our internal force was further expanded and strengthened, and the external prestige of the country was raised remarkably.

 This is a clear signal that a new period of new upsurge, a period of gigantic transformation, has arrived for socialist construction," Kim Jong Un said. "The Central Committee of our Party made it clear at home and abroad that it would make this Congress a congress for work, struggle and progress," he added.

The Report consisted of four sections:

1. Achievements Made in the Period under Review;

2. For an Epoch-making Advance in Socialist Construction;

3. For Independent Reunification of the Country and Development of External Relations; and

4. For Development of Party Work.

After the presentation on the work since the 7th Congress, many delegates spoke to the Report. The Congress also elected the new Central Committee and elected Kim Jong Un as General Secretary of the WPK. It adopted amendments to the Party Constitution and received the report of the Audit Commission. The Congress then solemnly and unanimously adopted the resolution "On Consistent Implementation of the Tasks Outlined in the Report of the WPK Central Committee."

General Secretary Kim Jong Un delivered the closing address. He appreciated the revolutionary enthusiasm of the Party and people, and thanked all Party members, people and service personnel for placing their trust in him. He said that the 8th Congress had formulated an immediate plan for the struggle to open up a fresh period of upsurge, a period of great changes in the revolution and construction, and that it had revealed important issues which had arisen in the development of the Party, and had sincerely discussed them. He expressed confidence that the strategy and politics of the Congress would be successfully implemented.

Saying that everyone should be ready for a more difficult offensive in making a head-on breakthrough so as to win victory afresh and make progress in accomplishing the cause of socialism, Kim Jong Un passionately appealed to everyone to be more dynamic in struggling to successfully fulfil the program advanced at the 8th Congress, in developing the WPK and for the victorious advance of the revolutionary cause of Juche and putting the interests of the people of the DPRK at the centre of all achievements.

The Congress came to a close on January 12 with a performance of "The International." Following its successful conclusion, the 4th Session of the Supreme People's Assembly was convoked on January 17, at which Premier Kim Tok Hun called for thoroughly carrying out the five-year plan for national economic development set out in the WPK Congress, outlining some of the necessary key tasks to accomplish this.

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) sent a message of greetings to the Congress and a message of congratulations to Kim Jong Un on his election to the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee. CPC(M-L) expressed its confidence that the decisions taken by the Congress will guide the Party, the State and the People to further overcome the effects of the brutal sanctions regime imposed by the U.S. imperialists, which Canada also enforces, while they also further the cause of peace on the Korean Peninsula and for the reunification of the Korean nation. The results the Korean people have achieved in building a prosperous nation on the basis of self-reliance are remarkable. They show many things in terms of the activation of the human factor/social consciousness and innovations in the use of science and technology in a manner which serves the people. Of great significance, they show the potential energy which lies within humanity's striving to exercise control over all aspects of living.

January 14, 2021. Celebrations following successful conclusion of the 8th WPK Congress.

(Photos: Rodong Sinmun, KCNA)

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 5 - February 21, 2021    

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